(* FontReader implements the routines for reading character metric and bitmap information from PK files, or from TFM files for PostScript fonts. *) #include 'globals.h'; #include 'files.h'; #include 'options.h'; #include 'dvireader.h'; #include 'fontreader.h'; #include 'pswriter.h'; (* for PSfile and NewBitmapFont *) TYPE BITSET = SET OF 0..31; (* SYSDEP: The following variant record is needed because Pyramid Pascal does not provide type coercion. Note that we couldn't overlay INTEGER and BITSET because of the crazy storage scheme used to represent a set of 0..31 where the bit order within a word is 7..0 15..8 23..16 31..24! *) bytes_or_bits = RECORD CASE b : BOOLEAN OF TRUE : (ch : PACKED ARRAY [0..3] OF CHAR); FALSE : (bits : BITSET); END; VAR PTfile : integer; (* PK/TFM file descriptor *) PToffset : INTEGER; (* current byte offset in PTfile *) currPTbuff : INTEGER; (* starting byte offset in buffer *) PTbuffer : buffer; (* input buffer *) psprefixlen, (* length of psprefix string *) fontdirlen : INTEGER; (* length of fontdir string *) hexdigs : ARRAY [0..15] OF CHAR; (* 0..9ABCDEF for LoadBitmap *) gpower : ARRAY [0..32] OF BITSET; (* 0,1,11,111,1111,... *) turnon : BOOLEAN; (* is current run black? *) dynf, (* dynamic packing variable *) repeatcount, (* times to repeat the next row *) bitweight : INTEGER; (* for bits or nybbles from inputbyte *) inputbyte : bytes_or_bits; (* the current input byte *) lf, lh, bc, ec, nw, nh : INTEGER; (* TFM file data *) TFMinfo : ARRAY [0..255] OF RECORD wdindex, htindex, dpindex : INTEGER; END; charmetrics : ARRAY [0..255] OF RECORD width, height, depth : ARRAY [0..3] OF INTEGER; END; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE BuildTFMSpec (fontptr : fontinfoptr); (* Build a complete TFM file specification in fontptr^.fontspec. This will only be done once per font; fontspeclen will no longer be 0. fontptr^.fontexists becomes TRUE if the file can be opened. *) LABEL 999; VAR f, result, i, nxt : INTEGER; BEGIN WITH fontptr^ DO BEGIN i := 0; IF fontarealen > 0 THEN BEGIN nxt := fontarealen; REPEAT fontspec[i] := fontarea[i]; (* start fontspec with fontarea *) i := i + 1; UNTIL (i = nxt) OR (i > maxfontspec); END ELSE BEGIN nxt := Len(tfmdir); (* assume > 0 *) REPEAT fontspec[i] := tfmdir[i]; (* start fontspec with tfmdir *) i := i + 1; UNTIL (i = nxt) OR (i > maxfontspec); END; IF nxt >= maxfontspec THEN BEGIN fontspeclen := maxfontspec; goto 999; (* fontspec truncated *) END; (* nxt is current length of fontspec; append fontname.tfm *) i := 0; WHILE (i < fontnamelen) AND (nxt < maxfontspec) DO BEGIN fontspec[nxt] := fontname[i]; (* append fontname *) i := i + 1; nxt := nxt + 1; END; IF nxt + 4 <= maxfontspec THEN BEGIN (* append .tfm *) fontspec[nxt] := '.'; nxt := nxt + 1; fontspec[nxt] := 't'; nxt := nxt + 1; fontspec[nxt] := 'f'; nxt := nxt + 1; fontspec[nxt] := 'm'; nxt := nxt + 1; END ELSE BEGIN fontspeclen := maxfontspec; goto 999; (* fontspec truncated *) END; fontspeclen := nxt; IF fontspeclen < maxstring THEN fontspec[fontspeclen] := CHR(0); f := open(fontspec,O_RDONLY,0); (* try to open file *) IF fontspeclen < maxstring THEN fontspec[fontspeclen] := ' '; IF f >= 0 THEN BEGIN result := close(f); fontexists := TRUE; (* fontspec exists *) END; END; 999: END; (* BuildTFMSpec *) (******************************************************************************) FUNCTION CompleteFontSpec (fontptr : fontinfoptr; nxt : INTEGER; fontsizelen : INTEGER; VAR firstn : INTEGER) : BOOLEAN; (* Return TRUE if