/* -*-C-*- dvican.c */ /* Developed for Canon LBP-8 A2 from DVIIMP.C and DVIJEP.C [03-Jan-87] Page references in comments refer to Canon LBP-8 A1/A2 Laser Beam Printer User's Manual edition PUB.R-IE-034-V1C.0186B2.5 (1985) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NB: This is a preliminary release. Serious problems with the Canon A2 downloaded font mechanism force loading of characters as bitmaps at every reference, making it very slow.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */ /*-->DVICAN*/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************* dvican *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ #include "dvihead.h" /**********************************************************************/ /************************ Device Definitions ************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /* All output-device-specific definitions go here. This section must be changed when modifying a dvi driver for use on a new device */ #undef CANON_A2 #define CANON_A2 1 /* conditional compilation flag */ #define VERSION_NO "2.10" /* DVI driver version number */ #define DEVICE_ID "Canon LBP-8 A2 laser printer" /* this string is printed at runtime */ #define OUTFILE_EXT "can" #define BYTE_SIZE 8 /* output file byte size */ #undef STDRES #define STDRES 1 /* to get standard font resolution */ #define MAXLINE 4096 /* maximum input file line size */ /* it is needed only in special() */ #define XDPI 300 /* horizontal dots/inch */ #define XPSIZE 9 /* horizontal paper size in inches */ #define XSIZE (((XDPI*XPSIZE+2*HOST_WORD_SIZE-1)/\ (2*HOST_WORD_SIZE))*(2*HOST_WORD_SIZE)) /* number of horizontal dots; */ /* MUST BE multiple of */ /* 2*HOST_WORD_SIZE */ #define YDPI 300 /* vertical dots/inch */ #define YPSIZE 11 /* vertical paper size in inches */ #define YSIZE (YDPI*YPSIZE) /* number of vertical dots */ /* The following values may be printer model dependent, or even printer serial number dependent. These values were obtained with the LaTeX TESTPAGE.TEX file for a Canon LBP-8 A2 printer; they express that fact that the real (0,0) is 30 dots to the left of, and 111 dots above, the top left corner of an 8.5in x 11in page. This disagrees with p. 53 of the User's Manual which gives values of 48 and 60. */ #define XORIGIN 30 /* measured pixel coordinates of */ #define YORIGIN 111 /* page origin (should be at (0,0)) */ /* All Canon A2 command sequences are defined symbolically here, so that no magic byte strings appear in the text. */ #define CSI "\033[" /* control sequence introducer */ #define DOT_MODE "\033[11h" /* coordinates in dots */ #define FONTNUMBER(n) (int)(200 + (n)) /* user font number in 200..255 */ #define GS_NUMBER(n) (int)(3840 + (n)) /* graphics set number in 3840..4095 */ #define HARD_RESET "\033c" /* hard reset to power-on defaults */ #define ISO_MODE "\033;" /* ISO text mode */ #define RESET_MODE "\033[?1;4;5;6;7l" /* set no auto CR/LF, no LF with CR, */ /* no CR with LF, no CR with FF, no CR */ /* with VT */ #define SEL_PAINT "\033[2&z" /* select paint memory mode - full */ #define SET_MODE "\033[?2;3h" /* set no auto FF, no auto position feed */ #define SIZE_UNIT "\033[7\040I" /* units of 1/300 inch (i.e. dots) */ #define SPACING_INCREMENT "\033[0;0\040G" /* set HMI and VMI to zero; */ /* all character spacing is done explicitly */ /* Horizontal rule with lower-left corner at (x,y). NB: h in 1..9 */ #define HRULE(x,y,w,h) {MOVETO(x,y); OUTCSI; OUTNUM(h); OUTC('{');\ RMOVEX(w); OUTCSI; OUTC('}');} /* Map characters (0..32,33..127) to (160..192,33..127) */ #define MAPCHAR(c) (((c) > 32) ? (c) : ((c) + 