%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @(#)astyped.sty 1.3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ASTYPED DOCUMENT-STYLE OPTION - released 88/06/30 % for LaTeX version 2.09 % Based on Leslie Lamport's verbatim environment in latex.tex. % Defines the `astyped' environment, which is like the `verbatim' % environment except most of the special characters have their usual meanings. % Space, ^K, and ^A are the only specials changed. \def\astyped{\trivlist \item[]\if@minipage\else\vskip\parskip\fi \leftskip\@totalleftmargin\rightskip\z@ \parindent\z@\parfillskip\@flushglue\parskip\z@ \@tempswafalse \def\par{\if@tempswa\hbox{}\fi\@tempswatrue\@@par} \obeylines \tt \catcode``=13 \@noligs \let\do\@makeother \do\ \do\^^K\do\^^A \frenchspacing\@vobeyspaces} \let\endastyped=\endtrivlist % Used inside astyped environments for normal formatting of a line. % I wish I could give space its normal catcode within \notastyped. \def\notastyped#1{\mbox{\rm #1}}