\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{nccold} [2002/02/19 v1.01 Obsolete NCC-LaTeX Commands (NCC)] \RequirePackage{nccboxes} \RequirePackage{nccmath}[2002/02/19] % % This package contains commands of NCC-LaTeX which are not remcommended % for use because new equivalents exist or commands depend on dvi-driver. % % \eref in NCC-LaTeX is equivalent to \eqref in AMS-LaTeX. % \no in NCC-LaTeX is equivalent to \tag* in AMS-LaTeX. % \Eq, \Eqs, and \Eqalign are equivalent to \eq*, \eqs*, and \eqalign*. % \newcommand{\eref}{\eqref} \newcommand{\no}{\tag*} \newcommand{\Eq}{\eq*} \newcommand{\Eqs}{\eqs*} \newcommand{\Eqalign}{\eqalign*} % % Support for emlines (emTeX dvi-driver specific commands) % \newcommand*{\emlinewidth}[1]{\special{em:linewidth #1}} \newcommand*{\emline}[6]{% \put(#1,#2){\special{em:moveto}}% \put(#3,#4){\special{em:lineto}}% } % % Use \tstrut, \bstrut, and \tbstrut instead of the following commands: % % \tbox{TEXT} = \addbox{\NCC@strutsep}{0mm}{TEXT} % \bbox{TEXT} = \addbox{0mm}{\NCC@strutsep}{TEXT} % \tbbox{TEXT} = \addbox{\NCC@strutsep}{\NCC@strutsep}{TEXT} % \def\tbox{\NCC@setstrut{\addbox\NCC@strutsep\z@}\z@} \def\bbox{\NCC@setstrut{\addbox\z@\NCC@strutsep}\z@} \def\tbbox{\NCC@setstrut{\addbox\NCC@strutsep\NCC@strutsep}\z@} \endinput