# realtranspose - The REAL way to transpose Matrix With realtranspose you can actually transpose the symbols by rotating them 90 degrees! See github for examples. ## Usage It's as easy as `1 succ(1) succ(succ(1))`! ```latex \usepackage{realtranspose} \begin{document} A matrix is symmetric iff \[ A = \realtranspose{A} \] \end{document} ``` ## Contributing You have any idea how to extend this joke? Feel free to either fork it or just open an issue and I'll implement it for you! ## Acknowledgements - [realhats](https://github.com/mscroggs/realhats) for the idea and much of the Boilerplate - [Papa Flammy](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtAIs1VCQrymlAnw3mGonhw) for all the math ideas - [This](https://twitter.com/FlammableMaths/status/1293551550179225601) and [that](https://twitter.com/FlammableMaths/status/1281160091845173251) Meme for the inspirations