/* dvgtk.c - main dvgtk functions $Id: dvgt.c,v 0.2 1997/03/28 03:15:36 tjchol01 Exp $ Authors: Andrew Trevorrow, Ian Dall, Geoffrey Tobin, Tomasz J. Cholewo */ #include "dvgt.h" #include #include #include #include "defaults.h" #include "screenio.h" #include "options.h" #include "unixio.h" #include "vdu.h" #include "dvireader.h" #include "fontreader.h" /* Variables Exported, via vdu.h */ int DVIstatusl, windowstatusl, messagel, commandl, bottoml; int windowh, windowv, windowwd, windowht; static void DisplayPage (); static void NextCommandLine (); static boolean ShowCmdHelp (); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARATIONS FOR PROCESSING USER COMMANDS Most commands consist of one or two characters and can be entered in upper or lowercase. Multiple commands are processed in the order given but we only update the window, if necessary, at the end. If a bad command is encountered, any further commands are ignored. Some commands can have parameters; they are all dimensions in terms of the current units. Spaces before and after commands and parameters are ignored. */ /* Possible commands are: */ /* i a positive integer; display ith DVI page */ #define TeXpage "[" /* start of a TeX page specification: [i0. ... .i9] */ #define NextPage "N" /* display next DVI page, depending on direction */ #define Window "W" /* move window's top left corner to given position */ #define Up "U" /* move window up a given amount */ #define Down "D" /* move window down a given amount */ #define Left "L" /* move window left a given amount */ #define Right "R" /* move window right a given amount */ #define Hsize "H" /* set scaledwd: window's horizontal size */ #define Vsize "V" /* set scaledht: window's vertical size */ #define AutoView "A" /* enable/disable automatic view after page selection */ #define ZoomInOut "Z" /* halve/double window dimensions */ #define Terse "T" /* display quick and nasty chars at reference points */ #define Box "B" /* display box outlines of glyphs */ #define Full "F" /* display all pixels in glyphs */ #define Ic "I" /* get/show dimensions in inches */ #define Cm "C" /* get/show dimensions in centimetres */ #define Mm "M" /* get/show dimensions in millimetres */ #define PcPtPx "P" /* get/show dimensions in picas/points/pixels */ #define Help "?" /* display help on available commands */ #define Show "S" /* display useful statistics */ #define Quit "Q" /* have a guess */ #define commprompt "Command: " static String commstring; /* holds user responses */ static int commpos; /* current position in commstring */ static int commlen; /* length of commstring */ static char command; /* starting character of command */ static int maxpix; /* maximum absolute pixel value; depends on resolution */ /* These flags are used to handle multiple commands: */ static boolean screenjustcleared; /* has screen just been cleared? */ static boolean paintDVIStatus; /* does DVI status line need updating? */ static boolean paintWindowStatus; /* does window status line need updating? */ static boolean paintwindow; /* does window region need updating? */ static boolean pageoffpaper; /* is page off paper? */ static boolean badcommand; /* was there a bad command? */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARATIONS FOR DISPLAYING A PAGE The reference points of characters and rules on a page are stored as pairs of horizontal and vertical paper pixel coordinates. The paper coordinate scheme is described in detail in DVIReader. The screen coordinate scheme is described in detail in VDU. To update the window region, DVItoVDU maps visible paper pixels to screen pixels using windowh and windowv to help with translation, and windowwd and windowht to help with scaling. What the user sees depends on the current displaymode, the current size of the window region (scaledwd by scaledht are in paper pixels and determine the horizontal and vertical scaling factors), and the current paper position of the window region's top left corner; i.e., (windowleft,windowtop). A NOTE ON THE SCALING METHOD USED BY DVItoVDU: We desire the following conditions when scaling paper pixels to screen pixels: 1. Rules/glyphs having the same top/bottom/left/right paper coordinates also have the same screen coordinates (e.g., to ensure baselines line up). This condition is incompatible with a rule/glyph staying the same width and height as the window position changes! Too bad. 2. After being scaled, visible pixel positions must not exceed the window region's edges. In our case, only the bottom and right edges are a problem because scaling starts at the top left corner of the window. We use two different scaling calculations depending on whether the h/vscalefactors are < 1.0 or not. 3. Scaled heights and widths must be > 0 even when h/vscalefactors approach 0. If h/vscalefactors are > 1.0 then the width/height of paper pixels increase accordingly. */ /* terse - show quick and nasty chars at ref pts */ /* box - show box outlines of glyphs */ /* full - show all pixels in glyphs */ #define tersemode 1 #define boxmode 2 #define fullmode 4 int displaymode; /* we get/show dimensions in currentunits */ units currentunits; static int papertop, paperleft, paperbottom, paperright; /* these define the edges of the paper */ static int windowtop, windowleft, windowbottom, windowright; /* these define the current window edges */ static boolean allpagevisible; /* is all of page visible in window? */ static boolean outsidepage; /* is entire window outside page? */ static int scaledht; /* current window height in paper pixels */ static int scaledwd; /* current window width in paper pixels */ static double zoomfactor; /* current zoom factor - default is 2 */ static double vscalefactor; /* windowht / scaledht */ static double hscalefactor; /* windowwd / scaledwd */ static ruleinfo *thisruleinfo; /* current rule info in rulelist */ static fontinfo *unusedfont; /* first unused font in sorted fontlist */ static fontinfo *thisfontinfo; /* current font info in sorted fontlist */ static charinfo *thischarinfo; /* current char info in charlist */ static int thischar; /* current index into current chartable */ static boolean fontopen; /* is thisfontinfo->fontspec open? */ static boolean useraborted; /* did user abort page display? */ static boolean autoviewing; /* automatic window view enabled? */ static char *immed_help_strings[] = { DVGT_VERSION, "dvgt interactively views TeX-generated DVI files on some common VDUs.", "This is the precompiled help shown if no arguments are given.", "The options help file, `options.txt', gives more information.", "USAGE:", " dvgt filename[.dvi]", " [-H x_offset] [-V y_offset] [-d dummy_pk] [-e dummy_tfm]", " [-i] [-k kpathsea_debug_mode] [-l]", " [-m magnification] [-r xres[,yres]]", " [-t tfm_directory] [-x paperwd] [-y paperht]", "", "-H horizontal_offset (default = 0.0 in)", "-V vertical_offset (default = 0.0 in)", "-l (set landscape mode, instead of the default portrait mode)", "-m magnification (default = DVI file's intrinsic magnification)", "", "The other parameters' default values are system dependent.", NULL }; static char *cmd_help_strings[] = { "MISCELLANEOUS CHANGING PAGE DISPLAY (TOGGLES)", "? Display this command help info T Terse - fast but inaccurate", "S Show options, fonts and page info B Bounding Box of glyphs", "A Toggle Auto window F Full - accurate but slow", "^L Refresh screen", "Q Quit from dvgt CHANGING UNITS OF DIMENSIONS", " C u Where u is one of the units", "SELECTING A PAGE BP, CM, IN, MM, PC, PT, PX, or SP", "[i0. ... .i9] Select TeX page (big point, cm, inch, mm, pica,", "i Select the ith DVI page point, paper pixel, or scaled point)", "N Next DVI page", "P Previous DVI page MOVING THE WINDOW", " W h,v Move Window to given posn", "CHANGING THE SIZE OF THE WINDOW or to (minh,minv) if no h,v ", "H x Set Horiz. window size to x U v Move window Up by v", " or to unscaled width if no x or by half current ht if no v", "V y Set Vertical window size to y D v Move window Down by v", " or to unscaled height if no y or by half cur. ht if no v", "ZI z Zoom In by factor z L h Move window Left by h", " or by current factor if no z or by half cur. width if no h", "ZO z Zoom Out, as for ZI R h Move window Right by h", "ZCI z, ZCO z Zoom wrt window center or by half cur. width if no h", NULL }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ClearMessageLine () { /* Clear message line and move cursor to start of line. We don't show any message here; that will usually be done immediately after calling this routine. */ ClearTextLine (messagel); MoveToTextLine (messagel); } /* ClearMessageLine */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void WaitForReturn () { /* DVItoVDU has just displayed an important message. To ensure message is seen we wait for user to hit Return. */ char ch; MesgFlush (); do { ReadChar (&ch); } while (ch != CR); } /* WaitForReturn */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean PrintText (char **text) { int retval = false; if (text == (char **) NULL) { retval = false; /* No text to print. */ } else { /* Print each text string */ for (; *text != (char *) NULL; text++) { printf ("%s", *text); /* If there's no newline in *text, print one. */ if (strchr (*text, '\n') == (char *) NULL) printf ("\n"); } retval = true; } return retval; } /* PrintText */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean ShowText (char **text) { /* Show text of consecutive lines, in a way something like UNIX more. */ int lines; char answer; if (text == (char **) NULL) { ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("NULL text!"); return false; } ClearScreen (); screenjustcleared = true; MoveToTextLine (1); rawoutoff (); for (lines = 0; true; lines++) { if (text[lines] == (char *) NULL) { /* end of text */ ClearTextLine (bottoml); MoveToTextLine (bottoml); MesgString ("End of text,"); MesgString (" hit RETURN key to resume page display: "); MesgFlush (); do { ReadChar (&answer); } while (answer != CR); break; /* EXIT point 1 of 2 from enclosing (for) loop */ } if (lines >= bottoml - 2) { /* blank line before prompt */ ClearTextLine (bottoml); MoveToTextLine (bottoml); /* prompt */ MesgString ("Hit RETURN key to resume page display,"); MesgString (" or