# Package `standardsectioning` Copyright © 2019–2024 Markus Kohm Release: 2024-06-06 v0.9 License: LPPL 1.3c KOMA presents the `standardsectioning` micro package to force the usage of the sectioning command definition of the standard classes also when using other classes like the [KOMA-Script](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/koma-script) classes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license. The latest version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Abstract A long time ago [KOMA-Script](https://www.sourceforge.net/project/koma-script) was more or less just a collection of replacements for the three standard classes `article`, `book` and `report`. Replacing a standard class with a [KOMA-Script](https://www.sourceforge.net/project/koma-script) class was easy, even if users used a lot of additional packages. Over the years, KOMA has added many new features and user interfaces to the classes. This also led to completely different implementation of the sectioning commands. But some packages depend on an implementation similar to the standard classes. Package `standardsectioning` implements these commands with the code of the standard classes. If used with a KOMA-Script class, it also deactivates parts of the KOMA-Script user interface, which should not be used with these changes. These are more or less all commands to configure sectioning commands. It also undefines some internal macros of KOMA-Script. # Note Using package `standardsectioning` is only a kind of first-aid workaround. Usually it is better not to use the incompatible package with KOMA-Script similar classes. This package is also a replacement of the `standardsections.hak` of `scrhack` before version 3.42. # Installation for Users If you are a user, you should wait until the package has been added to your preferred TeX distribution. Then you can use the package manager of your TeX distribution to install all the packages. # Unpacking for Distributors Distributors should download [the distribution from CTAN](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/standardsectioning). This consists in: * `standardsectioning.dtx` * `README.md` * `LICENSE.md` * `standardsectioning.pdf` If distributors also want to distribute `standardsectioning.sty`, they can unpack it using tex standardsectioning.dtx Note, that you have to use `tex` not `latex`, `pdflatex`, `xelatex` or `lualatex`! Note also, that a legal distribution consists at least in: * `standardsectioning.dtx` * `README.md` The following files are optionally, but must not be distributed without the previous ones: * `LICENSE.md` * `standardsectioning.sty` * `standardsectioning.pdf` # Unpacking and Installation for Developers Developers who want the current developer version of the code to be installed for testing, should clone [the `third-party-enhancements` repository](https://github.com/komascript/third-party-enhancements), e.g., using git clone https://github.com/komascript/third-party-enhancements.git You can than either unpack and install all the third-party enhancements using: l3build install --full from within the main directory of the cloned respository. For installation of `standardsectioning` only run the same command from within the `standardsectioning` subdirectory. For installation without the manual omit option `--full`, but this is not recommended for developers. # How to get the Manual After installation you should get the user manual using: texdoc standardsectioning See the manual of your TeX distribution for more information. Developers or distributors can also build the manual from the source using: l3build doc # How to Contribute To become a contributor, e.g., do heavy testing. If you find an issue, please report it using [the issue tracker](https://github.com/komascript/third-party-enhancements/issues). Please note, however, that the loss of class features as a result of using this package is generally an intended side effect and does not necessarily constitute an issue. You can also become a developer and, e.g., make new test files to the packages. See the [`l3build`](https://ctan.org/pkg/l3build) manual for more information about tests. If you've created a new test and think that it would be useful. Please either do a pull request or [add a new issue](https://github.com/komascript/third-party-enhancements/issues/new/choose) and include your test file. Another kind of contribution would be to contact the author of the package, that depends on the sectioning implementation of the standard classes and is therefore incompatible with the class you are using to convince her or him to make his package compatible. # How to Report Issues If you think you have found a bug (or another kind of issue) using `setspaceenhanced` you should use [the issue tracker](https://github.com/komascript/third-party-enhancements/issues). Please first search for similar issues already reported and maybe also already fixed and closed. Maybe the replies to such a similar report would help you too. Please also note, however, that the loss of class features as a result of using this package is generally an intended side effect and does not necessarily constitute a bug. If your issue is new, you should report it also using [the issue tracker](https://github.com/komascript/third-party-enhancements/issues). Please be kind, not only when writing the report but also when reading replies and commenting or answering. And please always add a minimal working example and usually the relevant parts of the `log`-file to your report. Please use the [markdown for code](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/working-with-advanced-formatting/creating-and-highlighting-code-blocks) to add such files into the text of your report. The correct language identifier for LaTeX code would be `latex`. For `log`-files you won't need any language identifier. Usually you should not use attachments for code or `log`-files unless you've been asked to do so. And please note, reports should always be self-containing. External links often break and so the report become useles. # How to Say Thank You for my Work Hey, I'm doing this as a hobby. So no need to say thank you. But I'm a vain fop, so I'm certainly up for a quick thank you by email. On komascript.de you can find an [explanation of my wishes](https://komascript.de/wunschliste) if you want to give more. If you don't understand German, just click to links at that page.