prologues:=3; if scantokens(mpversion) > 1.005: outputtemplate := else: filenametemplate fi "%j-%c.mps"; verbatimtex %&latex \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage[charter]{mathdesign} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \renewcommand*{\ttdefault}{lmtt} \begin{document} etex % Determine the size of the default font w:=fontsize defaultfont; beginfig(1); % Place a "point" at (0,0) fill fullcircle scaled 3; % Draw a square around the point draw (-7*w/16,-7*w/16)--(7*w/16,-7*w/16)--(7*w/16,7*w/16)--(-7*w/16,7*w/16)--cycle; % Draw vertical and horizontal lines through the point draw (0,-7*w/16)--(0,7*w/16); draw (-7*w/16,0)--(7*w/16,0); % Label the 4 positions label.lft(btex \texttt{lft} etex,(-w/4,0)); label.rt(btex \texttt{rt} etex,(w/4,0)); \texttt{bot} etex,(0,-w/4)); \texttt{top} etex,(0,w/4)); % Manually set the bbox setbounds currentpicture to (-2*w,-2*w)--(2*w,-2*w)--(2*w,2*w)--(-2*w,2*w)--cycle; endfig; beginfig(2); % Place a "point" at (0,0) fill fullcircle scaled 3; % Draw a square around the point draw (-7*w/16,-7*w/16)--(7*w/16,-7*w/16)--(7*w/16,7*w/16)--(-7*w/16,7*w/16)--cycle; % Draw diagonals of the square through the point draw (-7*w/16,-7*w/16)--(7*w/16,7*w/16); draw (-7*w/16,7*w/16)--(7*w/16,-7*w/16); % Label the 4 positions label.llft(btex \texttt{llft} etex,(-w/4,-w/4)); label.ulft(btex \texttt{ulft} etex,(-w/4,w/4)); label.lrt(btex \texttt{lrt} etex,(w/4,-w/4)); label.urt(btex \texttt{urt} etex,(w/4,w/4)); % Manually set the bbox setbounds currentpicture to (-11/4*w,-2*w)--(11/4*w,-2*w)--(11/4*w,2*w)--(-11/4*w,2*w)--cycle; endfig; end