we can append "fontname.n...npk" to fontspec. Such a scheme is used in the latest TeX distributions. *) LABEL 999; VAR i : INTEGER; BEGIN WITH fontptr^ DO BEGIN i := 0; WHILE (i < fontnamelen) AND (nxt < maxfontspec) DO BEGIN fontspec[nxt] := fontname[i]; (* append fontname *) i := i + 1; nxt := nxt + 1; END; firstn := nxt + 1; (* position of 1st n *) IF nxt + fontsizelen + 2 < maxfontspec THEN BEGIN fontspec[nxt] := '.'; nxt := nxt + fontsizelen + 1; (* skip n...n *) fontspec[nxt] := 'p'; (* append pk *) nxt := nxt + 1; fontspec[nxt] := 'k'; nxt := nxt + 1; END ELSE BEGIN fontspeclen := maxfontspec; CompleteFontSpec := FALSE; goto 999; (* fontspec truncated *) END; fontspeclen := nxt; IF nxt < maxfontspec THEN fontspec[nxt] := ' '; (* terminate string *) CompleteFontSpec := TRUE; END; 999: END; (* CompleteFontSpec *) (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE BuildFontSpec (fontptr : fontinfoptr; VAR firstn, lastn : INTEGER); (* Build a complete file specification in fontptr^.fontspec. This will only be done once per font; fontspeclen will no longer be 0. fontptr^.fontexists becomes TRUE if the file can be opened. *) LABEL 888, 999; VAR f, result, i, j, nxt, fontsize, tempsize, tempsizelen : INTEGER; BEGIN WITH fontptr^ DO BEGIN (* first check for a PostScript font; following code will set psfont to TRUE if psprefixlen = 0 --- ALL fonts will be considered PostScript fonts *) psfont := TRUE; i := 0; WHILE TRUE DO BEGIN IF i = psprefixlen THEN goto 888; IF Cap(fontname[i]) <> Cap(psprefix[i]) THEN BEGIN psfont := FALSE; goto 888; END; i := i + 1; END; 888: IF psfont THEN BEGIN BuildTFMSpec(fontptr); (* build TFM file spec *) goto 999; END; i := 0; nxt := fontdirlen; REPEAT fontspec[i] := fontdir[i]; (* start fontspec with fontdir *) i := i + 1; UNTIL (i = nxt) OR (i > maxfontspec); IF nxt >= maxfontspec THEN BEGIN fontspeclen := maxfontspec; goto 999; (* fontspec truncated *) END; fontsize := TRUNC( mag * (scaledsize / designsize) * (resolution / 1000.0) + 0.5 ); IF fontsize = 0 THEN fontsize := fontsize + 1; (* allow for subtracting 1 *) tempsize := fontsize; i := 1; WHILE TRUE DO BEGIN (* Complete rest of fontspec starting at nxt and return the position of first digit for fontsize. We have to try fontsize +/- 1 before giving up because rounding problems can occur in the above fontsize calculation. *) j := tempsize; tempsizelen := 0; WHILE j > 0 DO BEGIN tempsizelen := tempsizelen + 1; j := j DIV 10; END; IF NOT CompleteFontSpec(fontptr, nxt, tempsizelen, firstn) THEN goto 999; (* fontspec truncated *) lastn := firstn + tempsizelen - 1; (* put tempsize into fontspec[firstn..lastn] *) FOR j := lastn DOWNTO firstn DO BEGIN fontspec[j] := CHR(ORD('0') + (tempsize MOD 10)); tempsize := tempsize DIV 10; END; IF i > 3 THEN (* original fontsize has been restored *) goto 999; (* could not open fontspec *) IF fontspeclen < maxstring THEN fontspec[fontspeclen] := CHR(0); f := open(fontspec,O_RDONLY,0); (* try to open file *) IF fontspeclen < maxstring THEN fontspec[fontspeclen] := ' '; IF f >= 0 THEN BEGIN result := close(f); fontexists := TRUE; (* fontspec exists *) goto 999; END ELSE IF i = 1 THEN tempsize := fontsize - 1 (* try fontsize-1 *) ELSE IF i = 2 THEN tempsize := fontsize + 1 (* try fontsize+1 *) ELSE tempsize := fontsize; (* restore original fontsize *) i := i + 1; END; END; 999: END; (* BuildFontSpec *) (******************************************************************************) FUNCTION OpenFontFile (VAR name : string) : BOOLEAN; (* Return