/* -*-C-*- dvioki.c */ /*-->dvioki*/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************* dvioki *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ #include "dvihead.h" /**********************************************************************/ /************************ Device Definitions ************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /* All output-device-specific definitions go here. This section must be changed when modifying a dvi driver for use on a new device */ #undef OKIDATA2410 #define OKIDATA2410 1 /* conditional compilation flag */ #undef HIRES #define HIRES 1 /* this is 144 dpi version */ #define VERSION_NO "2.10" /* DVI driver version number */ #if HIRES #define DEVICE_ID "OKIDATA Pacemark 2410 144 dpi dot matrix printer" /* this string is printed at runtime */ #define XDPI 144 /* horizontal dots/inch */ #undef MAXOPEN #define MAXOPEN 06 /* limit on number of open PXL files */ #else #define DEVICE_ID "OKIDATA Pacemark 2410 72 dpi dot matrix printer" /* this string is printed at runtime */ #define XDPI 72 /* horizontal dots/inch */ #endif #define OUTFILE_EXT "oki" #define BYTE_SIZE 7 /* output file byte size */ #undef STDRES #define STDRES 0 /* 0 for low-resolution devices */ #define XPSIZE 14 /* horizontal paper size in inches */ #define XSIZE (((XDPI*XPSIZE+2*HOST_WORD_SIZE-1)/\ (2*HOST_WORD_SIZE))*(2*HOST_WORD_SIZE)) /* number of horizontal dots; */ /* MUST BE multiple of */ /* 2*HOST_WORD_SIZE */ #define XWORDS ((XSIZE + HOST_WORD_SIZE - 1)/HOST_WORD_SIZE) /* number of words in rows */ /* of bitmap array */ #define YDPI XDPI /* vertical dots/inch */ #define YPSIZE 11 /* vertical paper size in inches */ #define YSIZE (YDPI*YPSIZE) /* number of vertical dots */ /* The printer bit map. */ #define XBIT XWORDS #define YBIT YSIZE #if (IBM_PC_LATTICE | IBM_PC_MICROSOFT | IBM_PC_WIZARD) #undef SEGMEM #define SEGMEM 1 /* ( ((long)XBIT * (long)YBIT) > 65536L ) */ #endif #include "bitmap.h" #include "main.h" #include "abortrun.h" #include "actfact.h" #include "alldone.h" #include "chargf.h" #include "charpk.h" #include "charpxl.h" #include "clrbmap.h" #include "clrrow.h" #include "dbgopen.h" /*-->devinit*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** devinit *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void devinit(argc,argv) /* initialize device */ int argc; char *argv[]; { (void)getbmap(); } /*-->devterm*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** devterm *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void devterm() /* terminate device */ { } #include "dispchar.h" #include "dvifile.h" #include "dviinit.h" #include "dviterm.h" #include "f20open.h" #include "fatal.h" #include "fillrect.h" #include "findpost.h" #include "fixpos.h" #include "fontfile.h" #include "fontsub.h" #include "getbmap.h" #include "getbytes.h" #include "getfntdf.h" #include "getpgtab.h" #include "inch.h" #include "initglob.h" #include "loadchar.h" /*-->makechar*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** makechar ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ char makechar(p,mask) UNSIGN32* p[]; register UNSIGN32 mask; { register char c; #if SEGMEM #define Q(n) p[n] /* use precomputed pointers */ #else /* NOT SEGMEM */ #define Q(n) (p[0] - (n)*XBIT) /* compute pointers on the fly */ #endif /* SEGMEM */ c = '\000'; if (*Q(0) & mask) c |= '\001'; if (*Q(1) & mask) c |= '\002'; if (*Q(2) & mask) c |= '\004'; if (*Q(3) & mask) c |= '\010'; if (*Q(4) & mask) c |= '\020'; if (*Q(5) & mask) c |= '\040'; if (*Q(6) & mask) c |= '\100'; return(c); } #include "movedown.h" #include "moveover.h" #include "moveto.h" #include "nosignex.h" #include "openfont.h" #include "option.h" /*-->outline*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** outline *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /* ************************************************************************ The OKIDATA Pacemark 2410 has a serious design flaw in that it lacks a command to reset to power-on state. This is serious, because it uses ETX to enter graphics mode, ETX STX to exit graphics mode, and ETX ETX to mean ETX as graphics data. This means that a single ETX sent from the host may cause it to