% Powerdot creates the .bm file and it's important to watch on it. % rubber: clean $base.bm $base.vrb % rubber: watch $base.bm $base.toc \documentclass[mode=present,style=fyma%:default:classopt:,%]{powerdot} % mode=present: generate a presentation % mode=handout: generate a handout (no visual effect) % mode=print: generate a document for printing with the slides % nopagebreak: allow more than two slides per page on handout % display=slidesnotes: include slides + notes in output % display=slides: output only slides % display=notes: output only notes % clock: insert a clock on slides % style: the layout style %:default:pkgs:% \pdsetup{lf={-- Created with Jörg's\LaTeX{}mode -- Layout and effects by powerdot and \LaTeX{} --}} \begin{document} \title{%:start:%The title} \author{Your name \href{mailto:you@example.org}{\nolinkurl{}}\\ \url{http://www.example.org/}} \date{1970-01-01} \maketitle \section{First section} \begin{slide}{Title of the slide} \begin{itemize} \item first item \item second item\pause \item this item is on the next ``page'' \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}[toc={short title for toc}]{A very very long title for this slide} text \end{slide} \section{second section} \begin{slide}[method=direct]{A slide with verbatim text} \begin{verbatim} some verbatim text \end{verbatim} \end{slide} \begin{note}{Title} A note about the last slide \end{note} \begin{slide}[method=file]{A slide with verbatim text on more than one ``page''} some text\pause \begin{verbatim} and verabtim text \end{verbatim} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{title} \centering \Large \vspace{5ex} And now \onslide*{1}{\ldots}\onslide*{2}{\TeX{}}\\ \vspace{3ex} \onslide*{2}{Text on slide 2}% \onslide*{3}{Text on slide 3} \end{slide} \end{document}