TRUE if given file can be opened. Only one font file will be open at any given time. *) LABEL 888; VAR length : integer; BEGIN currPTbuff := -1; (* impossible value for first GetPTByte *) length := 0; WHILE length < maxstring DO BEGIN IF name[length] = ' ' THEN goto 888; length := length + 1; END; 888: IF length < maxstring THEN name[length] := CHR(0); (* terminate with NULL *) PTfile := open(name, O_RDONLY, 0); IF length < maxstring THEN name[length] := ' '; (* restore space *) OpenFontFile := PTfile >= 0; END; (* OpenFontFile *) (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CloseFontFile; (* Close the currently open font file. *) VAR result : integer; BEGIN result := close(PTfile); END; (* CloseFontFile *) (******************************************************************************) FUNCTION GetPTByte : INTEGER; (* Returns the value (unsigned) of the byte at PToffset and advances PToffset for the next GetPTByte. *) VAR buffstart, result : INTEGER; BEGIN buffstart := (PToffset DIV bufflen) * bufflen; (* 0, bufflen, 2*bufflen... *) IF buffstart <> currPTbuff THEN BEGIN currPTbuff := buffstart; result := lseek(PTfile, buffstart, 0); { DEBUG IF result <> buffstart THEN BEGIN writeln('Lseek failed in GetPTByte!'); exit(1); END; GUBED } result := read(PTfile, PTbuffer, bufflen); { DEBUG IF result = -1 THEN BEGIN writeln('Read failed in GetPTByte!'); exit(1); END; GUBED } END; GetPTByte := ORD(PTbuffer[PToffset - buffstart]); PToffset := PToffset + 1; END; (* GetPTByte *) (******************************************************************************) FUNCTION SignedPTByte : INTEGER; (* the next byte, signed *) VAR b : INTEGER; BEGIN b := GetPTByte; IF b < 128 THEN SignedPTByte := b ELSE SignedPTByte := b - 256; END; (* SignedPTByte *) (******************************************************************************) FUNCTION GetTwoPTBytes : INTEGER; (* the next 2 bytes, unsigned *) VAR a, b : INTEGER; BEGIN a := GetPTByte; b := GetPTByte; GetTwoPTBytes := a * 256 + b; END; (* GetTwoPTBytes *) (******************************************************************************) FUNCTION SignedPTPair : INTEGER; (* the next 2 bytes, signed *) VAR a, b : INTEGER; BEGIN a := GetPTByte; b := GetPTByte; IF a < 128 THEN SignedPTPair := a * 256 + b ELSE SignedPTPair := (a - 256) * 256 + b; END; (* SignedPTPair *) (******************************************************************************) FUNCTION GetThreePTBytes : INTEGER; (* the next 3 bytes, unsigned *) VAR a, b, c : INTEGER; BEGIN a := GetPTByte; b := GetPTByte; c := GetPTByte; GetThreePTBytes := (a * 256 + b) * 256 + c; END; (* GetThreePTBytes *) (******************************************************************************) FUNCTION SignedPTQuad : INTEGER; (* the next 4 bytes, signed *) TYPE int_or_bytes = RECORD CASE b : BOOLEAN OF TRUE : (int : INTEGER); FALSE : (byt : PACKED ARRAY [0..3] OF CHAR); END; VAR w : int_or_bytes; BEGIN WITH w DO BEGIN w.byt[0] := CHR(GetPTByte); w.byt[1] := CHR(GetPTByte); w.byt[2] := CHR(GetPTByte); w.byt[3] := CHR(GetPTByte); END; SignedPTQuad := w.int; END; (* SignedPTQuad *) (******************************************************************************) FUNCTION GetNyb : INTEGER; (* Return next nybble in PK file. *) BEGIN IF bitweight = 0 THEN BEGIN (* SYSDEP: Pyramid Pascal stores bits 7..0 in the LEFT byte of a 4-byte BITSET word. *) inputbyte.ch[0] := CHR(GetPTByte); bitweight := 16; (* for next call of GetNyb *) GetNyb := ORD(inputbyte.ch[0]) DIV 