:entry \\\\ :header The \\ command :synopsis \\ [len] \\*[len] :description These commands start a new line. If :em len is given, an extra vertical space of :em len is added. The *-form inhibits a page break before the new line. The \\- command may be used in paragraph mode and within the following commands and environments: :el :li :hl array :li :hl tabular :li :hl eqnarray :li :hl tabbing :li :hl \shortstack :li :hl \author :eel Do not use two \\-commands in a row in paragraph mode. Instead, use one \\-command with an extra vertical space. :example ... This is the end of one paragraph\\[2mm] Here starts the next paragraph... :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry noindent indent par :header Making Paragraphs :synopsis \noindent \indent \par :description :bold \noindent Suppress the paragraph indentation. \noindent must be used at the beginning of the paragraph :bold \indent Produces a horizontal space whose width equals the width of the paragraph indentation. It is used to add paragraph indentation where it would otherwise be suppressed. :bold \par Equivalent to a blank line :example :hl \parindent 1cm This paragraph will have a indentation of 1 cm \par \noindent and this paragraph will have no indentation :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry textwidth linewidth parindent baselineskip baselinestretch parskip :header Paragraph Style Parameters :synopsis \textwidth len \linewidth len \parindent len \baselineskip len \baselinestretch len \parskip len :description :dl :li \textwidth Normal Length of the page. Should be changed only in the preamble :li \linewidth Width of the line in the current environment. :li \parindent Width of the indentation at the beginning of a paragraph. :li \baselineskip The :em minimum space from the bottom of one line to the bottom of the next line in a paragraph. (The space between individual lines may be greater if they contain tall objects). :li \baselinestretch Factor for the line spacing. If you set \baselinestretch to 2, line spacing will be 2 times larger than normal; thus you will get a double-spaced version of the original document. :li \parskip The extra vertical space inserted before a paragraph. It is a rubber argument that usually has a natural length of zero :edl :example \documentstyle [11pt]{article} \textwidth 15.0cm \parindent 0.0cm %* No indentation \parskip 5pt plus2pt minus1pt %* But space between paragraphs \renewcommand {\baselinestretch}{1.1} %* Distance between lines \begin{document} Once upon a time... \end{document} :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry footnote footnotemark footnotetext footnotesep footnoterule :header Footnotes :synopsis \footnote[num]{text} \footnotemark[num] \footnotetext[num]{text} \footnotesep len \footnoterule :description :dl :li \footnote[num]{text} Produces a footnote with \em text as its text and num (optional) as its number :li \footnotemark[num] Produces a footnote mark in the running text but does not produce a footnote. :li \footnotetext[num{text} Used in conjunction with \footnotemark to produce a footnote but no footnote mark in the running text. The footnote counter is not stepped :li \footnotesep The height of a strut placed at the beginning of every footnote to produce the vertical space between footnotes. :li \footnoterule A command that draws the line separating the footnote from the main text. The output it generates must take zero vertical space, so negative space should be used to compensate for the space by the rule. It can be redefined anywhere with the :hl \renewcommand. :edl :example Alexander\footnote{(356-323 BC)} was the greatest general of his country. :endentry :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry part chapter section subsection subsubsection paragraph subparagraph :header Sectioning commands :name \part \chapter \section \subsection \subsubsection \paragraph \subparagraph :synopsis sec_cmd{heading} sec_cmd[toc_entry]{header} sec_cmd*{heading} :description Commands to begin a sectional unit. :dl :li sec_cmd{heading} Produces a new heading with a section number and produces an entry in the table of contents :li sec_cmd* Produces a new heading but no section number and suppresses the entry in the table of contents. :edl The :hl article document style does not have a \chapter command. The :hl secnumdepth counter determines which sectional units are numbered :example \begin{document} \tableofcontents \newpage \section{TeX - A Program for Typesetting} \subsection{Introduction} bla bla bla \end{document} :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry appendix secnumdepth tocdepth :header Style Parameters for Sectioning commands :synopsis \appendix \secnumdepth \tocdepth :description :dl :li \appendix Changes the way sectional units are numbered. In the :hl article, :hl report and :hl book styles, the appendix sections are numbered "A", "B", ... :li \secnumdepth The level number of the least significant sectional unit with numbered headings. A value of 2 means that subsections are numbered, but subsections are not. :li \tocdepth The level number of the least significant sectional unit listed in the table of contents :edl :example \secnumdepth 2 \tocdepth 2 \section{This is the last section} \appendix \section{This is the first part of the appendix} :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry tableofcontents listoffigures listoftables addtocontentsline :header Table of Contents :synopsis \tableofcontents \listoffigures \listoftables \addtocontentsline{file}{sec_unit}{entry} \addtocontents{file}{text} :description Generate a