160)) /* Move absolute to (x,y), page origin in lower left corner */ #define MOVETO(x,y) {MOVEX(x); MOVEY(y);} /* Move absolute to (x,current y), page origin in lower left corner */ #define MOVEX(x) {OUTCSI; OUTNUM(x); OUTC('\140');} /* Move absolute to (current x,y), page origin in lower left corner */ #define MOVEY(y) {OUTCSI; OUTNUM(YSIZE-y); OUTC('d');} /* Output bitmap prefix to be followed by bytes of the bitmap */ #define OUTBITMAP(bytecount,bytewidth) {\ OUTCSI;\ OUTNUM(bytecount);\ OUTC(';');\ OUTNUM(bytewidth);\ OUTS(".r");} /* Output TeX character number with mapping to Canon number */ #define OUTCHAR(c) OUTC(MAPCHAR(c)) /* Output control sequence prefix */ #define OUTCSI {OUTC('\033'); OUTC('[');} /* Output a number as a minimal decimal digit string */ #define OUTNUM(n) OUTF("%d",n) /* Eject a page from the printer--this is the last command on each page */ #define PAGEEJECT OUTC('\f') /* Move relative by (dx,0) from current point */ #define RMOVEX(dx) if ((dx) > 0) \ {OUTCSI; OUTNUM(dx); OUTC('a');} \ else if ((dx) < 0) \ {OUTCSI; OUTNUM(-(dx)); OUTC('j');} /* Move relative by (0,dy) from current point */ #define RMOVEY(dy) if ((dy) > 0) \ {OUTCSI; OUTNUM(dy); OUTC('k');} \ else if ((dy) < 0) \ {OUTCSI; OUTNUM(-(dy)); OUTC('e');} /* Set the number of copies of the current page (issue just before PAGEEJECT) */ #define SETCOPIES(n) {OUTCSI; OUTNUM(n); OUTC('v');} /* Set the current font number. Canon A2 seems to need both a font number and an encoded graphics set number, sigh... */ #if OS_ATARI #define SETCURRENTFONT(n) setcurrentfont(n) void setcurrentfont(n) UNSIGN16 n; { OUTS("\033\050"); OUTC(0x20 | (0x0f & (GS_NUMBER(n)>>8))); OUTC(0x20 | (0x0f & (GS_NUMBER(n)>>4))); OUTC(0x30 | (0x0f & (GS_NUMBER(n)))); OUTF2("%s%dy",CSI,FONTNUMBER(n)); } #else #define SETCURRENTFONT(n) {OUTS("\033\050");\ OUTC(0x20 | (0x0f & (GS_NUMBER(n)>>8)));\ OUTC(0x20 | (0x0f & (GS_NUMBER(n)>>4)));\ OUTC(0x30 | (0x0f & (GS_NUMBER(n))));\ OUTF2("%s%dy",CSI,FONTNUMBER(n));} #endif /* Vertical rule with lower-left corner at (x,y). NB: w in 1..9 */ #define VRULE(x,y,w,h) {MOVETO(x,y); OUTCSI; OUTNUM(w); OUTC('{');\ RMOVEY(h); OUTCSI; OUTC('}');} #include "main.h" #include "abortrun.h" #include "actfact.h" #include "alldone.h" /*-->bopact*/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************* bopact *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void bopact() /* beginning of page action */ { str_ycp = -1; /* last string ycp */ } #include "chargf.h" #include "charpk.h" #include "charpxl.h" #include "clrrow.h" #include "dbgopen.h" /*-->devinit*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** devinit *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void devinit(argc,argv) /* initialize device */ int argc; char *argv[]; { OUTS(HARD_RESET); /* reset to power-up status */ OUTS(ISO_MODE); /* we do everything in ISO mode */ OUTS(SEL_PAINT); /* paint memory full needed for downloaded */ /* character support */ OUTS(DOT_MODE); /* spacing in units of dots */ OUTS(SIZE_UNIT); /* ditto, sigh... */ OUTS(SPACING_INCREMENT); /* HMI and VMI to 0 to prevent auto spacing */ OUTS(SET_MODE); /* these two prevent page ejects when objects */ OUTS(RESET_MODE); /* extend into margins */ font_count = 0; /* no font numbers are assigned yet */ font_switched = TRUE; } /*-->devterm*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** devterm *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void devterm() /* terminate device */ { OUTS(HARD_RESET); /* reset to power-up status */ } #include "dvifile.h" #include "dviinit.h" #include "dviterm.h" /*-->eopact*/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************* eopact *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void eopact() /* end of page action */ { if (copies > 1) SETCOPIES(copies); PAGEEJECT; } #include "f20open.h" #include "fatal.h" /*-->fillrect*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** fillrect ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void fillrect(x,y,width,height) COORDINATE x,y,width,height; /* lower left corner, size */ /*********************************************************************** With the page origin (0,0) at the lower-left corner, draw a filled rectangle at (x,y). For most TeX uses, rules are uncommon, and little optimization is possible. However, for the LaTeX Bezier option, curves are simulated by many small rules (typically 2 x 2) separated by positioning commands. It is not possible to use relative, instead of absolute, moves in these sequences, without stacking rules for the whole page, because each rule is separated in the DVI file by push, pop, and positioning commands, making for an uncertain correspondence between internal (xcp,ycp) pixel page coordinates and external device coordinates. The last string y coordinate, str_ycp, must be reset here to force any later setstr() to reissue new absolute positioning commands. ***********************************************************************/ { str_ycp = -1; /* invalidate string y coordinate */ /* Output a new rule at TeX position (x,y). The device coordinates will be changed on completion. The rule origin is the TeX convention of the lower-left corner. The Canon A2 limits vertical rule widths, and horizontal rule heights, to 9 dots, so we may need to generate more than one rule request. */ if (width > height) /* horizontal rule */ { for (; height > 0; (y += 9, height -= 9)) HRULE(x,y,width,height); } else /* vertical rule */ { for (; width > 0; (x += 9, width -= 9)) VRULE(x,y,width,height); } } #include "findpost.h" #include "fixpos.h" #include "fontfile.h" #include "fontsub.h" #include "getbytes.h" #include "getfntdf.h" #include "getpgtab.h" #include "inch.h" #include "initglob.h" /*-->loadbmap*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** loadbmap ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void loadbmap(c) /* load big character as raster bitmap */ register BYTE c; { register struct char_entry *tcharptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */ register INT16 bytewidth; void (*charyy)(); /* subterfuge to get around PCC-20 bug */ if (fontptr != pfontptr) (void)openfont(fontptr->n); if (fontfp == (FILE *)NULL) /* do nothing if no font file */ return; tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]); moveto(hh - tcharptr->xoffp,YSIZE-vv+tcharptr->yoffp); MOVETO(xcp,ycp); bytewidth = ((tcharptr->wp)+7)>>3; OUTBITMAP(bytewidth*(tcharptr->hp), bytewidth); /* Bug fix: PCC-20 otherwise jumps to charxx instead of *charxx */ charyy = fontptr->charxx; (void)(*charyy)(c,outrow); /* load rasters into device */ } /*-->loadchar*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** loadchar ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************************************************* <------wp------> ^ ................ ^ | ................ | | ................ | | ................ | | ................ | | ................ |--- yoffp (negative if (xcp,ycp) above bitmap) | ................ | hp ................ | | ................ | | ................ | | ................ | | .....o.......... v <-- character reference point (xcp,ycp) at "o" | ................ | ................ | ................ | ................ v +............... <-- (xcorner,ycorner) at "+" <---> | | xoffp (negative if (xcp,ycp) left of bitmap) when char set: (xcp',ycp') := (xcp+tfmw,ycp) ----- -------- TeX Canon A2 ----- -------- xoffp left offset yoffp top offset wp width hp height tfmw advance width *******************************************************************/ void loadchar(c) register BYTE c; { int baseline; void (*charyy)(); /* subterfuge to get around PCC-20 bug */ register struct char_entry *tcharptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */ if ((c < FIRSTPXLCHAR) || (LASTPXLCHAR < c)) /* check character range */ return; tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]); if (!VISIBLE(tcharptr)) return; /* do nothing for invisible fonts */ if (fontptr != pfontptr) openfont(fontptr->n); if (fontfp == (FILE *)NULL) /* do nothing if no font file */ return; (void)clearerr(plotfp); tcharptr->isloaded = TRUE; baseline = tcharptr->hp - tcharptr->yoffp; if (baseline >= 0) baseline = MAX(1,MIN(baseline,tcharptr->hp)); else baseline = -MAX(1,MIN(-baseline,tcharptr->hp)); OUTCSI; OUTF("%d;", 2+(int)(((tcharptr->wp)+7)>>3)*(tcharptr->hp)); /* byte count */ OUTS("1;0;0;"); OUTF("%d;",GS_NUMBER(fontptr->font_number)); /* graphics set number */ OUTS("1;"); OUTF("%d;",(int)(tcharptr->hp)*24); /* hp*7200/300 == ht in centipoints */ OUTF("%d;", (int)(30000/MAX(1,tcharptr->pxlw)));/* pitch as 100*chars/inch */ OUTS("0;0;"); OUTF("%d;",FONTNUMBER(fontptr->font_number));/* font number */ OUTF("%d;",(int)(tcharptr->wp)); /* cell width in 1..64 */ OUTF("%d;",(int)(tcharptr->hp)); /* cell height in 1..64 */ OUTF("%d;",(int)ABS(baseline)); /* cell baseline */ OUTS("1;1;0;"); OUTF("%d.p",(baseline >= 0 ? 0 : 1)); /* cell baseline sign flag */ OUTC(c); /* character code */ OUTC(tcharptr->pxlw); /* character width */ /* Now comes binary raster data */ /* Bug fix: PCC-20 otherwise jumps to charxx instead of *charxx */ charyy = fontptr->charxx; (void)(*charyy)(c,outrow); /* output rasters */ SETCURRENTFONT(fontptr->font_number); /* Canon seems to need this */ font_switched = FALSE; /* again--most other devices do not */ if (DISKFULL(plotfp)) (void)fatal("loadchar(): Output error -- disk storage probably full"); } #include "movedown.h" #include "moveover.h" #include "moveto.h" /*-->newfont*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** newfont *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void newfont() { register UNSIGN16 the_char; /* loop index */ INT16 j; /* loop index */ for (the_char = FIRSTPXLCHAR; the_char <= LASTPXLCHAR; the_char++) fontptr->ch[the_char].isloaded = FALSE; for (j = 0; j < (INT16)font_count; ++j) if (font_table[j] == fontptr) /* then font already known */ break; if (j >= (INT16)font_count) /* new font */ { fontptr->font_number = font_count; font_table[font_count++] = fontptr; } } #include "nosignex.h" #include "openfont.h" #include "option.h" /*-->outrow*/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************* outrow *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void outrow(c,yoff) /* copy img_row[] into rasters[] if allocated, else no-op */ BYTE c; /* current character value */ UNSIGN16 yoff; /* offset from top row (0,1,...,hp-1) */ { UNSIGN16 bytes_per_row; /* number of raster bytes to copy */ register UNSIGN16 k; /* loop index */ register UNSIGN32 *p; /* pointer into img_row[] */ struct char_entry *tcharptr;/* temporary char_entry pointer */ register BYTE the_byte; /* unpacked raster byte */ tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]);/* assume check for valid c has been done */ bytes_per_row = ((tcharptr->wp) + 7) >> 3; /* wp div 8 */ p = img_row; /* we step pointer p along img_row[] */ for (k = bytes_per_row; ; ++p) { the_byte = (BYTE)((*p) >> 24); OUTC(the_byte); if ((--k) <= 0) break; the_byte = (BYTE)((*p) >> 16); OUTC(the_byte); if ((--k) <= 0) break; the_byte = (BYTE)((*p) >> 8); OUTC(the_byte); if ((--k) <= 0) break; the_byte = (BYTE)(*p); OUTC(the_byte); if ((--k) <= 0) break; } } #include "prtpage.h" #include "readfont.h" #include "readgf.h" #include "readpk.h" #include "readpost.h" #include "readpxl.h" #include "reldfont.h" #include "rulepxl.h" /*-->setchar*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** setchar *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void setchar(c, update_h) register BYTE c; register BOOLEAN update_h; { register struct char_entry *tcharptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */ /* BIGCHAR() and ONPAGE() are used here and in setstr() */ #define BIGCHAR(t) ((t->wp > (COORDINATE)size_limit) ||\ (t->hp > (COORDINATE)size_limit)) #define ONPAGE(t) (((hh - t->xoffp + t->pxlw) <= XSIZE) \ && (hh >= 0)\ && (vv <= YSIZE)\ && (vv >= 0)) if (DBGOPT(DBG_SET_TEXT)) { (void)fprintf(stderr,"setchar('"); if (isprint(c)) (void)putc(c,stderr); else (void)fprintf(stderr,"\\%03o",(int)c); (void)fprintf(stderr,"'<%d>) (hh,vv) = (%ld,%ld) font name <%s>", (int)c, (long)hh, (long)vv, fontptr->n); NEWLINE(stderr); } tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]); moveto(hh,YSIZE-vv); if (ONPAGE(tcharptr)) { /* character fits entirely on page */ if (font_switched) { SETCURRENTFONT(fontptr->font_number); font_switched = FALSE; } if (VISIBLE(tcharptr)) { if (BIGCHAR(tcharptr)) loadbmap(c); else { if (!tcharptr->isloaded) loadchar(c); if (ycp != str_ycp) { MOVETO(xcp,ycp); str_ycp = ycp; } else MOVEX(xcp); OUTCHAR(c); } } } else if (DBGOPT(DBG_OFF_PAGE) && !quiet) { /* character is off page -- discard it */ (void)fprintf(stderr, "setchar(): Char %c [10#%3d 8#%03o 16#%02x] off page.", isprint(c) ? c : '?',c,c,c); NEWLINE(stderr); } if (update_h) { h += (INT32)tcharptr->tfmw; hh += (COORDINATE)tcharptr->pxlw; hh = fixpos(hh-lmargin,h,conv) + lmargin; } } #include "setfntnm.h" #include "setrule.h" /*-->setstr*/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************* setstr *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void setstr(c) register BYTE c; { register struct char_entry *tcharptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */ register BOOLEAN inside; INT32 h0,v0; /* (h,v) at entry */ COORDINATE hh0,vv0; /* (hh,vv) at entry */ COORDINATE hh_last; /* hh before call to fixpos() */ register UNSIGN16 k; /* loop index */ UNSIGN16 nstr; /* number of characters in str[] */ BYTE str[MAXSTR+1]; /* string accumulator */ BOOLEAN truncated; /* off-page string truncation flag */ /******************************************************************* Set a sequence of characters in SETC_000 .. SETC_127 with a minimal number of commands. These sequences tend to occur in long clumps in a DVI file, and setting them together whenever possible substantially decreases the overhead and the size of the output file. A sequence can be set as a single string if * TeX and device coordinates of each character agree, AND * each character is in the same font (this will always be true in a sequence from a DVI file), AND * each character fits within the page boundaries, AND * each character definition is already loaded, AND * each character is from a visible font Whenever any of these conditions does not hold, any string already output is terminated, and a new one begun. Two output optimizations