%% %% Copyright (C) 2013 by: %% Josef Kleber %% %% %% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of %% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license %% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this %% license is in: %% %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version %% 2003/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Josef Kleber. %% %% This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt. %% \ProvidesPackage{logicpuzzle}[2013/02/23 logicpuzzle.sty v1.0 - Josef Kleber (C) 2013]% % \RequirePackage{xkeyval}% \RequirePackage{ifthen}% \RequirePackage{ragged2e}% \RequirePackage{etoolbox}% \RequirePackage{marginnote}% \RequirePackage{tikz}% \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing}% % \newcounter{LP@counti}% \newcounter{LP@countii}% \newcounter{LP@countiii}% \newcounter{LP@countiv}% \newcounter{LP@whiledo}% \newcounter{LP@puzzlecounter}% \setcounter{LP@puzzlecounter}{1}% % \newcommand*\LP@counterstyle{none}% \newcommand*\LP@titleformat{}% % \newcommand*\LP@Pfive{.5}% % \newcommand*\LP@ingrid[5]% {% \setcounter{LP@counti}{#1}% column \setcounter{LP@countii}{#2}% row \setcounter{LP@countiii}{#3}% max column \setcounter{LP@countiv}{#4}% max row %#5 style % \ifnum\value{LP@counti}<1% \PackageError{#5}% {element outside of the grid}% {You tried to set an element at (#1,#2),\MessageBreak which is outside the grid (1,1) .. (#3,#4)}% \fi% \ifnum\value{LP@countii}<1% \PackageError{#5}% {element outside of the grid}% {You tried to set an element at (#1,#2),\MessageBreak which is outside the grid (1,1) .. (#3,#4)}% \fi% \ifnum\value{LP@counti}>\value{LP@countiii}% \PackageError{#5}% {element outside of the grid}% {You tried to set an element at (#1,#2),\MessageBreak which is outside the grid (1,1) .. (#3,#4)}% \fi% \ifnum\value{LP@countii}>\value{LP@countiv}% \PackageError{#5}% {element outside of the grid}% {You tried to set an element at (#1,#2),\MessageBreak which is outside the grid (1,1) .. (#3,#4)}% \fi% }% % \newcommand*\titleformat[1]% {% \renewcommand*\LP@titleformat{#1}% }% \titleformat{\centering\Large\color{blue}}% % \newcommand*\puzzlecounter{\theLP@puzzlecounter}% % \newcommand*\setpuzzlecounter[1]% {% \setcounter{LP@puzzlecounter}{#1}% }% \newcommand*{\definecounterstyle}[2]% {% \expandafter\gdef\csname LP@cs@#1\endcsname{#2}% }% % \definecounterstyle{none}{}% \definecounterstyle{left}{\begingroup\reversemarginpar\marginnote{\tikz\node[shape=rectangle,fill=yellow!40,inner sep=7pt,draw,rounded corners=3pt,thick]{\Huge\puzzlecounter};}[-23pt]\endgroup}% \definecounterstyle{right}{\marginnote{\tikz\node[shape=rectangle,fill=yellow!40,inner sep=7pt,draw,rounded corners=3pt,thick]{\Huge\puzzlecounter};}[-23pt]}% % % #1 grid x min % #2 grid y min % #3 grid x max % #4 grid y max % #5 step \newcommand*\LP@drawgrid[5]% {% \setcounter{LP@counti}{#3}% max column \setcounter{LP@countii}{#4}% max row \stepcounter{LP@counti}% \stepcounter{LP@countii}% \draw[step=#5] (#1,#2) grid (\value{LP@counti},\value{LP@countii});% }% % % #1 grid x min % #2 grid y min % #3 grid x max % #4 grid y max % #5 bgcolor \newcommand*\LP@drawbackground[5]% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}% {}% no bgcolor {% \setcounter{LP@counti}{#3}% max column \setcounter{LP@countii}{#4}% max row \stepcounter{LP@counti}% \stepcounter{LP@countii}% \draw[fill=#5] (#1,#2) rectangle (\value{LP@counti},\value{LP@countii});% }% }% % % #1 counterstyle \newcommand*\LP@drawcounter[1]% {% \csname LP@cs@#1\endcsname% }% % % #1 column % #2 row % #3 content \newcommand*\LP@setcellcontent[3]% {% \node at (#1\LP@Pfive,#2\LP@Pfive){#3};% }% % % #1 csv list % #2 column % #3 row % #4 fontsize \newcommand*\LP@setcolumncontents[4]% {% \setcounter{LP@counti}{#2}% \setcounter{LP@countii}{#3}% \forcsvlist\LP@setcolumncontents@i{#4#1}% }% % \newcommand*\LP@setcolumncontents@i[1]% {% \LP@setcellcontent{\arabic{LP@counti}}{\arabic{LP@countii}}{#1}% \stepcounter{LP@counti}% }% % % #1 csv list % #2 column % #3 row % #4 fontsize \newcommand*\LP@setrowcontents[4]% {% \setcounter{LP@counti}{#2}% \setcounter{LP@countii}{#3}% \forcsvlist\LP@setrowcontents@i{#4#1}% }% % \newcommand*\LP@setrowcontents@i[1]% {% \LP@setcellcontent{\arabic{LP@counti}}{\arabic{LP@countii}}{#1}% \stepcounter{LP@countii}% }% % \endinput%