table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables, respectively. These commands cause LaTeX to write the necessary information on a file having the same name as the root file and the following extension: :ul :li \tableofcontents \toc :li \tistoffigures \lof :li \listoftables \lot :eul :bold \addtocontentsline Adds an entry to the specified list or table. :el :li :em file is the extension of the file on which information is to be written (toc, lof, lot). :li :em sec_unit controls the formatting of the entry. May be "part", "section",... for toc, "figure" for lof, and "table" for lot :li :em entry The text of the entry :eel :bold \addtocontents Adds text (or formatting command) directly to the selected file :example \documentstyle[11pt, psfig]{article} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \section{Your document start here} bla bla bla \appendix \section{Part one of the appendix} bla bla bla \listoffigures \listoftables \end{document} :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry documentstyle article book report letter _11pt _12pt twoside twocolumn titlepage openbib leqno fleqn german :header Document styles :synopsis \documentstyle[options]{style} :description Specifies the document style and options. It is usually the first command in the input file. :bold style May be one of the following :ul :li :bold article :li :bold report :li :bold book :li :bold letter :eul Your system may have additional styles; please refer to your local guide or contact your system administrator. :bold options May be any combination of the following options: :ul :li :bold 11pt Set the default font size to 11 Point (instead of 10pt) :li :bold 12pt Set the default font size to 12 Point (instead of 10pt) :li :bold twoside Formats the output for printing on both sides (default of book style) :li :bold twocolumn Produces two-column pages :li :bold titlepage For article-style only; causes the :hl maketitle command and the :hl abstract environment each to make a separate page :li :bold openbib Causes the bibliography to be formatted in open style :li :bold leqno Puts formula numbers on left side in equations and eqnarrays :li :bold fleqn Left aligns displayed formulas :li :bold psfig Include Postscript documents and graphics with the :hl psfig command :li :bold german Set Hyphenation, Headers and other parameters for German texts language :eul Your system may have many additional options; please refer to your local guide or contact your system administrator :example \documentstyle[11pt,german,psfig]{article} \begin{document} Isn't LaTeX a nice system? \end{document} :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry pagestyle plain empty headings myheadings thispagestyle markright markboth pagenumbering arabic roman Roman alph Alph :header Page Styles :synopsis \pagestyle{style} \thispagestyle \markright{left_header} \markboth{left_header}{right_header} \pagenumbering{num_style} :description :dl :li \pagestyle An output page consists of a head, a body and a foot. The page-style specifies the contents of the head and the foot. :dl :li plain The head is empty, the foot has only a page number. This is the default page style :li empty The head and the foot are both empty :li headings The head contains information determined by the document style and the page number; the foot is empty :li myheadings Same as headings, except that head information is specified by \markboth and \markright commands. :edl :li \thispagestyle Same as \pagestyle except that it applies only to the current page :li \markright :li \markboth :li \pagenumbering Specifies the style of page numbers. Possible values of num_style are: :dl :li arabic Arabic numerals :li roman Lowercase Roman numerals :li Roman Uppercase Roman numerals :li alph Lowercase letters :li Alph Uppercase letters :dl :example :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry oddsidemargin evensidemargin marginparwidth marginparsep topmargin headheight headsep textheight textwidth topskip footheight footskip :header Style parameters :synopsis \oddsidemargin \evensidemargin \marginparwidth \marginparsep \topmargin \headheight \headsep \textheight \textwidth \topskip \footheight \footskip :description The following parameters are normally changed only in the preamble. Anomalies may occur if they are changed in the middle of the document. :dl :li \oddsidemargin One inch less than the distance from the left edge of the paper to the text on right-hand papers :li \evensidemargin The same as \oddsidemargin for left_hand papers :li \marginparwidth The width of marginal notes :li \marginparsep The amount of horizontal space between the outer margin and a marginal note :li \topmargin One inch less than the distance from the top edge of the paper to the top of the page's head :li \headheight The hight of (a box containing) the head :li \headsep The amount of vertical space between the head and the body of a page :li \textheight The normal height of the body of a page. With :hl \flushbottom in effect, rubber vertical space will be stretched to make the body exactly this length :li \textwidth The normal width of the text on the page (when not inside an environment that changes the margins) :li \topskip The minimum distance from the top of the body to the bottom of the first line of text. It acts like :hl \baselineskip for first line of a page. :li \footheight The hight of (a box containing) the foot :li \footskip The distance from the bottom of the last line of text in the body of a page to the bottom of the foot. :edl :example \documentstyle[11pt, psfig]{article} \topmargin -0.2cm %* Page Layout \headheight 0.7cm \headsep 1.0cm \topskip 0.0cm \textheight 22.0cm \evensidemargin 0.6cm \oddsidemargin 0.6cm \textwidth 15.0cm \parindent 0.0cm %* No indentation \parskip 5pt plus2pt minus1pt %* But space between paragraphs \renewcommand {\thefigure}{\thesubsection.