% \iffalse meta-comment %<*internal> \begingroup \input docstrip \preamble --------------------------------------- Francesco Contini, The accursius style, Cagliari 2024 Copyright (C) 2024 Francesco Contini The work consists of the README.md, the biblatex-accursius.dtx and the derived: - accursius.bbx, - accursius.cbx, - italian-accursius.lbx, - english-accursius.lbx, - french-accursius.lbx, - accursius.bib, - biblatex-accursius.pdf. The .pdf derived file refers to the preamble from the .dtx source and repro duces its text. The work may be distributed and mod ified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License either v. 1.3 of the license or at your option any later version. For the latest version of this license see the url below. V. 1.3c and following are part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2008 or later. The product has got the LPPL mainte nance status `maintained'. The current maintainer of this work is Francesco Contini. To claim and feed back or to get a clarification email me to cicciocontini [at] outlook [dot] it. https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt --------------------------------------- \endpreamble \postamble --------------------------------------- Francesco Contini, The accursius style, Cagliari 2024 Copyright (C) 2024 Francesco Contini, Cagliari (Sardinia). Availability under the LaTeX Project Public License. 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Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. 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The % \textsf{biblatex} package considers scholarly types: % books, collections, proceedings, articles and the % like. The \textsf{accursius} style provides a % comprehensive bundle to cite legal items in the text % or in footnotes and to compile a list. % \end{abstract} % % \begin{otherlanguage}{french} % \begin{abstract}\noindent % Cet apport vise à relancer le paquet % \textsf{biblatex} : je voudrais faciliter % la citation de matériel juridique, comme les % lois, les traités, le droit souple, les % dossiers ou autres actes institutionnels et, % bien sûr, les arrêts. Cet apport a pour but % d'aider les rédacteurs juridiques à utiliser % \LaTeX. Avec \textsf{biblatex}, ils peuvent % déjà citer des sources doctrinales : les % livres, les recueils, les actes d'une conférence, % les articles etc. Avec \textsf{accursius}, ils % peuvent citer le sources de droit, dans le texte % ou les notes de bas de page, ou bien dresser la % bibliographie. %\end{abstract} % \end{otherlanguage} % % \begin{otherlanguage}{italian} % \begin{abstract}\noindent % Con questo strumento, vorrei sviluppare % \textsf{biblatex}, per facilitare la citazione % di materiale propriamente giuridico: leggi, % trattati, atti di \emph{soft law} e altri % istituzionali, come pareri o relazioni, e, % certamente, la giurisprudenza (sentenze e % opinioni). Per aiutare gli scrittori di diritto % a usare \LaTeX, ricordando che \textsf{biblatex} % fa citare la dottrina —~libri, collettanee, atti % di convegno, articoli e simili~—, con % \textsf{accursius} offro istruzioni certe, per % citare, nel corpo del testo o nelle note a piè di % pagina, le fonti giuridiche e indicarle nei % riferimenti bibliografici. %\end{abstract} % \end{otherlanguage} % % \clearpage % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \section{Authorship and acknowledgements} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % \lettrine{I}{ declare my authorship of the work}: I am the % author and owner of the \textsf{accursius} style and the % accessory material, including this documentation booklet. % For liability and licenses, see the copyright page. % % For its proper functioning, the \textsf{accursius} style requires % the \href{https://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex}{\textsf{biblatex}} and % \href{https://ctan.org/pkg/csquotes}{\textsf{csquotes}} packages. % Indeed, it aims to be an additional bundle for the first, % specifically tailored to the needs of legal writers. So, bugs, % glitches, errors and typos in the \textsf{biblatex} and % \textsf{csquotes} packages may compromise the operation of the % \textsf{accursius} style. % % In essence, none of my objectives could have been achieved % without, first and foremost, the \textsf{biblatex} package, % by \citeauthor{lehman2024}.\footnote{See \cite{lehman2024}. % Link to \cite{biblatexsource}.} Indeed, I just customised % the latter options to define new types of entries. This % work relies on the access to the \textsf{biblatex} package. % I also relies on the \textsf{biblatex-ext} bundle, by % \citeauthor{wemheuer2024b},\footnote{See \cite{wemheuer2024b}.} % and, indeed, my \texttt{.bbx} file is based on its % \textsf{ext-verbose-trad1} style. % % I found the documentation and code of other styles by \citeauthor{hoftich2022}, % \citeauthor{valbusa2022} and \citeauthor{wassenhoven2023}\footnote{See % \cite{hoftich2022,valbusa2022,wassenhoven2023}.} to be extremely helpful. % These examples served as a valuable point of reference for my own work,\footnote % {In particular, regarding the features precisely for jurists, this work is % compared with the bundle by \cite[68--70]{valbusa2022}, which uses \examplecommand % {DeclareSourcemap}, however employes the \texttt{jurisdiction} type and provides % only for case law.} but I consulted also a wide range of other styles available % online.\footnote{Link to \cite{ctan}.} % % I am also indebted to the \citetitle{texse} network.\footnote{See \cite{texse}.} % The daily exchange of questions and answers, as the tolerance towards % some elementary questions, confirms the potential of open source as a learning % tool, when supported by a rigorous peer review process and clear policies. I % learned a great deal about writing in \LaTeX\ by asking questions —~I confess % that some of mine were rather basic~— and always receiving answers. It was this % that encouraged me to delve deeper and find a relative degree of independence. % I believe this \textsf{accursius} style is evidence of that. % % I would like to make a special mention of \citeauthor{wemheuer2024a}, because a % part of my code reproduces code that he wrote specifically in response to one % of my questions:\footnote{See \cite{wemheuer2024a}.} in short, he provided more % than just a helping hand in learning \LaTeX. More generally, I'm pleased that I % can reuse, in a much broader context, a response he gave to a specific question % of mine. % % I'm the current maintainer of the \textsf{accursius} style, % as I disclosed in the copyrights page. You can email me to % \href{mailto:cicciocontini@outlook.it}{\textsf{cicciocontini % {[}at{]} outlook {[}dot{]} it}} to claim, give a feedback, % or request something. I will do my best to respond. I can % speak English, French and Italian, so I won't read emails % in any other language. % % \clearpage % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \section{The license and the \texttt{.dtx} source file} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % This is file \texttt{biblatex-accursius.pdf}, generated with the docstrip % utility. The original source file was \texttt{biblatex-accursius.dtx}. % % \iffalse %<*example> % \fi \begin{lstlisting}[caption={The preamble from the \texttt{.dtx} source}, style=fromthesource,nolol, showspaces=false] Francesco Contini, The accursius style, Cagliari 2024 Copyright (C) 2024 Francesco Contini The work consists of the README.md, the biblatex-accursius.dtx and the derived: - accursius.bbx, - accursius.cbx, - italian-accursius.lbx, - english-accursius.lbx, - french-accursius.lbx, - accursius.bib, - biblatex-accursius.pdf. The .pdf derived file refers to the preamble from the .dtx source and repro duces its text. The work may be distributed and mod ified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License either v. 1.3 of the license or at your option any later version. For the latest version of this license see the url below. V. 1.3c and following are part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2008 or later. The product has got the LPPL mainte nance status `maintained'. The current maintainer of this work is Francesco Contini. To claim and feed back or to get a clarification email me to cicciocontini [at] outlook [dot] it. https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt \end{lstlisting} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \clearpage % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \phantomsection\lstlistoflistings % \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of illustrative codes} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % % \mainmatter % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \section{The basics of the \textsf{accursius} style}\label{sec:accursiusbasics} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsection{Introduction to the \textsf{accursius} style} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{General observations} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % % \lettrine{L}{egal scholars have to do with legal sources}, so they use % to write about them and, moreover, to cite them. The \textsf{biblatex} % package is one of the most important for \LaTeX\ and \enquote{provides % advanced bibliographic facilities}.\footnote{\Cite[2]{lehman2024}. For % an overview on this package, firstly see \cite{lehman2024}; \cite{biblatexsource}. % For a minimal introduction, see \cite{wright2011}. Other sources may be % \cite{pantieri2009,hegnalangmyhr2020}. For a \enquote{cheat sheet}, see % \cite{rees2017}. Last, but not least, see \volcite{1}{latexcompanion}.