Under noweb's original licence, anyone may modify noweb and create
derived works, provided he or she retains this copyright notice, but
the result may not be called noweb without my written consent.  I
hereby provide my written consent to the Debian project to call their
derived work 'noweb'.  I do so under the assumption that Debian's
modifications are normally intended to fix bugs, close security holes,
and bring the software into compliance with Debian policy.  I have a
great deal of trust in and respect for the Debian project, so I am in
fact willing for the Debian project to make any modification they deem
necessary and still call the result 'noweb'.  In particular, there is
no need for the Debian project to consult me about any contemplated
modification, either now or in the future.  I do reserve the right to
revoke my consent in the unlikely event that, in my opinion, future
Debian modifications will have made it misleading to call the package

Under the BSD license, anyone may create a derived work and to call it
noweb without my written consent.