16; (* high nybble *) END ELSE BEGIN bitweight := 0; (* for next call of GetNyb *) GetNyb := ORD(inputbyte.ch[0]) MOD 16; (* low nybble *) END; END; (* GetNyb *) (******************************************************************************) FUNCTION PackedNum : INTEGER; (* Return next run count using algorithm given in section 23 of PKtype. A possible side-effect is to set the global repeatcount value used to duplicate the current row. *) VAR i, j : INTEGER; BEGIN i := GetNyb; IF i = 0 THEN BEGIN REPEAT j := GetNyb; i := i + 1 UNTIL j <> 0; WHILE i > 0 DO BEGIN j := j * 16 + GetNyb; i := i - 1 END; PackedNum := j - 15 + (13 - dynf) * 16 + dynf; END ELSE IF i <= dynf THEN PackedNum := i ELSE IF i < 14 THEN PackedNum := (i - dynf - 1) * 16 + GetNyb + dynf + 1 ELSE BEGIN IF i = 14 THEN repeatcount := PackedNum (* recursive *) ELSE repeatcount := 1; (* nybble = 15 *) PackedNum := PackedNum; (* recursive *) END; END; (* PackedNum *) (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE LoadBitmap (fontptr : fontinfoptr; code : INTEGER); (* Output PostScript character definition using bitmap info at mapadr in currently open PK file. *) CONST maxhexline = 72; (* keep even and < 80 *) VAR hexline : PACKED ARRAY [1..maxhexline] OF CHAR; hexcount, (* current hexline length *) i, j, flagbyte, bitpos, bytesperrow, rowsleft, hbit, count, rp : INTEGER; byte : bytes_or_bits; (* we'll only consider bits 0..7 *) row : ARRAY [0..400] OF CHAR; (* maximum glyph width = 3200 bits *) BEGIN WITH fontptr^.pixelptr^[code] DO BEGIN bytesperrow := (wd + 7) DIV 8; (* bytes in one row *) PToffset := mapadr; (* mapadr = flagbyte offset in PK file *) flagbyte := GetPTByte; (* assume < 240 *) dynf := flagbyte DIV 16; turnon := (flagbyte MOD 16) >= 8; (* is 1st pixel black? *) flagbyte := flagbyte MOD 8; (* value of bottom 3 bits *) IF flagbyte < 4 THEN (* skip short char preamble *) PToffset := PToffset + 10 ELSE IF flagbyte < 7 THEN (* skip extended short char preamble *) PToffset := PToffset + 16 ELSE (* skip long char preamble *) PToffset := PToffset + 36; hexline[1] := '['; (* start of hex string *) hexline[2] := '<'; hexcount := 2; (* chars in current hexline *) bitweight := 0; (* to get 1st inputbyte *) IF dynf = 14 THEN BEGIN (* raster info is a string of bits in the next (wd * ht + 7) DIV 8 bytes *) FOR i := 1 TO ht DO BEGIN byte.bits := []; (* set all bits to 0 *) bitpos := 7; (* leftmost bit *) FOR j := 1 TO wd DO BEGIN IF bitweight = 0 THEN BEGIN inputbyte.ch[0] := CHR(GetPTByte); bitweight := 8; END; bitweight := bitweight - 1; (* 7..0 *) IF bitweight IN inputbyte.bits THEN byte.bits := byte.bits + [bitpos]; (* include bitpos *) IF bitpos > 0 THEN bitpos := bitpos - 1 (* next bit *) ELSE BEGIN (* SYSDEP: Pyramid Pascal stores bits 7..0 in the LEFT byte of a 4-byte BITSET word. *) hexcount := hexcount + 1; hexline[hexcount] := hexdigs[ ORD(byte.ch[0]) DIV 16 ]; hexcount := hexcount + 1; hexline[hexcount] := hexdigs[ ORD(byte.ch[0]) MOD 16 ]; IF hexcount = maxhexline THEN BEGIN writeln(PSfile,hexline:hexcount); hexcount := 0; END; byte.bits := []; bitpos := 7; END; END; IF bitpos < 7 THEN BEGIN hexcount := hexcount + 1; hexline[hexcount] := hexdigs[ ORD(byte.ch[0]) DIV 16 ]; hexcount := hexcount + 1; hexline[hexcount] := hexdigs[ ORD(byte.ch[0]) MOD 16 ]; IF hexcount = maxhexline THEN BEGIN writeln(PSfile,hexline:hexcount); hexcount := 0; END; END; END END ELSE BEGIN (* raster info is encoded as run and repeat counts *) rowsleft := ht; hbit := wd; repeatcount := 