Build and install instructions

You need fontforge ( and font-helpers
( ) in order to build the fonts
from the sources. Also you should have afm2pl, fontware, fontools (the parts of a
TeX distribution), GNU make and coreutils. Retrieve the svn repositories
for font-helpers and cyrillic-modern

svn checkout font-helpers
svn checkout cyrillic-modern

Next, you must copy files (or make links) from font-helpers into the
directory where *.sfd files are located. Further, the slanted AMS Type 1
fonts (cmsl*.pfb, cmbxsl10.pfb, cmssi*.pfb and corresponding *.afm
files) must be copied to the working directory. Then set the LC_ALL environment 
variable to C or POSIX and type


and the Type 1 fonts will be produced. The file is produced by
the "make" command. On UNIX-like systems, you may do

make install TEXPREFIX=/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local

as root to install the fonts system-wide provided you have TeXLive
installed with the /usr/local prefix. Otherwise to install the fonts to
your home directory, execute

make install TEXPREFIX=~/.texlive2013/texmf-var/

Adjust the prefix depending on your TeX distribution. Skip the above instructions 
if you are installing the pre-built fonts. If you have installed the Cyrillic 
Modern fonts before, execute

updmap --disable

At last, run 

updmap --enable

In order to build the opentype collecton files you must have the "" 
python script from Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType in the working 
directory. It may be downloaded separately from
It also requires ttx from fonttols ( newer than version 2.5.
The opentype fonts may be produced by invoking 

make otf