are implemented here. First, up to MAXSTR (in practice more than enough) characters are collected in str[], and any that require downloading are handled. Then the entire string is set at once, subject to the above limitations. Second, by recording the vertical page coordinate, ycp, in the global variable str_ycp (reset in prtpage() at begin-page processing), it is possible to avoid outputting y coordinates unnecessarily, since a single line of text will generally result in many calls to this function. *******************************************************************/ #define BEGINSTRING {inside = TRUE;\ if (ycp != str_ycp)\ {\ MOVETO(xcp,ycp);\ str_ycp = ycp;\ }\ else\ MOVEX(xcp);} #define ENDSTRING {inside = FALSE;} #define OFF_PAGE (-1) /* off-page coordinate value */ if (font_switched) /* output new font selection */ { SETCURRENTFONT(fontptr->font_number); font_switched = FALSE; } inside = FALSE; truncated = FALSE; hh0 = hh; vv0 = vv; h0 = h; v0 = v; nstr = 0; while ((SETC_000 <= c) && (c <= SETC_127) && (nstr < MAXSTR)) { /* loop over character sequence */ tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]); moveto(hh,YSIZE-vv); if (ONPAGE(tcharptr) && VISIBLE(tcharptr)) { /* character fits entirely on page and is visible */ if ((!tcharptr->isloaded) && (!BIGCHAR(tcharptr))) loadchar(c); } /* update horizontal positions in TFM and pixel units */ h += (INT32)tcharptr->tfmw; hh += (COORDINATE)tcharptr->pxlw; str[nstr++] = c; /* save string character */ c = (BYTE)nosignex(dvifp,(BYTE)1); } /* put back character which terminated the loop */ (void)UNGETC((int)(c),dvifp); hh = hh0; /* restore coordinates at entry */ vv = vv0; h = h0; v = v0; if (DBGOPT(DBG_SET_TEXT)) { (void)fprintf(stderr,"setstr(\""); for (k = 0; k < nstr; ++k) { c = str[k]; if (isprint(c)) (void)putc(c,stderr); else (void)fprintf(stderr,"\\%03o",(int)c); } (void)fprintf(stderr,"\") (hh,vv) = (%ld,%ld) font name <%s>", (long)hh, (long)vv, fontptr->n); NEWLINE(stderr); } for (k = 0; k < nstr; ++k) { /* loop over character sequence */ c = str[k]; tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]); moveto(hh,YSIZE-vv); if (ONPAGE(tcharptr) && VISIBLE(tcharptr)) { /* character fits entirely on page and is visible */ if (tcharptr->isloaded) /* character already downloaded */ { if (!inside) BEGINSTRING; OUTCHAR(c); } else /* character must be downloaded first */ { if (inside) ENDSTRING; /* finish any open string */ if (BIGCHAR(tcharptr)) loadbmap(c); } } else /* character does not fit on page -- output */ { /* current string and discard the character */ truncated = TRUE; if (inside) ENDSTRING; } /* update horizontal positions in TFM and pixel units */ h += (INT32)tcharptr->tfmw; hh += (COORDINATE)tcharptr->pxlw; hh_last = hh; hh = fixpos(hh-lmargin,h,conv) + lmargin; if (DBGOPT(DBG_POS_CHAR)) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "[%03o] xcp = %d\tycp = %d\thh = %d\thh_last = %d\n", c,xcp,ycp,hh,hh_last); } /* If fixpos() changed position, we need new string next time */ if ((hh != hh_last) && inside) ENDSTRING; } if (truncated && DBGOPT(DBG_OFF_PAGE) && !quiet) { (void)fprintf(stderr,"setstr(): Text ["); for (k = 0; k < nstr; ++k) (void)fprintf(stderr,isprint(str[k]) ? "%c" : "\\%03o",str[k]); (void)fprintf(stderr,"] truncated at page boundaries."); NEWLINE(stderr); } if (inside) /* finish last string */ ENDSTRING; } #include "signex.h" #include "skgfspec.h" #include "skipfont.h" #include "skpkspec.h" #include "special.h" #include "strchr.h" #include "strcm2.h" #include "strid2.h" #include "strrchr.h" #include "tctos.h" #include "usage.h" #include "warning.h"