% This is COLORDJC.STY(TEX) in text format, as of January 12, 1994, % by Friedhelm Sowa, sowa@convex.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de % The macros guarantee compatibility between the dvips driver % and the dvidjc driver. % % Base is colordvi.sty, written by Jim Hafner, modified by Tom Rokicki. % \def\newColor #1 #2{\expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname##1{\special {color push cmyk #2}##1\special{color pop}} \expandafter\def\csname text#1\endcsname{\subdef{#1} \special{color #1}}}% % % Here are the color names and their PANTONE match (approximately) % \newColor GreenYellow {0.15 0 0.69 0 } % GreenYellow Approximate PANTONE 388 \newColor Yellow {0 0 1 0 } % Yellow Approximate PANTONE YELLOW \newColor Goldenrod {0 0.10 0.84 0 } % Goldenrod Approximate PANTONE 109 \newColor Dandelion {0 0.29 0.84 0 } % Dandelion Approximate PANTONE 123 \newColor Apricot {0 0.32 0.52 0 } % Apricot Approximate PANTONE 1565 \newColor Peach {0 0.50 0.70 0 } % Peach Approximate PANTONE 164 \newColor Melon {0 0.46 0.50 0 } % Melon Approximate PANTONE 177 \newColor YellowOrange {0 0.42 1 0 } % YellowOrange Approximate PANTONE 130 \newColor Orange {0 0.61 0.87 0 } % Orange Approximate PANTONE ORANGE-021 \newColor BurntOrange {0 0.51 1 0 } % BurntOrange Approximate PANTONE 388 \newColor Bittersweet {0 0.75 1 0.24 } % Bittersweet Approximate PANTONE 167 \newColor RedOrange {0 0.77 0.87 0 } % RedOrange Approximate PANTONE 179 \newColor Mahogany {0 0.85 0.87 0.35 } % Mahogany Approximate PANTONE 484 \newColor Maroon {0 0.87 0.68 0.32 } % Maroon Approximate PANTONE 201 \newColor BrickRed {0 0.89 0.94 0.28 } % BrickRed Approximate PANTONE 1805 \newColor Red {0 1 1 0 } % Red VERY-Approx PANTONE RED \newColor OrangeRed {0 1 0.50 0 } % OrangeRed No PANTONE match \newColor RubineRed {0 1 0.13 0 } % RubineRed Approximate PANTONE RUBINE-RED \newColor WildStrawberry {0 0.96 0.39 0 } % WildStrawberry Approximate PANTONE 206 \newColor Salmon {0 0.53 0.38 0 } % Salmon Approximate PANTONE 183 \newColor CarnationPink {0 0.63 0 0 } % CarnationPink Approximate PANTONE 218 \newColor Magenta {0 1 0 0 } % Magenta Approximate PANTONE PROCESS-MAGENTA \newColor VioletRed {0 0.81 0 0 } % VioletRed Approximate PANTONE 219 \newColor Rhodamine {0 0.82 0 0 } % Rhodamine Approximate PANTONE RHODAMINE-RED \newColor Mulberry {0.34 0.90 0 0.02 } % Mulberry Approximate PANTONE 241 \newColor RedViolet {0.07 0.90 0 0.34 } % RedViolet Approximate PANTONE 234 \newColor Fuchsia {0.47 0.91 0 0.08 } % Fuchsia Approximate PANTONE 248 \newColor Lavender {0 0.48 0 0 } % Lavender Approximate PANTONE 223 \newColor Thistle {0.12 0.59 0 0 } % Thistle Approximate PANTONE 245 \newColor Orchid { 0.32 0.64 0 0 } % Orchid Approximate PANTONE 252 \newColor DarkOrchid {0.40 0.80 0.20 0 } % DarkOrchid No PANTONE match \newColor Purple {0.45 0.86 0 0 } % Purple Approximate PANTONE PURPLE \newColor Plum {0.50 1 0 0 } % Plum VERY-Approx PANTONE 518 \newColor Violet {0.79 0.88 0 0 } % Violet Approximate PANTONE VIOLET \newColor RoyalPurple {0.75 0.90 0 0 } % RoyalPurple Approximate PANTONE 267 \newColor BlueViolet {0.86 0.91 0 0.04 } % BlueViolet Approximate PANTONE 2755 \newColor Periwinkle {0.57 0.55 0 0 } % Periwinkle Approximate PANTONE 2715 \newColor CadetBlue {0.62 0.57 0.23 0 } % CadetBlue Approximate PANTONE (534+535)/2 \newColor CornflowerBlue {0.65 0.13 0 0 } % CornflowerBlue Approximate PANTONE 292 \newColor MidnightBlue {0.98 0.13 0 0.43 }% MidnightBlue Approximate PANTONE 302 \newColor NavyBlue {0.94 0.54 