#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file generate the inheritance graphs (.dot and .pdf file) from the .bib file examples. # To do it, its create temporary .tex file, calling a specific .bib file (as https://github.com/plk/biber/issues/110 was rejected). # It is licensed on GPL 3 licenses. # https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.fr.html # Copyright : Maïeul Rouquette 2016-… import os #List all the files on the current directory directory_files = os.listdir(".") #Loop on them, and for the .bib file, generate the .tex, .dot and .pdf file for file_name in directory_files: basename, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) if ext != '.bib':#only the .bib file continue # write the .tex file content tex_file_name = basename + ".tex" tex_file_content = "\documentclass{article}\n\ \\usepackage[tools={bookinother,morenames},bibstyle=verbose]{biblatex-multiple-dm}\n\ \\usepackage[bibstyle=multiple-dm]{biblatex}\n\ \\usepackage{biblatex-anonymous}\n\ \\bibliography{" + file_name + "}\n\ \\begin{document}\n\ \\nocite{*}\n\ \end{document}" tex_file_file = open(tex_file_name, "w") tex_file_file.write(tex_file_content) tex_file_file.close() # generate the .bcf, .dot and .pdf file os.system("xelatex -no-pdf " + basename) os.system("biber -output-format=dot --dot-include=crossref,field " + basename) os.system("dot -Gsplines=polyline -Tpdf " + basename + ".dot " + "-o " + basename + ".pdf") # delete the temporary files, to avoid distributing it and to have cleaner folder for ext in ["aux","bcf","blg","log","run.xml","tex"]: os.remove(basename+"."+ext)