\arabic{figure}} \renewcommand {\textfraction}{0} %* No text needed on a page \renewcommand {\baselinestretch}{1.0} %* Distance between lines %\pagestyle{empty} %* Uncomment for no page-numbering \begin{document} Here starts the text... \end{document} :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry maketitle title author date thanks description titlepage :header Title Page and Abstract :synopsis \maketitle \title{text} \author{name} \date{text} \thanks{text} \begin{abstract} text \end{abstract} \begin{titlepage} text \end{titlepage} :description :dl :li \maketitle Generates a title on a separate page -- except in the :hl article document style, where the title normally goes at the top of the first text page. Information used to produce the title is obtained from the following declarations. :li \title Declares :em text to be the title. You may want to use :hl \\ to tell LaTeX where to start a new line in a long title. :li \author Declares the author(s), where :em names is a list of authors separated by \and commands. use :hl \\ to separate lines within a single author's entry -- for example, to give the author's institution or address. :li \date Declares :em text to be the document's date. With no \date command, the current date is used. :li \thanks Produces a footnote to the title. May be used in the arguments of the \title, \author and \date command. Can be used for acknowledgement of support, an author's address, etc. :li description Generates an abstract with :em text as its contents. The abstract is places on a page by itself in the :hl report document style or :hl titlepage style option. It is not available in the :hl book document style :li titlepage Produces a title page with the :em empty page style and resets the number of the following page to one. You are completely responsible for formatting the contents of this page :edl :example \title{Alice's Adventures in the Wonderland} \author{Lewis Carroll\thanks{pseudonym for Charles Ludwidge Dodgson}} \date{19 July 1865 \\ Revised 25 August 1865} \maketitle :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry quote quotation verse :header Quotations and Verse :synopsis \begin{quote} text \end{quote} \begin{quotation} text \end{quotation} \begin{verse} text \end{verse} :description :dl :li quote Left and right margins are indented equally, there is no paragraph indentation, and extra vertical space is added between paragraphs. :li quotation Left and right margins are indented equally; normal paragraph indentation and intergraph vertical space is used. :li verse Left and right margins are indented equally. Lines within a stanza are separated by :hl \\ commands and stanzas are separated by one or more blank lines. :edl :example \begin{verse} Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea\\ and frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail\\ ... \end{verse} :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry itemize description enumerate labelitemi enumi item :header List-Making Environments :synopsis \begin{itemize} item_list \end{itemize} \begin{enumerate} item_list \end{enumerate} \begin{description} item_list \end{description} \item[label] :description The :em item_list consists of a sequence of items, each one begun with a :bf \item command. :dl :li itemize The default labels of an itemize environment are produced by the commands \labelitemi, \labelitemii, \labelitemiii, or labelitemiv, depending upon its nesting level within other itemize environments. The "ticks marks" produced by the itemize environment may be changed by redefining these commands with :hl \renewcommand. :li enumerate Numbering in an enumerate environment is controlled by the counter enumi, enumii, enumiii, enumiv, depending upon its nesting level within other enumerate environments. The printed value of this counter is declared to be the current :hl \ref value. :li description If an item of a description environment begins with a displayed- paragraph environment, the item label may overprint the first line of that environment. If this happens, the item should begin with an :hl \mbox{} command to cause the environment to start on a new line. :li item Starts a new item and produces its label. The item label is generated by the label argument if present, otherwise the default label is used. In itemize and enumerate, the label is typeset flush right a fixed distance from the item's left margin. In enumerate, the optional argument suppresses the incrementing of the enumeration counter. The default label is null in the decription environment. :edl The parameters controlling formatting of the environments, refer to the :hl list environment :example \section{Some stupid rules} \begin{enumerate} \item Enough research will tend to support your theory. \item If something can go wrong it will go wrong. \item I love Murphy, because \begin{itemize} \item he is always right \item he makes me laugh \end{itemize} \item If Murphy's Law can go wrong, it will. \end{enumerate} :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry list trivlist topsep partopsep itemsep parsep leftmargin rightmargin listparindent itemindent labelsep labelwidth makelabel :header The list and trivlist environments :synopsis \begin{list}{default_label}{decls} item_list \end{list} \begin{trivlist} item_list \end{trivlist} :description Produces a list of labeled items. The following are the parameters that control the formatting in a :bold list environment: :dl :li topsep The amount of extra vertical space (in addition to :hl \parskip) inserted between the preceding text and the first list item, and between the last item and the following text. :li partopsep The extra vertical space (in addition to \topsep + :hl \parskip) inserted, if the environment is preceded by a blank line, between the preceding text and the first list item and between the last item and the following text. :li itemsep The amount of extra vertical space (in addition to :hl \parsep) inserted between successive list items. :li parsep The amount of of vertical space between paragraphs within an item. It is the value to which :hl \parskip is set within the list. :li leftmargin The horizontal distance between the left margin of the enclosing environment and the left margin of the list. It must be nonegative. In the standrad document styles, it is set to :hl \leftmargini, to \laftmarginii etc., depending on the nesting level. :li rightmargin Similar to \leftmargin. Default value is 0. :li listparindent The amount of extra indentation added to the first line of every paragraph except the first one of an item. Its default value is 0. It may have a negative value. :li itemindent The amount of extra indentation added to each item before the label. Its default value is zero. It may have a negative value. :li labelsep The space between the end of the box containing the label and the text of the item. :li labelwidth The normal width of the box that contains the label. It must be nonnegative. :li makelabel A command that generates the label printed by the :hl \item command from the :em label argument. It may be redefined with :hl \renewcommand. :edl :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry verbatim verbatim* verb :header The verbatim environment :synopsis \begin{verbatim} text \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim*} text \end{verbatim*} \verb:em char text :em char \verb*:em char text :em char :description :dl :li verbatim Typesets :em text exactly as typed, including special characters, spaces and line breaks, using a typewriter (\tt) type style. The only text following the \begin command that is not treated literally is the \end command. The *-form differs in that spaces are printed as \_ symbols. A verbatim or verbatim* environment may not appear in the argument of any command. :li \verb Typesets :em text exactly as typed, including special characters and spaces, using a typewriter (\tt) type style. There may no space between verb and :em char. The *-form differs in that spaces are printed as \_ symbols. :em char may be any nonspace character, except it may not be a * for the \verb form. :em text Any sequence of characters not containing an end-of-line character or :em char :edl :example \begin{verbatim} Commands like \bf \LARGE will be ignored inside this environment. \end{verbatim} :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry figure figure* table table* :header Produce Figures and Tables :synopsis \begin{figure}[loc] body \end{figure} \begin{figure*}[loc] body \end{figure*} \begin{table}[loc] body \end{table} \begin{table*}[loc] body \end{table*} \caption[lst_entry]{heading} :description :dl :li figure, :bold table These environments produce floating figures and tables. In two-column format, the ordinary forms produce single-column figures and tables and the *-forms produce double-column ones. The two forms are equivalent in single-column format. The :em body is typeset in a parbox of width :hl \textwidth. It may contain one or more :hl \caption commands. the :em loc argument is a sequence of zero to four letters, each one specifying a location where the figure or table may be placed, as follows: :dl :li h Here: at the position in the text where the environment appears :li t Top: at the top of a text page :li b Bottom: at the bottom of a text page :li p Page: on a separate page containing no text, only figures and tables :edl If the :em loc argument is missing, the default specifier is :bold tbp, so the figure may be placed at the top or bottom of a text page or on a separate page consisting only of figures and/or tables. The placement of the figure or table is determined by the following rules: :el :li It is printed at the earliest page that does not violate subsequent rules except that a h (here) position takes precedence over a t (top) position :li It will not be printed on an earlier page than the place in the text where the figure or table environment appears. :li A figure will not be printed before an earlier figure and a table will not be printed before an earlier table. :li Placement of the figure cannot produce an overful page :edl When LaTeX cannot satisfy the preceding rules, the figure or table and all subsequent figures and tables will be saved until the end of the chapter or document. When giving an optional :em loc argument, include enough options to avoid this. :li caption Produces a numbered caption. :em lst_entry Generates the entry in the list of figures or tables. Such an entry should not contain more than about 300 characters. If this argument is missing, the :heading argument is used :em heading is the text of the caption. It produces the list of figures or tables entry if the :em lst_entry argument is missing. :edl A :hl \label command that refers to the caption#s number must go in :em heading or after the \caption command in the :body of the figure or table environment. The \caption command can be used