0; rp := 1; bitpos := 8; byte.bits := []; WHILE rowsleft > 0 DO BEGIN count := PackedNum; WHILE count > 0 DO BEGIN IF (count < bitpos) AND (count < hbit) THEN BEGIN IF turnon THEN byte.bits := byte.bits + gpower[bitpos] - gpower[bitpos - count]; hbit := hbit - count; bitpos := bitpos - count; count := 0; END ELSE IF (count >= hbit) AND (hbit <= bitpos) THEN BEGIN IF turnon THEN byte.bits := byte.bits + gpower[bitpos] - gpower[bitpos - hbit]; (* SYSDEP: Pyramid Pascal stores bits 7..0 in the LEFT byte of a 4-byte BITSET word. *) row[rp] := byte.ch[0]; (* end of current row, so send it repeatcount+1 times *) FOR i := 0 TO repeatcount DO FOR j := 1 TO bytesperrow DO BEGIN hexcount := hexcount + 1; hexline[hexcount] := hexdigs[ ORD(row[j]) DIV 16 ]; hexcount := hexcount + 1; hexline[hexcount] := hexdigs[ ORD(row[j]) MOD 16 ]; IF hexcount = maxhexline THEN BEGIN writeln(PSfile,hexline:hexcount); hexcount := 0; END; END; rowsleft := rowsleft - (repeatcount + 1); repeatcount := 0; rp := 1; byte.bits := []; bitpos := 8; count := count - hbit; hbit := wd; END ELSE BEGIN IF turnon THEN byte.bits := byte.bits + gpower[bitpos]; row[rp] := byte.ch[0]; rp := rp + 1; byte.bits := []; count := count - bitpos; hbit := hbit - bitpos; bitpos := 8; END; END; turnon := NOT turnon; END; END; IF hexcount > 0 THEN write(PSfile,hexline:hexcount); writeln(PSfile, '>'); writeln(PSfile, bytesperrow * 8:1, ' ', ht:1, ' ', xo:1, ' ', yo:1, ' ', pwidth:1, '] ', code:1, ' dc'); END; (* WITH *) END; (* LoadBitmap *) (******************************************************************************) FUNCTION FixToDVI (b0, b1, b2, b3 : INTEGER) : INTEGER; (* Convert the given fix width (made up of 4 bytes) into DVI units using the method recommended in DVITYPE. *) VAR alpha, beta, temp, s : INTEGER; BEGIN WITH currfont^ DO BEGIN s := scaledsize; alpha := 16 * s; beta := 16; WHILE s >= 8#40000000 DO BEGIN (* 2^23 *) s := s DIV 2; beta := beta DIV 2; END; temp := (((((b3 * s) DIV 8#400) + (b2 * s)) DIV 8#400) + (b1 * s)) DIV beta; IF b0 > 0 THEN IF b0 = 255 THEN FixToDVI := temp - alpha ELSE BEGIN writeln; writeln('Bad TFM width! 1st byte = ', b0:1); exit(1); END ELSE FixToDVI := temp; END; END; (* FixToDVI *) (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PKFillPixelTable; (* Fill the pixeltable for currfont^ using the font directory info in the currently open PK file. *) LABEL 888; CONST pkid = 89; pkpost = 245; pknoop = 246; pkpre = 247; VAR i, j, flagbyte, flagpos, chcode, (* assumed to be <= 255 *) packetlen, endofpacket, b0, b1, b2, b3 : INTEGER; (* 4 bytes in TFM width *) BEGIN WITH currfont^ DO BEGIN PToffset := 0; (* move to first byte *) IF GetPTByte <> pkpre THEN BEGIN writeln; writeln('Bad pre command in ', fontspec:fontspeclen); exit(1); END; IF GetPTByte <> pkid THEN BEGIN writeln; writeln('Bad id byte in ', fontspec:fontspeclen); exit(1); END; j := GetPTByte; (* length of comment *) PToffset := PToffset + j + 16; (* skip rest of preamble *) FOR i := 0 TO maxTeXchar DO WITH pixelptr^[i] DO BEGIN mapadr := 0; (* all chars absent initially *) loaded := FALSE; (* bitmap not yet downloaded *) END; WHILE TRUE DO BEGIN flagpos := PToffset; (* remember position of flagbyte *) flagbyte := GetPTByte; IF flagbyte < 240 THEN BEGIN (* read character definition *) flagbyte := flagbyte MOD 8; (* value of bottom 3 bits *) IF flagbyte < 4 THEN BEGIN (* short char preamble *) packetlen := flagbyte * 256 + GetPTByte; chcode := GetPTByte; endofpacket := packetlen + PToffset; WITH