0 0 } % NavyBlue Approximate PANTONE 293 \newColor RoyalBlue {1 0.50 0 0 } % RoyalBlue No PANTONE match \newColor Blue {1 1 0 0 } % Blue Approximate PANTONE BLUE-072 \newColor Cerulean {0.94 0.11 0 0 } % Cerulean Approximate PANTONE 3005 \newColor Cyan {1 0 0 0 } % Cyan Approximate PANTONE PROCESS-CYAN \newColor ProcessBlue {0.96 0 0 0 } % ProcessBlue Approximate PANTONE PROCESS-BLUE \newColor SkyBlue {0.62 0 0.12 0 } % SkyBlue Approximate PANTONE 2985 \newColor Turquoise {0.85 0 0.20 0 } % Turquoise Approximate PANTONE (312+313)/2 \newColor TealBlue {0.86 0 0.34 0.02 } % TealBlue Approximate PANTONE 3145 \newColor Aquamarine {0.82 0 0.30 0 } % Aquamarine Approximate PANTONE 3135 \newColor BlueGreen {0.85 0 0.33 0 } % BlueGreen Approximate PANTONE 320 \newColor Emerald {1 0 0.50 0 } % Emerald No PANTONE match \newColor JungleGreen {0.99 0 0.52 0 } % JungleGreen Approximate PANTONE 328 \newColor SeaGreen {0.69 0 0.50 0 } % SeaGreen Approximate PANTONE 3268 \newColor Green {1 0 1 0 } % Green VERY-Approx PANTONE GREEN \newColor ForestGreen {0.91 0 0.88 0.12 } % ForestGreen Approximate PANTONE 349 \newColor PineGreen {0.92 0 0.59 0.25 } % PineGreen Approximate PANTONE 323 \newColor LimeGreen {0.50 0 1 0 } % LimeGreen No PANTONE match \newColor YellowGreen {0.44 0 0.74 0 } % YellowGreen Approximate PANTONE 375 \newColor SpringGreen {0.26 0 0.76 0 } % SpringGreen Approximate PANTONE 381 \newColor OliveGreen {0.64 0 0.95 0.40 } % OliveGreen Approximate PANTONE 582 \newColor RawSienna {0 0.72 1 0.45 } % RawSienna Approximate PANTONE 154 \newColor Sepia {0 0.83 1 0.70 } % Sepia Approximate PANTONE 161 \newColor Brown {0 0.81 1 0.60 } % Brown Approximate PANTONE 1615 \newColor Tan {0.14 0.42 0.56 0 } % Tan No PANTONE match \newColor Gray {0 0 0 0.50 } % Gray Approximate PANTONE COOL-GRAY-8 \newColor Black {0 0 0 1 } % Black Approximate PANTONE PROCESS-BLACK \newColor White {0 0 0 0 } % White No PANTONE match % Now we make sure that we initialize the global color to Black \subdef{Black} % Here we have a macro for typesetting a coloured graphic. Colour % separation is assumed to be done by bm2font version 3.0. % When using bitmap files instead of TeXfonts it should work in a % similar way. \def\loadcmykpic[#1,#2,#3,#4]{ \input{#1} \input{#2} \input{#3} \input{#4} } \def\cmykpic[#1,#2,#3,#4]{% \ifvmode\leavevmode\fi \dimen0\expandafter\ht\csname #4box\endcsname% \vbox to\dimen0{\hsize=\wd0\offinterlineskip\parindent0pt% \Cyan{\expandafter\copy\csname #1box\endcsname}\vskip-\dimen0 \Magenta{\expandafter\copy\csname #2box\endcsname}\vskip-\dimen0 \Yellow{\expandafter\copy\csname #3box\endcsname}\vskip-\dimen0 \Black{\expandafter\copy\csname #4box\endcsname}\vss} } \def\fcmykpic[#1,#2,#3,#4]{% \ifvmode\leavevmode\fi \dimen0\expandafter\ht\csname #4box\endcsname \ifx\frame\undefined \vbox{% \hsize\expandafter\wd\csname #4box\endcsname \advance\hsize .8pt \hrule% \hbox to\hsize% {\vrule\hfill\vbox to\dimen0{\offinterlineskip% \Cyan{\expandafter\copy\csname #1box\endcsname}\vskip-\dimen0 \Magenta{\expandafter\copy\csname #2box\endcsname}\vskip-\dimen0 \Yellow{\expandafter\copy\csname #3box\endcsname}\vskip-\dimen0 \Black{\expandafter\copy\csname #4box\endcsname} }\hfill\vrule}\hrule\vss} \else \frame{\vbox to\dimen0{\hsize=\wd0\offinterlineskip% \Cyan{\expandafter\copy\csname #1box\endcsname}\vskip-\dimen0 \Magenta{\expandafter\copy\csname #2box\endcsname}\vskip-\dimen0 \Yellow{\expandafter\copy\csname #3box\endcsname}\vskip-\dimen0 \Black{\expandafter\copy\csname #4box\endcsname}\vss}} \fi }