any other key for more text: "); MesgFlush (); ReadChar (&answer); if (answer == CR) break; /* EXIT point 2 of 2 from enclosing (for) loop */ ClearScreen (); screenjustcleared = true; MoveToTextLine (1); lines = 0; /* reset line count */ } MesgString (text[lines]); MesgLine (); } rawouton (); ClearScreen (); screenjustcleared = true; paintDVIStatus = true; paintWindowStatus = true; if (currDVIpage != 0) paintwindow = true; return true; } /* ShowText */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean ShowCmdHelp () { /* Help information is displayed in lines 1 to bottoml-2. We assume that bottoml is at least 3 and that VDU screen is at least maxline characters wide. */ return ShowText (cmd_help_strings); } /* ShowCmdHelp */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void PadMesg () { /* Pad current text line with spaces. */ String padding; int i; for (i = 0; i < maxstring; i++) padding[i] = ' '; padding[maxstring] = '\0'; MesgString (padding); } /* Pad Mesg */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void InitWinVars () { /* TeX will not generate dimensions > than about 38 feet, so we choose an absolute limit on our dimensions to be 40 feet. */ int ymaxpix = yres * (40 * 12); /* 40 ft = 40 * 12 in */ maxpix = xres * (40 * 12); if (ymaxpix < maxpix) maxpix = ymaxpix; /* top left corner of paper is fixed at (-1",-1") */ papertop = -yres; paperleft = -xres; paperbottom = papertop + paperht - 1; paperright = paperleft + paperwd - 1; /* User sees the following status values before requesting the first page. */ /* FIRST STATUS LINE: # pages, DVI page, TeX page, Auto, Displaymode, Zoom. Note that DVIReader has already counted the number of pages, and initialized currDVIpage and currTeXpage. */ autoviewing = true; /* start off enabled */ displaymode = fullmode; /* Full mode, neither Box nor Terse mode */ zoomfactor = 2.0; /* default factor for zooming is 2 */ /* SECOND STATUS LINE: Window loc. & dims, Page loc. & dims, Unit. */ windowleft = 0; /* window location */ windowtop = 0; scaledwd = windowwd; /* window size is initially unscaled */ scaledht = windowht; minhp = 0; minvp = 0; /* page location */ maxhp = 0; maxvp = 0; hscalefactor = 1.0; /* page size is initially unscaled, too */ vscalefactor = 1.0; currentunits = ic; /* inch */ /* WINDOW: Chars & Rules. */ pageempty = true; /* no page read yet, so no chars and no rules! */ } /* InitWinVars */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void UpdateDVIStatusLine () { /* Show totalpages, currDVIpage, currTeXpage, direction and displaymode. */ int i, lastnonzero; ClearTextLine (DVIstatusl); MoveToTextLine (DVIstatusl); MesgInt (totalpages); MesgString (" pages"); MesgString (" DVI page="); MesgInt (currDVIpage); MesgString (" TeX page="); MesgChar ('['); lastnonzero = 9; while (lastnonzero > 0 && currTeXpage[lastnonzero] == 0) { lastnonzero--; /* find last counter with non-zero value */ } /* always show \count0 but don't show trailing 0 counters */ for (i = 0; i <= lastnonzero; i++) { MesgInt (currTeXpage[i]); if (i != lastnonzero) MesgChar ('.'); } MesgChar (']'); MesgString (" Auto="); if (autoviewing) MesgChar ('+'); else MesgChar ('-'); MesgString (" "); if (displaymode & tersemode) MesgString ("T"); else MesgString (" "); if (displaymode & boxmode) MesgString ("B"); else MesgString (" "); if (displaymode & fullmode) MesgString ("F"); else MesgString (" "); { String msgstring; /* gt - this is surely safe from overflow of msgstring - yes? */ sprintf (msgstring, " Zoom=%.2f", zoomfactor); MesgString (msgstring); } MesgLine (); } /* UpdateDVIStatusLine */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void WriteDimension (double precision, double res, int pixels) { /* Show the given pixel dimension in terms of currentunits. */ double realdim = 0.0; int fracpart; if (currentunits == px) MesgInt (pixels); else { switch (currentunits) { case ic: realdim = (double) pixels / res; break; case cm: realdim = (double) pixels / res * 2.54; break; case mm: realdim = (double) pixels / res * 25.4; break; case bp: realdim = (double) pixels / res * 72.0; break; case pc: realdim = (double) pixels / res * 72.27 / 12.0; break; case pt: realdim = (double) pixels / res * 72.27; break; case sp: realdim = (double) pixels / res * 72.27 * 65536.0; break; case px: return; /* can't happen */ } /* currentunits */ /* gt - This seems immensely complicated, for what it's doing! */ /* show realdim to the specified precision */ if (fabs (realdim) < 0.5 * precision) MesgString ("0.0"); else { if (realdim < 0.0) { MesgChar ('-'); realdim = fabs (realdim); } realdim += 0.5 * precision; /* round up to specified precision */ MesgInt ((int) realdim); /* whole part */ MesgChar ('.'); fracpart = (int) ((realdim - (int) realdim) / precision); MesgInt (fracpart); } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* WriteDimension */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void WriteXDim (double precision, int pixels) { WriteDimension (precision, xres, pixels); } /* Write XDim */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void WriteYDim (double precision, int pixels) { WriteDimension (precision, yres, pixels); } /* Write YDim */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void UpdateWindowStatusLine () { /* Show current window location and size, page location and size, and units. */ double precision = 0.1; /* precision for status line */ ClearTextLine (windowstatusl); MoveToTextLine (windowstatusl); MesgString ("Window at ("); WriteXDim (precision, windowleft); MesgChar (','); WriteYDim (precision, windowtop); MesgString (") "); WriteXDim (precision, scaledwd); MesgString (" by "); WriteYDim (precision, scaledht); MesgString (" Page at ("); WriteXDim (precision, minhp); MesgChar (','); WriteYDim (precision, minvp); MesgString (") "); WriteXDim (precision, maxhp - minhp + 1); MesgString (" by "); WriteYDim (precision, maxvp - minvp + 1); MesgString (" "); switch (currentunits) { case ic: MesgString ("IN"); break; case cm: MesgString ("CM"); break; case mm: MesgString ("MM"); break; case bp: MesgString ("BP"); break; case pc: MesgString ("PC"); break; case pt: MesgString ("PT"); break; case sp: MesgString ("SP"); break; case px: MesgString ("PX"); break; } /* currentunits */ MesgLine (); } /* UpdateWindowStatusLine */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define limit 2147483647 /* TeX's limit = 2^31 - 1. Should also be >= maxpix. Note that this also defines the range of page numbers the user can ask for! */ #define threshold (limit / 10) /* nearing overflow */ static boolean GetInteger (char *str_in, int slen, int *pos, int *n) { /* Extract an integer from given str_in starting at given pos. pos is also used to return the position after the integer. If no integer is found, then set n to 0 and return FALSE (in that case, pos will only change if leading spaces were skipped). If ABS(n) > limit then set n to sign * limit. Valid syntax is +{digit} or -{digit} or digit{digit}. Note that a + or - by itself is valid and sets n to 0. */ String str; int absval, last, sign; boolean inttoobig; boolean intfound = false; memcpy (str, str_in, sizeof (String)); while (*pos < slen && str[*pos] == ' ') { /* skip any leading spaces */ (*pos)++; } absval = 0; sign = 1; last = *pos; inttoobig = false; if (*pos < slen) { if (str[*pos] == '-') { sign = -1; last++; } else { if (str[*pos] == '+') last++; } while (last < slen && (str[last] >= '0' && str[last] <= '9')) { if (absval > threshold || (absval == threshold && str[last] > '7')) inttoobig = true; else absval = absval * 10 + str[last] - '0'; last++; } } if (*pos == last) { *n = 0; intfound = false; } else { *pos = last; if (inttoobig) absval = limit; *n = sign * absval; intfound = true; } return intfound; } /* GetInteger */ #undef limit #undef threshold /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean GetReal (char *str_in, int slen, int *pos, double *r) { /* Extract a real number r from given str_in starting at given pos. pos is also used to return the position after the real number. If no number is found, then set r to 0.0 and return FALSE (in that case pos will only change if leading spaces were skipped). Valid syntax of a real number is integer[.{digit}] or .{digit} where an integer is defined by GetInteger. Real numbers are truncated to 4 decimal places. Note that a sign or decimal point by itself is valid and sets r to 0.0. */ String str; int sign, intpart, fracpart, divisor; double absreal; memcpy (str, str_in, strlen (str_in) + 1); /* GetInteger does not remember a sign by itself, so we need to check for -ve dimensions like -.5 first. */ while (*pos < slen && str[*pos] == ' ') { /* skip any spaces */ (*pos)++; } sign = 1; if (*pos < slen) { if (str[*pos] == '-') sign = -1; } if (!GetInteger (str, slen, pos, &intpart)) { if (*pos == slen || str[*pos] != '.') { *r = 0.0; return false; } } /* real number is valid; if no integer part, then intpart will be 0; sign = +|-1 */ if (*pos == slen || str[*pos] != '.') { /* no fractional part */ absreal = (double) abs (intpart); } else { /* extract fractional part */ (*pos)++; /* skip over decimal point */ divisor = 1; fracpart = 0; while (*pos < slen && (str[*pos] >= '0' && str[*pos] <= '9')) { /* only consider up to 4 decimal places */ if (divisor < 10000) { divisor *= 10; fracpart = fracpart * 10 + str[*pos] - '0'; } (*pos)++; } absreal = (double) abs (intpart) + (double) fracpart / divisor; } *r = sign * absreal; return true; } /* GetReal */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean GetDimension (double res, char *str_in, int slen, int *pos, int *n) { /* Extract a dimension from given str_ starting at given pos. n returns the corresponding number of pixels in the dimension (which is an integer or real value in terms of currentunits); pos is also used to return the position after the dimension. If no dimension is found then set n to 0 and return FALSE (pos will only change if leading spaces were skipped). If ABS(n) > maxpix then set n to sign * maxpix. Valid syntax of a dimension is integer[.{digit}] or .