pixelptr^[chcode] DO BEGIN b1 := GetPTByte; b2 := GetPTByte; b3 := GetPTByte; dwidth := FixToDVI(0,b1,b2,b3); (* b0 = 0 *) pwidth := GetPTByte; wd := GetPTByte; ht := GetPTByte; xo := SignedPTByte; yo := SignedPTByte; END; END ELSE IF flagbyte < 7 THEN BEGIN (* extended short char preamble *) packetlen := (flagbyte - 4) * 65536 + GetTwoPTBytes; chcode := GetPTByte; endofpacket := packetlen + PToffset; WITH pixelptr^[chcode] DO BEGIN b1 := GetPTByte; b2 := GetPTByte; b3 := GetPTByte; dwidth := FixToDVI(0,b1,b2,b3); (* b0 = 0 *) pwidth := GetTwoPTBytes; wd := GetTwoPTBytes; ht := GetTwoPTBytes; xo := SignedPTPair; yo := SignedPTPair; END; END ELSE BEGIN (* long char preamble *) packetlen := SignedPTQuad; chcode := SignedPTQuad; endofpacket := packetlen + PToffset; WITH pixelptr^[chcode] DO BEGIN b0 := GetPTByte; b1 := GetPTByte; b2 := GetPTByte; b3 := GetPTByte; dwidth := FixToDVI(b0,b1,b2,b3); pwidth := SignedPTQuad DIV 65536; (* dx in pixels *) PToffset := PToffset + 4; (* skip dy *) wd := SignedPTQuad; ht := SignedPTQuad; xo := SignedPTQuad; yo := SignedPTQuad; END; END; WITH pixelptr^[chcode] DO IF (wd = 0) OR (ht = 0) THEN mapadr := 0 (* no bitmap *) ELSE mapadr := flagpos; (* position of flagbyte *) PToffset := endofpacket; (* skip raster info *) END ELSE CASE flagbyte OF 240, 241, 242, 243 : BEGIN i := 0; FOR j := 240 TO flagbyte DO i := 256 * i + GetPTByte; PToffset := PToffset + i; (* skip special parameter *) END; 244 : PToffset := PToffset + 4; (* skip numspecial param *) pknoop : ; (* do nothing *) pkpost : goto 888; (* no more char defs *) OTHERWISE writeln; writeln('Bad flag byte in ', fontspec:fontspeclen); exit(1); END; END; (* of LOOP; flagbyte = pkpost *) 888: END; END; (* PKFillPixelTable *) (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ReadTFMIntegers; (* Read the first 6 16-bit integers in the TFM file. See TFtoPL section 8. *) BEGIN PToffset := 0; (* start reading at 1st byte in TFM file *) lf := GetTwoPTBytes; lh := GetTwoPTBytes; bc := GetTwoPTBytes; ec := GetTwoPTBytes; nw := GetTwoPTBytes; nh := GetTwoPTBytes; END; (* ReadTFMIntegers *) (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ReadTFMCharInfo; (* Read the TFMinfo array. See TFtoPL section 11. *) VAR c, i : INTEGER; BEGIN PToffset := 24 + (lh * 4); (* offset of TFMinfo array *) FOR c := bc TO ec DO WITH TFMinfo[c] DO BEGIN wdindex := GetPTByte * 4; (* offset from start of width array *) i := GetPTByte; (* 2nd byte contains htindex and dpindex *) htindex := (i DIV 16) * 4; (* offset from start of height array *) dpindex := (i MOD 16) * 4; (* offset from start of depth array *) PToffset := PToffset + 2; (* skip itindex and remainder bytes *) END; END; (* ReadTFMCharInfo *) (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ReadTFMCharMetrics; (* Read the charmetrics array using the indices in TFMinfo. *) VAR wdbase, htbase, dpbase, b, c : INTEGER; BEGIN wdbase := 24 + lh * 4 + (ec - bc + 1) * 4; (* offset of width array *) htbase := wdbase + nw * 4; (* offset of height array *) dpbase := htbase + nh * 4; (* offset of depth array *) FOR c := bc TO ec DO WITH TFMinfo[c] DO WITH charmetrics[c] DO BEGIN PToffset := wdbase + wdindex; FOR b := 0 TO 3 DO width[b] := GetPTByte; PToffset := htbase + htindex; FOR b := 0 TO 3 DO height[b] := GetPTByte; PToffset := dpbase + dpindex; FOR b := 0 TO 3 DO depth[b] := GetPTByte; END; END; (* ReadTFMCharMetrics *) (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE TFMFillPixelTable; (* Fill the pixeltable for currfont^ (a