# Makefile.gcc - 20:56 GMT +10:00 Wed 18 Aug 93 - Geoffrey Tobin. # - make dvgt for gcc. # Tested on Suns and Sparcs running Sun/OS 4.0.3c and Solaris. # - for dvgt 3.51 (DVItoVDU version 3.0, gt modification 5, revision 1). # Compile (without optimization) and link dvgt. # Targets are all, depend, dvgt, tag and clean. SHELL = /bin/sh .SUFFIXES: .h # INC = -I/usr/local/include # Where stdlib.h lives? # INC = -I/usr/local/lib/gcc-include # Where gcc's stdlib.h lives? # OPT = -O # Optimise - many compilers get this horribly wrong. CC = gcc CFLAGS = -ansi -Wall -Wformat DEBUG = -g DEFN = INC = LDFLAGS = LIB = -lm OPT = USUALS = config.h globals.h # Standard Header dependencies: # # # # # # # # # objs = dvireader.o dvitovdu.o fontreader.o lstring.o options.o \ screenio.o unixio.o vdu.o termobjs = \ aed512vdu.o \ ncsatelvdu.o \ regisvdu.o \ tek4010emu.o \ vis240vdu.o \ vis500vdu.o \ vis550vdu.o \ vis603vdu.o \ vis630vdu.o \ vt100vdu.o \ vt100132vdu.o \ vt220vdu.o \ vt640vdu.o objects = $(objs) $(termobjs) srcs = dvireader.c dvitovdu.c fontreader.c lstring.c options.c \ screenio.c unixio.c vdu.c termsrcs = \ aed512vdu.c \ ncsatelvdu.c \ regisvdu.c \ tek4010emu.c \ vis240vdu.c \ vis500vdu.c \ vis550vdu.c \ vis603vdu.c \ vis630vdu.c \ vt100vdu.c \ vt100132vdu.c \ vt220vdu.c \ vt640vdu.c CSRCS = $(srcs) $(termsrcs) all: dvgt .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEBUG) -c $(INC) $(OPT) $(DEFN) $< depend: $(CSRCS) $(CC) -M $(CSRCS) > makedep @echo '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/+2,$$d' >eddep @echo '$$r makedep' >>eddep @echo 'w' >>eddep @cp Makefile Makefile.bak ed - Makefile < eddep @rm -f eddep makedep @echo '# DEPENDENCIES MUST END AT END OF FILE' >> Makefile @echo '# IF YOU PUT STUFF HERE IT WILL GO AWAY' >> Makefile @echo '# see make depend above' >> Makefile - diff Makefile Makefile.bak @rm -f Makefile.bak dvgt: $(objects) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(DEBUG) $(objects) $(LIB) -o dvgt # Only strip when not DEBUG-ging. # strip dvgt tag: ctags -t -w -f TAGS *.h *.c clean: rm dvgt core *.o *~ *.vlg # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE dvireader.o : dvireader.c \ $(USUALS) \ dvireader.h files.h fontreader.h options.h screenio.h dvitovdu.o : dvitovdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ defaults.h dvireader.h fontreader.h help.h new.h options.h \ screenio.h vdu.h version.h fontreader.o : fontreader.c \ $(USUALS) \ dvireader.h files.h fontreader.h lstring.h new.h options.h \ screenio.h vdu.h lstring.o : lstring.c \ lstring.h new.h options.o : options.c \ $(USUALS) \ options.h screenio.h defaults.h screenio.o : screenio.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h unixio.h vdu.h unixio.o : unixio.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h unixio.h vdu.o : vdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ options.h screenio.h vdu.h aed512vdu.o : aed512vdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h vdu.h ncsatelvdu.o : ncsatelvdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h tek4010emu.h vdu.h vis500vdu.h vt100vdu.h regisvdu.o : regisvdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h vdu.h vt100vdu.h tek4010emu.o : tek4010emu.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h tek4010emu.h vis240vdu.o : vis240vdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h vdu.h vis500vdu.o : vis500vdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h tek4010emu.h vdu.h vis550vdu.o : vis550vdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h tek4010emu.h vdu.h vis500vdu.h vt100vdu.h vis603vdu.o : vis603vdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h tek4010emu.h vdu.h vis630vdu.o : vis630vdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h tek4010emu.h vdu.h vt100vdu.h vt100vdu.o : vt100vdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h vdu.h vt100132vdu.o : vt100132vdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h vdu.h vt220vdu.o : vt220vdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h vdu.h vt100vdu.h vt640vdu.o : vt640vdu.c \ $(USUALS) \ screenio.h tek4010emu.h vdu.h vt100vdu.h # DEPENDENCIES MUST END AT END OF FILE # IF YOU PUT STUFF HERE IT WILL GO AWAY # see make depend above