# Makefile for MetaPost in C	 #


# Everything below here should seldom need changing	#

OBJS= mp0.o mp1.o mp2.o mp3.o mp4.o mp5.o mp6.o mp7.o mp8.o mp9.o
IOBJS=mpext.o mpmath.o pathexp.o inimp.o $(OBJS)
VOBJS=mpext.o mpmath.o pathexp.o imp.o $(OBJS)

.SUFFIXES: .o .c
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c

default:	all

all:		mp.exe plain.mem mfplain.mem
triptrap:	etrapmp

inimp:		stamp-orig $(IOBJS)
		$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o inimp $(IOBJS)

mp.exe:		inimp
		emxbind -bs inimp -s16384 -p
		mv inimp.exe mp.exe

# You don't need to make virmp because the change file makes inimp behave
# like virmp when not invoked with a -I switch.  The `virmp' target is provided
# just in case you want a separate executable that is slightly more compact.
virmp:		stamp-orig $(VOBJS)
		$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o virmp $(VOBJS)

# This target is only for testing arithmetic routines.  Run timemath with
# no arguments and use the results printed on standard output to decide if
# the external routines used when `FIXPT' is not defined in site.h work
# properly and run faster than the standard arithmetic routines.

timemath:	time.o cmath.o pmath.o mathtest.o
		$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o timemath time.o cmath.o pmath.o mathtest.o

time.o:     test_mpd.h mp.h
mathtest.o: test_mpd.h mp.h
pmath.o:   test_mpd.h mp.h
cmath.o:   test_mpd.h mp.h
	rm -f stamp-orig stamp-trap
	cp test_mpd.h mpd.h
	cp mpmath.c cmath.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c cmath.c

trapf.tfm:	trapdir/trapf.pl
		$(PLTOTF) trapdir/trapf.pl trapf.tfm

# trapmp is a shell script that sets environment variables and runs etrapmp
run-triptrap:	etrapmp trapf.tfm
		-ln trapdir/mtrap.mp .
		-./trapmp -I mtrap
		-diff trapdir/mtrap.log mtrap.log
		-diff trapdir/mtrap.0 mtrap.0
		-diff trapdir/mtrap.1 mtrap.1
		-diff trapdir/writeo writeo
		-diff trapdir/writeo.2 writeo.2
		-ln trapdir/trap.mp .
		-ln trapdir/trap.mpx .
		touch trap.mpx
		-./trapmp -I <trapdir/trap1.in >/dev/null
		mv trap.log  trapin.log
		-diff trapdir/trapin.log trapin.log
		-./trapmp -I <trapdir/trap2.in >trap.fot
		-diff trapdir/trap.log trap.log
		-diff trapdir/trap.fot trap.fot
		-diff trapdir/trap.5 trap.5
		-diff trapdir/trap.6 trap.6
		-diff trapdir/trap.148 trap.148
		-diff trapdir/trap.149 trap.149
		-diff trapdir/trap.150 trap.150
		-diff trapdir/trap.151 trap.151
		-diff trapdir/trap.197 trap.197
		-diff trapdir/trap.200 trap.200
		$(TFTOPL) trap.tfm trap.pl
		-diff trapdir/trap.pl trap.pl

# After changing constants, making a trapmp is just like making an inimp.
etrapmp:	stamp-trap $(IOBJS)
		$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o etrapmp $(IOBJS)

# Only one of stamp-trap and stamp-orig should exist at any given time.
# They just keep track of whether mpd.h came from trap_mpd.h or orig_mpd.h
stamp-trap:	stamp-convert
		cp trap_mpd.h mpd.h
		rm -f stamp-orig
		touch stamp-trap

stamp-orig:	stamp-convert
		cp orig_mpd.h mpd.h
		rm -f stamp-trap
		touch stamp-orig

# tangle produces mf.p and mf.pool.
mp.p:		mp.web mp.ch
		$(TANGLE) mp.web mp.ch

# The convert script produces mp[0-9].c, imp.c, coerce.h, orig_mpd.h,
# and trapmpd.h.
stamp-convert:	mp.p fixcoerce.h mp.def fix.c
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o fix fix.c -ll
		$(SHELL) ./convert
		touch stamp-convert

# This filter is used in ./convert; it might not be necessary anymore
# but the web2c version of METAFONT used to use it.
fix.c:		fix.lex
		lex fix.lex
		mv -f lex.yy.c fix.c

# The (generated) file imp.c has #ifdefs on INIMP, so we have to compile
# it with -DINIMP for inimp.
inimp.o:	imp.c mp.h mpd.h		# mp.h is included by mpd.h.
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DINIMP -c imp.c
		mv imp.o inimp.o

$(OBJS) imp.o:	stamp-convert mp.h mpd.h	# mp.h is included by mpd.h.
mpext.o mpmath.o: mp.h mpd.h   			# mp.h is included by mpd.h.

# inimp requires mp.pool to be in one of the directories mentioned in the
# MPPOOL path from site.h.  This version should work if the path includes "."
plain.mem:	mp.exe
		./mp -I ../../mpinputs/plain dump

mfplain.mem:	mp.exe
		./mp -I ../../mpinputs/mfplain dump

		rm -f *mp*.o *mpext.o pathexp.o fix.o core
		rm -f trap.* trapin.log trapf.tfm fix etrapmp
		rm -f time.o mpmath.o mathtest.o timemath pmath.o cmath.*
		rm -f mtrap.* writeo writeo.2 *.mem

veryclean:	clean
		rm -f  tmp.c *.log stamp-* trap_mpd.h
		rm -f \#*\# *~ *.bak *.ckp core