# uafthesis ## What is this? *uafthesis* is a LaTeX document class meant for using with a University of Alaska Fairbanks-style thesis. It would be used like so: \documentclass{uafthesis} Its development web site is at . ## Basic Contents: * `uafthesis.cls`: The class file itself. * `bib_styles/`: A few common bibliography styles for BibTeX: * `/agufull08.bst` is the 2008 edition of the AGU bibliography style * `unsrtabbrv3.bst` is a style written by one of the authors of `uafthesis.cls`. * `example.pdf`: Describes how to use `uafthesis.cls` while showing what it looks like. * `example/`: Contains the source code for `example.pdf`. * `README.md`: This file. ## Branches: * `master` is the main branch, and is based on the 2004 thesis class. * `2006` is a side branch which contains Ryan Woodard's 2006 version of `uafthesis.cls` which also tackled the missing "page" headers problem. A cursory analysis based on `diff uafthesis2004.cls uafthesis2006.cls` indicates that my solution to the "page heading" problem is probably better/easier. However, I may be wrong, and I really appreciate Ryan's work, so it's included in its own branch. ## Help If you don't know how to use LaTeX or need general support, I would recommend the following resources for learning and asking questions: * * * For questions directly pertaining to `uafthesis.tex`, refer to `example/example.pdf` or contact the latest author via [github](https://github.com/jesusabdullah/uafthesis/issues), twitter (http://twitter.com/jesusabdullah) or [email](email:josh.holbrook@gmail.com). ## Call to Arms If you're a UAF student writing a thesis in LaTeX and have some improvements to make, you should do so and share! `uafthesis.cls` could honestly use some TLC. If you would like to use Github, here's the process for submitting changes: 2. Fork this project. There's a button on the upper-right corner of the main page. 3. *git clone* your new repository. 4. Make changes. 5. *git commit -m"Some changes I made for great justice."* 6. *git push origin master* 7. Hit me up with a pull request. This is also on the upper-right corner of the main page. If you would rather not use git (if, for example, version control is scary and confusing), feel free to contact me at josh.holbrook@gmail.com and we can find another way of updating the class file. ## Authors: * **Curt A. L. Szuberla** 13 November 1996 * **Matt Heavner** 5 February 1999 * **Dana Moudry** 18 December 2002 * **Ryan Woodard** 2 December 2004 * **Joshua Holbrook** (present) ## Licensing Nothing is included with the original bundle, but based on the sources of the original latex materials, it's safe to say (imo) that the project is covered by the [**LaTeX Project Public License**](http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt).