% IUL Title Package % Author: Gerd Sebastiani % URL: www.forum.fset.de % % Usage: \usepackage{udotitle} % Modifies titlepage to imitate UDO-Cover with IUL-Logo. % Load in addition to titlepage. % Required Input: % Type of your thesis (Assigment, Master's, Ph.D. ... ) by \thesistype{yourtype} % Title of your thesis by \title{yourtitle} % CAUTION: Very long titles (4 lines) may result in a pagebreak. % Either use a shorter title or decrease the fontsize % Author of the thesis by \author{yourname} % Immatriculation number by \matno{yourno} % Date of submission by \date{\today} % Names of Supervisors by \tutor{1st Supervisor}{2nd Supervisor} % % See comments in the stylesheet to adjust the template to your needs \usepackage{graphicx} %\geometry{lmargin=.4in, rmargin=1in} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \newcommand{\thesistype}[1]{ \def\@thesistype{#1} } \def\@thesistype{ \@latex@warning@no@line{Package `udotitle': No \noexpand\thesistype given}} \newcommand{\institute}[1]{ \def\@institute{#1} } \def\@institute{ \@latex@warning@no@line{Package `udotitle': No \noexpand\institute given}} \newcommand{\tutor}[2]{ \def\@tutorfirst{#1} \def\@tutorsecond{#2} } \def\@tutorfirst{ \@latex@warning@no@line{Package `udotitle': No \noexpand\tutor given}} \newcommand{\matno}[1]{ \def\@matno{#1} } \def\@matno{ \@latex@warning@no@line{Package `udotitle': No \noexpand\matno given}} \renewcommand{\maketitle}{ \begin{titlepage} \thispagestyle{fancy} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.0pt} \begin{flushright} \vspace*{-5.5cm}{ \includegraphics{./options/udobalken.png}} \end{flushright} \begin{center} {\sc % Change this for different kinds of reports (assignments ect.) {\Large \bf \sc \@thesistype \\} \vspace{36pt} {\LARGE \bf \@title \\} %%% title \vspace{48pt} } % Change this to use other institute \includegraphics{./options/iul.png}\\ \vspace{12pt} {\large \textbf{\@institute} \\} \vspace{48pt} {\large \textbf{Author:}\\ \@author \\ %%% author \vspace{12pt} \textbf{Immatriculation No:}\\ \@matno \\ %%% Matriculation No. \vspace{12pt} \textbf{Supervisors:}\\ \@tutorfirst \\ %%% first tutor \@tutorsecond \\ %%% second tutor \vspace{12pt} \textbf{Date of Submission:}\\ \@date \\ %%% Submission } \end{center} % Add UDO-Logo in footer (rather cumbersome to achieve...) \cfoot{} \addtolength{\headwidth}{\marginparsep} \addtolength{\headwidth}{\marginparwidth} \rfoot{\includegraphics{./options/udohaken.png}} \end{titlepage} \addtolength{\headwidth}{-\marginparsep} \addtolength{\headwidth}{-\marginparwidth} } % Use this for an additional blank page %\newpage %\thispagestyle{empty} %\newpage