%============================================================================== % Prosper -- (PPRgyom.sty) Style file % A LaTeX class for creating slides % Author: Thomas Deselaers, RWTH, Aachen % % Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas Deselaers % All rights reserved. % % Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without % license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this % software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the % above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in % all copies of this software. % % IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, % SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF % THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED % OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. % % THE AUTHOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, % INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY % AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS % ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE AUTHOR HAS NO OBLIGATION TO % PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. % % CVSId : $Id: PPRthomasd.sty,v 1.1 2003/01/27 14:39:20 exupery Exp $ %============================================================================== \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{PPRthomasd} \typeout{`thomasds personal style for Prosper ---} \typeout{(c) 2001 Thomas Deselaers, RWTH, Aachen} \typeout{CVSId: $Id: PPRthomasd.sty,v 1.1 2003/01/27 14:39:20 exupery Exp $} \typeout{ } \RequirePackage{amssymb} \RequirePackage{fp} \RequirePackage{ifthen} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcounter{mylastpage} \makeatletter \newcommand\@getsecondargument{}% LaTeX-check if already defined \long\def\@getsecondarg#1#2#3\@nil{#2} % \setreftocounter{refname}{countername} \newcommand*{\setreftocounter}[1]{% \expandafter\@setreftocounter\csname r@#1\endcsname{#1}% } \newcommand*{\@setreftocounter}[3]{% \ifx#1\relax \protect\G@refundefinedtrue % LaTeX: rerun warning \@latex@warning{Reference `#2' on page \thepage\space undefined}% \setcounter{#3}{0}% \else \setcounter{#3}{0\expandafter\@getsecondarg#1\@nil}% \fi } \makeatother %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Loading packages necessary to define this slide style. \IfFileExists{pst-grad}{\RequirePackage{pst-grad}}{\RequirePackage{gradient}} \newgray{mygray}{.5} \newrgbcolor{titlecolor}{.29 .36 .75} \newrgbcolor{gruen}{.04 .64 .19} \newrgbcolor{highlighted}{.76 .15 .15} \newrgbcolor{textcolor}{.0 .0 .0} \FontTitle{% \usefont{T1}{phv}{b}{n}\fontsize{20pt}{18pt}\selectfont\titlecolor}{% \usefont{T1}{phv}{b}{n}\fontsize{20pt}{18pt}\selectfont\black} \FontText{% \textcolor\usefont{T1}{phv}{m}{n}\fontsize{14.4pt}{14pt}\selectfont}{% \black\usefont{T1}{phv}{m}{n}\fontsize{14.4pt}{14pt}\selectfont} \ColorFoot{\black} % Positionning of the title of a slide. \newcommand{\slidetitle}[1]{% \rput[c](4.8,4.3){\fontTitle{#1}} } % Positionning for a logo \LogoPosition{-2.0,-1.2} % Definition of this style for slides. \newcommand{\TPFrame}[1] {% % Der Rahmen um die Überschrift \def\Fleft{-0.5} \def\Fright{11.9} \def\Fupper{8.5} \def\Flower{7.4} \psline[linewidth=3pt](\Fleft,\Flower)(\Fright,\Flower)(\Fright,\Fupper)(\Fleft,\Fupper)(\Fleft,\Flower) % Der Rahmen um den Fortschrittsbalken \def\PGBFleft{-1.1} \def\PGBFlower{-1.1} \def\PGBFupper{-0.9} \def\PGBFright{9.6} \psline[linewidth=0.5pt](\PGBFleft,\PGBFupper)(\PGBFright,\PGBFupper)(\PGBFright,\PGBFlower)(\PGBFleft,\PGBFlower)(\PGBFleft,\PGBFupper) % Der Balken im Fortschrittsbalkenrahmen \FPeval{PGBypos}{ ( \PGBFlower + \PGBFupper ) / 2 } %\def\PGBleft{\PGBFleft} \def\PGBoffset{-0.8} \FPeval{PGBleft}{(\PGBoffset + \PGBFleft) } \FPeval{PGBlhs}{(-0.2 + \PGBFleft)} %rechte Seite des Fortschrittsbalkens berechnen \setreftocounter{last@page}{mylastpage} %% Get the \themylastpage-Counter-Thing \ifthenelse{\themylastpage=0}{\def\themylastpage{20}}{} %% Inhibit Division by zero %\FPeval{result}{ ( \PGBFright - 0.2 - \PGBFleft) / \themylastpage * %\thepage - \PGBFleft} %% Calculate Right Side of progressbar \FPeval{result}{(( \thepage / \themylastpage ) * ( \PGBFright - \PGBFleft )) + \PGBlhs + \PGBoffset} \typeout{Debug: \PGBFleft § \PGBleft § \thepage § \result § \themylastpage} % \psline[linecolor=highlighted,linewidth=3pt](\PGBleft,\PGBypos)(\result ,\PGBypos) \PutLogo % Mandatory {#1}} %% vorderezahl größer -> rechts %% hinterezahl größer -> höher ? \NewSlideStyle{t}{4.5,3.2}{TPFrame} \PDFCroppingBox{10 40 594 800} \RequirePackage{semhelv} %\myitem{1}{\includegraphics[width=.4cm]{red-bullet-on-white.ps}} %\myitem{2}{\includegraphics[width=.3cm]{green-bullet-on-white.ps}} %\myitem{3}{\includegraphics[width=.3cm]{yellow-bullet-on-white.ps}} \myitem{1}{\includegraphics[width=.4cm]{red-inverted-arrow.ps}} \myitem{2}{\includegraphics[width=.3cm]{green-inverted-arrow.ps}} \myitem{3}{\includegraphics[width=.3cm]{blue-inverted-arrow.ps}} \endinput %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: