/* * * THIS CODE WAS STOLEN FROM 'mac2bdf' BY GLENN ADAMS. THE FOLLOWING COMMENTS * DOCUMENT THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS MODULE AND NOT MY HACKS. BUT I DIDN'T * CHANGE MUCH. * Norm Walsh * * Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Metis Technology, Inc. * * @(#)mac2bdf.c 1.2 3/20/93 * * STANDARD DISCLAIMERS * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Metis General Public License as published * by Metis Technology, Inc.; either version 2, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Metis Library General Public License for more details. * * In order to receive a copy of the Metis General Public License, * write to Metis Technology, Inc., 358 Windsor St, Cambridge, MA 02141, USA. * This license may also be retrieved by anonymous FTP from the file * "pub/PublicLicense" on the host METIS.COM []. * * PROGRAM DESCRIPTION * * Name: MAC2BDF * Summary: Utility for extracting bitmap fonts in Macintosh files, * and converting these fonts to Adobe Bitmap Distribution * Format (BDF) files. The resulting BDF files can then * be converted into X11 Font Formats, e.g., by using bdftosnf. * Both FONT and NFNT resources are extracted. FOND resources * are used to select the appropriate font and font file name; * however, FONT and NFNT resources which are orphaned (i.e., * have no governing FOND) are extracted to temporary font * names. * Usage: mac2bdf [-n] [-q] [-v] file * Options: -n Don't do anything, just report what would be done. * -q Don't report dumped fonts. * -v Enable verbose reporting. * Input: A Macintosh file in MacBinary format. * Output: Zero or more Adobe BDF files, one for each font resource. The * names chosen for output font files are generated based on the * font family, style, and size. Existing files with the same names * are silently replaced. If you wish to know which files will be * produced, use the [-n] option prior to doing the real conversion. * Comments: The Mac font format does not have all of the information one * would normally place in a BDF file; e.g., glyph names are not * specified in the Mac font resources. Consequently, the names * given to glyphs in the BDF file are dynamically assigned in a * unique manner. * History: 11/04/92 -- Created * 11/27/92 -- Modified to find font resources from FONDs. * 11/27/92 -- Modified to load one font resource at a time. * 12/08/92 -- Fixed bug with locTab & owTab indexing; this * -- corrected the Ajmer core dump problem. Change * -- font name handling to substitute hyphens for * -- whitespace. Handle overflows of OWTLoc offset * -- field for large bitmaps. * Notes: 1. Orphaned font resources are not yet handled. * 2. Prefixes B,I,BI,Sb,SbI need to be removed. * 3. Add option to specify family, size, style to dump. * Author: Glenn Adams * * WARNINGS * * 1. This program was quickly hacked together to get its job done quickly * with little error checking or view towards portability. * 2. This program has only been compiled and run on SunOS 4.1.1. It may not * compile on other platforms, let alone even run. * 3. The only input this program accepts is a MacBinary format file which * was created by using NCSA Telnet to FTP standard Mac files (containing * both data and resource forks) to a Sun system. It may also work with * MacBinary files as transferred by other terminal emulator programs; * however, this has not been tested. * 4. This program is being released in this form in the hope that it will * be useful to someone without all