#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # autolatex/utils/utils.py # Copyright (C) 2013 Stephane Galland # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #--------------------------------- # IMPORTS #--------------------------------- # Import standard python libs import os import sys import subprocess import ConfigParser import StringIO import gettext #--------------------------------- # UTILITY FUNCTION #--------------------------------- # Search an executable in the PATH def which(cmd): # can't search the path if a directory is specified assert not os.path.dirname(cmd) extensions = os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").split(os.pathsep) for directory in os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep): base = os.path.join(directory, cmd) options = [base] + [(base + ext) for ext in extensions] for filename in options: if os.path.exists(filename): return filename return None # Search a module in the sys.path or in search_part def resolve_module_path(path, search_path=[]): if not os.path.isabs(path): for p in search_path: full_name = os.path.join(p, path) if os.path.exists(full_name): return full_name for p in sys.path: full_name = os.path.join(p, path) if os.path.exists(full_name): return full_name return path #--------------------------------- # CONSTANTS #--------------------------------- # Level of verbosity of AutoLaTeX DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = '--quiet' # String that is representing an empty string for the AutoLaTeX backend. CONFIG_EMPTY_VALUE = '<<<>>>' # Paths AUTOLATEX_PLUGIN_PATH = None AUTOLATEX_DEV_PATH = None AUTOLATEX_INSTALL_PATH = None AUTOLATEX_PO_PATH = None # Default locale path AUTOLATEX_PM_PATH = None TOOLBAR_ICON_PATH = None NOTEBOOK_ICON_PATH = None TABLE_ICON_PATH = None # Binary files AUTOLATEX_BINARY = None DEFAULT_AUTOLATEX_BINARY = None AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY = None DEFAULT_AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY = None def init_plugin_configuration(plugin_file, po_name, search_path=[]): global AUTOLATEX_PLUGIN_PATH global AUTOLATEX_DEV_PATH global AUTOLATEX_INSTALL_PATH global AUTOLATEX_PO_PATH global AUTOLATEX_PM_PATH global AUTOLATEX_BINARY global AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY global DEFAULT_AUTOLATEX_BINARY global DEFAULT_AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY global TOOLBAR_ICON_PATH global NOTEBOOK_ICON_PATH global TABLE_ICON_PATH bin_autolatex = which('autolatex') # Build the plugin's filename plugin_file = resolve_module_path(plugin_file, search_path) # Path of the plugin AUTOLATEX_PLUGIN_PATH = os.path.dirname(plugin_file) # Path to the development directory pdev_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(AUTOLATEX_PLUGIN_PATH, os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(plugin_file)[0])+'.py')) dev_path = os.path.dirname(pdev_path) while dev_path and pdev_path and pdev_path!=dev_path and not os.path.exists( os.path.join(dev_path, 'autolatex.pl')): pdev_path = dev_path dev_path = os.path.dirname(dev_path) if dev_path and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dev_path, 'autolatex.pl')): AUTOLATEX_DEV_PATH = dev_path else: dev_path = os.path.realpath(bin_autolatex) if dev_path: AUTOLATEX_DEV_PATH = os.path.dirname(dev_path) else: AUTOLATEX_DEV_PATH = None # Path to the install directory if AUTOLATEX_DEV_PATH: AUTOLATEX_INSTALL_PATH = AUTOLATEX_DEV_PATH else: path = os.path.realpath(bin_autolatex) AUTOLATEX_INSTALL_PATH = os.path.dirname(path) # Path to PO files AUTOLATEX_PO_PATH = None if AUTOLATEX_DEV_PATH: path = os.path.join(AUTOLATEX_DEV_PATH, 'po') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'fr', 'LC_MESSAGES', po_name+'.mo')): AUTOLATEX_PO_PATH = path # Path to PM files AUTOLATEX_PM_PATH = os.path.join(AUTOLATEX_INSTALL_PATH, 'pm') # Binary file AUTOLATEX_BINARY = bin_autolatex if AUTOLATEX_DEV_PATH: path = os.path.join(dev_path, 'autolatex.pl') if os.path.exists(path): AUTOLATEX_BINARY = path DEFAULT_AUTOLATEX_BINARY = AUTOLATEX_BINARY AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY = which('autolatex-backend') if AUTOLATEX_DEV_PATH: path = os.path.join(dev_path, 'autolatex-backend.pl') if os.path.exists(path): AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY = path DEFAULT_AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY = AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY # Icons paths TOOLBAR_ICON_PATH = os.path.join(AUTOLATEX_PLUGIN_PATH, 'icons', '24') NOTEBOOK_ICON_PATH = os.path.join(AUTOLATEX_PLUGIN_PATH, 'icons', '16') TABLE_ICON_PATH = os.path.join(AUTOLATEX_PLUGIN_PATH, 'icons', '16') # Init internationalization tools gettext.bindtextdomain(po_name, AUTOLATEX_PO_PATH) gettext.textdomain(po_name) def make_toolbar_icon_path(name): assert TOOLBAR_ICON_PATH return os.path.join(TOOLBAR_ICON_PATH, name) def make_notebook_icon_path(name): assert NOTEBOOK_ICON_PATH return os.path.join(NOTEBOOK_ICON_PATH, name) def make_table_icon_path(name): assert TABLE_ICON_PATH return os.path.join(TABLE_ICON_PATH, name) def backend_get_translators(directory): os.chdir(directory) process = subprocess.Popen( [AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY, 'get', 'translators'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) data = process.communicate()[0] string_in = StringIO.StringIO(data) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(string_in) string_in.close() return config def backend_get_loads(directory): os.chdir(directory) process = subprocess.Popen( [AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY, 'get', 'loads', ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) data = process.communicate()[0] string_in = StringIO.StringIO(data) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(string_in) string_in.close() return config def backend_get_configuration(directory, level, section): os.chdir(directory) process = subprocess.Popen( [AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY, 'get', 'config', level, section], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) data = process.communicate()[0] string_in = StringIO.StringIO(data) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(string_in) string_in.close() return config def backend_get_images(directory): os.chdir(directory) process = subprocess.Popen( [AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY, 'get', 'images'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) data = process.communicate()[0] string_in = StringIO.StringIO(data) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(string_in) string_in.close() return config def backend_set_loads(directory, load_config): os.chdir(directory) string_out = StringIO.StringIO() load_config.write(string_out) process = subprocess.Popen( [AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY, 'set', 'loads', ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) process.communicate(input=string_out.getvalue()) string_out.close() return process.returncode == 0 def backend_set_configuration(directory, level, settings): os.chdir(directory) string_out = StringIO.StringIO() settings.write(string_out) process = subprocess.Popen( [AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY, 'set', 'config', level, 'false' ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) process.communicate(input=string_out.getvalue()) string_out.close() return process.returncode == 0 def backend_set_images(directory, settings): os.chdir(directory) string_out = StringIO.StringIO() settings.write(string_out) process = subprocess.Popen( [AUTOLATEX_BACKEND_BINARY, 'set', 'images', 'false' ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) process.communicate(input=string_out.getvalue()) string_out.close() return process.returncode == 0 def first_of(*values): for value in values: if value is not None: return value return None def get_autolatex_user_config_directory(): if os.name == 'posix': return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".autolatex") elif os.name == 'nt': return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),"Local Settings","Application Data","autolatex") else: return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "autolatex") def get_autolatex_user_config_file(): directory = get_autolatex_user_config_directory() if os.path.isdir(directory): return os.path.join(directory, 'autolatex.conf') if os.name == 'posix': return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".autolatex") elif os.name == 'nt': return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),"Local Settings","Application Data","autolatex.conf") else: return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "autolatex.conf") def get_autolatex_document_config_file(directory): if os.name == 'posix': return os.path.join(directory, ".autolatex_project.cfg") else: return os.path.join(directory, "autolatex_project.cfg") # Test if a given string is a standard extension for TeX document def is_TeX_extension(ext): ext = ext.lower() if ext == '.tex' or ext =='.latex': return True else: return False # Replies if the active document is a TeX document def is_TeX_document(filename): if filename: ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] return is_TeX_extension(ext) return False # Try to find the directory where an AutoLaTeX configuration file is # located. The search is traversing the parent directory from the current # document. def find_AutoLaTeX_directory(current_document): adir = None if os.path.isdir(current_document): directory = current_document else: directory = os.path.dirname(current_document) directory = os.path.abspath(directory) document_dir = directory cfgFile = get_autolatex_document_config_file(directory) previousFile = '' while previousFile != cfgFile and not os.path.exists(cfgFile): directory = os.path.dirname(directory) previousFile = cfgFile cfgFile = get_autolatex_document_config_file(directory) if previousFile != cfgFile: adir = os.path.dirname(cfgFile) else: ext = os.path.splitext(current_document)[-1] if is_TeX_extension(ext): adir = document_dir return adir