} % However, by itself, it hasn't got any type of entry for legal citations, % like statutes, treaties, soft law instruments, dossiers or other % juridical acts and, of course, case law. % % In this context, I thought of a way to implement the \textsf{biblatex} % package for my needs: being able to easily cite legal sources. When I % study law, I used \LaTeX\ to take notes and even more so to write some % booklets. I agree that \LaTeX\ is the most precise way to care about % composition, also considering the elegance of the output and the respect % due to readers. % % This documentation doesn't aim to introduce to \LaTeX,\footnote{Readers % should be able to write in \LaTeX\ before reading this documentation. % There are many manuals, especially online. Evergreen is the pioneering % one by \cite{lamport1994}. Pretty good are the Italians by % \cite{pantierigordini2021}; \cite{guit2024}. See also \cite{fazionordo2002}; % \cite{oetiker2021}, also available in Italian; \cite{latexwikibooks}; % \cite{latexorg}, also available in Italian. The most comprehensive, however % considerably expensive, contribution is by \citeauthor{latexcompanion}, % since \citeyear{latexcompanion} published in two volumes: \cite{latexcompanion}. % Finally, I suggest to read the \citetitle{overleafdoc} by \citeauthor{overleafdoc} % and to get starting with the free plan by \citeauthor{overleafhome} same. % When users become ready, they shall \enquote{to take the leap}: to download % \LaTeX\ and use one of the offline editors, which are also free of charge and % aren't a trial version, while the free plan by \citeauthor{overleafhome} has % got usage limitations.} neither to explain why it's definitely better using % it instead the common word processors.\footnote{For a comparison between word % processors and \LaTeX, see \cite{gonzato2015}. See also \cite{meier2009,desaintpern2016}.} % Just keep in mind that \enquote{\LaTeX\ will save you from a nervous breakdown % and a sleepless night \omissis.}\footnote{\Cite[1]{pellard2024}, trans.\ mine.} % % Whoever deals with law and has to write about the same may have to cite % legal materials. With a common word processor, he can manage citations % manually. However, manual citations and bibliographies imply numerous % risks, resulting in varying degrees of typographical errors in the final % presentation of references, especially depending on the style of citation. % In particular, for citation styles that require full entry information, % the order of citations is very important, so that handling a large volume % of data in this manner significantly complicates the task for the writer % and, potentially, distracts its attention, leading to errors. % % A citation reports the bibliographic information to allow the identification of the % quoted source, consists of a concise and standardised description of the same and lets % possible to find and to refer to the same source.\footnote{See \cite[43]{vianello1970}; % \cite[69]{venuti2012}; \cite[8]{vomiero2021}.} Then, references are \enquote{a sequence % of datas, which hold a fixed and defined position and are discernible because of their % standardised style and punctuation}.\footnote{\Cite[85]{venuti2012}, trans.\ mine; % \cite[8]{vomiero2021}. See also \cite[44--45]{vianello1970}.} % % The style —~and this also applies to punctuation~— of a citation is indeed very % important to identify its elements.\footnote{Clear criteria are essential, especially when % citing from lesser-known or foreign works or journals. In fact, \enquote{just the use of % italics or roman type within quotation marks immediately gives the reader an idea of % whether it's a book or a journal title}, as reminds \cite[278]{olschki1977}, trans.\ mine.} % % \begin{mdframed}[style=notabene] % This documentation is full of illustrative citations. Many are in % footnotes, which are considerable. Other citations are in box. % In short, this documentation also provides an opportunity to test the style. % \end{mdframed} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{The Italian usual style of citation} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % In Italy, scholars use to adopt a style,\footnote{Despite \enquote{there are % no standards so common to be universal}, as reminds \cite[123]{cerruticini2007}, % trans.\ mine. This lack induced \cite{vianello1970}.} which mandates to cite in % footnote and to write any data about the entry —~mirroring the bibliographic % item~—, if it's the first time the entry is cited, and to write the same entry in % an abbreviated form for subsequent citations. Well, these bibliographic citation % abbreviations are essentially cross references and, therefore, they work with the % same principles.\footnote{Compare with \cite{moewe2024}: \enquote{\examplecommand % {cite} is a glorified \examplecommand{ref} command and the bibliography is typeset % from the \texttt{thebibliography} environment, which is essentially an \texttt % {enumerate} with built-in \examplecommand{label} for each \examplecommand{item} % that then just typesets each item as-is}.} Writers may manually track them, to % ensure consistency even after substantial text revisions, but it would be easiest % if there is a machine handling it. % % This is true for any type of entry, no matter if it's a book, an article, or a % juridical act, such as a statute, a decree, a judgement, or similar. % % Occasional legal writers face fewer risks when maintaining manual citations of legal % sources. So, they may be indifferent to a specific way. % % On the other hand, there are those who write about law as a profession and regularly % encounter numerous sources: they shall find a tool that can produce an optimal output % in terms of accuracy. They need of a machine, not only for the scholarly contribution, % but also for legal citations. % % The style used by Italian scholars, in particular in the humanities, is objectively so % verbose, especially because the footnote mirrors the reference list, but % it seems an insurmountable custom. There exists an Italian manual of style, which doesn't % recommend this convention, but instead refers to the ISO~690 standard\footnote{See % \cite[261]{lesina1994}. The ISO~690 standard is already considered for \LaTeX\ language, by % \cite{hoftich2022}; however, the \citetitle{hoftich2022} doesn't consider the % \enquote{cross-referred} form of citation. See \cite[242]{luptak2017}. Another distinction, % between a \enquote{complete} form, which indicates any element and is destined to the % bibliographer, a short form, which indicates just the necessaries and is destined to the % reader, and a terse form, which employes shorthands and acronyms and is destined to the % specialist, is described by \cite[46]{vianello1970}.} and, in particular, to \enquote{the % aforementioned running notes method}.\footnote{This label by \cite[242]{luptak2017}.} % According to this standard, only in the bibliography is each cited element identified % using an \enquote{in full} form and citations are in footnotes, the first time in a % \enquote{short} form; the subsequent citations cross-refer to the first.\footnote{See % \cite[264]{lesina1994}.} % % Anyway, the conventional style in humanities in Italy is the full form when each entry % is cited for the first time: it doesn't matter if the bibliography is required or not. % Sometimes, it seems to be the equivalent of the accuracy of their method besides. % % Rather, it satisfies the method of the humanities —~which is not the scientific method, % neither \enquote{a} scientific method~—: while in the scientific method \enquote{it is not % important to know immediately \emph{who} is cited, but first of all that \emph{someone} is % cited and secondly \emph{what} the entry tells},\footnote{\Cite[41]{valbusa2010}, trans.\ mine, % emphasis orig. It's a really illuminating excerpt.} in the humanities the method % mandates \enquote{to see immediately \emph{who} is cited}\footnote{\Cite[41]{valbusa2010}, % trans.\ mine, emphasis orig.} and scholars overindulge in basing their reasonings upon % the authority.\footnote{See \cite[41]{valbusa2010}.} % % Actually, it's also true that, within highly specialised humanities studies, which tend % to refer to specific critical editions, only the complete set of bibliographic information % gives meaning to the reference. Let's see an example.\footnote{Loosely adapted from \cite % [83]{venuti2012}.} % % \begin{refsegment} % \begin{mdframed}[style=example] % In the field of Physics a reference like \enquote{\citename{einstein1905}[labelname] % {author}\ \citeyear{einstein1905}} may be enough and far clearer than a reference, in % a literary study on the Italian views of contemporary American literature, like \enquote % {\citename{melville1963}[labelname]{author}\ \citeyear{melville1963}}, which should be % the Italian translation of \citetitle{melville1963} by \citename{melville1963} % [labeltextname]{translator}.\footnote % {Illustrative items are \cite{einstein1905}; \cite{melville1963}.} % % Within the field of History of Law, an author-year citation style might, perhaps, work for % something like \enquote{\citename{grossi1977}[labelname]{author}\ \citeyear{grossi1977}}, but not for % \enquote{\citename{mcilwain1990}[labelname]{author}\ \citeyear{mcilwain1990}}, which should be the Italian % translation of the publication of the six lectures he held at Cornell University during % the a.y.~1938/1939.\footnote{Illustrative items are \cite{grossi1977}; \cite{mcilwain1990}.} % % To generalise, a first conclusion is that an author-year style isn't accurate for derivative % works, like critical editions, new editions and translations. % \end{mdframed} % \end{refsegment} % % In short, the citation style depends on the needs of both the writer and the reader: for example, % an author-year citation style is primarily suitable for those who, within a specific discipline % and with considerable familiarity with it, can readily identify the citation based on these two % data points alone.\footnote{See \cite[82--83]{venuti2012}.} % % So, no matter if the usual style of citation doesn't run the risk of ambiguity and % vagueness, this bundle provides to codify the most common practices, especially from legal % literature, in order to encourage scholars to use \LaTeX. Conventional softwares aren't % useful to the purpose and common word processors don't offer the most important features. % Moreover, some of them are far too expensive: \begin{otherlanguage}{italian}\enquote{Oltre % al danno, la beffa}\end{otherlanguage}\ —~I may say in Italian~—, that means something like % \enquote{add insult to injury}. % % Just a conclusive note. This style is dedicated to Accursius, the Florentine jurist, notable % for his organisation of the glosses in the so-called \enquote{Magna Glossa}, so that the % gloss \begin{otherlanguage}{french}\textit{par excellence}\end{otherlanguage}\ may be the % gloss precisely edited by Accursius.