% Copyright 2006 by Till Tantau % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Public License. % % See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details. % Modifications by Michal Hoftich % https://github.com/michal-h21/dvisvgm4ht % Driver commands for tex4ht % % Load common pdf commands: % %\input pgfsys-dvisvgm.def \input pgfsys-dvips.def % % tex4ht-specific stuff: % \newcount\pgf@sys@svg@picnum % configure the output picture format to svg \AtBeginDocument{ \Configure{Picture}{.svg} } % Make the code inserted by tex4ht configurable \NewConfigure{tikzpicture}{2} \Configure{tikzpicture}{% % \ifvmode\IgnorePar\fi\EndP%\HtmlParOff \Picture*{} }{\EndPicture} \let\orig@pgfsys@begin\pgfsys@beginpicture \let\orig@pgfsys@end\pgfsys@endpicture \def\pgf@sys@postscript@header#1{{\special{! #1}}} \def\pgfsys@beginpicture{% \bgroup \csname a:tikzpicture\endcsname \pgf@sys@postscript@header{ /pgfsc{}bind def% stroke color is empty by default /pgffc{}bind def% fill color is empty by default /pgfstr{stroke}bind def% /pgffill{fill}bind def% /pgfeofill{eofill}bind def% /pgfe{a dup 0 rlineto exch 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto closepath}bind def% rectangle /pgfw{setlinewidth}bind def% setlinewidth /pgfs{save pgfpd 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale magscale{1 DVImag div dup scale}if pgfx neg pgfy neg translate pgffoa .setopacityalpha}bind def% save /pgfr{pgfsd restore}bind def %restore userdict begin% /pgfo{pgfsd /pgfx currentpoint /pgfy exch def def @beginspecial}bind def %open /pgfc{newpath @endspecial pgfpd}bind def %close /pgfsd{globaldict /pgfdelta /delta where {pop delta} {0} ifelse put}bind def% save delta /pgfpd{/delta globaldict /pgfdelta get def}bind def % put delta /.setopacityalpha where {pop} {/.setopacityalpha{pop}def} ifelse % install .setopacityalpha /.pgfsetfillopacityalpha{/pgffoa exch def /pgffill{gsave pgffoa .setopacityalpha fill 1 .setopacityalpha newpath fill grestore newpath}bind def /pgfeofill{gsave pgffoa .setopacityalpha eofill 1 .setopacityalpha newpath eofill grestore newpath}bind def}bind def /.pgfsetstrokeopacityalpha{/pgfsoa exch def /pgfstr{gsave pgfsoa .setopacityalpha stroke grestore newpath}bind def}bind def /pgffoa 1 def /pgfsoa 1 def end }% \orig@pgfsys@begin% }% \def\pgfsys@endpicture{% % Save the bounding box %\printdim% \orig@pgfsys@end% \csname b:tikzpicture\endcsname% \egroup \par% FIXME : was '\Par' but that seems to be undefined!? }% \endinput %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% End: