|                                  emptypage                                  |
Abbreviation:  �|\ep�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The  \emptypage markup  advances the  page count,  leaving an  "empty" page,
which can be placed  with custom figures or diagrams.   There is no break in
text.  There are no parameters for this markup.
To float an empty page, enter the sequence:
same proportions (Figure 2, on the following page).
This suggests parallels in evolution.
Generally speaking, there are three
possible solutions  . . .
To have an empty page print immediately between the sentence ending "page)."
and the one  beginning "This suggests . . .   "   you would enter follow the
\emptypage with a \newpage:
same proportions (Figure 2, on the following page).
This suggests parallels in evolution.
Generally speaking, there are three
possible solutions  . . .
Unlike \newpage, if  you enter two \emptypage markup in  a row, you will get
two empty pages when the page is ejected.