% % $Id: lb2examargin.cls,v 1.1 2005/07/05 19:25:15 frank Exp $ % %% %% Der LaTeX Begleiter, 2ed %% %% Beispiel ``marginal lines article'' Klasse für die LaTeX Begleiter Beispiele. %% %% Copyright (C) 2005 Frank Mittelbach, Michel Goossens, %% Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, and Chris Rowley %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions %% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% %% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details. %% % \LoadClass[twoside]{article} \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} \RequirePackage{times} \RequirePackage[scaled]{helvet} \RequirePackage[ngerman]{babel} \RequirePackage[ansinew]{inputenc} \addto\captionsngerman{% \renewcommand\figurename{Abb.\@}% } \let\StartShownPreambleCommands\relax \let\StopShownPreambleCommands\relax \let\ps@origplain\ps@plain \let\ps@plain\ps@empty % this class doesn't produces page numbers % since this would make examples too big % but if necessary there is origplain % Public version uses cmtt (ectt) \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{cmtt}\endinput % Book version uses emtt, and restricts to two colors. \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{emtt}{\hyphenchar \font\m@ne} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{emtt}{m}{n}{ <-9> emtt8 <9-10> emtt9 <10-12> emtt10 <12-> emtt12 }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{emtt}{m}{it}{ <-> emitt10 }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{emtt}{m}{sl}{ <-> emsltt10 }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{emtt}{m}{sc}{ <-> emtcsc10 }{} % FAKE OT1 as it is needed in one example \DeclareFontFamily{OT1}{emtt}{\hyphenchar \font\m@ne} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{emtt}{m}{n}{ <-9> emtt8 <9-10> emtt9 <10-12> emtt10 <12-> emtt12 }{} \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{emtt} % as the book is printed in two colors only (black and blue) we need % to ensure that other colors are replaced by gray if necessary: \AtBeginDocument{ \ifx\color\@undefined \else \definecolor{blue}{cmyk}{1,0.56,0,0} \definecolor{red}{cmyk}{0,0,0,.3} \definecolor{green}{cmyk}{0,0,0,.2} \definecolor{yellow}{cmyk}{0,0,0,.1} \definecolor{chaptergrey}{cmyk}{0,0,0,.8} \fi } % for margin rules in math examples we need color to make them % blue. So in this class color is actually always present: \RequirePackage{color} \newcommand \EX@rulewidth {0.25pt} %% Keep on hacking! \newcommand \SetupMarginLines{% \AtBeginDocument {\hbox\bgroup \kern-\EX@rulewidth {\color{blue}\vrule width \EX@rulewidth}% \vbox\bgroup}% \AtEndDocument {\egroup {\color{blue}\vrule width \EX@rulewidth}% \kern-\EX@rulewidth \egroup}% } \SetupMarginLines \endinput