% \iffalse meta-comment % % 'keywords.dtx' % % Copyright (C) 1993,1994,1995 by Miguel Alabau. All rights reserved. % % COMMANDS FOR TYPESETTING KEYWORDS % % **WARNING** If the file 'keywords.ins' does not accompany the file % 'keywords.dtx', then you must strip this last file by hand. % (1) Run 'latex docstrip' on 'keywords.dtx' and indicate 'drv' as % suffix file and 'driver' as selector for extraction. % (2) Run 'latex docstrip' on 'keywords.dtx' and indicate 'sty' as % suffix file and 'style' as selector for extraction. % (3) Run 'latex docstrip' on 'keywords.dtx' and indicate 'ist' as % suffix file and 'index' as selector for extraction. % Then, if you want to produce the documentation, proceed as follows: % latex keywords.drv; latex keywords.drv; latex keywords.drv % makeindex -s keywords.ist keywords.idx % latex keywords.drv % % % \end{macrocode} % ^^A The four commented lines below may be used to output an index on % ^^A a page layout greater than the one used till now. % ^^A ----- % ^^A \newpage % ^^A \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0pt} % ^^A \setlength\textwidth{15cm} % ^^A \normalsize % ^^A ----- % % \IndexPrologue{% % \section*{Index}% % \markboth{Index}{Index}% % {\it{}The italic numbers denote the pages where the % corresponding entry is described, % numbers underlined point to the definition, % all others indicate the places where it is used % (ie. the line numbers where it appears). % }} % \Finale % \newpage % \PrintIndex \PrintChanges