the frills one would expect from a * robust program; this program does not make any claims to robustness. */ #include #include #include #include #include #define DEVXRES 72 /* Macintosh X-Resolution */ #define DEVYRES 72 /* Macintosh Y-Resolution */ typedef char INT8; typedef short INT16; typedef long INT32; typedef unsigned char CARD8; typedef unsigned short CARD16; typedef unsigned long CARD32; typedef struct _MacBinHdrRec MacBinHdrRec, *MacBinHdr; struct _MacBinHdrRec { CARD8 fnLen [ 2 ]; CARD8 fnName [ 63 ]; CARD8 fnType [ 4 ]; CARD8 fnCreator [ 4 ]; CARD8 fnFlags [ 2 ]; CARD8 pad1 [ 2 ]; CARD8 pad2 [ 2 ]; CARD8 pad3 [ 4 ]; CARD8 fnDataLen [ 4 ]; CARD8 pad4 [ 41 ]; }; #define RHDRLEN 256 /* total header length */ typedef struct _RsrcHdrRec RsrcHdrRec, *RsrcHdr; struct _RsrcHdrRec { CARD8 rhDataOffset [ 4 ]; CARD8 rhMapOffset [ 4 ]; CARD8 rhDataLen [ 4 ]; CARD8 rhMapLen [ 4 ]; }; typedef struct _RsrcMapRec RsrcMapRec, *RsrcMap; struct _RsrcMapRec { RsrcHdrRec rmHdrCopy; CARD8 rmNextMap [ 4 ]; CARD8 rmFileRef [ 2 ]; CARD8 rmFileAttr [ 2 ]; CARD8 rmTypeOffset [ 2 ]; CARD8 rmNameOffset [ 2 ]; }; typedef struct _RsrcTypeRec RsrcTypeRec, *RsrcType; struct _RsrcTypeRec { CARD8 rtName [ 4 ]; CARD8 rtCount [ 2 ]; CARD8 rtRefOffset [ 2 ]; }; typedef struct _RsrcRefRec RsrcRefRec, *RsrcRef; struct _RsrcRefRec { CARD8 rrIdent [ 2 ]; CARD8 rrNameOffset [ 2 ]; CARD8 rrAttr [ 1 ]; CARD8 rrDataOffset [ 3 ]; CARD8 rrReserved [ 4 ]; }; typedef struct _FontRsrcRec FontRsrcRec, *FontRsrc; struct _FontRsrcRec { CARD8 ftFontType [ 2 ]; CARD8 ftFirstChar [ 2 ]; CARD8 ftLastChar [ 2 ]; CARD8 ftWidMax [ 2 ]; CARD8 ftKernMax [ 2 ]; CARD8 ftNDescent [ 2 ]; CARD8 ftFRectWidth [ 2 ]; CARD8 ftFRectHeight[ 2 ]; CARD8 ftOWTLoc [ 2 ]; CARD8 ftAscent [ 2 ]; CARD8 ftDescent [ 2 ]; CARD8 ftLeading [ 2 ]; CARD8 ftRowWords [ 2 ]; }; typedef struct _FondRsrcRec FondRsrcRec, *FondRsrc; struct _FondRsrcRec { CARD8 fdFlags [ 2 ]; CARD8 fdFamID [ 2 ]; CARD8 fdFirst [ 2 ]; CARD8 fdLast [ 2 ]; CARD8 fdAscent [ 2 ]; CARD8 fdDescent [ 2 ]; CARD8 fdLeading [ 2 ]; CARD8 fdWidMax [ 2 ]; CARD8 fdWTabOff [ 4 ]; CARD8 fdKernOff [ 4 ]; CARD8 fdStylOff [ 4 ]; CARD8 fdProperty [ 18 ]; CARD8 fdIntl [ 4 ]; CARD8 fdVersion [ 2 ]; }; typedef struct _FontNameRec FontNameRec, *FontName; struct _FontNameRec { char * name; int resource_id; int size; int style; FontName next; }; char * progname; int nodump; int quiet; int verbose; FontName fontnames; char * strdup (s) char *s; { char *news = (char *) malloc (strlen (s) + 1); strcpy (news, s); return news; } CARD16 toushort ( p ) CARD8 *p; { return (CARD16) ( ( p[0] << 8 ) | p [ 1 ] ); } INT16 toshort ( p ) CARD8 *p; { return (INT16) toushort ( p ); } CARD32 toulong ( p ) CARD8 *p; { return (CARD32) ( ( p[0] << 24 ) | ( p[1] << 16 ) | ( p[2] << 8 ) | p[3] ); } INT32 tolong ( p ) CARD8 *p; { return (INT32) toulong ( p ); } /* * Find font bounding box and total number of glyphs. */ void FontInfo ( fp, ret_top, ret_left, ret_bottom, ret_right, ret_ng ) register FontRsrc fp; INT16 *ret_top; INT16 *ret_left; INT16 *ret_bottom; INT16 *ret_right; INT16 *ret_ng; { register int i, j, bit; register CARD16 *bp; register CARD8 *gp; CARD16 g, fg, lg, coff0, coff1, ow, wo; INT16 mk, wd, ht, rw, xoff, top, bot, left, right, ng; CARD8 * bitImage; CARD8 * locTable; CARD8 * owTable; top = bot = left = right = 0; fg = toushort ( fp->ftFirstChar ); lg = toushort ( fp->ftLastChar ); mk = toshort ( fp->ftKernMax ); wd = toshort ( fp->ftFRectWidth ); ht = toshort ( fp->ftFRectHeight ); wo = toushort ( fp->ftOWTLoc ); rw = toshort ( fp->ftRowWords ); bitImage = (CARD8 * ) & fp [ 1 ]; locTable = & bitImage [ ( rw * ht ) << 1 ]; #ifdef notdef owTable = & fp->ftOWTLoc [ wo << 1 ]; #else owTable = & locTable [ ( lg - fg + 3 ) << 1 ]; #endif if ( lg == fg ) return; if ( (CARD32) bitImage & 0x1 ) { bp = (CARD16 *) alloca ( ht * rw * 2 ); (void) memcpy ( (char *) bp, (char *) bitImage, ht * rw * 2 ); } else bp = (CARD16 *) bitImage; gp = (CARD8 *) alloca ( wd * ht ); (void) memset ( (char *) gp, 0, wd * ht ); for ( g = fg, ng = 0; g <= lg; g++ ) { /* * Get starting and ending offset columns in bit image. */ coff0 = toushort ( & locTable [ ( ( g - fg ) + 0 ) << 1 ] ); coff1 = toushort ( & locTable [ ( ( g - fg ) + 1 ) << 1 ] ); if ( coff0 == coff1 ) continue; /* * Get basepoint offset and escapement. */ ow = toushort ( & owTable [ ( g - fg ) << 1 ] ); xoff = ( ( ow >> 8 ) & 0xff ) + mk; /* * Overlay glyph image. */ for ( i = 0; i < ht; i++ ) { for ( j = coff0; j < coff1; j++ ) { if ( (int) ( ( j - coff0 ) + xoff ) < 0 ) continue; gp [ i * wd + ( j - coff0 ) + xoff ] |= ( bp [ i * rw + ( j / 16 ) ] >> ( 15 - ( j % 16 ) ) ) & 1; } } ng++; } /* * Find top and bottom of bounding box. */ top = ht; bot = 0; for ( i = 0; i < ht; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < wd; j++ ) { bit = gp [ i * wd + j ]; if ( bit && ( i < top ) ) top = i; if ( bit && ( i > bot ) ) bot = i; } } /* * Find left and right of bounding box. */ left = wd; right = 0; for ( i = 0; i < ht; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < wd; j++ ) { bit = gp [ i * wd + j ]; if ( bit && ( j < left ) ) left = j; if ( bit && ( j > right ) ) right = j; } } #ifdef notdef if ( ( ( right - left ) + 1 ) != wd ) (void) fprintf ( stderr, "%s: warning: bbox width mismatch, got %d, expected %d\n", progname, ( right - left ) + 1, wd ); if ( ( ( bot - top ) + 1 ) != ht ) (void) fprintf ( stderr, "%s: warning: bbox height mismatch, got %d, expected %d\n", progname, ( bot - top ) + 1, ht ); #endif *ret_top = top; *ret_left = left + mk; *ret_bottom = bot; *ret_right = right + mk; *ret_ng = ng; } char * FontStyleName ( style ) int style; { static char sname [ 128 ]; char *retsname; sname [ 0 ] = '\0'; if ( style & 0001 ) (void) strcat ( sname, "Bold" ); if ( style & 0002 ) (void) strcat ( sname, "Italic" ); if ( style & 0004 ) (void) strcat ( sname, "Underlined" ); if ( style & 0010 ) (void) strcat ( sname, "Outlined" ); if ( style & 0020 ) (void) strcat ( sname, "Shadowed" ); if ( style & 0040 ) (void) strcat ( sname, "Condensed" ); if ( style & 0100 ) (void) strcat ( sname, "Extended" ); retsname = (char *) malloc (strlen(sname+1)); strcpy(retsname, sname); return retsname; } int FontDump ( fp, name, style, size ) FontRsrc fp; char * name; int style; int size; { register int i, j, bit, bits; register CARD16 *bp; register CARD8 *gp; CARD16 g, fg, lg, coff0, coff1, ow, wo; INT16 mk, wd, ht, rw, top, bot, left, right, ng; CARD8 * bitImage; CARD8 * locTable; CARD8 * owTable; FILE * fout; char fname [ 128 ]; if ( ! fp || ! name || ! size ) return 1; fg = toushort ( fp->ftFirstChar ); lg = toushort ( fp->ftLastChar ); mk = toshort ( fp->ftKernMax ); wd = toshort ( fp->ftFRectWidth ); ht = toshort ( fp->ftFRectHeight ); wo = toushort ( fp->ftOWTLoc ); rw = toshort ( fp->ftRowWords ); bitImage = (CARD8 *) & fp [ 1 ]; locTable = & bitImage [ ( rw * ht ) << 1 ]; #ifdef notdef owTable = & fp->ftOWTLoc [ wo << 1 ]; #else owTable = & locTable [ ( lg - fg + 3 ) << 1 ]; #endif /* * If no glyphs are present, don't dump anything. */ if ( lg == fg ) return 1; /* * At least one glyph is present; create BDF file. */ (void) sprintf ( fname, "%s%s-%d.bdf", name, FontStyleName ( style ), size ); if ( ! ( fout = fopen ( fname, "w+" ) ) ) { (void) fprintf ( stderr, "%s: can't create output file \"%s\"\n", progname, fname ); return 0; } /* * Obtain per-font information and dump BDF font header. */ FontInfo ( fp, & top, & left, & bot, & right, & ng ); if ( ! quiet ) (void) printf ( "Dumping %d glyphs to \"%s%s-%d.bdf\"\n", ng, name, FontStyleName ( style ), size ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "STARTFONT 2.1\n" ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "FONT %s%s-%d\n", name, FontStyleName ( style ), size ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "SIZE %d %d %d\n", size, DEVXRES, DEVYRES ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "FONTBOUNDINGBOX %d %d %d %d\n", ( right - left ) + 1, ( bot - top ) + 1, mk, ( ht - toshort ( fp->ftDescent ) ) - ( bot + 1 ) ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "STARTPROPERTIES 2\n" ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "FONT_ASCENT %d\n", toshort ( fp->ftAscent ) ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "FONT_DESCENT %d\n", toshort ( fp->ftDescent ) ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "ENDPROPERTIES\n" ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "CHARS %d\n", ng ); if ( (CARD32) bitImage & 0x1 ) { bp = (CARD16 *) alloca ( ht * rw * 2 ); (void) memcpy ( (char *) bp, (char *) bitImage, ht * rw * 2 ); } else bp = (CARD16 *) bitImage; gp = (CARD8 *) alloca ( wd * ht ); (void) memset ( (char *) gp, 0, wd * ht ); for ( g = fg; g <= lg; g++ ) { /* * Get starting and ending offset columns in bit image. */ coff0 = toushort ( & locTable [ ( ( g - fg ) + 0 ) << 1 ] ); coff1 = toushort ( & locTable [ ( ( g - fg ) + 1 ) << 1 ] ); if ( coff0 == coff1 ) continue; /* * Get basepoint offset and escapement. */ ow = toushort ( & owTable [ ( g - fg ) << 1 ] ); /* * Extract glyph image. */ (void) memset ( (char *) gp, 0, wd * ht ); for ( i = 0; i < ht; i++ ) { for ( j = coff0; j < coff1; j++ ) { bit = ( bp [ i * rw + ( j / 16 ) ] >> ( 15 - ( j % 16 ) ) ) & 1; gp [ i * wd + ( j - coff0 ) ] = bit; } } /* * Find top and bottom of bounding box. */ top = ht; bot = 0; for ( i = 0; i < ht; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < wd; j++ ) { bit = gp [ i * wd + j ]; if ( bit && ( i < top ) ) top = i; if ( bit && ( i > bot ) ) bot = i; } } (void) fprintf ( fout, "STARTCHAR GCID%02X\n", g ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "ENCODING %d\n", g ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "SWIDTH %d %d\n", ( ow & 0xff ) * 720, 0 ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "DWIDTH %d %d\n", ( ow & 0xff ), 0 ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "BBX %d %d %d %d\n", ( coff1 - coff0 ), ( bot - top ) + 1, ( ( ow >> 8 ) & 0xff ) + mk, ( ht - toshort ( fp->ftDescent ) ) - ( bot + 1 ) ); (void) fprintf ( fout, "BITMAP\n" ); for ( i = top; i <= bot; i++ ) { for ( j = 0, bits = 0; j < ( coff1 - coff0 ); j++, bits <<= 1 ) { bits |= gp [ i * wd + j ]; if ( ( j & 7 ) == 7 ) { (void) fprintf ( fout, "%02x", bits ); bits = 0; } } bits <<= 7 - ( j % 8 ); if ( j & 7 ) (void) fprintf ( fout, "%02x\n", bits ); else (void) fprintf ( fout, "\n" ); } (void) fprintf ( fout, "ENDCHAR\n" ); } (void) fprintf ( fout, "ENDFONT\n" ); (void) fclose ( fout ); return 1; }