PostScript font) using information in the currently open TFM file. *) VAR c, dheight, pheight, ddepth, pdepth : INTEGER; BEGIN ReadTFMIntegers; (* read lf..nh *) ReadTFMCharInfo; (* fill TFMinfo array *) ReadTFMCharMetrics; (* fill charmetrics array *) WITH currfont^ DO BEGIN FOR c := 0 TO bc - 1 DO pixelptr^[c].mapadr := 0; (* chars < bc don't exist *) FOR c := ec + 1 TO 255 DO pixelptr^[c].mapadr := 0; (* chars > ec don't exist *) FOR c := bc TO ec DO WITH pixelptr^[c] DO WITH charmetrics[c] DO BEGIN dwidth := FixToDVI(width[0],width[1],width[2],width[3]); dheight := FixToDVI(height[0],height[1],height[2],height[3]); ddepth := FixToDVI(depth[0],depth[1],depth[2],depth[3]); (* convert DVI units to pixels *) pwidth := PixelRound(dwidth); pheight := PixelRound(dheight); pdepth := PixelRound(ddepth); (* Since we don't have access to bitmap info for a PostScript font we will have to use the TFM width/height/depth info to approximate wd, ht, xo, yo. *) wd := pwidth; wd := wd - (wd DIV 8); (* better approximation *) ht := pheight + pdepth; xo := 0; yo := pheight - 1; IF (wd = 0) OR (ht = 0) THEN mapadr := 0 (* char all-white or not in font *) ELSE mapadr := 1; (* anything but 0 *) loaded := FALSE; (* no bitmap available *) END; END; END; (* TFMFillPixelTable *) (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PixelTableRoutine; (* DVIReader has just allocated a new pixeltable for currfont^ and calls this routine from InterpretPage only ONCE per font (the first time the font is used). We get the pixeltable information from the font file given by fontspec. We also set fontid to a unique identifier of the form "fontname.fontsize". If fontspec does not exist then dummyfont is used and fontid is undefined. We don't output any PostScript for non-existent fonts. *) VAR i, fontsizelen, firstn, lastn : INTEGER; BEGIN (* Initialize currfont^.fontspec and return start and end of fontsize (unless psfont flag is set to TRUE). currfont^.fontexists may also become TRUE. *) BuildFontSpec(currfont,firstn,lastn); WITH currfont^ DO BEGIN IF OpenFontFile(fontspec) THEN BEGIN (* only need fontid for a bitmapped font *) IF NOT psfont THEN BEGIN fontid := fontname; fontsizelen := lastn - firstn + 1; IF fontnamelen + fontsizelen < maxfontspec THEN BEGIN (* append ".fontsize" to fontid *) fontid[fontnamelen] := '.'; FOR i := 1 TO fontsizelen DO fontid[fontnamelen + i] := fontspec[firstn + i - 1]; END ELSE BEGIN (* in the unlikely event that there is no room to append ".fontsize" we simply leave fontid = fontname and hope it's unique *) writeln; writeln('Warning! fontname too long: ', fontname:fontnamelen); END; IF NOT conserveVM THEN NewBitmapFont(fontid); END; END ELSE IF OpenFontFile(dummyfont) THEN BEGIN (* fontid is left undefined; it will not be used *) warncount := warncount + 1; writeln; writeln('Couldn''t open font file: ', fontspec:fontspeclen); (* use dummy font info instead *) END ELSE BEGIN writeln; writeln('Couldn''t open dummy font: ', dummyfont:Len(dummyfont)); exit(1); END; IF psfont AND fontexists THEN TFMFillPixelTable ELSE PKFillPixelTable; CloseFontFile; END; END; (* PixelTableRoutine *) (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE InitFontReader; (* This routine initializes some global variables. *) VAR i : INTEGER; BEGIN hexdigs := '0123456789ABCDEF'; (* for LoadBitmap *) gpower[0] := []; FOR i := 1 TO 8 DO gpower[i] := gpower[i-1] + [i-1]; (* for LoadBitmap *) psprefixlen := Len(psprefix); fontdirlen := Len(fontdir); END; (* InitFontReader *)