\footnote{Compare with \cite[543]{calasso1954}; \cite % [158]{grossi2017}.} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Towards new versions and updates}\label{subsec:towardsnew} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % In conclusion, this new citation style for the \textsf{biblatex} package aims to codify % the most common citation practices that Italian academics —~in particular, legal % scholars~— use to following in their monographs, collected works and journal articles. % So, by default, users of this style will find their bibliographic references formatted % according to these practices. % % Moreover, the \textsf{accursius} style offers an option to format citations and % the bibliography according to the author-year style rules. This part of the work is, above % all, the least developed, and future updates of the style will therefore focus on improving it. % % Regarding European Union law, some updates might be necessary. % Actually, the \textsf{accursius} style already allows for the % citation of case law and provides for the ECLI identifier, % so that the user is able to cite something like the % \citetitle{superleague} case.\footnote{\Cite{superleague}.} % Of course, he is able to cite the Treaties too.\footnote{\Cite{teu}; % \Cite{tfeu}; \cite{eucfr}.} Regarding the EU Legislation, it's easy to % cite something in the form of the \citetitle{gdpr}.\footnote % {\Cite{gdpr}. See also \cite{aiact}. For subsequent citations, see % \cite{eucfr}; \cite{gdpr}; \cite{aiact}.} % % However, still some adjustments might be necessary. % % So, in perspective, there will certainly new versions of this work, to correct the inevitable % typos and bugs that didn't emerge during the writing phase and during testing.\footnote{The % writing of this code ran parallel to the writing of my thesis. It means that the reliability % of the \textsf{accursius} style is based on the output of that dissertation, which is, with % a high degree of certainty, free from defects as regards the formatting of bibliographic % references.} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Installation} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % The \textsf{accursius} style is available on \textsc{ctan}. If possible, % the user should install the bundle via its \TeX\ distribution. % % In case of manual installation, he has to download the primary file, % which has the \texttt{.dtx} extension, and run it with a common command-line % interface to extract the \texttt{.bbx}, \texttt{.cbx} and \texttt{.lbx} files. % Then, he has to install them, preferably to \texttt{tex/latex/accursius} of % its local or home \TeX\ tree. % % The user may have to refresh the file name database afterwards, so \TeX\ % can find the files. % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Loading the bundle} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % The style belongs to the \textsf{biblatex} package:\footnote{For the documentation, see % \cite{lehman2024}. An Italian introduction by \cite[149--162]{pantierigordini2021}.} % to opt for it, as a first step, users have to load the \textsf{biblatex} and the % \textsf{csquotes} packages. % % Of course, it's necessary to upload the resource file. % % Given that the document will be in Italian, the user shall load either \textsf{babel} % or \textsf{polyglossia}\footnote{The \textsf{polyglossia} package works only with % \LuaLaTeX\ and \XeLaTeX\ and must always be loaded before the \textsf{biblatex} one, % as reported by \cite[4]{lehman2024}.} package to enable \LaTeX\ to typesset in the % appropriate language. Then, the user has to set \meta{Italian}, or the current, as % the primary language. % % So, the loading of the bundle follows standard \textsf{biblatex} conventions. % \iffalse %<*example> % \fi \begin{lstlisting}[caption={How to load the bundle with the \textsf{polyglossia} package},style=figures, emph={accursius},emphstyle=\color{cdarkgree}\rmfamily\em, emph={[2]database},emphstyle={[2]\normalfont\rmfamily\highlighted}] \usepackage{polyglossia} \setmainlanguage{italian} \usepackage[style=italian]{csquotes} \usepackage[style=accursius]{biblatex} \addbibresource{database.bib} \end{lstlisting} % \iffalse % % \fi % % Users may choose also for the \textsf{accursius} style options. % \begin{mdframed}[style=example] % This documentation loads the style as follows. Keep in mind % that this doumentation is written in British English. % \iffalse %<*example> % \fi \begin{lstlisting}[style=insidetheexample, showspaces=false] \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage[style=accursius,% shortjournal,% citereset=section,% mincrossrefs=1,% autolang=hyphen]{biblatex} \setlength{\bibhang}{60pt} \addbibresource{accursius.bib} \end{lstlisting} % \iffalse % % \fi % \end{mdframed} % % Users can pick and choose the packages they need, just be % sure to check the \textsf{biblatex} documentation for any % compatibility issues.\footnote{See \cite[5--7]{lehman2024}.} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsection{Customisation of the \textsf{ext-verbose-trad1} style} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{General features of the style} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % Even if the \textsf{accursius} style is thinked to let possible legal citing in \LaTeX, the % style same provides to adjust some general format option and to keep the \textsf{biblatex} % package open to the variety of citation customs that any writer may have to comply: for % example, because of some publisher preferences.\footnote{I felt the need for this while % writing my thesis and had to adapt to the recommendations of my supervisor. These % recommendations concerned both the formatting of common references to books, articles and % the like, as well as legal material, such as case law. Therefore, in order not to waste my % work just, after I adapted my input to the citation practices required for my thesis, I'd % like to propose the same to the community, considering that its rules are very common % practices amongst Italian jurists.} % % Users may opt for some features just by giving them between the option brackets of the % \textsf{biblatex} package. % % \begin{macro}{boolean} % The \textsf{accursius} style considers the following boolean options: % \begin{description} % \styledescription{itapunctuation}{true} To implement the punctuation style according % to the Italian style of citations. First of % all, it means \texttt{newunitpunct=\hspace % {0pt}\char123}{\texttt{\textbackslash % addcomma\textbackslash space}}\texttt{\char125}. % \styledescription{nourlinrunning}{true} This option affects only citation commands. % The standard \texttt{doi}, \texttt{url} and % \texttt{eprint} toggles are independent and % continue not to distinguish executions when % located in a citation or in a bibliography. % The \texttt{nourlinrunning} option does and % works with the \examplecommand{ifbibliography} % test, to empty the \curlybrackets{doi+eprint+url} % bibmacro. The \textsf{accursius} style already % provides for a corrective to prevent that % this option will affect the \texttt{online} % entries. % \styledescription{authoryearstyle}{false} To switch to an \textsf{author-year} style of % citation, within the \textsf{accursius} same. % \styledescription{scauthor}{true} To print the author of an entry in small caps. % \styledescription{revname}{false} To let the given name of the first author of each % item, in the bibliography, printed after his % surname. % \styledescription{authortypeparens}{false} For each item where the user has to specify % the type of author, the user may set this option % true to let the field printed within parens. % \styledescription{editionroman}{true} The \textsf{accursius} style will print the % edition format of an entry as Roman numerals % by default.\footnote{The \texttt{volume}, \texttt{tome}, % \texttt{part}, \texttt{number} and \texttt % {section} integers are always printed as Roman % numerals, so, if the user would customise them, % he has to specify the \examplecommand{DeclareFieldFormat}.} % \styledescription{shortjournal}{true} To print the short journal title, if given, instead % of the standard one. If the user lets this option % being true, he should input \commandargg{printbiblist} % {shortjournal} at the end of his document. % \end{description} % Users may redeclare these options to customise them according to their preferences. % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{not boolean} % Finally, users may choose how to order the publisher, the location and the date format % and how to order the volume, the number and the issue of a journal. % \begin{description} % \styledescription{publocformat}{publocyear} This option concerns the order of the publisher, % the location and the date of an entry. % % The \texttt{publocyear} option, which is the default one, prints the % publisher, separated with a comma from the location, if there is, % or from the date. If there is the location, the latter is separated % from the date with a space. % % The \texttt{locpubyear} option is similar to the previous option, % but switches the location and publisher position and always separates % units with a comma. % % The \texttt{loccolonpub} option prints the location, then, if there is % the publisher, the latter, separated by a colon and a space. Then, the % option prints the date, wich is introduced everytime by a comma and a space % as the punctiation unit separator. % \styledescription{journvolnumyear}{allcommas} This option concerns the order of the journal volume, % the number and the year. It regards also the date of the issue. Actually, % the proper affected bibmacro is the \curlybrackets{volume+number+eid} one, % which encludes the \texttt{eid} field too: however, the Italian style of % citation doesn't use to refer to the \texttt{eid}. That's why the \textsf % {accursius} style might appear a bit mixed up. % % The \texttt{allcommas} option is the default one and prints firstly the % volume field, then the number, then the EID, then the \curlybrackets % {issue+date} bibmacro, with conventional unit separators. % % The \texttt{numslashdate} option is quite similar to a common style in the % Italian customs and prints the volume of the journal, introducted by the % \meta{jourvol} string; then, the option prints the number of the issue: if % there are both the \meta{volume} and \meta{number} fields, the option % separates the first from the second with the \meta{volnumdelim} punctuation. % If there are both the \meta{number} field and the \meta{year} of the issue, % the punctuation between the first and the second is a slash, without any % space; otherwise, the punctuation before the year is everytime a comma and a space. % % The \texttt{biblatex} option, common in particular outside of Italy, % has got the same order of the \texttt{allcommas} one, but the \texttt % {issue} field and the \curlybrackets{date} bibmacro are printend inside % within parens. % \end{description} % \end{macro} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Entry fractions} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % \begin{macro}{tome} % There may be a single work with a set structure and the user % has to cite just a part of this, such as a volume, or a tome, or a part. Examples % of single works with a set structure are collected works, conference proceedings, % encyclopaedias or treatises. Each part of these works is independent: users may % refer just to the part same and not also to the entire work. Rather, the latter is % necessary only to identify the citation source. % % The \textsf{biblatex} package provides to specify the \meta{volume} and the \meta{part} of % the general item whereof the entry is a fraction.\footnote{See \cite{weisberg1993}.} % The \textsf{accursius} style considers also the \meta{tome} fraction and resume each % driver macro to let possible in the generality of cases to specificy the \meta{tome} same. % % Indeed, the \textsf{biblatex} package haven't got any macro to gather the entries fraction. % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{section} % For journals, the \textsf{accursius} style lets possible to select the \meta{section} % or the \meta{part} of a single issue wherefrom an item is printend.\footnote{Examples % are \cite{crisafulli1948}; \cite{contini1990}; \cite{palmieripardolesi2024}; % \cite{bastianon2024}.} % \end{macro} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{New features to identify a series} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % According to the \textsf{biblatex} package, users may specify the % series whereof the entry is an issue. In particular, they may identify % the series title and the number of the issue. % % \begin{macro}{director} % The \textsf{accursius} style considers the \meta{series director} % role too. It's a new name list, actually more precise than the % \meta{editor} one. % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{serdirector} % The user may specify another role for the alike director of a series, % with, \examplebbxh{serdirector}{type}. % list instead. % \end{macro} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{The \textsf{accursius} sorting template} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % Finally, the style provides for its sorting template, namely \textsf % {accursius}. % % This sorting template is already executed by default. % % In short, this sorting considers the following inputs: % \begin{enumerate} % \item the author, or similar roles, % \item the publishing date, % \item the volume of the item and % \item the title of the reference. % \end{enumerate} % % This template has got its own \texttt{refcontext}, namely the \textsf % {accursiusdef}. % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsection{The legal entries format} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{A type for provisions} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % The originality by the \textsf{accursius} style is the \textsf{\@itprov} % type. It comprises the macros destined to codify each unit of the % Italian legal citations. % % Actually, the \textsf{accursius} creates the \textsf{\@notetoprov} type % too. Users may use it to cite something like an opinion article, that a % jurist writes and attached to a specific provision: at least in Italy, % scholars use to publish the \begin{otherlanguage}{italian}\enquote{nota % a sentenza}\end{otherlanguage}, to comment a specific judgement. Even if % it is thinked as a particular form of the \textsf{\@article} type, the % \textsf{\@notetoprov} type is almost the same of the \textsf{\@itprov} % type and it reproduce the latter indeed. So, it inherits the % \textsf{\@itprov} type features. % % So, the \textsf{\@itprov} type makes the user able to cite many legal % entries. At least in Italy and in the other \enquote{civil law} systems, % the statute issued by the Parliament —~in Italy the act is called % \begin{otherlanguage}{italian}\enquote{\emph{legge}}\end{otherlanguage}~— % is the source of law \emph{\begin{otherlanguage}{french}par % excellence\end{otherlanguage}}. Therefore, the \textsf{accursius} style % bases the new \textsf{@itprov} type on the citation style for the % \begin{otherlanguage}{italian}\enquote{\emph{legge}}\end{otherlanguage}. % However, the citation practice for numerous other legal sources is the % same and this makes the \textsf{@itprov} type remarkably versatile and % suitable for citing even subordinate sources and case law. % % The \citetitle{lpa} it's a very fine example to illustrate how the % matter works: % \begin{refsegment} % \iffalse %<*example> % \fi \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Example of legal citation in running text (\texttt{.tex})}, style=figures,showspaces=false] So, citing something like the \citetitle{lpa} is really just like citing the literature, such an essay by \citeauthor{cerulliirelli2018}.\footnote{See \cite {lpa}; \cite{cerulliirelli2018}. Again: \cite{lpa}.} \end{lstlisting} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \iffalse %<*example> % \fi \begin{lstlisting}[caption={A statute data sample (\texttt{.bib})},style=figures, showspaces=false] @itprov{lpa, kindprov={\autocap{l}\adddot},nprov={241}, origdate={1990-08-07}, provtitle={Nuove norme in materia di procedimento amministrativo e di diritto di accesso ai documenti amministrativi}, ofportal={Normattiva}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/1990/08/18/090G0294}, keywords={legge},langid={italian}} \end{lstlisting} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \begin{mdframed}[style=example] % So, citing something like the \citetitle{lpa} is really % just like citing the literature, such an essay by % \citeauthor{cerulliirelli2018}.\footnote{See \cite{lpa}; % \cite{cerulliirelli2018}. Again: \cite{lpa}.} % \end{mdframed} % \end{refsegment} % % It follows also an example of the \textsf{\@notetoprov} type, from a % comment by \citeauthor{palmieripardolesi2024} on the \citetitle{superleague} % case.\footnote{See \cite{palmieripardolesi2024}; \cite{superleague}.} % % \iffalse %<*example> % \fi \begin{lstlisting}[caption={A note to a judgement data sample (\texttt{.bib})},style=figures, label=lst:palmieripardolesi2024, showspaces=false] @notetoprov{palmieripardolesi2024, noteby={Palmieri, Alessandro and Pardolesi, Roberto},gender={sm}, title={Un trittico sportivo (e un'entrata a gamba tesa sulla dominanza di Fifa, Uefa e dintorni)}, institution={Court of Justice of the European Union}, shortinstitution={CJEU}, jchamber={Grand Chamber}, kindprov={\autocap{j}udg\adddot}, origdate={2023-12-21}, titleparties={European Superleague Company SL \emph{v} Fédération internationale de football association (FIFA) and Union of European Football Associations (UEFA)}, shorttitleparties={Superleague \emph{v} FIFA and UEFA}, eueclistring={EU},courteclistring={C}, necli={1011},neucase={333},yeareucase={21}, journaltitle={Il Foro Italiano}, shortjournal={Foro it\adddot}, year={2023},number={3}, part={4},pages={127--136}, bookpagination={column},pagination={column}} \end{lstlisting} % \iffalse % % \fi % % So, citing law is really the same of citing any other type of entry, % according to the \textsf{biblatex} package. The only difference is % given by which fields and lists the \textsf{\@itprov} type —~and % the same is true for the \textsf{\@notetoprov} one~— needs to be % defined in addition. % % \begin{macro}{boolean for legal} % The user can select two general options that affect legal references. % Both are boolean options and each addresses, in its own way, the need % to simplify how detailed a given citation should be. % \begin{description} % \styledescription{iusminimal}{false} This option is to \enquote{edit down} % datas such as parties, or the % annotator, anyway which are not % really necessary according to many % Italian styles of citation. % \styledescription{iusshorthand}{false} This option not only is really % suitable in case of an author-year % style, but may work also within the % default configuration of the \textsf % {accursius} style. This option % means that citations will print % just a shorthand or, if not given, % the minimum requirement to identify % the source. In short, if true, this % option will print even in the first % citation the abbreviated form, namely % something to similar to what is printed % in subsequent citations, if the option is % false. % \end{description} % \end{macro} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{The institution} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % The type is based on the \curlybrackets{thestate} macro. The main % author of a legal item may be the State self, or just one of its % authorities. % % \begin{macro}{institution} % The \textsf{accursius} style lets the \texttt{institution} list being % precisely the one to indicate the State or its authority. Users may % compile also the \texttt{shortinstitution} list, which the \texttt{% % accursius} style links to the \texttt{listc} one. % % The \texttt{shortinstitution} list is for abbreviated names of the % institution same. % % If it's necessary to avoid ambiguities, users may specify which is the % State of the institution they are citing. In this case, they have to % compile the \texttt{institutionnationality} field. % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{jchamber} % A body may convene in various configurations. For