\documentstyle[a4wide,chess,11pt]{article} %\documentstyle[chess,11pt]{article} %\topmargin -.5in %\textheight 8.5in \begin{document} \section*{Informant Code System} The following symbols are used in the Informant: \begin{tabbing} \hspace{2.5cm} \= \hspace{4cm} \= \kill \bf symbol \> \bf (La)TeX \> \bf meaning \\[.1cm] \hspace{0.5cm} \= \hspace{2cm} \= \hspace{4cm} \= \kill \> \wbetter \> \verb+\wbetter+ \> White stands slightly better \\ \> \bbetter \> \verb+\bbetter+ \> Black stands slightly better \\ \> \wupperhand \> \verb+\wupperhand+ \> White has the upper hand \\ \> \bupperhand \> \verb+\bupperhand+ \> Black has the upper hand \\ \> \wdecisive \> \verb+\wdecisive+ \> White has a decisive advantage \\ \> \bdecisive \> \verb+\bdecisive+ \> Black has a decisive advantage \\ \> \equal \> \verb+\equal+ \> even \\ \> \unclear \> \verb+\unclear+ \> unclear \\ \> \compensation \> \verb+\compensation+ \> with compensation for the material \\ \> \devadvantage \> \verb+\devadvantage+ \> development advantage \\ \> \moreroom \> \verb+\moreroom+ \> greater board room \\ \> \withattack \> \verb+\withattack+ \> with attack \\ \> \withinit \> \verb+\withinit+ \> with initiative \\ \> \counterplay \> \verb+\counterplay+ \> with counter-play \\ \> \zugzwang \> \verb+\zugzwang+ \> zugzwang \\ \> \mate \> \verb+\mate+ \> mate \\ \> \withidea \> \verb+\withidea+ \> with the idea \\ \> \onlymove \> \verb+\onlymove+ \> only move \\ \> \betteris \> \verb+\betteris+ \> better is \\ \> \file \> \verb+\file+ \> file \\ \> \diagonal \> \verb+\diagonal+ \> diagonal \\ \> \centre \> \verb+\centre+ \> center \\ \> \kside \> \verb+\kside+ \> King's side \\ \> \qside \> \verb+\qside+ \> Queen's side \\ \> \weakpt \> \verb+\weakpt+ \> weak point \\ \> \ending \> \verb+\ending+ \> ending \\ \> \bishoppair \> \verb+\bishoppair+ \> pair of bishops \\ \> \opposbishops \> \verb+\opposbishops+ \> bishops of opposite color \\ \> \samebishops \> \verb+\samebishops+ \> bishops of the same color \\ \> \unitedpawns \> \verb+\unitedpawns+ \> united pawns \\ \> \seppawns \> \verb+\seppawns+ \> separated pawns \\ \> \doublepawns \> \verb+\doublepawns+ \> double pawns \\ \> \passedpawn \> \verb+\passedpawn+ \> passed pawn \\ \> \morepawns \> \verb+\morepawns+ \> advantage in number of pawns \\ \> \timelimit \> \verb+\timelimt+ \> time \\ \> \novelty \> \verb+\novelty+ \> novelty \\ \> \comment \> \verb+\comment+ \> editorial comment \\ \> \various \> \verb+\various+ \> various moves \\ \> \with \> \verb+\with+ \> with \\ \> \without \> \verb+\without+ \> without \\ \> \etc \> \verb+\etc+ \> etc. \\ \> \see \> \verb+\see+ \> see \end{tabbing} \end{document}