@echo off if %1.==. goto USAGE if %2.==. goto USAGE if %3.==. goto USAGE if %4.==. goto USAGE if not %5.==. goto USAGE if exist ..\..\noweb\src\%0 goto DOIT if exist ..\..\noweb\src\%0.bat goto DOIT echo '..\..\noweb\src\%0' not found! cd echo Bad startup dir? Aborting. echo Change to ./noweb/src and run the file installed by msdosfix.bat in there echo (you cannot use the original in noweb\contrib\avs\nwicon.bat) goto THEEND :DOIT rem This represents 'make iconlib', but only like this I could put it to work cd icon rem j:\djgpp\bin\make ICONC=e:\\\\b\\\\icont ICONT=e:\\\\b\\\\icont %3 ICONC=%4 ICONT=%4 if errorlevel 1 goto THEEND cp -p totex.exe ../lib if errorlevel 1 goto THEEND cp -p tohtml.exe ../lib if errorlevel 1 goto THEEND cp -p noidx.exe ../lib if errorlevel 1 goto THEEND cp -p noindex.exe ../shell if errorlevel 1 goto THEEND rem j:\djgpp\bin\make ICONC=e:\\\\b\\\\icont ICONT=e:\\\\b\\\\icont LIB=g:/usr/local/lib/noweb BIN=i:/b install %3 ICONC=%4 ICONT=%4 LIB=%2 BIN=%1 install if errorlevel 1 goto THEEND cd .. goto THEEND :USAGE if not %1.==. echo Wrong usage: %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 echo Usage: %0 BIN LIB DJGPPmakeBackslashPath 4BackslashedIconTranslatorPath echo e.g. %0 i:/b g:/usr/local/lib/noweb j:\djgpp\bin\make.exe e:\\\\b\\\\icont.exe echo If you are running this as part of another script abort with CTRL-C pause :THEEND