example, courts may % divide judges into panels, each with jurisdiction over specific areas % of law, except for the most contentious cases or those involving % conflicting precedents, for which a wider panel of judges may be convened, % potentially comprising a plenary session, or united chambers. % % The \examplebbxh{jchamber}{number} field serves this purpose. The user % may enter either a positive integer, in which case the \textsf{accursius} % style will print this number as a Roman numeral preceded by the % \texttt{jchamber} string, or manually input the name of the composition. % % So, this field is particularly useful for case law, as many other % authorities don't have such subdivisions: for instance, although a % Parliament is bicameral, while laws are enacted by both chambers, acts of % a single chamber can be cited by giving the name of that chamber directly. % \end{macro} % % Finally, there are two fields to provide additional information that the % \textsf{accursius} style hasn't categorised. The only differences are their % position and the preceding punctuation. % % \begin{macro}{institutionspec} % There is the \examplebbxh{institutionspec}{specifications} field and it % comes immediately after the name of the authority. It is separated from % the \examplebbxh{institution}{names} list by a space. A classic example, % in Italy, of using this field is when the user wants to specify that he % is citing a penal ruling of the \citeauthor{scalogna},\footnote{Just % three examples: \cite{scalogna}; \cite{dirella}; \cite{clemente}.} % instead of a civil ruling:\footnote{For example, see \cite{cass500del1999}; % \cite{cass19883del2015}; \cite{cass11868del2016}.} in Italian practice, % in fact, the string \enquote{pen.}\ is very important and almost % indispensable when it cannot be inferred from the context. Almost always, % writers write it without preceding it with a unit separator. % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{institutionaddon} % The \examplebbxh{institutionaddon}{addon} field comes after the % \texttt{jchamber} one and is separated from it by a comma. % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{institutionmember} % The \examplebbxh{institutionmember}{names} name list, on the other hand, is % used for documents that are undoubtedly issued by an authority, a body, % or similar, but for which it's still important to know which specific % individual issued them. Typical examples include the name of an Advocate % General issuing a concluding opinion,\footnote{See \cite{superleaguerantos}.} % as well as judges signing a concurring or dissenting opinion. In truth, in % the Italian context, the concluding opinions of public prosecutors don't % have as much importance, so this field remains, ultimately, particularly % useful in European union case law. However, who knows whether the Italian % Constitutional court shall ever introduce the institution of dissenting % opinions?\footnote{The debate in Italy on the introduction of dissenting % opinions is heated, but doubts about the advisability of this reform persist, % both on the merits and on procedural grounds. In favour of its introduction, % see \cite{cassese2009}, reprinted in \cite[275--285]{cassese2015a}; % \cite{zanon2024}. For further critical perspectives, reference % \cite[\textit{passim}]{cassese2015a}.} To the purpose, the \textsf{accursius} % style links to the \texttt{namea} name list. % \end{macro} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{The \enquote{\textsc{id}} of the provision (date, number and similar)} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % \begin{macro}{kindprov} % In law, legal documents are classified according to their type. For instance, % in Italy, there are three primary legislative instruments: the \citetitle{costituzione} % provides for laws in a formal sense —~which may be enacted by Parliament or by % each Regional Council, by the Council of the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and % by the Council of the Autonomous Provinces Bolzano~—, legislative decrees and % government decrees,\footnote{See \cite{costituzione}, artt.~70, 116 and 117.} % although Presidential Decrees may sometimes also have got the force of % law.\footnote{It happens when Presidential Decrees involve the compilation % into a single text of pre-existing provisions having the force of law. See % \cite{statutoimpiegaticivili}; \cite{elezionicamera}; \cite{tuedilizia}.} % Secondary sources are similarly classified according to the authority % issuing them, the procedure followed, and the legal effect. The same can apply % at the level of each individual public administration and even within private % organizations. The \textsf{accursius} style provides for the \texttt{kindprov} % field. % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{origdate} % The date of enactment is relevant for citation purposes and is often sufficient % to identify the document. So, the user has to compile \examplebbxh{origdate}{the % date of the act}. % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{nprov} % In many cases, a document may also be identified by a serial number in addition % to the date. The \textsf{accursius} style provides for the \texttt{nprov} field. % % In this regard, in Italy, a legal provision holds that there are such sources % which \enquote{shall have a single strictly progressive numbering \omissis\ % assigned to each of them at the time of publication}.\footnote{\Cite[art.~16, % co.~1]{dpr1092of1985}, trans.\ mine. See also \cite[art.~4]{dpr217of1986}.} % % Specifically, these sources include statutes enacted by Parliament and other % acts having the same force, a multitude of decrees, including those issued by % the President of the Republic, the President of the Council of Ministers and % individual ministers and, finally, the rulings by the Constitutional Court, if % they declare the unconstitutionality of a statute or of an act having the same % force.\footnote{See \cite[art.~15, co.~1]{dpr1092of1985}.} % % More specifically —~and limited to State sources~— the provision stipulates that % the enumeration is unique for all acts, except for constitutional laws and the % rulings by the Constitutional Court.\footnote{\Cite[art.~16]{dpr1092of1985}.} % \end{macro} % % Actually, it isn't easy to trace an official or authoritative guide that % introduced the style of citing legal sources in Italy. However, it remains % that jurists use to indicate, at the first citation, the type of act, date % of issue and progressive number; in subsequent citations, they use to indicate % the type of act, its progressive number and the year of issue. This style % aligns with the practice in legislative drafting offices.\footnote{See \cite[§8, % lett.~\textit{a}]{circolareamato}.} % % The user should simply provide the existing identifying data: the date of enactment % and the number of the provision. % % \begin{macro}{european law} % When citing European Union law, the user should compile the following fields instead % of the \texttt{nprov} one: % \begin{description} % \item[neli] for legislation, to indicate the sequential number % of the adopted document; % \item[necli] for case law, to indicate the sequential number of % the ruling; % \item[neucase] for case law, to indicate the case number in the % register; % \item[yeareucase] for case law, to indicate the last two numbers % of the year when the case was registered; % \item[eueli] for legislation, to indicate which European community % enacted the act; % \item[eueclistring] for case law, to indicate the European community; % \item[courteclistring] for case law, to indicate the originating Court. % \end{description} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{codification} % In some cases, legal provisions are approved in a particular document, but their % content is appended as an annex: so, the approval document, issued by the authority % in the exercise of its power, merely states that the authority has approved certain % measures and refers to its annexes for their detailed exposition. In Italy, a typical % example of this form is classic codes, such as the \citetitle{codicecivile} and the % \citetitle{codicepenale}.\footnote{See \cite{codicepenale}; \cite{cpc}; \cite{codicecivile}; % \cite{cpp}. Administrative trial law also falls within this category: see \cite{codeadmtrial}. % Conversely, the following examples don't take this form, as their respective provisions % are contained directly within the enacting instrument: for example, \cite{codiceprivacy}; % \cite{codicedigitaladm}; \cite{insurancecarrierscode}.} % % \begin{mdframed}[style=notabene] % The \textsf{accursius} style doesn't care about the self-classification of a legal instrument, % nor an analysis of whether an instrument substantively corresponds to the category of a % \enquote{code}. Rather, it is concerned with the material fact of whether a norm is % incorporated within the same instrument that enacts it, or in an annex to that instrument. % \end{mdframed} % % So, this legal form and its enactment procedure don't inherently give rise to instruments % that are strictly defined as \enquote{codes}.\footnote{See \cite{statutoimpiegaticivili}; % \cite{elezionicamera}.} % \end{macro} % % In such cases, the citation may also refer solely to the name of the instrument. % However, for reasons of consistency in citation style —~which, particularly in Italy, % is quite pedantic~— and to ensure completeness of information, it is recommended that % the name alone is insufficient for the initial citation and in the reference list. % Therefore, the \textsf{accursius} style requires the user to specify the type of % enactment, its date, and, if applicable, its number and period. % % Hence, the \texttt{codification} field activates a string that indicates that the % cited norm is attached to the enacting instrument. This field doesn't depend on % the fact that the provision is nominally a \enquote{code},\footnote{Indeed, see % \cite{codiceprivacy}; \cite{codicedigitaladm}; \cite{insurancecarrierscode}. % Thus, these citations are similar to \cite{lpa}.} but it can be used instead even % when this word doesn't appear at all.\footnote{See \cite{codicecivile}; \cite{costituzione}; % \cite{statutoimpiegaticivili}; \cite{elezionicamera}.} % % First of all, the user may specify the issuing authority: for example, the % \citeauthor{costituzione}, which approved the \citetitle{costituzione}. % % \begin{macro}{attachedstring} % Then, the user can specify the string relating to the annex. By default, the % \textsf{accursius} prints the bibliographic string \texttt{attached}, but the user % may compile the \examplebbxh{attachedstring}{string} field.\footnote{Once again, % an example is \cite{costituzione}.} % \end{macro} % % \iffalse %<*example> % \fi \begin{lstlisting}[caption={A first \texttt{codification} data sample},style=figures, showspaces=false] @itprov{codicecivile, codification={Codice civile}, shorthand={Cod\adddotspace civ\adddot}, kindprov={\autocap{r}\adddot d\adddot}, nprov={262},origdate={1942-03-16}, provtitle={Approvazione del testo del Codice civile}, editor={De Nova, Giorgio},gender={sm}, title={Codice civile e leggi collegate}, publisher={Zanichelli}, location={Bologna},year={2023}, pages={107--538}} \end{lstlisting} % \iffalse % % \fi % % For these reasons, other sources may also be cited as \texttt{codification}, including % the \citetitle{costituzione} same,\footnote{See \cite{costituzione}.} or a so-called % \begin{otherlanguage}{italian}\enquote{testo unico}\end{otherlanguage}, namely a % \enquote{consolidated act}.\footnote{See \cite{statutoimpiegaticivili}; \cite{elezionicamera}.} % % \iffalse %<*example> % \fi \begin{lstlisting}[caption={A second \texttt{codification} data sample},style=figures, showspaces=false] @itprov{costituzione, codification={Costituzione della Repubblica italiana}, textprovtitle={Costituzione}, shorthand={Cost\adddot}, attachedstring={delib\adddotspace da}, institution={Assemblea costituente}, shortinstitution={Ass\adddotspace cost\adddot}, kindprov={delib\adddotspace del}, origdate={1947-12-22}, editor={Bartolini, Francesco},gender={sm}, booktitle={Codice amministrativo}, publisher={La Tribuna},location={Piacenza}, year={2024},edition={35},pages={37--53}} \end{lstlisting} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \begin{macro}{textprovtitle} % In any case, the user may input \examplebbxh{textprovtitle} % {title}. In the item is a code, this field should be a flowing % and short form, or a colloquial and everyday form. This field % doesn't interfere with the shorthand, if given. Indeed, the % \texttt{textprovtitle} is thinked for the running text, while % the shorthand is more suitable for abbreviated citations which % don't compose the text \textit{stricto sensu}. % \end{macro} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Other detail to describe the provision} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % Further descriptive elements of legal references may include the subject % matter and the parties involved in the act,especially in case law. Often, % legal scholars cite judgements from a journal: in this case, the journal % might accompany the ruling with a note; if so, the \textsf{accursius} % style allows the user to indicate the name of the annotator or commentator. % % \begin{description} % \item[provtitle] It isn't an equivalent for the \texttt{textprovtitle} % field, as the latter is used to cite the reference % within the text. Instead, the \texttt{provtitle} % field indicates the subject matter of the specific % provision.\footnote{For example, see \cite{leggesardegna47del1986}; % \cite{circolareamato}; \cite{legge219del2017}. It % works even in case of code or similar: see \cite % {tuedilizia}.} % \item[provindtitle] Similar to the previous one, this field is used to % cite legal references when their legal system uses % an indirect formula to indicate the subject matter. % It's the case, in particular, of European union % law.\footnote{See \cite{gdpr}; \cite{aiact}.} % \item[titleparties] This field is used, primarily, for case law, to indicate % the parties involved in the specific reference. It's % particularly useful for legal systems and any case % where judgements are known by the names of the % parties.\footnote{See \cite{superleague}. Even if % the Italian style doesn't recognise this importance % to the parties of an Italian ruling, the \textsf % {accursius} style suggests to use this field in case % the Italian judgement doesn't have a sequential % number: see \cite{scalogna}; \cite{dirella}.} % \item[parties] This field differs from the previous one, because it indicates % the name of the parties involved in a judgement, but in % systems or cases where these names are secondary, meaning % they don't identify the judgement same.\footnote % {See \cite{cass500del1999}; % \cite{cass19883del2015}; \cite{cass11868del2016}.} % \item[shorttitleparties] This field is for a short form of the \texttt % {titleparties} one, in particular for the running text % and the subsequent citations.\footnote{See \cite{superleague}.} % \item[noteby] This name list develop into the \texttt{nameb} one, in case % the entry is \texttt{@itprov}, and into the \texttt % {author} one, in case the entry is \texttt{notetoprov}. % This name list is used to indicate who annoted or % commented the item, cited by the user, for example, from % a journal which reproduces the item same and offers, indeed, % the note, or similar.\footnote{See \cite{ccost1del1956}.} % \end{description} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{The source} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % One of the latest features of the \textsf{accursius} style is to allow % the user to specify the source from which they have consulted the reference % being cited. From journals to monographs, legal scholars commonly indicate, % particularly for case law, where they have actually read the material. While % this information is not strictly essential to identify the reference, the % \textsf{accursius} style suggests and indeed promotes it, especially when the % cited reference may be difficult to find and, perhaps, poorly indexed in % online databases. % % In short, since the purpose precisely of a verbose citation style is to % provide as much information as possible to the reader, knowing where the % user has obtained a legal source helps the reader to locate it. % % The sources of legal materials can essentially be divided into four categories: % official bulletins, portals —~which may be institutional portals or private % databases~—, journals and, finally, anthologies. Official bulletins are the % primary publication venue for numerous legal references, especially laws, and % serve the purpose of enabling citizens to know the content of these laws.\footnote % {In Italy, see \cite{gazzettaufficiale}. On this point, see firstly \cite % [409--411]{mortati1955}.} Institutional portals also serve this purpose.\footnote % {In Italy, see \cite{normattiva}. Some Courts has got their official website or % portal, where they upload their judgements: for example, within the administrative % case law, see \cite{tarbologna10del2022}; \cite{cstato5418del2023}. For European % Union law, see \cite{eurlex}.} In general, official bulletins and institutional % portals are the so-called official \begin{otherlanguage}{italian}\enquote{fonti % di cognizione}\end{otherlanguage}.\footnote{See \cite[160]{barberafusaro2022}.} % % There are also private databases that the \textsf{accursius} style treats in % the same way as institutional portals: they are often maintained by the same % publishers as journals and can offer more content than the journals themselves. % Finally, anthologies are also private works, but they are widely used, from % law students to Supreme Court advocates and Constitutional Court judges. % % As a consolidated practise, academics don't cite from anthologies. The % \textsf{accursius} style allows for this possibility, however, because % there are instances where the official source of knowledge doesn't exist, % or is only available in paper form and, maybe, stored in a location far % from the user, while databases ignore the reference altogether.\footnote % {An example is \cite{leggesardegna47del1986}.} % % Traditionally, the citation of laws refers to the journal from which the % writer draws. This practice is still widespread and doesn't require particular % comment. It's different, if the source —~regardless of whether the reference % is a judgement, or any other material, even a statute~— is a database: % depending on the guidelines, the user has or hasn't to refer to the database % he consults, sometimes depending on whether it is official or private, other % times only in relation to a specific type of reference and not others. In short, % when in doubt, the \textsf{accursius} style gives the user considerable flexibility % and, in this regard, defines two general boolean options. % \begin{macro}{boolean options} % \begin{description} % \styledescription{noportal}{false} If true, the \textsf{accursius} style % won't print the portal source of % the legal item, even if given. % Set \examplebbxa{noportal}{true}, % if the guideline considers these % datas redundant, tautological or % unnecessary. % \styledescription{noportalurlinrunning}{true} This option is independent from the % \texttt{bbx:url} and \texttt{bbx:nourlinrunning} % toggles. It just implies that the % url of a portal will be printed, % if given, only in the final list. % \styledescription{absolutenoportalurl}{false} This option will hide the url % of a portal, if given, in any case, % no matter if located in a citation, % or in the bibliography. % \end{description} % \end{macro} % % Firstly, the \textsf{accursius} style prioritises portals over all other sources, % unless the user has specifically indicated through boolean options that he doesn't % want to refer to portals. This is because portals or databases allow for a dynamic % reading of documents: particularly in relation to statutes, a portal is preferable % to a text, even a digital one, that is fixed in an official bulletin or in a journal. % Indeed, a portal can show the various reforms that may have occurred over time. % % Having made this consideration, the user can specify the data corresponding to one % of these possible sources. % % \begin{mdframed}[style=notabene] % When the user need to date his legal reference, he