UDHR in Unicode http://www.unicode.org/udhr/ http://www.unicode.org/udhr/d/udhr_eng.xml UDHR = Universal Declaration of Human Rights paras.py: The Python paragraph styles paras.sty: The generated LaTeX paragraph styles udhr.tex: UDHR in LaTeX The commands to build PDF: # From XML to TeX xsltproc -o udhr.texml udhr.xsl udhr_eng.xml texml udhr.texml udhr.tex # Paragraph styles export PYTHONPATH=..:$PYTHONPATH python paras.py paras.sty # PDF export TEXINPUTS=..:$TEXINPUTS pdflatex udhr.tex The commands can be executed running "scons". Clean-up: "scons -c". For details, see the build script SConstruct and www.scons.org.