\documentstyle[a4wide,chess,12pt]{article} % Redefine chess.sty to get similar layout as in Informator \makeatletter \gdef\@dots{\ldots} \resetat % Some macros to improve readability... \newenvironment{mainline}[2]{\bf\newcommand{\result}{#1}% \newcommand{\commentator}{#2}\begin{chess}}% {\end{chess}\finito{\result}{\commentator}} \newenvironment{variation}{[\begingroup\rm\ignorespaces}% {\endgroup]\ignorespaces} \newenvironment{diagram}{\begin{nochess}}{$$\showboard$$\end{nochess}} \newcommand{\finito}[2]{{\bf\hfill#1\hfill[#2]\par}} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \begin{document} \twocolumn[ \begin{center} {\Large\bf Best game award 1990}\\ \vspace{.3cm} {\small(From: \v{S}ahovski Informator~51--1991)} \end{center} Next game was selected by a jury consisting of a selection of the editorial board of Chess Informant as the best game of 1990. \vspace{.5cm} ] {\bf 50/388 \hfill C~92}\\ \centerline{\sc Kasparov 2800 -- An.~Karpov 2730}\\ \centerline{New York/Lyon (m/2) 1990}\\ \begin{mainline}{1~:~0}{Kasparov} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 0-0 9. h3 Bb7 10. d4 Re8 11. Nbd2 Bf8 12. a4 h6 13. Bc2 ed4 14. cd4 Nb4 15. Bb1 ba4 16. Ra4 a5 17. Ra3 Ra6 18. Nh2 g6 \begin{diagram} \board{ * qrbk*} {*bp *p* } {r* p npp} {p * * * } { n PP* *} {R * * *P} { P N PPN} {*BBQR K } \end{diagram}% 19. f3! \novelty \begin{variation} 19. f4 \see~47/435; 19. Ng4 \see~47/434 \end{variation} Qd7?! \begin{variation} 19: c5 20. d5\wbetter; 19: Bg7 20. Nc4 Qa8 21. d5 Rd8\unclear \end{variation} 20. Nc4 Qb5 21. Rc3! Bc8 \begin{variation} 21: d5 22. Na3 \withidea e5\wupperhand; 21: Rc6 22. Na3 Qb6 23. Be3\wupperhand \end{variation} 22. Be3 c6?! \begin{variation} 22: Qb8!? \withidea d5 \end{variation} 23. Qc1 \begin{variation} \withidea Na3; 23. Qd2!? \end{variation} Kh7 24. Ng4! Ng8?! \begin{variation} 24: Bg4 25 hg4 d5 26. Na3\wupperhand; 24: Ng4 25 hg4 d5 (25: Be6 26. Na3 Qb8 27. Kf2 Bg7 28. Qd2) 26. Ne5 de4 (26: Be6 27. Kf2 de4 28.Bh6 Bh6 29. Rh1\wdecisive) 27. Nf7 {\sl a)} 27: Nd5 28. Bh6\wdecisive; {\sl b)} 27: ef3 28. gf3 (28. Bh6? Re1 29. Qe1 Qe2; 28. Ne5? c5!) Nd5 29. Bh6 Re1 30. Qe1 Qb2 31. Bf8 Qc3 32. Qh4 Kg8 33. Qh8 Kf7 34. Bg6!\wdecisive; {\sl c)} 27: Nd3 28. Bd3 ed3 29. Ne5\wdecisive \end{variation} \begin{diagram} \board{ *b*rbn*} {* * *p*k} {r*pp *pp} {pq* * * } { nNPP*N*} {* R BP*P} { P * *P*} {*BQ R K } \end{diagram} 25. Bh6! \begin{variation} 25. Bf4\wupperhand \end{variation} Bh6 26. Nh6 Nh6 27. Nd6 Qb6 28. Ne8 \begin{variation} 28. Rc5!? Rd8 29. e5\wupperhand\withattack \end{variation} Qd4 29. Kh1 Qd8 Rd1! Qe8 31. Qg5 Ra7 \begin{variation} 31: Bd7 32. f4 f5 33. Rc5!\wdecisive \end{variation} 32. Rd8 Qe6 33. f4 Ba6 \begin{variation} 33: Rd7 34. f5 gf5 35. ef5 Qe1 36. Kh2 Qe5 37. Rg3\wdecisive; 33: f6 34. Qc5! Rd7 35. Rd7 Qd7 36. Qa5\wdecisive \end{variation} 34. f5 Qe7 35. Qd2! Qe5 \begin{variation} 35: Nd5 36. fg6 fg6 37. ed5 Qd8 38. Bg6!\wdecisive; 33: Rd7 34. f5 gf5 35. ef5 Qe1 36. Kh2 Qe5 37. Rg3\wdecisive; 35: Ng8 36. Qd4 Rc7 37. e5 Nd5 38. fg6 fg6 39. Bg6! Kg7 40. Rd5 cd5 41. Rg3\wdecisive \end{variation} 36. Qf2 Qe7 \begin{variation} 36: Re7 37. Rc5\wdecisive \end{variation} 37. Qd4 Ng8 38. e5 Nd5 39. fg6 fg6 40. Rc6 Qd8 41. Qa7 \begin{variation} 41. Rg6 Kh8 42. Qa7\wdecisive \end{variation} Nde7 42. Ra6 Qd1 43. Qg1 Qd2 44. Qf1 \end{mainline} \end{document}