@@# DEBUG YES # If you use the afterpage package, the space for line numbers is # justified every 100 lines. Unfortunately, the first line on the page # after a change uses the old widt, the following lines use the new # width. I don't know, how to fix this problem; so I prefer using a fix # width for line numbers. # The same problem occurs if one checks the \count0 register (current page # number): it is incremented at the second line of each page. @@# USE_AFTERPAGE NO @# \datum 25.2.2000 @# \major_version 1 @# \minor_version 4 @# \patch_level 0 @# version_missing_blanks {@calc "%s" " "*(42-strlen("\version from \date"))} @#-1 lhead {@end@} @#-1 chead Produced from %f on %D %t @#-1 rhead {@end@} @#-1 lfoot {@end@} @#-1 cfoot Page %p @#-1 rfoot {@end@} @# tab2spc 3 @# min_blank 0.25em @# max_blank 0.55em @# min_xblank 0.3em @# max_xblank 0.45em @# hyphen_kern \kern0.05em @#-1 l2e_style \documentclass[10pt]{article}{@@+} \usepackage{a4,position,fancyhdr}{@@+} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}{@@+} \textwidth18cm\textheight25cm\hoffset-3cm\voffset-1cm @#-1 l209_style \documentstyle[a4,position,fancyhdr]{article}{@@+} \textwidth18cm\textheight25cm\hoffset-3cm\voffset-1cm @#-1 l2e_style_line \documentclass[10pt]{article}{@@+} \usepackage{a4,position,fancyhdr}{@@+} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}{@@+} {@if USE_AFTERPAGE} \usepackage{afterpage}{@@+} {@endif} \textwidth18cm\textheight25cm\hoffset-3cm\voffset-1cm @#-1 l209_style_line \documentstyle[a4,position,fancyhdr{@if USE_AFTERPAGE},afterpage{@endif}]{article}{@@+} \textwidth18cm\textheight25cm\hoffset-3cm\voffset-1cm @# copyright %%{@@+} %% Copyright (C) 1997 - {@calc get_year("")} Michael Plugge {@@+} %% All rights reserved.{@@+} %%