%%% ==================================================================== %%% @LaTeX-style-file{ %%% author = "Mario Wolczko", %%% version = "1.03", %%% date = "15 June 1992", %%% time = "18:11:59 BST", %%% filename = "romanneg.sty", %%% email = "mario@acm.org", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "LaTeX, output, pagenumbers", %%% supported = "no", %%% docstring = "Causes the page numbers in the DVI file (as %%% defined by \count0) to be negative when roman pagenumbering is %%% in effect.", %%% } %%% ==================================================================== % % This file is in the public domain % % This style option should not change the appearance of a document, % but merely change the page numbers (as defined by \count0) in the % DVI file to be negative when roman pagenumbering is in use. % % % To do this, the \@steppagecounter macro increments the absolute % value of \count0 \def\@steppagecounter{% based on \advancepageno, TeXbook, p.362 \ifnum\c@page<\z@ \global\advance\c@page\m@ne \else\global\advance\c@page\@ne \fi} % increase |c@page| \let\@oldstepcounter\stepcounter \def\stepcounter#1{{\def\@tmpa{#1}\def\@tmpb{page}% \ifx\@tmpa\@tmpb\@steppagecounter\else\@oldstepcounter{#1}\fi}} % Modified version of the pagenumbering command that sets \count0 (aka % \c@page) to -1 rather than 1 if roman numbering is specified. \def\pagenumbering#1{{% \def\@tmpa{#1} \def\@tmpb{roman} \def\@tmpc{Roman} \ifx\@tmpa\@tmpb % roman option; set -ve page number. \global\c@page \m@ne \else\ifx\@tmpa\@tmpc \global\c@page \m@ne \else \global\c@page \@ne \fi\fi \gdef\thepage{\csname @#1\endcsname \c@page}}} % the modified versions of \@roman and \@Roman deal with negatives \def\@romannumeral#1{\ifnum#1<0 \romannumeral-#1 \else\romannumeral#1 \fi} \def\@roman#1{\@romannumeral #1} \def\@Roman#1{\expandafter\uppercase\expandafter{\@romannumeral #1}}