% $Id: dvistd.bib,v 1.1 1991/07/26 18:18:45 schrod Exp schrod $ %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % compiled by Joachim Schrod % ^^ DON'T TYPE THESE! BibTeX demand! % % references concerning the TUG DVI Driver Standard % % % $Log: dvistd.bib,v $ % Revision 1.1 1991/07/26 18:18:45 schrod % Initial revision % % % abbrevations % % often not needed, but anyhow: @preamble{ "\def\DVI{{\tt DVI\/}}" } @string{ tub = "TUGboat"} @string{ committee = "The TUG {\DVI} Driver Standards Committee"} % % from the committee % @article{dvistd:report-tub:8904, author = {Don Hosek}, title = {First report from the {\DVI} driver standards committee}, journal = tub, volume = 10, number = 1, month = apr, year = 1989, pages = {56}, annote = {Announcement of the committee existence.} } @article{dvistd:report-tug:8907 author = {Don Hosek and Thomas J. Reid}, title = {Report from the {\DVI} Driver Standards Committee}, journal = tub, volume = 10, number = 2, month = jul, year = 1989, pages = {188-191}, annote = {Announcement of {\tt driv-l\/} and the Listserver at Texas A\,\&\,M. Discussion of Specials.} } @article{dvistd:report-tug:9105, author = {Joachim Schrod}, title = {Report on the {\DVI} Driver Standard}, journal = tub, volume = 12, number = 2, month = may, year = 1991, pages = {}, annote = {Claims that the level-0 draft is nearly finished for the presentation to the membership-at-large. Explains the structure of the standard.} } @unpublished{dvistd:report-board:9106, author = committee, title = {Report on the year June 1990 -- May 1991}, month = jun, year = 1991, note = {(For the TUG Board of Directors, compiled by Joachim Schrod, Secretary.)}, annote = {Names the voting members and explains the voting procedure. Announces the ftp-Server at Darmstadt. Describes the work done and future topics to discuss.} } % % other stuff (will be expanded!) % @inproceedings{dvistd:guntermann-schrod:quality-drivers, author = {Klaus Guntermann and Joachim Schrod}, title = {High Quality {\DVI} Drivers}, editor = {Malcolm Clark}, booktitle = {{\TeX}: Applications, Uses, Methods. Proceedings of the {\TeX}88 Conference}, address = {Exeter, UK}, publisher = {Ellis Horwood Publishers}, year = 1990, pages = {43-60}, annote = {} } @article{dvistd:mcgaffey:ideal, author = {Robert W. McGaffey}, title = {The Ideal {\TeX} Driver}, journal = tub, volume = 8, number = 2, year = 1987, pages = {161-163}, annote = {It is still questionable if this is the ``Ideal \TeX{} Driver''\,\dots} } @inproceedings{dvistd:mcgaffey:standards, author = {Robert W. McGaffey}, title = {Developing {\TeX} {\DVI} Driver Standards}, booktitle = {TUG VIII Conference Proceedings}, year = 1987, pages = {69-70}, organization = {{\TeX} User Group}, annote = {}, }