{digit} where an integer is defined by GetInteger. Real dimensions are truncated to 4 decimal places. Note that a sign or decimal point by itself is valid and sets n to 0. */ String str; int sign, intdim, fracpart, divisor; double absrealdim; boolean intpresent, dimtoobig; memcpy (str, str_in, sizeof (String)); /* GetInteger does not remember a sign by itself, so we need to check for -ve dimensions like -.5 first. */ while (*pos < slen && str[*pos] == ' ') { /* skip any leading spaces */ (*pos)++; } sign = 1; if (*pos < slen) { if (str[*pos] == '-') sign = -1; } intpresent = GetInteger (str, slen, pos, &intdim); if (!intpresent) { if (*pos == slen || str[*pos] != '.') { *n = 0; return false; } } /* if */ /* dimension is valid; if no integer part then intdim will be 0; sign = +|-1 */ if (*pos == slen || str[*pos] != '.') { /* no fractional part */ absrealdim = abs (intdim); } else { /* extract fractional part */ (*pos)++; /* skip over decimal point */ divisor = 1; fracpart = 0; while (*pos < slen && (str[*pos] >= '0' && str[*pos] <= '9')) { /* only consider up to 4 decimal places */ if (divisor < 10000) { divisor *= 10; fracpart = fracpart * 10 + str[*pos] - '0'; } (*pos)++; } /* while */ absrealdim = abs (intdim) + (double) fracpart / divisor; } /* if */ /* calculate n based on absrealdim, sign and currentunits */ dimtoobig = false; switch (currentunits) { case ic: if (absrealdim > (double) maxpix / res) dimtoobig = true; else *n = sign * (int) (absrealdim * res + 0.5); break; case cm: if (absrealdim > (double) maxpix / res * 2.54) dimtoobig = true; else *n = sign * (int) (absrealdim / 2.54 * res + 0.5); break; case mm: if (absrealdim > (double) maxpix / res * 25.4) dimtoobig = true; else *n = sign * (int) (absrealdim / 25.4 * res + 0.5); break; case bp: if (absrealdim > (double) maxpix / res * 72.0) dimtoobig = true; else *n = sign * (int) (absrealdim / 72.0 * res + 0.5); break; case pc: if (absrealdim > (double) maxpix / res * (72.27 / 12.0)) dimtoobig = true; else *n = sign * (int) (absrealdim / 72.27 * 12.0 * res + 0.5); break; case pt: if (absrealdim > (double) maxpix / res * 72.27) dimtoobig = true; else *n = sign * (int) (absrealdim / 72.27 * res + 0.5); break; case sp: if (absrealdim > (double) maxpix / res * 72.27 * 65536.0) dimtoobig = true; else *n = sign * (int) (absrealdim / (72.27 * 65536.0) * res + 0.5); break; case px: if (absrealdim > maxpix) dimtoobig = true; else *n = sign * (int) (absrealdim + 0.5); break; } /* currentunits */ if (dimtoobig) *n = sign * maxpix; return true; } /* GetDimension */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean GetXDim (char *str_in, int slen, int *pos, int *n) { return GetDimension (xres, str_in, slen, pos, n); } /* GetXDim */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean GetYDim (char *str_in, int slen, int *pos, int *n) { return GetDimension (yres, str_in, slen, pos, n); } /* GetYDim */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void BadCommandMessage () { /* A bad command has just been detected and some sort of message displayed. Note that commpos is pointing to just after the problem character. If there are further commands then we show user what will be ignored. */ int i; badcommand = true; ClearTextLine (commandl); MoveToTextLine (commandl); MesgString (commprompt); for (i = 0; i < commpos; i++) MesgChar (commstring[i]); MesgChar ('!'); /* put ! after the problem character */ if (commpos < commlen) { MesgString (" Ignoring: "); for (i = commpos; i < commlen; i++) MesgChar (commstring[i]); } NextCommandLine (); } /* BadCommandMessage */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void NewLocation (int newhp, int newvp) { /* Change window location to given position and update window edges. If entire window moves outside non-empty page rectangle then outsidepage becomes TRUE and we restrict movement to just beyond the edge(s) so that user can easily move window (via Up,Down,Left,Right) to positions in which one or more window and page edges coincide. Note that allpagevisible is also updated. */ outsidepage = false; if (currDVIpage != 0 && !pageempty) { /* check if new position puts window entirely outside edges; if so then minimize the movement needed to keep this true */ if (newvp > maxvp) { outsidepage = true; newvp = maxvp + 1; } else if (newvp <= minvp - scaledht) { outsidepage = true; newvp = minvp - scaledht; } if (newhp > maxhp) { outsidepage = true; newhp = maxhp + 1; } else if (newhp <= minhp - scaledwd) { outsidepage = true; newhp = minhp - scaledwd; } } windowtop = newvp; windowleft = newhp; windowbottom = windowtop + scaledht - 1; windowright = windowleft + scaledwd - 1; allpagevisible = (currDVIpage != 0 && !pageempty && (minvp >= windowtop && maxvp <= windowbottom) && (minhp >= windowleft && maxhp <= windowright)); /* even if pageempty or window hasn't moved we must still call DisplayPage */ if (currDVIpage != 0) paintwindow = true; } /* NewLocation */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void WindowMove () { /* Syntax of Window command is W hpos,vpos where hpos and vpos are dimensions with leading and/or trailing spaces. If hpos,vpos absent then we move to minhp,minvp (top left corner of page rectangle). */ int hpos, vpos; /* move window to this new position */ /* commpos is positioned after W */ /* seek hpos */ if (!GetXDim (commstring, commlen, &commpos, &hpos)) { /* hpos,vpos absent - move to top left of page */ NewLocation (minhp, minvp); return; } /* skip any spaces before comma */ while (commpos < commlen && commstring[commpos] == ' ') commpos++; /* seek comma */ if (commpos == commlen || commstring[commpos] != ',') { /* comma , (which ought to precede vpos) is missing */ ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Comma expected!"); if (commpos < commlen) commpos++; BadCommandMessage (); return; } commpos++; /* skip over comma */ /* seek vpos */ if (GetYDim (commstring, commlen, &commpos, &vpos)) { NewLocation (hpos, vpos); } else { /* vpos is missing or wrongly typed */ ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Vertical coordinate expected!"); if (commpos < commlen) commpos++; BadCommandMessage (); } } /* WindowMove */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void WindowUpDown () { int amount; /* move window up/down this many pixels */ char STR[2]; /* commpos is positioned after U or D */ if (!GetYDim (commstring, commlen, &commpos, &amount)) /* if amount absent, move by _half_ window height */ amount = scaledht / 2; /* for odd scaleht, this is half a pixel less */ sprintf (STR, "%c", command); if (!strcmp (STR, Up)) /* move Up. (Down is positive.) */ amount = -amount; NewLocation (windowleft, windowtop + amount); } /* WindowUpDown */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void WindowLeftRight () { int amount; /* move window left/right this many pixels */ char STR[2]; /* commpos is positioned after L or R */ if (!GetXDim (commstring, commlen, &commpos, &amount)) /* if amount absent, move by _half_ window width */ amount = scaledwd / 2; /* for odd scaledwd, this is half a pixel less */ sprintf (STR, "%c", command); if (!strcmp (STR, Left)) /* move Left. (Right is positive.) */ amount = -amount; NewLocation (windowleft + amount, windowtop); } /* WindowLeftRight */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void NewWindowWidth (int wd) { /* Set window width to given value (> 0 and <= max dimension). */ scaledwd = wd; hscalefactor = (double) windowwd / scaledwd; } /* NewWindowWidth */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void SetWindowWidth () { /* Set horizontal size of window region to given dimension; if <= 0, then set horizontal size to 1 pixel. If no parameter, then use the unscaled width represented by windowwd. */ int wd; /* commpos is positioned after H */ if (!GetXDim (commstring, commlen, &commpos, &wd)) { /* parameter absent */ NewWindowWidth (windowwd); return; } /* note that maximum value of wd is restricted to maxpix */ if (wd <= 0) wd = 1; NewWindowWidth (wd); } /* SetWindowWidth */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void NewWindowHeight (int ht) { /* Set window height to given value (> 0 and <= max dimension). */ scaledht = ht; vscalefactor = (double) windowht / scaledht; } /* NewWindowHeight */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void SetWindowHeight () { /* Set vertical size of window region to given dimension; if <= 0, then set vertical size to 1 pixel. If no parameter, then use the unscaled height represented by windowht. */ int ht; /* commpos is positioned after V */ if (!GetYDim (commstring, commlen, &commpos, &ht)) { /* parameter absent */ NewWindowHeight (windowht); return; } /* note that maximum value of ht is restricted to maxpix */ if (ht <= 0) ht = 1; NewWindowHeight (ht); } /* SetWindowHeight */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int ScaleHpos (int h) { /* Return a scaled value for the given horizontal window coordinate. */ if (hscalefactor > 1.0) return ((int) (h * hscalefactor + 0.5)); else /* hscalefactor <= 1.0 */ return ((int) ((h + 0.5) * hscalefactor)); } /* ScaleHpos */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int ScaleVpos (int v) { /* Return a scaled value for the given vertical window coordinate. */ if (vscalefactor > 1.0) return ((int) (v * vscalefactor + 0.5)); else /* vscalefactor <= 1.0 */ return ((int) ((v + 0.5) * vscalefactor)); } /* ScaleVpos */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void SetAutoView () { /* Toggle AutoView. */ autoviewing = (autoviewing == false ? true : false); } /* SetAutoView */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ZITL () { /* Zoom In, fixing Top Left of window. */ /* scaledwd and scaledht are > 0 */ NewWindowWidth ((int) ceil (scaledwd / zoomfactor)); NewWindowHeight ((int) ceil (scaledht / zoomfactor)); } /* ZITL */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ZOTL () { /* Zoom out, fixing Top Left of window. */ /* avoid overflow *//* GT asks: what overflow? */ if (maxpix / zoomfactor > scaledwd) NewWindowWidth ((int) (scaledwd * zoomfactor)); else NewWindowWidth (maxpix); if (maxpix / zoomfactor > scaledht) NewWindowHeight ((int) (scaledht * zoomfactor)); else NewWindowHeight (maxpix); } /* ZOTL */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ZoomWindow () { /* Zoom In, or Zoom Out. */ /* For ZI, ZO, zoom relative to top left of window. */ /* For ZCI, ZCO, zoom relative to centre of window. */ /* Just read a 'Z'. */ /* Parse the rest of a ZoomInOut command and do it. commpos is pointing to next position in commandstr (and should be I or O). */ String zs; /* Zoom command string */ char zch2 = '\0', zch3 = '\0'; /* Zoom command characters 2 and 3 */ double zoomf; /* Zoom Factor */ boolean zin = true; /* flag for Zoom direction; default = Zoom in */ boolean zc = false; /* flag for Zoom location; default = top left */ boolean zok = true; /* flag for valid Zoom; default = valid */ zs[0] = 'Z'; /* Zoom commands begin with 'Z' */ zs[1] = '\0'; /* properly terminate zs */ /* read second command character, which should be 'I' or 'O'. */ if (commpos < commlen) { zch2 = TOUPPER (commstring[commpos]); commpos++; zs[1] = zch2; zs[2] = '\0'; } switch (zch2) { case 'I': zc = false; zin = true; break; case 'O': zc = false; zin = false; break; case 'C': if (commpos < commlen) { zch3 = TOUPPER (commstring[commpos]); commpos++; zs[2] = zch3; zs[3] = '\0'; } switch (zch3) { case 'I': zc = true; zin = true; break; case 'O': zc = true; zin = false; break; default: zok = false; break; } break; default: zok = false; break; } if (!zok) { /* invalid Z* command */ String got; ClearMessageLine (); sprintf (got, "Read `%s', ", zs); MesgString (got); MesgString ("ZI, ZO, ZCI or ZCO expected!"); BadCommandMessage (); } else { /* valid Zoom command */ int pos = 0; boolean realfound = false; /* skip any spaces after Zoom command */ while (commpos < commlen && commstring[commpos] == ' ') commpos++; /* scan rest of command line for a number */ /* this is unambiguous, b/c "zoom, goto new page" is silly on a line */ /* fortunately, commstring is well terminated, with a NUL char */ /* GT - this is the line I once spoilt: I wasn't advancing by characters! */ /* GT - use the real number reading code from GetDimension? */ /* static boolean GetReal (char * str_in, int slen, int * pos, double *r) */ /* if (sscanf (commstring+commpos, "%lf", &zoomf) == 1) */ pos = 0; /* pos == new commpos - old commpos */ realfound = GetReal (commstring + commpos, commlen - commpos, &pos, &zoomf); commpos += pos; /* Set Zoom Factor, if any. */ if (realfound) { if (zoomf > 1.0) /* change Zoom Factor */ zoomfactor = zoomf; else { /* Zooms of unity or less are rejected */ /* this covers zero, and avoids ZI/ZO confusion for user */ String msgstring; /* !! GT - dangerous, as msgstring may overflow - unlikely, though */ sprintf (msgstring, "zoom factor must > 1, so keeping old factor of %.2f\n", zoomfactor); ClearMessageLine (); MesgString (msgstring); BadCommandMessage (); } /* gt - signal to update status line b/c of new Zoom Factor */ paintDVIStatus = true; } /* Zoom! */ if (zc) { /* Zoom wrt Centre */ if (zin) { /* ZCI = Zoom In to Centre. Algorithm: */ /* Down and Right to centre of window, */ /* Zoom in to top left of new window, */ /* Up and Left to top left of that window. */ NewLocation (windowleft + scaledwd / 2, windowtop + scaledht / 2); ZITL (); NewLocation (windowleft - scaledwd / 2, windowtop - scaledht / 2); } else { /* ZCO = Zoom Out from Centre. Algorithm: */ /* Down and Right to centre of window, */ /* Zoom out from top left of new window, */ /* Up and Left to top left of that window. */ /* DEFECT: can be altered by Zoom Out restrictions. */ NewLocation (windowleft + scaledwd / 2, windowtop + scaledht / 2); ZOTL (); NewLocation (windowleft - scaledwd / 2, windowtop - scaledht / 2); } } else { /* Zoom wrt Top Left */ /* DEFECT: Zoom Out is restricted; see ZOTL and NewLocation code. */ if (zin) ZITL (); /* ZI = Zoom In to Top Left */ else ZOTL (); /* ZO = Zoom out from Top Left */ } } } /* ZoomWindow */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean NextPageFound (boolean ascending) { /* User has selected next page in DVI file; what they get will depend on the current DVI page and whether we are ascending or not. Return TRUE iff we can move to next page. */ boolean found = false; if (currDVIpage == 1 && !ascending) { ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("You are looking at first DVI page!"); BadCommandMessage (); found = false; } else if (currDVIpage == totalpages && ascending) { ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("You are looking at last DVI page!"); BadCommandMessage (); found = false; } else { MoveToNextPage (ascending); /* position to next DVI page */ found = true; } return found; } /* NextPageFound */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean DVIPageFound (int n) { /* User has selected a particular DVI page number. Move to page n and return TRUE iff n is in 1..totalpages. */ boolean found = false; if (n < 1 || n > totalpages) { ClearMessageLine (); if (totalpages > 1) { MesgString ("You can only request DVI pages 1 to "); MesgInt (totalpages); MesgChar ('!'); } else { MesgString ("You can only request DVI page 1!"); } BadCommandMessage (); found = false; } else { MoveToDVIPage (n); /* position to given DVI page */ found = true; } return found; } /* DVIPageFound */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean ParseTeXpage (TeXpageinfo * newTeXpage) { /* Return TRUE iff TeX page specification in commstring is valid. If so then newTeXpage will contain the appropriate information for MoveToTeXPage. The syntax of a TeX page specification is [n{.n}] where n is any integer as defined by GetInteger. Up to 10 integers may be given and are separated by periods, even if absent. Trailing periods may be omitted. Spaces before and after integers and periods are skipped. The 10 positions correspond to the \count0, \count1, ... ,\count9 values that TeX stores with every page. commpos is initially pointing at [. */ newTeXpage->lastvalue = 0; while (true) { commpos++; newTeXpage->present[(int) newTeXpage->lastvalue] = GetInteger (commstring, commlen, &commpos, &newTeXpage->value[(int) newTeXpage->lastvalue]); /* commpos now at commlen, space, period, non-digit or ']' */ while (commpos < commlen && commstring[commpos] == ' ') { commpos++; /* skip any spaces */ } if (commpos == commlen) { /* check this first! */ ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("] expected!"); BadCommandMessage (); /* commpos at commlen */ return false; } if (commstring[commpos] == ']') { /* end of TeX page spec */ commpos++; break; /* escape from enclosing "infinite" while loop */ } if (newTeXpage->lastvalue >= 9) { ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("] expected after 10 integers!"); commpos++; BadCommandMessage (); return false; } newTeXpage->lastvalue++; if (commstring[commpos] == '.') continue; ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Period, integer or ] expected!"); commpos++; BadCommandMessage (); return false; } /* while */ while (newTeXpage->lastvalue > 0 && !newTeXpage->present[(int) newTeXpage->lastvalue]) { newTeXpage->lastvalue--; } return true; } /* ParseTeXpage */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean TeXPageFound () { /* Return TRUE iff TeX page specification is valid and exists. If so then position to lowest matching page. */ boolean found = false; TeXpageinfo newTeXpage; if (ParseTeXpage (&newTeXpage)) { /* invalid TeX page specification */ if (MoveToTeXPage (&newTeXpage)) found = true; /* we found lowest matching page */ else { ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("No TeX page matches your request!"); BadCommandMessage (); found = false; } } else found = false; return found; } /* TeXPageFound */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int Min (int a, int b) { /* Return the minimum value of a and b. */ if (a < b) return a; else return b; } /* Min */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int Max (int a, int b) { /* Return the maximum value of a and b. */ if (a > b) return a; else return b; } /* Max */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ProcessPage () { /* We are ready to interpret the current DVI page and fill in the various data structures imported from DVIReader. This routine will also: set the window size and location to useful values (if autoviewing), update pageoffpaper (after checking to see if it was TRUE for the previous page processed as part of a multiple command string), set screenjustcleared, paintwindow and paintWindowStatus to TRUE, set paintDVIStatus to FALSE. */ int halfht, halfwd; /* We check pageoffpaper here so user can type "NNNNNNNNNNNNN..." and note ALL the pages that are off the paper, not just the last one processed. */ if (pageoffpaper) { ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Page off paper!"); WaitForReturn (); /* the previous page */ } ClearScreen (); screenjustcleared = true; UpdateDVIStatusLine (); /* a MoveTo... routine has updated currDVI/TeXpage */ paintDVIStatus = false; InterpretPage (); /* fill in DVIReader's page data structures */ SortFonts (&unusedfont); /* sort fonts in order of least chars and return pointer to first unused font */ ClearMessageLine (); /* clear any message */ if (pageempty) { minhp = 0; maxhp = 0; minvp = 0; maxvp = 0; /* for window status */ } if (autoviewing) { /* view as much of paper as possible, but without too much distortion */ if ((paperwd < paperht && windowwd >= windowht) || (paperwd == paperht && windowwd > windowht)) { halfht = paperht / 2; if (paperht & 1) /* ensure bottom visible */ halfht++; NewWindowHeight (halfht); /* try top half of paper */ NewWindowWidth (paperwd); NewLocation (paperleft, papertop); /* top left corner of paper */ if (!pageempty && outsidepage) /* try moving down */ NewLocation (paperleft, papertop + halfht); } else if ((paperwd > paperht && windowwd <= windowht) || (paperwd == paperht && windowwd < windowht)) { halfwd = paperwd / 2; if (paperwd & 1) /* ensure right visible */ halfwd++; NewWindowHeight (paperht); NewWindowWidth (halfwd); /* try left half of paper */ NewLocation (paperleft, papertop); /* top left corner of paper */ if (!pageempty && outsidepage) /* try moving right */ NewLocation (paperleft + halfwd, papertop); } else { /* paper shape matches unscaled window shape */ NewWindowHeight (paperht); /* try all of paper */ NewWindowWidth (paperwd); NewLocation (paperleft, papertop); /* top left corner of paper */ } } else { /* not autoviewing, so use current window location and