|                                  bibentry                                   |
Abbreviation:  �|\bie�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The \bibentry markup is used to separate each entry in a bibliography with a
vertical skip; an entry is in the form of a hanging paragraph.
Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's
Stone." {\it Mining Truth}. 11:455--601.
1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools."
{\it Geopsychology Today}. 10:71--78.
Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. {\it Gravel and Nothingness:
An Existential Theory}. Dayton: Gabbro Press.
|                                                                             |
|                                Bibliography                                 |
|                                                                             |
| Illite, Ivan.   1911.   "Picking the Philosopher's Stone."   Mining Truth.  |
|    11:455--601.                                                             |
|                                                                             |
| ....1978.  "Pet rocks as therapy tools."  Geopsychology Today.  10:71--78.  |
|                                                                             |
| Salt, Jean-Paul.   1958.  Gravel and  Nothingness:  An Existential Theory.  |
|    Dayton:  Gabbro Press.                                                   |
|                                                                             |
The series is ended with a \par markup.  Without the \par an error results.
    You may  use the \sameauthor markup  to indicate that the  author of one
citation is the same as the previous author.
    To disable  the double spacing  which normally follows  punctuation, use
the \frenchspacing  markup.   The example illustrated  for the \bibliography
markup was done using \frenchspacing.
    If you need to print  your bibliography with a format different than the
one illustrated  above, refer  to the discussion  of the \bibliographyformat