enter graphics mode, or generate an error if it is already in graphics mode. Similarly, an ETX STX will enter graphics mode if it is not already in it, instead of exiting graphics mode. We therefore turn on graphics mode for each line, then turn it off again. That way, there may be some remote hope of resynchronizing if we lose an ETX due to line errors along the way. From an efficiency standout, it is regrettable that it has no run-length encoding of graphics data. The output quality and speed are otherwise quite reasonable as low-cost dot matrix printers go. ************************************************************************ */ void outline(pline) char *pline; { /* A few ASCII control character definitions */ #define STX '\002' #define ETX '\003' #define SO '\016' #define ESC '\033' register INT16 left; register char *c; for ((left = XSIZE, c = pline + XSIZE - 1); (*c == '\000') && (left > 1); (--left,--c)) /* trim white space but leave */ ; /* at least 1 character in line */ OUTC(ESC); /* ESC A - 12 cpi for square */ OUTC('A'); /* aspect ratio*/ #if HIRES OUTC(ESC); OUTC('R'); /* ESC R - 144 dpi plot mode */ #else OUTC(ESC); OUTC('P'); /* ESC P - 72 dpi plot mode */ #endif OUTC(ETX); /* ETX - begin graphics mode */ for (c = pline; left; --left) { if (*c == ETX) OUTC(ETX); /* ETX's must be doubled */ OUTC(*c); ++c; } OUTC(ETX); OUTC(SO); /* ETX SO - graphics carriage return */ OUTC(ETX); OUTC(STX); /* ETX STX - end graphics mode */ } #include "outrow.h" /*-->prtbmap*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** prtbmap *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void prtbmap() { register char *c; /* pointer into v7[] */ UNSIGN32 *p; /* pointer into bitmap[][] */ register UNSIGN32 mask; /* mask for single bit selection */ INT16 i,j,k,ybottom,ytop; char v7[XSIZE+2]; /* vertical 7-bit raster encodings */ #undef Q #if SEGMEM UNSIGN32* q[14]; /* pointers to 14 raster lines */ #define Q(n) q[n] /* use precomputed pointers */ #else /* NOT SEGMEM */ #define Q(n) (p - (n)*XBIT) /* compute pointers on the fly */ #endif /* SEGMEM */ (void)clearerr(plotfp); ytop = YBIT-1; k = -1; /* find bottom non-zero raster */ for (j = 0; (j < ytop) && (k < 0); ++j) /* loop over raster lines */ { #if IBM_PC_MICROSOFT for (k = XBIT - 1; ((k >= 0) && (*BITMAP(j,k) == 0)); --k) ; /* trim white space */ #else p = BITMAP(j,XBIT-1); for (k = XBIT - 1; ((k >= 0) && (*p == 0)); --k) --p; /* trim white space */ #endif } ybottom = MAX(0,7*((j-1+6)/7)); /* need 7n raster lines */ for (j = ytop; (j >= ybottom) ; j -= 7) /* loop over raster lines */ /* in groups of 7 */ { #if SEGMEM #else p = BITMAP(j,0); /* the j-th raster line */ #endif c = &v7[0]; /* vertical 7-bit encodings */ for (i = 0; i < XBIT; (++p,++i)) /* loop over raster words */ { /* PCC-20 compiled (1 << (HOST_WORD_SIZE-1)) to 0, so do it the hard way, arghh... */ mask = 1; mask <<= (HOST_WORD_SIZE-1); /* to select leftmost bit */ #if SEGMEM for (k = 0; k < 16; ++k) /* compute pointers to 16 rasters */ q[k] = BITMAP(j-k,i); #endif for (k = 0; k < HOST_WORD_SIZE; (++c,++k))/* loop over word bits */ { #if SEGMEM *c = makechar(&q[0],mask); /* examine bits in 7 adjacent */ /* rows and build 7-bit */ /* character value */ #else *c = makechar(&p,mask); /* examine bits in 7 adjacent */ /* rows and build 7-bit */ /* character value */ #endif mask >>= 1; /* move masking bit right 1 position */ } } --c; /* last character encoded */ outline(&v7[0]); } OUTS("\r\r\r\r\r\n"); /* force a carriage return since it does not always correctly return the head to the left margin */ OUTC('\f'); /* FF to eject page */ (void)fflush(plotfp); if (DISKFULL(plotfp)) (void)fatal("prtbmap(): Output error -- disk storage probably full"); } #include "prtpage.h" #include "readfont.h" #include "readgf.h" #include "readpk.h" #include "readpost.h" #include "readpxl.h" #include "reldfont.h" #include "rulepxl.h" #include "setchar.h" #include "setfntnm.h" #include "setrule.h" #include "signex.h" #include "skgfspec.h" #include "skipfont.h" #include "skpkspec.h" #include "special.h" #include "strchr.h" #include "strcm2.h" #include "strid2.h" #include "strrchr.h" #include "tctos.h" #include "usage.h" #include "warning.h"