% har2nat package written by Bas Straathof, 2005/12/01 % Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands % bas.straathof@gmail.com. % % This small package allows a LaTeX document containing the citation commands % provided by the Harvard package (Peter Williams and Thorsten Schnier) % to be compiled using the natbib package (Patrick W. Daly). Migration from % harvard to natbib thus can be achieved simply by replacing % % \usepackage{harvard} % % with % % \usepackage{natbib} % \usepackage{har2nat} % % ---IMPORTANT--- % har2nat must not be loaded before the natbib package as it redefines % the natbib commands \cite and \citeyear. All other natbib commands remain % unchanged and can be used alongside the Harvard commands. \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % \ProvidesPackage{har2nat}[2005/12/01 1.0 Harvard to natbib]% \RequirePackage{suffix} % Requires eTeX version 2, needed for starred commands \RequirePackage{natbib} % \renewcommand{\cite}{\citep} \WithSuffix\newcommand{\cite}*{\citep*} \newcommand{\citeaffixed}[2]{\citep[#2][]{#1}} \newcommand{\citeasnoun}{\citet} \WithSuffix\newcommand\citeasnoun*{\citet*} \renewcommand{\citename}{\citeauthor} \WithSuffix\newcommand\citename*{\citeauthor*} \renewcommand\citeyear\citeyearpar \WithSuffix\newcommand\citeyear* {\begingroup\NAT@swafalse\def\NAT@ctype{2}\NAT@parfalse\NAT@citetp}