% % TUGgame.ltx % ----------- % LaTeX source of example in TUGboat article (part of the game Fisher % lost against Tal), input'ted by TUGboat.ltx. % Author : Piet Tutelaers (internet: rcpt@urc.tue.nl) % Version: 1.2 ( 8 Jun 1991) % Reflects changes in chess.sty version 1.2 % Version: 1.1 (30 Nov 1990) % Improvements over version 1.0: % - two typos corrected, thanks Hugo \clearpage \label{chessgame} \parindent=0pt \subsubsection*{Example of the LaTeX-input and output of an annotated chess game using {\tt chess.sty}} \begin{nochess} % prevent the `|' to become active! \begin{verbatim} \begin{position} \White(Kh1,Qe6,Re1,a2,b2,c2,g2,h2) \Black(Kf8,Qb8,Rd7,Rg8,Be7,a6,b4,h7) \global\Whitetrue\global\movecount=25 \end{position} \begin{figure} \centerline{Diagram~3: Fisher--Tal after 25.~\ldots, {\Fig K}f8!} $$\showboard$$ \end{figure} (See diagram~3.) \ply e6d7 Not |26. Rf1+, Kg7; 27. Rf7+, Kh8; and if 28. Q*d7, Rd8; 29. Qg4, Qe5| wins. \ply b8d6 \move d7b7 g8g6 Within a handful of moves the game has changed its complexion. Now it is White who must fight for a draw! \ply c2c3! Black's extra piece means less with each pawn that's exchanged. \ply a6a5 On |28.: b*c3; 29. Qc8+, Bd8; 30. Q*c3|=. \ply b7c8+ On the wrong track. Right is |29. c*b4!, Q*b4 (if 29.: a*b4; 30. a3!, b*a3; 31. b*a3, Q*a3 draws); 30. Qf3+, Kg7; 31. Qe2| draws, since Black can't possibly build up a winning K-side attack and his own king is to exposed. \ply f8g7 \move c8c4 e7d8 \move c3b4 a5b4 On |31.: Q*b4; 32. Qe2| White should draw with best play. $$\showboard$$ \end{verbatim} \end{nochess} \begin{position} \White(Kh1,Qe6,Re1,a2,b2,c2,g2,h2) \Black(Kf8,Qb8,Rd7,Rg8,Be7,a6,b4,h7) \global\Whitetrue\global\movecount=25 \end{position} \begin{figure} \centerline{Diagram~3: Fisher--Tal after 25.~\ldots, {\Fig K}f8!} $$\showboard$$ \end{figure} (See diagram~3.) \ply e6d7 Not |26. Rf1+, Kg7; 27. Rf7+, Kh8; and if 28. Q*d7, Rd8; 29. Qg4, Qe5| wins. \ply b8d6 \move d7b7 g8g6 Within a handful of moves the game has changed its complexion. Now it is White who must fight for a draw! \ply c2c3! Black's extra piece means less with each pawn that's exchanged. \ply a6a5 On |28.: b*c3; 29. Qc8+, Bd8; 30. Q*c3|=. \ply b7c8+ On the wrong track. Right is |29. c*b4!, Q*b4 (if 29.: a*b4; 30. a3!, b*a3; 31. b*a3, Q*a3 draws); 30. Qf3+, Kg7; 31. Qe2| draws, since Black can't possibly build up a winning K-side attack and his own king is to exposed. \ply f8g7 \move c8c4 e7d8 \move c3b4 a5b4 On |31.: Q*b4; 32. Qe2| White should draw with best play. $$\showboard$$