only in paragraph mode, but can be placed in a parbox made with a \parbox command or minipage environment. :example \begin{figure}[htbp] \vspace{10cm} \caption{Picture of Donald Knuth} \label pict_knuth \end{figure} :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry tabbing :header The tabbing Environment :synopsis \begin{tabbing} rows \end{tabbing} :description :example :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry array tabular tabular* hline :header Tabular-Environment :synopsis \begin{array}[pos]{cols} rows \end{array} \begin{tabular}[pos]{cols} rows \end{tabular} \begin{tabular*}{width}[pos]{cols} rows \end{tabular*} \hline :description The Tabular environment creates a formatted tabular. :dl :li width specifies the width of the tabular* environment. There must be rubber space between columns that can stretch to fill out the specified width. :li pos specifies the vertical positioning; the default is alignment on the center of the environment :li cols Specifies the column formatting. It consists of a sequence of the following specifiers, corresponding to the sequence of columns and intercolumn material :dl :li | draw a vertical line :li l create a left-justified column :li r create a right-justified column :li c create a centered column :edl :li rows Insert the :em rows of the table in the body. The entries for the columns are separated by the special character &. Enter \\ at the end of the line to start a new row :li \hline Use \hline whenever you want a horizontal line :eul :example \begin{tabular}{|l|rrr|} \hline Company & 11.1.93 & 12.1.93 & 13.1.93 \\ \hline Apple & 34.01 & 33.23 & 29.81 \\ IBM & 56.32 & 67.78 & 89.02 \\ Wang & 13.12 & 10.97 & 1.12 \\ \hline \end{tabular} :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry label ref pageref :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry bibliography thebibliography :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry include includeonly :header Include Files :synopsis \input{file_name} \include{file_name} \includeonly{file-list} :description :dl :li \input{filename} Causes the indicated file to be read and processed, exactly as if its contents had been inserted in the current file at that point. The :em file_name may be a complete file name with extension or just a first name, in which case the filename :em file_name.tex is used :li \includeonly{file-list} Used for the selective inclusion of files. This command may appear only in a preamble. :em file_list is a list of filenames. :li \include{file} Causes the indicated file to be read and processed, but only if :file was specified with the \includeonly command. If :em file was specified with \includeonly, the \include command works like :el :li :hl \clearpage \input{file} :hl \clearpage :eel If :em file was not specified with \includeonly, the \include command is equivalent to :el :li :hl \clearpage :eel :edl :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry makeindex makeglossary index glossary :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry typeout typein :header Terminal Input and Output :synopsis \typeout{msg} \typein[cmd]{msg} :description :dl :li \typeout{msg} Prints :em msg on the terminal and in the log file. Commands defined with :hl \newcommand or :hl \renewcommand are replaced by their definitions before being printed. Latex commands in :em msg may produce strange results. Preceding commands by :hl \protect causes the command name to be printed. :li \typein[cmd]{msg} Prints :em msg on the terminal, just like \typeout{msg} and causes TeX to stop and wait for you to type a line of input, ending with return. If the :em cmd argument is missing, the typed input is processed as if it has been included in the input file in place of the \typein command. If the :em cmd argument is present, it must be command name. This command name is then defined or redefined to be the typed input. Thus if :em cmd is not already defined, then the command acts like :el :li \typeout{msg} :li \newcommand{cmd}{typed input} :eel :edl :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry linebreak nolinebreak newline hyphenation sloppy fussy sloppypar :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry pagebreak nopagebreak samepage newpage clearpage cleardoublepage :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry fill stretch newlength setlength addtolength settowidth :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry hspace hspace* vspace vspace* bigskip medskip smallskip addvspace :header Space :synopsis :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry mbox makebox fbox framebox newsavebox sbox savebox usebox minipage rule raisebox :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry picture put multiput :endentry ********************************************************************* :entry symbols fonts tiny scriptsize footnotesize large Large LARGE huge Huge rm bf it sl sf sc tt boldmath :header TeX and LaTeX Fonts and Symbols :description :bold Fonts :el TeX and LaTeX support several font selection schemes: :ul :li LaTeX standard font selection scheme :hl fonts_ :li LaTeX2e font selection scheme and NFSS :eul :eel :bold Symbols :bold and :bold Special :bold Characters :el LaTeX and TeX deliver nearly all the symbols you will ever need. Remember that they can be used only in math mode. :ul :li Greek Letters: :hl symbol1_ :li Various Symbols and Accents :hl symbol2_ :li Unary and Binary Operators :hl symbol3_ :li Relation Symbols :hl symbol4_ :li Arrows and Braces :hl symbol5_ :li Text Mode Symbols and Synonyms :hl symbol6_ :eul :eel :endentry