has to use \texttt{origdate}. % On the other hand, \texttt{date} refer exclusively to the consulted source, namely % the official bulletin, the portal, the journal, or the anthology. % \end{mdframed} % % With reference to the official bulletin, the \textsf{accursius} style provides % four new fields. Their names are quite indicative of their function: the fields are, % in particular, % \begin{itemize} % \item \texttt{ofbull}, % \item \texttt{ofbullseries}, % \item \texttt{ofbullnum} and % \item \texttt{ojeuseries}. % \end{itemize} % With reference to the portal, there is a new field: \texttt{ofportal}. % % If the user cites from a journal or an anthology, he has to complete % standard fields and lists, respectively, of the type \texttt{@article} % and \texttt{@incollection}. % % To cite from an official bulletin, the user may input some other standard % fields, such as \texttt{page} and \texttt{pages}. Precisely, the \curlybrackets % {date}, \curlybrackets{chapter+pages}, \curlybrackets{url} and \curlybrackets % {addendum+pubstate} bibmacros are available. % % To cite from a portal, just the \curlybrackets{url} bibmacro is available. % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{The sorting template for legal items} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % For bibliographies of legal references, the \textsf{accursius} style defines % two specific sorting templates. The \texttt{chronoiuris} template is based % on a strictly chronological criterion and, therefore, prioritises the % \texttt{origdate} datas. On the other hand, the \texttt{authoriuris} template % prioritises the institution's name and then the \texttt{istitutionspec} and % \texttt{jchamber} fields. % % Both templates have their own \texttt{refcontext}, which is of the same name. % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Citing commands} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % There aren't particularities regarding the citation commands and, in any % case, no specific comments are needed.\footnote{Therefore, see \cite % [110--119]{lehman2024}.} % % Just a check referred to the \citetitle{costituzione}: % \examplecommand{citeauthor} will give \citeauthor{costituzione}, % \examplecommand{citetitle} will give \citetitle{costituzione}, % \examplecommand{citeyear} will give \citeyear{costituzione} and % \examplecommand{citedate} will give \citedate{costituzione}. % % \StopEventually{\phantomsection\clearpage% % \PrintChanges\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Change % History}\pagestyle{psback}\thispagestyle{pssection}} % \iffalse %<*accursius-bbx> % \fi % % \cleardoublepage\phantomsection % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \section{The \file{accursius.bbx} and \file{accursius.cbx} files} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsection{General settings} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Initial settings} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % \lettrine{T}{he \textsf{accursius} style requires} the exclusive use of % \textsf{biber} as the bibliography processor for the \textsf{biblatex} % package, because it offers a wider range of functionalities, compared % to \textsf{bibtex}.\footnote{Moreover, \textsf{biber} is the recommended % by \volcite{2}[543]{latexcompanion}.} % \begin{macrocode} \RequireBiber[3] % \end{macrocode} % % Secondly, the \textsf{accursius} style is based on the \texttt{ext-verbose-trad1} % style, by \citeauthor{wemheuer2024b}.\footnote{See \cite{biblatexextsource}; % \cite{wemheuer2024b}.} % \begin{macrocode} \RequireBibliographyStyle{ext-verbose-trad1} % \end{macrocode} % % The \textsf{accursius} style define, or redefine, some localised strings % for Italian, English and French in specific localisation modules. So, it % declares and maps them to the associated languages. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareLanguageMapping{italian}{italian-accursius} \DeclareLanguageMapping{english}{english-accursius} \DeclareLanguageMapping{french}{french-accursius} % \end{macrocode} % % Then the style provides to collect, in the \textsf{itapunctuation} % option, the main punctuation and spacing in the bibliography and in % citations, according to the Italian customs. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareBiblatexOption{global,type,entry}[boolean] {itapunctuation}[true]{% \renewcommand{\newunitpunct}{\addcomma\space} \renewrobustcmd*{\bibinitdelim}{} \renewcommand{\subtitlepunct}{\adddot\space} \renewcommand{\intitlepunct}{\addspace} \renewcommand{\jourvoldelim}{\newunitpunct} \renewcommand{\jourserdelim}{\newunitpunct} \renewcommand{\volnumdelim}{\newunitpunct}} % \end{macrocode} % % The \textsf{accursius} style lets this option being \textsf{true} % by default. At the same time, the style execute some other default % settings of the \textsf{biblatex} package and are necessary to % comply with the Italian scholarly style of citation. % \begin{macrocode} \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{itapunctuation=true, sorting=accursius, citetracker=context, ibidtracker=constrict, idemtracker=constrict, loccittracker=context, opcittracker=context} % \end{macrocode} % Moreover, the \textsf{accursius} style, as sorting template, % selects \textsf{accursius} one, which defines at the end of the % \texttt{.bbx} file and wich aims to be just an improvement of the % \textsf{ndvt} standard one. % % Then, the style customises some field formats. Firstly, it % lets the title fields always emphasised, according to the % Italian style of citation. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFieldFormat[article,inbook, incollection,inproceedings,patent, thesis,unpublished]{title}% {\mkbibemph{#1}}% \DeclareFieldFormat[article,inbook, incollection,inproceedings,patent, thesis,unpublished]{citetitle}% {\mkbibemph{#1}}% \DeclareFieldFormat[inreference]{title}{% s\adddot v\adddotspace \mkbibemph{#1}} \DeclareFieldFormat[inreference]{citetitle}{% s\adddot v\adddotspace \mkbibemph{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % The only exception is for the \textsf{itprov} entry type, which % aims to be the one to cite legal sources. In this case, the style % forces the format to be similar to the \textsf{noformat} one. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFieldFormat[itprov]{title}{#1} \DeclareFieldFormat[itprov]{citetitle}{#1} % \end{macrocode} % Then, the \textsf{accursius} style declares the format for integer % fields, such as \textsf{number}, \textsf{part} and \textsf{volume}. % Every format includes the proper string and the last two are printed % in small capital case Roman numerals. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFieldFormat{volume}% {\bibstring{volume}~{% \scshape\romannumeral#1}} \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{volume}% {\bibstring{volume}~{% \scshape\romannumeral#1}} \DeclareFieldFormat{part}% {\bibstring{part}~{% \scshape\romannumeral#1}} \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{part}% {\bibstring{part}~{% \scshape\romannumeral#1}} \DeclareFieldFormat{number}% {\bibstring{number}~#1} \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{number}% {\bibstring{number}~#1} % \end{macrocode} % % Another option is the \texttt{nourlinrunning} one. % \begin{macrocode} \newtoggle{bbx:nourlinrunning} \DeclareBiblatexOption{global,type,entry}[boolean] {nourlinrunning}[true]{% \settoggle{bbx:nourlinrunning}{#1}} \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{nourlinrunning=true} \renewbibmacro*{doi+eprint+url}{% \ifboolexpr{test {\ifbibliography}% or (not togl{bbx:nourlinrunning}% or test {\ifentrytype{online}})}% {\ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:doi}% and not test {\iffieldxref{doi}}}% {\printfield{doi}}% {}% \newunit\newblock% \ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:eprint}% and not test {\iffieldxref{eprint}}}% {\usebibmacro{eprint}}% {}% \newunit\newblock% \ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:url}% and not test {\iffieldxref{url}}}% {\usebibmacro{url+urldate}}% {}}% {}} % \end{macrocode} % The \textsf{accursius} style provides for this option, to % differentiate between running text and bibliography and is % works with the standard toggles \texttt{bbx:doi}, \texttt % {bbx:eprint} and \texttt{bbx:url}. % % To define possible \texttt{url} breaks, improving the % \textsf{biblatex} own handling, the \textsf{accursius} % style customises the counters related to line breaks % after numbers, uppercase letters and lowercase letters. % \begin{macrocode} \setcounter{biburllcpenalty}{100} \setcounter{biburlucpenalty}{200} \setcounter{biburlnumpenalty}{100} % \end{macrocode} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Options for a \textsf{author-year} style} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % The \textsf{accursius} style aims to codify the citation customs of Italian % scholars, who tend to include all citation units in the first reference, % reproducing the entry as it appears in the bibliography. However, the style % remains open to the possibility that the user may wish to adopt an author-year % citation style. Therefore, by \enquote{borrowing} from the standard \textsf{authoryear} % style of the \textsf{biblatex} package,\footnote{See \cite{biblatexsource}, % the \texttt{authoryear.bbx} file.} it creates an option named \textsf{authoryearstyle}. % \begin{macrocode} \newtoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle} \DeclareBiblatexOption{global,type,entry}[boolean] {authoryearstyle}[true]{% \settoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}{#1} \settoggle{bbx:iusshorthand}{true} \settoggle{cbx:authoryearstyle}{true} \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{labeldateparts, innamebeforetitle=true, sorting=nyt,pagetracker,innameidem,mergedate} \renewbibmacro*{date}{% \usebibmacro{bbx:ifmergeddate}% {}% {\printdate}} \providebibmacro*{date+extradate}{% \iffieldundef{labelyear}% {}% {\printtext{% \iflabeldateisdate% {\printfield{issue}% \setunit*{\addspace}% \printdateextra}% {\printlabeldateextra}}}} \providebibmacro*{date+extrayear}{% \blx@warning{bibmacro 'date+extrayear' is deprecated.