#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Long; use vars qw/$infile $outfile $code $tmpfile $fontencs $commands $r2lmode $combine $charset $tolerant $default_fontencs $default_charset $default_r2lmode $tolerant $tolerant_unknownchar @options @packages $title $cleanup $view $escape $print $perhapsnofile $fribidi_cmd /; $tmpfile = "u2ps-tmp"; $default_fontencs = 'local,X2,LGR,T1'; $default_charset = 'utf-8'; $default_r2lmode = 'mark'; $fribidi_cmd = "fribidi"; sub define($) { my $str = shift; return $str if defined $str; return ''; } sub showhelp($) { my $topic = shift; $topic =~ s/^--//; if ($topic eq '') { print 'Converts an UTF-8 plain text to postscript using LaTeX and the ucs package. Usage: u2ps [options] [input file] [output file] Available options: --charset Select input character set --combine Enables combining characters --commands Specify additional LaTeX-code to execute --escape Allow inline LaTeX code --fontencs Specify fontencodings to use --fontsize Specify font size --fontstyle Specify font style --options Unicode options --package Load package --print Print file --r2l Enables right-to-left code --tolerant Accept files with broken input encoding --title Set document title --view View file using gv --help This page, --help=