%% pi.mf %% Copyright 2005 Laurie Field % % This work is LFB, version 1.0. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2003/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". % % This Current Maintainer of this work is Laurie Field. % % This work consists of the files: % % example.tex % lfbacc.tex % % accents.mf % alpha.mf % beta.mf % capitals.mf % charmap.mf % delta.mf % epsilon.mf % eta.mf % gamma.mf % iota.mf % kappa.mf % khi.mf % lambda.mf % lfb.mf % lfb5.mf % lfb6.mf % lfb7.mf % lfb8.mf % lfb9.mf % lfb10.mf % lfb11.mf % lfb12.mf % lfbb5.mf % lfbb6.mf % lfbb7.mf % lfbb8.mf % lfbb9.mf % lfbb10.mf % lfbb11.mf % lfbb12.mf % ligature.mf % mu.mf % nu.mf % omega.mf % omikron.mf % others.mf % phi.mf % pi.mf % psi.mf % rho.mf % serifs.mf % sigma.mf % sigmafin.mf % tau.mf % theta.mf % upsilon.mf % xi.mf % zeta.mf % % and the derived files: % % lfb5.tfm % lfb6.tfm % lfb7.tfm % lfb8.tfm % lfb9.tfm % lfb10.tfm % lfb11.tfm % lfb12.tfm % lfbb5.tfm % lfbb6.tfm % lfbb7.tfm % lfbb8.tfm % lfbb9.tfm % lfbb10.tfm % lfbb11.tfm % lfbb12.tfm % % lfb5.600pk % lfb6.600pk % lfb7.600pk % lfb8.600pk % lfb9.600pk % lfb10.600pk % lfb11.600pk % lfb12.600pk % lfbb5.600pk % lfbb6.600pk % lfbb7.600pk % lfbb8.600pk % lfbb9.600pk % lfbb10.600pk % lfbb11.600pk % lfbb12.600pk % width#:=8.5u#; extra#:=2letterspace#; define_pixels(width, extra); def gen_letter = penpos5(thin, barangle); penpos6(medthick, 90); penpos8(medthick, 90); penpos9(thin, barendangle); y6r=y8r=x_height; x6=2u; x8=7.5u; x5l=1u; y5l=x_height-tailheight; y9r=x_height+tiny; x9r=width; penstroke z5e..z6e..tension 2..z8e..z9e; penpos1(medium, 0); penpos2(medium, 0); penpos3(medthick, 90); penpos4(thin, tailangle); x1=x2+tinyoffset; x2=.7[x6,x8]; y1=x_height-thick/2; y2=xthick; x3=x2+thick/2+tiny; y4l=tailheight; y3l=tinyoffset; x4l=x2l+3u; fill z1l---z2l..z3l..tension 1.5..z4l --z4r..tension 1.7..z3r..z2r---z1r--z1l..cycle; penpos10(medthin, 0); penpos11(medthin, 0); penpos12(xthick, 270); penpos13(tiny, 180); x10=x11+tinyoffset; x11=.2[x6,x8]; y10=x_height-thick/2; y11=y12l+thin; y12r=0; y13=y12l+tiny; x12=x11l-medthin; x13r=x12-medthick; penstroke z10e---z11e..z12e..z13e; enddef; beginchar(pi, width#+extra#, x_height#, 0); gen_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15); endchar;