{convertor from generated LOG files to the corresponding TeX sources this program is for dos-systems} program log2tex; uses dos; var fi,fo:text; line:string; d:dirstr; n:namestr; e:extstr; procedure error(txt:string); begin writeln(txt); halt(1); end; begin if paramcount>=1 then begin line:=paramstr(1); end else begin write('input: '); readln(line); end; fsplit(line,d,n,e); if e='' then line:=line+'.log'; assign(fi,line); {$i-} reset(fi); {$i+} if ioresult<>0 then error('can not open input file'); while not eof(fi) do begin readln(fi,line); if copy(line,1,4)='$#@!' then begin line:=copy(line,5,255); assign(fo,line+'.tex'); {$i-} rewrite(fo); {$i+} if ioresult<>0 then error('can not open output file'); break; end; end; while not eof(fi) do begin readln(fi,line); if copy(line,1,4)='!@#$' then writeln(fo,copy(line,5,255)); end; close(fo); close(fi); end.