\ProvidesFile{dhua.cfg}[2011/09/19 local dhua.sty definitions] %% %% The user may want to use (some of) the following single macro %% names for a different purpose or so; to this end, a file %% `dhua.cfg' may contain a different set of definitions. %% -- THIS HAS BEEN COPIED FROM `dhua.sty', %% YOU MAY EDIT IT! %% %% |\idR| exemplifies multi-part abbreviations, %% where \qtd{multi} means ``more than two": \newdhua{\idR}{i\DhuaSpace d\DhuaSpace R} % \show\idR %% \begin{german} %% |\idR| erzeugt \qtd{\idR} -- ein Anwendungsfall %% f\"ur |\newdhua|. Nachfolgend wird nur noch %% |\newtwopartdhua| verwendet. %% \end{german} %% %% \LaTeX\ actually defines |\dh| as something nordic %% (one of my earliest macro making experiences) %% so we are \emph{re}defining it: \PackageWarning{dhua}{Redefining \string\dh} \let\dh\relax \newtwopartdhua{\dh}{d}{h} % \show\dh %% \begin{german} %% |\dh| wird hier \emph{umdefiniert}, um \qtd{\dh} zu bekommen. %% Die \"ubrigen Makros sind \qtd{normale} Anwendungs\-f\"alle %% von `\newtwopartdhua', man achte aber noch auf die %% Verwendung von `\protect'. %% \end{german} %% %% \dqtd{Normal} cases %% TODO catchdq %% (|\oae| for \qtd{\oae}, %% |\so| for \qtd{\so}, |\su| for \qtd{\su}, %% 2011/09/19 %% |\uae| for \qtd{\uae}, %% |\ua| for \qtd{\ua}, |\vglu| for \qtd{\vglu}, %% |\vglo| for \qtd{\vglo}, %% |\zB| for \qtd{\zB}, %% was |\qtd{\zB}| until 2011/09/19 %% |\zT| for \qtd{\zT}): \newtwopartdhua{\oae}{o}{\protect\"a} % \newtwopartdhua{\oae{o}{\"a} % \show\oae %% ---exemplifying use of |\protect| so the definition of `\oae' %% has a single token `\"', not an expansion of `\"'. \newtwopartdhua{\so} {s}{o} \newtwopartdhua{\su} {s}{u} \newtwopartdhua{\ua} {u}{a} \newtwopartdhua{\uae} {u}{\protect\"a} \newtwopartdhua{\vglu}{vgl}{u} \newtwopartdhua{\vglo}{vgl}{o} \newtwopartdhua{\zB} {z}{B} \newtwopartdhua{\zT} {z}{T} \endinput