% \subsubsection{Free response} % \DescribeEnv{freeResponse}{A freeform input box.} % \begin{macrocode} %<*classXimera> \newboolean{given} %% required for freeResponse \setboolean{given}{true} %% could be replaced by a key=value pair later if needed \ifhandout \newenvironment{freeResponse}[1][false]% {% \def\givenatend{\boolean{#1}} \ifthenelse{\boolean{#1}} {% Begin then result \begin{trivlist} \item }% End then result {% Begin else result \setbox0\vbox\bgroup }% End else result % {}% Don't think this is doing anything? -- Jason } {% \ifthenelse{\givenatend} {% Begin then result \end{trivlist} }% End then result {% Begin else result \egroup }% End else result % {}% Don't think this is doing anything? -- Jason } \else \newenvironment{freeResponse}[1][false]% {% Environment Beginning Code \ifthenelse{\boolean{#1}}%% Could probably change this with just putting the (given) in the boolean?-- Jason {% Begin then result \begin{trivlist} \item[\hskip \labelsep\bfseries Free Response (Given):\hspace{2ex}] }% End then result {% Begin else result \begin{trivlist} \item[\hskip \labelsep\bfseries Free Response:\hspace{2ex}] }% End else result } {% Environment Ending Code \end{trivlist} } \fi % % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} %<*htXimera> \renewenvironment{freeResponse}{\refstepcounter{problem}}{}% \ConfigureEnv{freeResponse}{\stepcounter{identification}\ifvmode \IgnorePar\fi \EndP\HCode{
}\IgnoreIndent}{}{}% % % \end{macrocode}