size */ NewWindowHeight (scaledht); NewWindowWidth (scaledwd); NewLocation (windowleft, windowtop); } /* check if part/all of page is off paper; if so, and autoviewing is enabled, then we set window size and location so user can just see ALL of paper AND ALL of page. */ pageoffpaper = (!pageempty && ((minhp < paperleft || minvp < papertop) || (maxhp > paperright || maxvp > paperbottom))); if (pageoffpaper && autoviewing) { NewWindowHeight (Max (maxvp, paperbottom) - Min (minvp, papertop) + 1); NewWindowWidth (Max (maxhp, paperright) - Min (minhp, paperleft) + 1); NewLocation (Min (minhp, paperleft), Min (minvp, papertop)); } paintWindowStatus = true; paintwindow = true; } /* ProcessPage */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ChangeUnits () { /* Parse a C command. commpos is pointing to next position in commstring. Hope that is the start of IN, CM, MM, BP, PC, PT, SP, or PX. */ char nextch1, nextch2; String cstr; /* skip any spaces between 'C' command and following unit */ while (commpos < commlen && commstring[commpos] == ' ') commpos++; /* read next two characters */ /* these should comprise a known unit of distance */ if (commpos < commlen) { nextch1 = TOUPPER (commstring[commpos]); commpos++; } else nextch1 = ' '; if (commpos < commlen) { nextch2 = TOUPPER (commstring[commpos]); commpos++; } else nextch2 = ' '; sprintf (cstr, "%c%c", nextch1, nextch2); if (!strcmp (cstr, "IN")) currentunits = ic; else if (!strcmp (cstr, "CM")) currentunits = cm; else if (!strcmp (cstr, "MM")) currentunits = mm; else if (!strcmp (cstr, "BP")) currentunits = bp; else if (!strcmp (cstr, "PC")) currentunits = pc; else if (!strcmp (cstr, "PT")) currentunits = pt; else if (!strcmp (cstr, "SP")) currentunits = sp; else if (!strcmp (cstr, "PX")) currentunits = px; else { ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Unknown units: `"); MesgString (cstr); MesgString ("'. "); switch (nextch1) { case 'I': MesgString ("IN"); break; case 'C': MesgString ("CM"); break; case 'M': MesgString ("MM"); break; case 'B': MesgString ("BP"); break; case 'P': MesgString ("PC, PT or PX"); break; case 'S': MesgString ("SP"); break; default: MesgString ("IN, CM, MM, BP, PC, PT, SP or PX"); break; } /* command */ MesgString (" expected."); BadCommandMessage (); } /* strcmp (cstr, UNITNAME) */ } /* ChangeUnits */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean UserHitsReturn (int *linecount) { /* Do a MesgLine and return TRUE iff linecount = bottoml-2 AND user hits CR. If linecount < bottoml-2 then return FALSE; if not, and user hits something other than CR, then prepare a new screen before returning FALSE. */ char ch; MesgLine (); /* test for approaching end of screen */ if (*linecount == bottoml - 2) { /* prompt for next screen */ MoveToTextLine (bottoml); MesgString ("Hit RETURN key to resume page display,"); MesgString (" or any other key for more: "); MesgFlush (); /* read first character typed by user in response to prompt */ ReadChar (&ch); if (ch == CR) { return true; } ClearScreen (); screenjustcleared = true; MoveToTextLine (1); *linecount = 1; } else { (*linecount)++; } return false; } /* UserHitsReturn */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void WriteUnits () { switch (currentunits) { case ic: MesgString ("in"); break; case cm: MesgString ("cm"); break; case mm: MesgString ("mm"); break; case bp: MesgString ("bp"); break; case pc: MesgString ("pc"); break; case pt: MesgString ("pt"); break; case sp: MesgString ("sp"); break; case px: MesgString ("px"); break; } /* currentunits */ } /* WriteUnits */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int WritePtSize (int scaledsize) { /* Show given font size (in DVI units), in (possibly magnified) pts. Return length of displayed message. */ double realdim; int fracpart; double precision = 0.1; int len = 0; realdim = scaledsize / 65536.0 * (mag / 1000.0); /* show realdim to the precision given above */ if (fabs (realdim) < 0.5 * precision) { MesgChar ('0'); ++len; } else { if (realdim < 0.0) { MesgChar ('-'); ++len; realdim = fabs (realdim); } realdim += 0.5 * precision; /* round up to specified precision */ len += MesgInt ((int) realdim); /* whole part */ fracpart = (int) ((realdim - (int) realdim) / precision); if (fracpart > 0) { MesgChar ('.'); ++len; len += MesgInt (fracpart); } } MesgString ("pt"); len += 2; return (len); } /* WritePtSize */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ShowStatistics () { /* Show option values and font/character/rule/special statistics. UserHitsReturn controls pagination and takes the place of MesgLine. */ specialinfo *temp; int linecount, fontcount; char ch; static char LeftStr[] = ""; static char RightStr[] = ""; double precision = 1.0e-3; /* precision of quantities */ ClearScreen (); screenjustcleared = true; MoveToTextLine (1); linecount = 1; MesgString ("DVI file = "); MesgString (LeftStr); MesgString (DVIname); MesgString (RightStr); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; MesgString ("VDU = "); MesgString (LeftStr); MesgString (vdu); MesgString (RightStr); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; { /* beginblock */ String realstring; MesgString ("X Resolution (dpi) = "); /* xres is unlikely to overflow realstring */ sprintf (realstring, "%f", xres); MesgString (realstring); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; MesgString ("Y Resolution (dpi) = "); /* yres is unlikely to overflow realstring */ sprintf (realstring, "%f", yres); MesgString (realstring); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; } /* endblock */ MesgString ("Magnification = "); MesgInt (mag); if (mag == DVImag) { MesgString (" (DVI mag)"); } else { MesgString (" (DVI mag of "); MesgInt (DVImag); MesgString (" was overridden)"); } if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; MesgString ("Dummy PK font = "); MesgString (LeftStr); MesgString (dummy_pk); MesgString (RightStr); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; MesgString ("Dummy TFM metric = "); MesgString (LeftStr); MesgString (dummy_tfm); MesgString (RightStr); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; MesgString ("Horizontal offset = "); WriteXDim (precision, hoffset); WriteUnits (); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; MesgString ("Vertical offset = "); WriteYDim (precision, voffset); WriteUnits (); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; MesgString ("Paper wd by ht = "); WriteXDim (precision, paperwd); WriteUnits (); MesgString (" by "); WriteYDim (precision, paperht); WriteUnits (); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; MesgString ("Total fonts on ALL pages = "); MesgInt (totalfonts); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; MesgString ("Fonts, at pt size: (if on current page, give (total chars))"); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; MesgString ("H: Honest, S: Substitute; K: PK, T: TFM, D: DVI."); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; fontcount = 0; for (thisfontinfo = fontlist; thisfontinfo != (fontinfo *) NULL; thisfontinfo = thisfontinfo->nextfont) { String msgstr; /* output string for messages */ int len; /* length of a displayed message */ int maxptroom = 7; /* room for point size message */ int i; if (thisfontinfo->fontspeclen == 0) { /* need to build fontspec */ BuildFontSpec (thisfontinfo); /* fontexists may have become TRUE */ } /* most font names have at most 8 characters, for ms-dos! */ sprintf (msgstr, "%-8s", thisfontinfo->fontname); MesgString (msgstr); MesgString (" "); len = WritePtSize (thisfontinfo->scaledsize); for (i = len; i < maxptroom; i++) MesgChar (' '); MesgString ("->"); if (thisfontinfo->fontexists) { if (thisfontinfo->honest) MesgChar ('H'); else /* substitute */ MesgChar ('S'); if (thisfontinfo->pkfont) MesgChar ('K'); else /* non-PostScript TFM */ MesgChar ('T'); MesgString (" "); i = thisfontinfo->fontspeclen - 50; /* try to show last 70 chars */ if (i < 0) i = 0; MesgString (thisfontinfo->fontspec + i); } else { MesgChar ('S'); MesgChar ('D'); MesgString (" "); MesgString ("Terse display"); } if (thisfontinfo->fontused) { fontcount++; MesgString (" ("); MesgInt (thisfontinfo->totalchars); MesgString (")"); } if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; } /* end (for) loop */ if (currDVIpage == 0) MesgString ("You haven't selected a page yet."); else { MesgString ("Total fonts on current page = "); MesgInt (fontcount); } if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; MesgString ("Total rules on current page = "); MesgInt (totalrules); if (speciallist != (specialinfo *) NULL) { if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; MesgString ("\\special commands on current page: "); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; temp = speciallist; while (temp != (specialinfo *) NULL) { MesgString ("At ("); WriteXDim (precision, temp->hp); MesgChar (','); WriteYDim (precision, temp->vp); MesgString ("): "); MesgString (temp->special); if (UserHitsReturn (&linecount)) return; temp = temp->nextspecial; } /* while */ } /* if */ MesgLine (); MesgLine (); MoveToTextLine (bottoml); MesgString ("Hit RETURN key to resume page display: "); MesgFlush (); do { ReadChar (&ch); } while (ch != CR); } /* ShowStatistics */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define edgepixel '.' /* black pixel for outlines on non-graphic VDUs; note that VDU TeXtoASCII['.'] = '.' */ static void DisplayPaperEdges () { /* Display visible outlines of the imaginary sheet of paper. Thickness of outlines = 1 screen pixel, no matter what the h and v scaling. */ int top, bot, left, right; /* visible edges of paper in paper pixels */ int scaledtop, scaledleft; /* scaled visible edges in screen pixels */ int scaledbot, scaledright, scaledheight; /* scaled width and height */ int scaledwidth; /* first check if any part of paper is visible */ if (papertop > windowbottom) return; if (paperbottom < windowtop) return; if (paperleft > windowright) return; if (paperright < windowleft) return; /* part or all of paper is visible, so return visible region */ top = Max (papertop, windowtop); bot = Min (paperbottom, windowbottom); left = Max (paperleft, windowleft); right = Min (paperright, windowright); scaledtop = ScaleVpos (top - windowtop) + windowv; scaledleft = ScaleHpos (left - windowleft) + windowh; if (vscalefactor > 1.0) scaledbot = ScaleVpos (bot - windowtop + 1) + windowv - 1; else scaledbot = ScaleVpos (bot - windowtop) + windowv; if (hscalefactor > 1.0) scaledright = ScaleHpos (right - windowleft + 1) + windowh - 1; else scaledright = ScaleHpos (right - windowleft) + windowh; scaledheight = scaledbot - scaledtop + 1; scaledwidth = scaledright - scaledleft + 1; /* only show visible edges if they are also paper outlines */ if (left == paperleft) ShowRectangle (scaledleft, scaledtop, 1, scaledheight, edgepixel); if (bot == paperbottom) ShowRectangle (scaledleft, scaledbot, scaledwidth, 1, edgepixel); if (top == papertop) ShowRectangle (scaledleft, scaledtop, scaledwidth, 1, edgepixel); if (right == paperright) ShowRectangle (scaledright, scaledtop, 1, scaledheight, edgepixel); } /* DisplayPaperEdges */ #undef edgepixel /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean RectangleVisible (int intop, int inbot, int inleft, int inright, int *outtop, int *outbot, int *outleft, int *outright) { /* Return TRUE iff part or all of given rectangle would be visible in the current window. Iff so, then we also return the visible region; the input and possible output rectangles are defined by their top, bottom, left and right edges in paper pixel coordinates. */ if (allpagevisible) { /* all of rectangle must be visible */ *outtop = intop; *outbot = inbot; *outleft = inleft; *outright = inright; return true; } else if (intop > windowbottom) return false; else if (inbot < windowtop) return false; else if (inleft > windowright) return false; else if (inright < windowleft) return false; else { /* part or all of rectangle is visible, so return visible region */ *outtop = Max (intop, windowtop); *outbot = Min (inbot, windowbottom); *outleft = Max (inleft, windowleft); *outright = Min (inright, windowright); return true; } } /* RectangleVisible */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define RULEPIXEL '*' /* black pixel for rules on non-graphic VDUs; note that VDU sets TeXtoASCII['*'] := '*' */ static void DisplayRules () { /* Display all pixels in rules, regardless of current displaymode. Rules will be displayed in the same order as in the DVI page (essentially top-down and left-right) because of the way DVIReader builds a rulelist. */ int top, bottom, left, right; /* visible edges of rule */ int scaledtop, scaledleft; /* scaled visible edges */ int scaledbot, scaledright, scaledwidth, scaledheight; /* scaled width and height */ int thisrule; char keyhit; /* returned by BusyRead if TRUE */ _REC_ruletable *ruletab = (_REC_ruletable *) NULL; thisruleinfo = rulelist; while (thisruleinfo != (ruleinfo *) NULL) { thisrule = 0; while (thisrule < thisruleinfo->rulecount) { ruletab = &thisruleinfo->ruletable[thisrule]; /* check if any part of rule is visible */ /* vp,hp is bottom left corner of rule on page */ if (RectangleVisible (ruletab->vp - ruletab->ht + 1, ruletab->vp, ruletab->hp, ruletab->hp + ruletab->wd - 1, &top, &bottom, &left, &right)) { /* rule edges */ /* show all pixels in this rectangle */ scaledtop = ScaleVpos (top - windowtop) + windowv; scaledleft = ScaleHpos (left - windowleft) + windowh; if (vscalefactor > 1.0) scaledbot = ScaleVpos (bottom - windowtop + 1) + windowv - 1; else scaledbot = ScaleVpos (bottom - windowtop) + windowv; if (hscalefactor > 1.0) scaledright = ScaleHpos (right - windowleft + 1) + windowh - 1; else scaledright = ScaleHpos (right - windowleft) + windowh; /* v coord of top left cnr */ scaledheight = scaledbot - scaledtop + 1; /* h coord of top left cnr */ scaledwidth = scaledright - scaledleft + 1; ShowRectangle (scaledleft, scaledtop, scaledwidth, scaledheight, RULEPIXEL); /* check keyboard after every visible rule */ if (BusyRead (&keyhit)) { char STR1[2]; keyhit = TOUPPER (keyhit); sprintf (STR1, "%c", keyhit); if (!strcmp (STR1, Terse)) { displaymode ^= tersemode; /* toggle terse mode */ StartText (); UpdateDVIStatusLine (); StartGraphics (); } else { char STR2[2]; sprintf (STR2, "%c", keyhit); if (!strcmp (STR2, Box)) { displaymode ^= boxmode; /* toggle box mode */ StartText (); UpdateDVIStatusLine (); StartGraphics (); } else { char STR3[2]; sprintf (STR3, "%c", keyhit); if (!strcmp (STR3, Full)) { displaymode ^= fullmode; /* toggle full mode */ StartText (); UpdateDVIStatusLine (); StartGraphics (); } else if (keyhit == CR) { useraborted = true; /* checked in DisplayPage */ return; } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* if */ /* visible rectangle */ thisrule++; } /* while */ thisruleinfo = thisruleinfo->nextrule; } /* while */ } /* DisplayRules */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Adapted from xdvi-20.0 by Paul Vojta */ /* Keys for epsf specials */ static char *keytab[] = { "clip", "llx", "lly", "urx", "ury", "rwi", "rhi", "hsize", "vsize", "hoffset", "voffset", "hscale", "vscale", "angle" }; #define KEY_LLX keyval[0] #define KEY_LLY keyval[1] #define KEY_URX keyval[2] #define KEY_URY keyval[3] #define KEY_RWI keyval[4] #define KEY_RHI keyval[5] #define KEY_HSIZE keyval[6] #define KEY_VSIZE keyval[7] #define KEY_HOFFSET keyval[8] #define KEY_VOFFSET keyval[9] #define KEY_HSCALE keyval[10] #define KEY_VSCALE keyval[11] #define KEY_ANGLE keyval[12] #define NKEYS (sizeof(keytab)/sizeof(*keytab)) #define N_ARGLESS_KEYS 1 static int epsf_special (char *cp, int *wd, int *ht) { char *filename; int filenamelen = 0; int flags = 0; double keyval[NKEYS - N_ARGLESS_KEYS]; /* skip to the file name */ while (isspace (*cp)) ++cp; if (*cp != '=') return 0; do ++cp; while (isspace (*cp)); filename = cp; if (*cp == '\'' || *cp == '"') { do ++cp; while (*cp != '\0' && *cp != *filename); /* up to closing ['"] */ ++filename; } else while (*cp != '\0' && *cp != ' ' && *cp != '\t') ++cp; filenamelen = cp - filename; while (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t') ++cp; while (*cp != '\0') { char *p1 = cp; int keyno; while (*p1 != '=' && !isspace (*p1) && *p1 != '\0') ++p1; for (keyno = 0;; ++keyno) { if (keyno >= NKEYS) { #if 0 Fprintf (stderr, "%s: unknown keyword (%*s) in \\special will be ignored\n", prog, (int) (p1 - cp), cp); #endif break; } if (strncmp (cp, keytab[keyno], p1 - cp) == 0) { if (keyno >= N_ARGLESS_KEYS) { while (isspace (*p1)) ++p1; if (*p1 == '=') { ++p1; while (isspace (*p1)) ++p1; } { int keyno_tmp = keyno - N_ARGLESS_KEYS; keyval[keyno_tmp] = atof (p1); flags |= (1 << keyno_tmp); } } break; } } cp = p1; while (!isspace (*cp) && *cp != '\0') ++cp; while (isspace (*cp)) ++cp; } if ((flags & 0x30) == 0x30 || ((flags & 0x30) && (flags & 0xf) == 0xf)) { /* convert from pt to sp and next to pixels */ *wd = XPixelRound (65536 * 0.1 * ((flags & 0x10) ? KEY_RWI : KEY_RHI * (KEY_URX - KEY_LLX) / (KEY_URY - KEY_LLY))); *ht = YPixelRound (65536 * 0.1 * ((flags & 0x20) ? KEY_RHI : KEY_RWI * (KEY_URY - KEY_LLY) / (KEY_URX - KEY_LLX))); return 1; } else if ((flags & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { *wd = XPixelRound (65536 * ((flags & 0x400) ? KEY_HSCALE : 1.0) * KEY_HSIZE); *ht = YPixelRound (65536 * ((flags & 0x800) ? KEY_VSCALE : 1.0) * KEY_VSIZE); return 1; } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void DisplaySpecials () { /* Display dvips eps specials as boxes */ int top, bottom, left, right; /* visible edges of special */ int scaledtop, scaledleft; /* scaled visible edges */ int scaledbot, scaledright, scaledwidth, scaledheight; /* scaled width and height */ specialinfo *thisspecial; char keyhit; /* returned by BusyRead if TRUE */ thisspecial = speciallist; while (thisspecial != (specialinfo *) NULL) { int wd, ht; /* Using undeclared strncasecmp just as xdvik/hypertex.c does. */ if (strncasecmp (thisspecial->special, "psfile", 6) == 0 && epsf_special (thisspecial->special + 6, &wd, &ht)) { /* check if any part of special is visible */ /* vp,hp is bottom left corner of special on page */ if (RectangleVisible (thisspecial->vp - ht + 1, thisspecial->vp, thisspecial->hp, thisspecial->hp + wd - 1, &top, &bottom, &left, &right)) { /* special edges */ /* show all pixels in this rectangle */ scaledtop = ScaleVpos (top - windowtop) + windowv; scaledleft = ScaleHpos (left - windowleft) + windowh; if (vscalefactor > 1.0) scaledbot = ScaleVpos (bottom - windowtop + 1) + windowv - 1; else scaledbot = ScaleVpos (bottom - windowtop) + windowv; if (hscalefactor > 1.0) scaledright = ScaleHpos (right - windowleft + 1) + windowh - 1; else scaledright = ScaleHpos (right - windowleft) + windowh; /* coord of top left cnr */ scaledheight = scaledbot - scaledtop + 1; scaledwidth = scaledright - scaledleft + 1; if (left == thisspecial->hp) ShowRectangle (scaledleft, scaledtop, 1, scaledheight, RULEPIXEL); if (bottom == thisspecial->vp) ShowRectangle (scaledleft, scaledbot, scaledwidth, 1, RULEPIXEL); if (top == thisspecial->vp - ht + 1) ShowRectangle (scaledleft, scaledtop, scaledwidth, 1, RULEPIXEL); if (right == thisspecial->hp + wd - 1) ShowRectangle (scaledright, scaledtop, 1, scaledheight, RULEPIXEL); /* check keyboard after every visible special */ if (BusyRead (&keyhit)) { char STR1[2]; keyhit = TOUPPER (keyhit); sprintf (STR1, "%c", keyhit); if (!strcmp (STR1, Terse)) { displaymode ^= tersemode; /* toggle terse mode */ StartText (); UpdateDVIStatusLine (); StartGraphics (); } else { char STR2[2]; sprintf (STR2, "%c", keyhit); if (!strcmp (STR2, Box)) { displaymode ^= boxmode; /* toggle box mode */ StartText (); UpdateDVIStatusLine (); StartGraphics (); } else { char STR3[2]; sprintf (STR3, "%c", keyhit); if (!strcmp (STR3, Full)) { displaymode ^= fullmode; /* toggle full mode */ StartText (); UpdateDVIStatusLine (); StartGraphics (); } else if (keyhit == CR) { useraborted = true; /* checked in DisplayPage */ return; } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* if */ } thisspecial = thisspecial->nextspecial; } /* while */ } /* DisplaySpecials */ #undef RULEPIXEL /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean PixelVisible (int hpos, int vpos) { /* Return TRUE iff given paper pixel would be visible in current window. */ if (allpagevisible) return true; else if (vpos < windowtop) return false; else if (vpos > windowbottom) return false; else if (hpos < windowleft) return false; else if (hpos > windowright) return false; else return true; } /* PixelVisible */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean TerseChar () { /* Display a quick and nasty representation of character, only if ref pt visible. Just how good the representation is, depends on the capabilities of the VDU. We don't bother checking whether glyph is actually blank or non-existent. */ _REC_chartable *chartab = &thischarinfo->chartable[thischar]; if (chartab == (_REC_chartable *) NULL) return false; if (PixelVisible (chartab->hp, chartab->vp)) /* ref pt of char is visible */ ShowChar (ScaleHpos (chartab->hp - windowleft) + windowh, ScaleVpos (chartab->vp - windowtop) + windowv, chartab->code); return true; } /* TerseChar */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static boolean BoxChar () { /* Display visible box outlines of glyph. Thickness of outlines = 1 screen pixel, no matter what the h and v scaling. */ int vpmyo, hpmxo; /* vp-yo, hp-xo: glyph's top and left edges */ int top, bottom, left, right; /* visible edges of glyph */ int scaledtop, scaledleft; /* scaled visible edges */ int scaledbot, scaledright, scaledheight; /* scaled width and height */ int scaledwidth; char ch; _REC_chartable *chartab = &thischarinfo->chartable[thischar]; _REC_pixeltable *pixtab = (_REC_pixeltable *) NULL; if (chartab == (_REC_chartable *) NULL) return false; pixtab = &thisfontinfo->pixelptr[chartab->code]; if (pixtab == (_REC_pixeltable *) NULL) return false; if (pixtab->mapadr != 0) { /* glyph present and non-blank */ /* check if any part of glyph is visible */ vpmyo = chartab->vp - pixtab->yo; hpmxo = chartab->hp - pixtab->xo; if (RectangleVisible (vpmyo, vpmyo + pixtab->ht - 1, hpmxo, hpmxo + pixtab->wd - 1, &top, &bottom, &left, &right)) { /* glyph edges */ scaledtop = ScaleVpos (top - windowtop) + windowv; scaledleft = ScaleHpos (left - windowleft) + windowh; if (vscalefactor > 1.0) scaledbot = ScaleVpos (bottom - windowtop + 1) + windowv - 1; else scaledbot = ScaleVpos (bottom - windowtop) + windowv; if (hscalefactor > 1.0) scaledright = ScaleHpos (right - windowleft + 1) + windowh - 1; else scaledright = ScaleHpos (right - windowleft) + windowh; scaledheight = scaledbot - scaledtop + 1; scaledwidth = scaledright - scaledleft + 1; /* Only show edges that are also glyph outlines! Following method reduces the number of ShowRectangle calls needed for very small boxes. */ ch = chartab->code; if ((scaledheight < 3 && (top == vpmyo && bottom == vpmyo + pixtab->ht - 1)) || (scaledwidth < 3 && (left == hpmxo && right == hpmxo + pixtab->wd - 1))) { ShowRectangle (scaledleft, scaledtop, scaledwidth, scaledheight, ch); } else { if (left == hpmxo) ShowRectangle (scaledleft, scaledtop, 1, scaledheight, ch); if (bottom == vpmyo + pixtab->ht - 1) ShowRectangle (scaledleft, scaledbot, scaledwidth, 1, ch); if (top == vpmyo) ShowRectangle (scaledleft, scaledtop, scaledwidth, 1, ch); if (right == hpmxo + pixtab->wd - 1) ShowRectangle (scaledright, scaledtop, 1, scaledheight, ch); } } /* visible part */ } return true; } /* BoxChar */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void NotFound (char *fspec) { StartText (); ResetVDU (); /* do before message since it might erase screen! */ FATAL1 ("Couldn't open font %s.", fspec); } /* NotFound */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define MAXVISWORDS 100 #define WORDSIZE 32 /* MAXVISWORDS * WORDSIZE = 100 * 32 = 3200 bits = maximum pixel width of glyph! If any fonts have glyphs wider than this, then increase MAXVISWORDS. */ /* SYSDEP: BITSET is 32 bit word with elements 31,30,29,...,0 */ typedef Word glyphrow[MAXVISWORDS]; static boolean FullChar () { /* Display all pixels in a glyph using bitmap from font file. The algorithm avoids overlapping rows when vscalefactor < 1.0. When hscalefactor < 1.0, it is not worth the extra code to avoid overlapping runs of 1 bits because the majority of character glyphs have only one or two runs per row. */ int vpmyo, hpmxo; /* vp-yo, hp-xo: glyph's top and left edges */ int top, bottom, left, right; /* visible edges of glyph */ int scaledv, scalednextv; /* scaled vertical positions for rows */ int scaledh = 0; /* scaled horizontal positions within row */ int scaledwidth, scaledheight; /* scaled width and height of row */ int thisrow, thisbit; /* in paper coordinates */ int wordsperrow; /* rows of bitmap are word aligned */ int firstbit, lastbit; /* somewhere in 0 .. wordsperrow*WORDSIZE-1 */ int firstword, lastword; /* somewhere in 0 .. wordsperrow-1 */ int endword; /* = visible words in row, - 1 */ int wordpos; /* 0 .. endword */ int bitpos; /* (WORDSIZE-1) .. 0 */ int i; glyphrow row; /* holds VISIBLE bits in one row of glyph; possibly > one row if vscalefactor < 1.0 */ int_or_bptr ptr; /* pointer into bitmap - actually a "struct" */ boolean inrun = false; /* are we in a run of black pixels in row? */ _REC_chartable *chartab = &thischarinfo->chartable[thischar]; _REC_pixeltable *pixtab = &thisfontinfo->pixelptr[chartab->code]; if (pixtab->mapadr != 0) { /* glyph present and non-blank */ /* check if any part of glyph is visible */ vpmyo = chartab->vp - pixtab->yo; hpmxo = chartab->hp - pixtab->xo; if (RectangleVisible (vpmyo, vpmyo + pixtab->ht - 1, hpmxo, hpmxo + pixtab->wd - 1, &top, &bottom, &left, &right)) { /* glyph edges */ if (pixtab->bitmap.UU.mptr == (Word *) NULL) { if (!fontopen) { /* dimensions of bitmap */ if (thisfontinfo->fontexists) { if (!OpenFontFile (thisfontinfo->fontspec)) NotFound (thisfontinfo->fontspec); } else { NotFound (dummy_pk); /* !!! */ } fontopen = true; /* only open font once */ } /* bitmap info in font file */ /* &pixtab->bitmap receives the starting address of bitmap */ if (!GetBitmap (pixtab->ht, pixtab->wd, pixtab->mapadr, &pixtab->bitmap)) return false; } /* Words in 1 row of bitmap */ wordsperrow = (pixtab->wd + (WORDSIZE - 1)) / WORDSIZE; firstbit = left - hpmxo; /* first visible bit */ lastbit = right - hpmxo; /* last visible bit */ firstword = firstbit / WORDSIZE; /* first visible word */ lastword = lastbit / WORDSIZE; /* last visible word */ endword = lastword - firstword; /* set the visible words in row to 0 */ for (i = 0; i <= endword; i++) row[i] = 0; /* calculate scaled v coord of first visible row */ scaledv = ScaleVpos (top - windowtop) + windowv; /* only consider visible rows; thisrow := top to bottom */ thisrow = top; while (true) { /* move to first byte of first visible word in this row */ ptr.UU.int_ = pixtab->bitmap.UU.int_ + ((thisrow - vpmyo) * wordsperrow + firstword) * 4; /* get row of visible words from bitmap and OR with row array */ wordpos = 0; while (true) { row[wordpos] |= *ptr.UU.bptr; /* set union */ if (wordpos == endword) break; /* escape from inner "infinite" loop */ wordpos++; ptr.UU.int_ += 4; /* next word */ } /* calculate scaled v coord of next row */ scalednextv = ScaleVpos (thisrow - windowtop + 1) + windowv; scaledheight = scalednextv - scaledv; if (scaledheight > 0 || thisrow == bottom) { /* display black pixels in row, doing any h/v expansion */ if (scaledheight < 1) /* avoid 0 */ scaledheight = 1; inrun = false; /* bitpos ranges over (WORDSIZE-1)..0 */ bitpos = (WORDSIZE - 1) - (firstbit & (WORDSIZE - 1)); wordpos = 0; /* only consider visible bits; thisbit := left to right */ thisbit = left; while (true) { /* bit loop */ if ((unsigned) bitpos < WORDSIZE && ((1 << bitpos) & row[wordpos]) != 0) { /* start/continue run */ if (!inrun) { /* remember start of run */ inrun = true; scaledh = ScaleHpos (thisbit - windowleft) + windowh; } } else if (inrun) { inrun = false; scaledwidth = ScaleHpos (thisbit - windowleft) + windowh - scaledh; if (scaledwidth < 1) /* avoid 0 */ scaledwidth = 1; ShowRectangle (scaledh, scaledv, scaledwidth, scaledheight, chartab->code); } if (thisbit == right) /* EXIT bit loop */ break; if (bitpos == 0) { wordpos++; bitpos = (WORDSIZE - 1); } else { /* look at next bit in word */ bitpos--; } thisbit++; } /* bit loop */ if (inrun) { /* show run at end of row */ scaledwidth = ScaleHpos (thisbit - windowleft + 1) + windowh - scaledh; if (scaledwidth < 1) /* avoid 0 */ scaledwidth = 1; ShowRectangle (scaledh, scaledv, scaledwidth, scaledheight, chartab->code); } if (thisrow == bottom) /* EXIT row loop */ break; /* else reset the visible words in row to 0 */ for (i = 0; i <= endword; i++) row[i] = 0; } /* if */ scaledv = scalednextv; thisrow++; } /* row loop */ } /* if */ /* visible part */ } /* 0 bit has ended run */ return true; } /* FullChar */ #undef WORDSIZE #undef MAXVISWORDS /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void DisplayChars () { /* Display all characters on a font by font basis. How characters will be represented depends on the current displaymode (which the user can change, while the window is being updated, by typing the Terse/Box/Full commands). Fonts will be displayed in order of ascending totalchars (due to SortFonts). Characters in a font will be displayed in a top-down, left-right manner because of the way DVIReader builds a charlist. */ char keyhit; /* check for abort or mode change */ for (thisfontinfo = fontlist; thisfontinfo != unusedfont; thisfontinfo = thisfontinfo->nextfont) { /* SortFont makes sure we only consider used fonts */ fontopen = false; /* might be set in FullChar */ /* Some VDUs may be able to simulate the given font. To help the VDU select appropriately sized characters, we need to pass the scaledsize of the font (converted to unscaled paper pixels), the overall mag, and the current h/vscalefactors. */ LoadFont (thisfontinfo->fontspec, XPixelRound (thisfontinfo->scaledsize), mag / 1000.0, hscalefactor, vscalefactor); /* display chars in chartable */ for (thischarinfo = thisfontinfo->charlist; thischarinfo != (charinfo *) NULL; thischarinfo = thischarinfo->nextchar) { for (thischar = 0; thischar < thischarinfo->charcount; thischar++) { if (thisfontinfo->fontexists) { if (displaymode & fullmode) { if (thisfontinfo->pkfont) FullChar (); else BoxChar (); } if (displaymode & tersemode) { TerseChar (); } if (displaymode & boxmode) { BoxChar (); } } else { /* font is missing! */ if (displaymode & (fullmode | tersemode)) { TerseChar (); } if (displaymode & boxmode) { BoxChar (); } } /* check for abort or mode change */ if (BusyRead (&keyhit)) { char STR1[2]; keyhit = TOUPPER (keyhit); sprintf (STR1, "%c", keyhit); if (!strcmp (STR1, Terse)) { displaymode ^= tersemode; /* toggle terse mode */ StartText (); UpdateDVIStatusLine (); StartGraphics (); } else if (!strcmp (STR1, Box)) { displaymode ^= boxmode; /* toggle box mode */ StartText (); UpdateDVIStatusLine (); StartGraphics (); } else if (!strcmp (STR1, Full)) { displaymode ^= fullmode; /* toggle full mode */ StartText (); UpdateDVIStatusLine (); StartGraphics (); } else if (keyhit == CR) { if (fontopen) CloseFontFile (); /* no need to set useraborted; DisplayRules done first */ return; } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* inner (for) loop */ } /* middle (for) loop */ if (fontopen) CloseFontFile (); } /* outer (for) loop */ } /* DisplayChars */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void PaperMessage (double precision) { /* Called by CheckPageEdges to remind user of the paper size. */ WriteUnits (); MesgString ("! (Paper "); WriteXDim (precision, paperwd); MesgString (" x "); WriteYDim (precision, paperht); MesgChar (')'); ClearMessageLine (); WaitForReturn (); } /* PaperMessage */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void CheckPageEdges () { /* One or more page edges do not fall within the paper edges. This routine is called after the page & paper have been displayed so user can see how bad the problem is. */ double precision = 1.0e-2; if (minhp < paperleft) { ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Page past paper's left edge by "); WriteXDim (precision, paperleft - minhp); PaperMessage (precision); } if (maxhp > paperright) { ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Page past paper's right edge by "); WriteXDim (precision, maxhp - paperright); PaperMessage (precision); } if (minvp < papertop) { ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Page past paper's top edge by "); WriteYDim (precision, papertop - minvp); PaperMessage (precision); } if (maxvp > paperbottom) { ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Page past paper's bottom edge by "); WriteYDim (precision, maxvp - paperbottom); PaperMessage (precision); } } /* CheckPageEdges */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void DisplayPage () { /* Display page in window region based on window location and size, and displaymode. This routine is only called if paintwindow is TRUE after all commands have been processed. */ if (screenjustcleared) { /* avoid doing it again */ if (paintDVIStatus) UpdateDVIStatusLine (); if (paintWindowStatus) UpdateWindowStatusLine (); } else { ClearScreen (); screenjustcleared = true; UpdateDVIStatusLine (); UpdateWindowStatusLine (); } StartGraphics (); DisplayPaperEdges (); StartText (); if (pageempty) { ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Page is empty."); } else if (outsidepage) { if (pageoffpaper) CheckPageEdges (); ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Window is "); if (windowtop > maxvp) { MesgString ("below "); if (windowleft > maxhp || windowleft <= minhp - scaledwd) MesgString ("and "); } else if (windowtop <= minvp - scaledht) { MesgString ("above "); if (windowleft > maxhp || windowleft <= minhp - scaledwd) MesgString ("and "); } if (windowleft > maxhp) MesgString ("to the right of "); else if (windowleft <= minhp - scaledwd) MesgString ("to the left of "); MesgString ("page."); } else { /* Page is not empty and part or all of it is visible. */ StartGraphics (); useraborted = false; DisplayRules (); if (!useraborted) DisplaySpecials (); if (!useraborted) DisplayChars (); StartText (); if (pageoffpaper) CheckPageEdges (); /* May write messages */ if (allpagevisible) { ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Entire page is visible. "); PadMesg (); } } MesgFlush (); } /* DisplayPage */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ProcessCommandLine (String commstring) { /* Parse commstring, and call the appropriate command handler for each command in commstring. */ int n; /* returned by GetInteger call */ ClearMessageLine (); /* erase message line at this stage */ commlen = strlen (commstring); /* ignore any trailing spaces */ while (commlen > 0 && commstring[commlen - 1] == ' ') commlen--; /* terminate commstring properly */ commstring[commlen] = '\0'; /* initialize flags for multiple command processing */ badcommand = false; paintWindowStatus = false; paintDVIStatus = false; paintwindow = false; screenjustcleared = false; pageoffpaper = false; commpos = 0; while (commpos < commlen && !badcommand) { /* next command is defined by the next non-space character in commstring */ while (commstring[commpos] == ' ') commpos++; /* ignore any leading spaces */ command = TOUPPER (commstring[commpos]); switch (command) { case 'W': /* Window move */ commpos++; WindowMove (); if (!badcommand) paintWindowStatus = true; break; case 'U': /* move Up */ case 'D': /* move Down */ commpos++; WindowUpDown (); paintWindowStatus = true; break; case 'L': /* move Left */ case 'R': /* move Right */ commpos++; WindowLeftRight (); paintWindowStatus = true; break; case 'H': /* Horizontal dimension */ commpos++; SetWindowWidth (); NewLocation (windowleft, windowtop); paintWindowStatus = true; break; case 'V': /* Vertical dimension */ commpos++; SetWindowHeight (); NewLocation (windowleft, windowtop); paintWindowStatus = true; break; case 'A': /* toggle Autoview on or off */ commpos++; SetAutoView (); if (!badcommand) paintDVIStatus = true; break; case 'Z': /* Zoom in or out */ commpos++; ZoomWindow (); if (!badcommand) NewLocation (windowleft, windowtop); if (!badcommand) paintWindowStatus = true; break; case 'N': /* Next page */ commpos++; if (NextPageFound (true)) /* ascending */ ProcessPage (); break; case 'P': /* Previous page */ commpos++; if (NextPageFound (false)) /* descending */ ProcessPage (); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': /* go to page with this number, if number is valid */ if (GetInteger (commstring, commlen, &commpos, &n)) { /* must be true, and commpos now after last digit */ if (DVIPageFound (n)) ProcessPage (); } else { /* safety net */ ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Expected an Integer! Type ? for help."); BadCommandMessage (); } break; case '[': /* go to page described by count0...count9 */ if (TeXPageFound ()) /* commpos incremented in ParseTeXpage */ ProcessPage (); break; case 'T': /* Terse display */ commpos++; displaymode ^= tersemode; /* toggle terse mode */ paintDVIStatus = true; if (currDVIpage != 0) paintwindow = true; break; case 'B': /* Box display */ commpos++; displaymode ^= boxmode; /* toggle box mode */ paintDVIStatus = true; if (currDVIpage != 0) paintwindow = true; break; case 'F': /* Full display */ commpos++; displaymode ^= fullmode; /* toggle full mode */ paintDVIStatus = true; if (currDVIpage != 0) paintwindow = true; break; case 'C': /* Change units */ commpos++; ChangeUnits (); if (!badcommand) paintWindowStatus = true; break; case '?': /* command help */ commpos++; ShowCmdHelp (); break; case 'S': /* file-and-page Statistics */ commpos++; ShowStatistics (); ClearScreen (); screenjustcleared = true; paintDVIStatus = true; paintWindowStatus = true; if (currDVIpage != 0) paintwindow = true; break; case '\014': /* ctrl-L : refresh screen */ commpos++; DisplayPage (); /* unconditionally, and immediately on interpretation */ break; case '\021': /* ctrl-Q : ignore flow-control continue */ case '\023': /* ctrl-S : ignore flow-control suspend */ /* do nothing, except advance character pointer */ commpos++; break; case 'Q': /* Quit */ return; break; default: /* unknown command */ commpos++; ClearMessageLine (); MesgString ("Unknown command! Type ? for help."); BadCommandMessage (); break; } /* command */ } /* while */ if (paintwindow) /* only update window after processing all commands */ DisplayPage (); else if (!vdu_clears_lines && (paintDVIStatus || paintWindowStatus)) DisplayPage (); else { if (paintDVIStatus) UpdateDVIStatusLine (); if (paintWindowStatus) UpdateWindowStatusLine (); } } /* ProcessCommandLine */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void NextCommandLine () { /* Prompt user for next command line, and process response */ ClearTextLine (commandl); MoveToTextLine (commandl); MesgString (commprompt); MesgFlush (); ReadString (commstring); /* read new command line */ ProcessCommandLine (commstring); } /* NextCommandLine */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void Finish () { /* close DVI file, reset VDU and restore terminal */ CloseDVIFile (); /*!!! ClearScreen(); */ screenjustcleared = true; MoveToTextLine (1); MesgLine (); /*!!! ResetVDU(); */ } /* Finish */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void * Malloc (size_t n) { void *MallocTemp; MallocTemp = malloc (n); if (MallocTemp) { return MallocTemp; } else { StartText (); ResetVDU (); /* do before message since it might erase screen! */ FATAL ("Out of memory."); return NULL; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main (int argc, char **argv) { char STR1[2]; kpse_set_progname (argv[0]); kpse_init_prog ("DVGT", DEF_XRES, DEF_MFMODE, DEF_DUMMY); kpse_set_program_enabled (kpse_pk_format, true, kpse_src_compile); save_init_tty (); /* save initial terminal settings, early */ textlinewidth = 80; /* for the initial screen type */ if (!InitOptions (argc, argv)) { /* initialize DVIname and command options */ /* Print the precompiled information */ PrintText (immed_help_strings); return 1; } InitScreenIO (); /* SYSDEP: sets cbreak on & echo off */ InitDVIReader (); InitFontReader (); OpenDVIFile (DVIname); /* and read DVImag etc. */ if (mag == 0) /* use DVImag */ mag = DVImag; SetConversionFactors (xres, yres, mag / 1000.0); /* for DVIReader */ InitVDU (); /* init windowwd/ht etc. */ InitWinVars (); StartText (); ClearScreen (); screenjustcleared = true; UpdateDVIStatusLine (); UpdateWindowStatusLine (); MoveToTextLine (messagel); MesgString (DVGT_VERSION); MesgLine (); do { NextCommandLine (); /* parse and execute command(s) */ } while (strcmp ((sprintf (STR1, "%c", command), STR1), Quit)); Finish (); return 0; /* OK */ } /* main() program of DVItoVDU */ /* end dvitovdu.c */