::################################################################ ::## Makefile for mdframed project folder (WINDOWS) ::## ::## $Id: mdframedmake.bat 427 2012-06-06 12:24:09Z marco $ ::################################################################ @echo off title Compiling mdframed.dtx (Windows) :: :: You can use a prompt to call a special mode of this file. :: mdframedmake all -- standard mode, run docsty examples clean :: mdframedmake docsty -- typesets the documentation and the package :: mdframemdmake examples -- all example files :: mdframedmake clean -- remove all helpfiles created by mdframed :: set mode=all for %%I in (d docsty) do (if /I %%Ix equ %1x set mode=docsty) for %%I in (e examples) do (if /I %%Ix equ %1x set mode=examples) for %%I in (cx cleanx) do (if /I %%I equ %1x set mode=clean) :: call:%mode% echo. echo Finished echo. pause goto:eof :: ::############################ ::## Subroutines ::############################ :: :all call:docsty mdframed call:examples call:clean goto:eof :: :docsty echo. echo Typesetting %1.dtx pdflatex --draftmode --interaction=nonstopmode %1.dtx >NUL if not errorlevel 1 ( echo comipilation in draftmode without errors if exist %1.glo ( makeindex -q -t %1.glolog -s gglo.ist -o %1.gls %1.glo >NUL if not errorlevel 1 ( echo compiliation of glossar without errors ) else ( echo compilation of glossar with errors ) ) if exist %1.idx ( makeindex -q -t %1.idxlog -s gind.ist %1.idx >NUL if not errorlevel 1 ( echo compiliation of index without errors ) else ( echo compilation of index with errors ) ) pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode %1.dtx >NUL if not errorlevel 1 ( echo Second pdflatex compiliation without errors pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode %1.dtx >NUL ) else ( echo Second pdflatex compiliation with errors ) ) else ( echo compilation in draftmode with errors ) goto:eof :: :examples call:pdf mdframed-example-default call:pdf mdframed-example-tikz call:ps mdframed-example-pstricks call:pdf mdframed-example-texsx goto:eof :: :pdf echo. echo Typesetting %1 pdflatex --draftmode --interaction=nonstopmode %1.tex >NUL if not errorlevel 1 ( echo compilation in draftmode without errors echo Run pdflatex again on %1.tex pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode %1.tex >NUL echo Typesetting %1 finished ) else ( echo compilation in draftmode with errors) goto:eof :: :ps echo. echo Typesetting %1 latex -draftmode -interaction=nonstopmode %1.tex >NUL if not errorlevel 1 ( echo compilation in draftmode without errors echo Run LaTeX again on %1.tex latex -interaction=nonstopmode %1.tex >NUL dvips -q %1.dvi call ps2pdf %1.ps echo Typesetting %1 finished ) else ( echo compilation in draftmode with errors) goto:eof :: :clean echo. echo Removing help files :: for %%I in (aux dtxe dvi glo glolog gls hd ins idx idxlog ilg ind log out ps thm tmp toc xdv) do ( if exist mdframed.%%I del mdframed.%%I for %%J in (default tikz pstricks texsx) do ( if exist mdframed-example-%%J.%%I del mdframed-example-%%J.%%I ) ) echo Removing finished goto:eof