This is a change file of PLtoTF for TeX-FPC, Wolfgang Helbig, Oct. 2020. [0] About PLtoTF-FPC @x \pageno=\contentspagenumber \advance\pageno by 1 @y \pageno=\contentspagenumber \advance\pageno by 1 \input webmac-fpc % \let\maybe=\iftrue % uncomment to print changed modules only. \def\name{\tt PLtoTF} \N0\*. About \namefpc.\fi This is an adaption of Donald~E. Knuth's \.{PLtoTF} to Unix. \namefpc\ is based on the Free~Pascal Compiler. \namefpc\ expects the name of the input file (\.{.pl}) as the first and the name of the output file (\.{.tf}) as the second parameter on the command line. \hint Comments and questions are welcome! \bigskip \address @z [1] Change the banner line @x @d banner=='This is PLtoTF, Version 3.6' {printed when the program starts} @y @d banner=='This is PLtoTF-FPC, 2nd ed.' {printed when the program starts} @z [2] compiler directives @x @p program PLtoTF(@!pl_file,@!tfm_file,@!output); @y @p@{$MODE@,ISO@} @/ @{$Q+@} @/ @{$R+@} @# program PLtoTF(@!output); @z [6] open pl_file @x reset(pl_file); @y assign(pl_file, param_str(1)); @# @{$I-@} @# ioresult; reset(pl_file); if ioresult <> 0 then begin write_ln('Could not open pl file: ', param_str(1)); halt(1); end; @# @{$I+@} @z [15] violation of ISO @x @!tfm_file:packed file of 0..255; @y @!tfm_file: packed file of byte; @z [16] open tfm_file @x rewrite(tfm_file); @y if paramcount <> 2 then begin write_ln('Usage: ', param_str(0), ' pl_file tfm_file'); halt(1); end; assign(tfm_file, param_str(2)); @# @{$I-@} @# ioresult; rewrite(tfm_file); if ioresult <> 0 then begin write_ln('Could not open tfm file: ', param_str(2)); halt(1); end; @# @{$I+@} @# @z