# Package WTRef (v1.0.0) The WTRef package is a small extension for the LaTeX cross-reference system. It introduces concepts of namespace and scope. This package is part of the WT bundle. ## System Requirements * TeX format: LaTeX2e * TeX engine: any engine * Document class: any class * Prerequisite package: xparse and xkeyval ## Installation Move wtref.sty file to $TEXMF/tex/latex/wtref. ## Documents Documents for this package are available in [English](http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/wtref/wtref.pdf) and [Japanese](http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/wtref/wtref-ja.pdf). ## License This package released under [the MIT license](./LICENSE). --- Takuto Asakura ([wtsnjp](https://twitter.com/wtsnjp))