\MessageBreak Please use 'date+extradate'. \MessageBreak Using 'date+extradate' instead}% \usebibmacro{date+extradate}}} \providebibmacro*{bbx:ifmergeddate}{\@secondoftwo} \DeclareBiblatexOption{global,type,entry}[string]{mergedate}[true]{% \ifcsdef{bbx@opt@mergedate@#1} {\csuse{bbx@opt@mergedate@#1}} {\PackageError{biblatex} {Invalid option 'mergedate=#1'} {Valid values are 'maximum', 'compact', 'basic', 'minimum',\MessageBreak 'true' (=compact), and 'false'.}}} \def\bbx@opt@mergedate@true{\bbx@opt@mergedate@compact} \def\bbx@opt@mergedate@maximum{% \renewbibmacro*{date+extradate}{% \iffieldundef{labelyear}% {}% {\printtext{% \iflabeldateisdate% {\printfield{issue}% \setunit*{\addspace}% \printdateextra}% {\printlabeldateextra}}}}} \def\bbx@opt@mergedate@compact{% \renewbibmacro*{date+extradate}{% \iffieldundef{labelyear}% {}% {\printtext{% \iflabeldateisdate% {\printdateextra}% {\printlabeldateextra}}}}% \renewbibmacro*{bbx:ifmergeddate}{\iflabeldateisdate}% \renewbibmacro*{issue+date}{% \ifboolexpr{test {\usebibmacro{bbx:ifmergeddate}}% and test {\iffieldundef{issue}}}% {}% {\printtext{% \printfield{issue}% \setunit*{\addspace}% \usebibmacro{bbx:ifmergeddate}% {}% {\printdate}}}% \newunit}} \def\bbx@opt@mergedate@basic{% \renewbibmacro*{date+extradate}{% \iffieldundef{labelyear}% {}% {\printtext{\printlabeldateextra}}}% \renewbibmacro*{bbx:ifmergeddate}{% \ifboolexpr{test {\iflabeldateisdate}% and not test {\ifdateshavedifferentprecision{label}{}}}}% \renewbibmacro*{issue+date}{% \ifboolexpr{test {\usebibmacro{bbx:ifmergeddate}}% and test {\iffieldundef{issue}}}% {}% {\printtext{% \printfield{issue}% \setunit*{\addspace}% \printdate}}% \newunit}} \def\bbx@opt@mergedate@minimum{% \renewbibmacro*{date+extradate}{% \iffieldundef{labelyear}% {}% {\printtext{\printlabeldateextra}}}% \renewbibmacro*{bbx:ifmergeddate}{% \ifboolexpr{test {\iflabeldateisdate}% and not test {\ifdateshavedifferentprecision{label}{}}% and test {\iffieldundef{extradate}}}}% \renewbibmacro*{issue+date}{% \ifboolexpr{test {\usebibmacro{bbx:ifmergeddate}}% and test {\iffieldundef{issue}}}% {}% {\printtext{% \printfield{issue}% \setunit*{\addspace}% \printdate}}% \newunit}} \def\bbx@opt@mergedate@false{% \renewbibmacro*{date+extradate}{% \iffieldundef{labelyear}% {}% {\printtext{\printlabeldateextra}}}% \renewbibmacro*{bbx:ifmergeddate}{\@secondoftwo}% \renewbibmacro*{issue+date}{% \printtext{% \printfield{issue}% \setunit*{\addspace}% \usebibmacro{date}}% \newunit}} \renewbibmacro*{issue+date}{% \usebibmacro{bbx:ifmergeddate} {} {\printtext[parens]{% \printfield{issue}% \setunit*{\addspace}% \printdate}}} \renewbibmacro*{date}{% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:ifmergeddate}% {}% {\printdate}}% {\printdate}} \providebibmacro{date+extradate}{} \newbibmacro*{bbx:labelyear}{% \setunit{\printdelim{nameyeardelim}}% \usebibmacro{date+extradate}} % \end{macrocode} % It is up to the user to enable this option to employ this citation % style within the \textsf{accursius} one. % % \begin{mdframed}[style=notabene] % Just a caveat: this option will very likely require further % intervention to rectify bugs and implement new features, such % as compact citations. % \end{mdframed} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Options for authors and names} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % The first complex task was codifying certain practices relating to the % indication of names. % % At least in relation to legal doctrine, Italian academics tend to refer % to an author by their initials and surname, both in footnotes and in the % bibliography, whereas in author-year styles they refer to the author in % footnotes by surname only. % % There are insufficient guidelines to resolve any ambiguities, but the % \textsf{accursius} style addresses this issue. % \begin{refsegment} % \begin{mdframed}[style=example] % See the following examples: \cite{benvenuti1959}; \cite{benvenuti1996}; % \cite{benvenuti2006}. For a more intriguing example of ambiguity, see % \cite{barbieri2019}; \cite{barbierifrancesconiguarini2011}. For % subsequent citations —while, if there is not ambiguity, then the % \textsf{labelname} is so simple—, in case of ambiguity, the % \textsf{labelname} specifies also about the given name: % \cite{benvenuti1959}; \cite{benvenuti1996}; \cite{benvenuti2006}; % \cite{barbieri2019}; \cite{barbierifrancesconiguarini2011}. % \end{mdframed} % \end{refsegment} % \begin{macrocode} \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{uniquename=full} % \end{macrocode} % % There are no definitive rules regarding the formatting of the author's % name —or the editor's, when there is no author— in normal font or small % caps. Generally, the name should always be in normal font, if it isn't % that of the primary author of the cited work, unless the citation refers % to a part of a work and the user wishes to highlight, for example, the % editor of a collection. Therefore, the possibility remains of writing % the name of the author of an entry —and of the possible editor of the % work of which the entry is a part— in small caps and, in this regard, % the \textsf{accursius} style creates the option \textsf{scauthor}, % setting it as true by default, and based on the following commands. % \begin{macrocode} \newtoggle{bbx:scauthor} \DeclareBiblatexOption{global,type,entry}[boolean] {scauthor}[true]{\settoggle{bbx:scauthor}{#1}} \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{scauthor=true} \newrobustcmd*{\mkbibsc}[1]{\textsc{#1}} \DeclareFieldFormat{mkbibsc}{\mkbibsc{#1}} \newrobustcmd*{\mkidem}[1]{% \iftoggle{bbx:scauthor}% {{\scshape#1}}% {#1}} \newbibmacro*{bbx:scname}{% \renewcommand\mkbibnamefamily[1]{\mkbibsc{##1}}% \renewcommand\mkbibnamegiven[1]{\mkbibsc{##1}}% \renewcommand\mkbibnameprefix[1]{\mkbibsc{##1}}% \renewcommand\mkbibnamesuffix[1]{\mkbibsc{##1}}} % \end{macrocode} % % To implement these options, firstly, the % \textsf{accursius} style customises % the \textsf{default} name format. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareNameFormat{name:accursius}{% \ifnumequal{\value{uniquename}}{2}% {\usebibmacro{name:given-family}% {\namepartfamily}% {\namepartgiven}% {\namepartprefix}% {\namepartsuffix}}% {\usebibmacro{name:given-family}% {\namepartfamily}% {\namepartgiveni}% {\namepartprefix}% {\namepartsuffix}}% \usebibmacro{name:andothers}} \DeclareNameAlias{default}{name:accursius} % \end{macrocode} % % A distinctive feature of the \textsf{accursius} style is the % deprecation of the inversion of the author's given name and % surname in bibliographic lists. Indeed, many bibliographies % ordered alphabetically by author begin with the surname, % followed —often by a comma— by the given name, or its initial, % of the author. In the case of multiple authors for the same % entry, this tends to occur only for the first author, so that % the second and any subsequent authors are written with the % given name, or its initial, followed by the surname. % % This tendency is particularly noticeable in documents created % using word processors. While these programs allow for the % alphabetical sorting of lists, they don't, of course, understand % the meaning of each item in the list. As a result, they sort the % entire list item, without distinguishing between the parts that % are relevant for sorting purposes and those that are not. Therefore, % users of word processors, in order to take advantage of automated % sorting, have necessarily to place the surname before the given name, % or its initial, if they want the word processor to sort by surname. % % In documents where the citation style stipulates that given names are % given only by initial, there is no other reason to place the surname % before the given name. However, if the citation style requires that % given names be written in full, then the inversion of surname and given % name in the bibliographic list is indeed necessary to facilitate the % reader's consultation of the list.\footnote{It may make sense, because % the given-family order lets \enquote{much harder for a reader to find % the entry corresponding to a given label, which begins with the last % name of that author}, as reminds \cite{cfrcomment2024}.} % % The \textsf{accursius} style lets to the user the choice if invert the % given name, placing it after the surname, or not. Therefore, it provides % an option named \textsf{revname}, which the user has to activate if he % wishes for the surname of the first author of an entry to precede the % given name, or its initial, in the bibliographic list. This option inspires % two new formats, \textsf{theauthorrev} and \textsf{theauthornotrev}. It % also creates a generic format, \textsf{theauthor}: by default, this refers % to \textsf{theauthornotrev}, but, if the user activates the \textsf{revname} % option, then the \textsf{theauthor} format refers to \textsf{theauthorrev} % instead. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareNameAlias{theauthor}{theauthornotrev} \DeclareBiblatexOption{global,type,entry}[boolean] {revname}[true]{% \DeclareNameAlias{theauthor}{theauthorrev}} \DeclareNameFormat{theauthorrev}{% \iftoggle{bbx:scauthor}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:scname}}% {}% \ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{1}% {\ifnumequal{\value{uniquename}}{2}% {\usebibmacro{name:family-given}% {\namepartfamily}% {\namepartgiven}% {\namepartprefix}% {\namepartsuffix}} {\usebibmacro{name:family-given}% {\namepartfamily}% {\namepartgiveni}% {\namepartprefix}% {\namepartsuffix}}% \ifboolexpr{test {\ifdefvoid\namepartgiven}% and test {\ifdefvoid\namepartprefix}}% {}% {\usebibmacro{name:revsdelim}}}% {\ifnumequal{\value{uniquename}}{2}% {\usebibmacro{name:given-family}% {\namepartfamily}% {\namepartgiven}% {\namepartprefix}% {\namepartsuffix}} {\usebibmacro{name:given-family}% {\namepartfamily}% {\namepartgiveni}% {\namepartprefix}% {\namepartsuffix}}}% \usebibmacro{name:andothers}} \DeclareNameFormat{theauthornotrev}{% \iftoggle{bbx:scauthor}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:scname}}% {}% \ifnumequal{\value{uniquename}}{2}% {\usebibmacro{name:given-family}% {\namepartfamily}% {\namepartgiven}% {\namepartprefix}% {\namepartsuffix}}% {\usebibmacro{name:given-family}% {\namepartfamily}% {\namepartgiveni}% {\namepartprefix}% {\namepartsuffix}}% \usebibmacro{name:andothers}} \DeclareNameAlias{author}{theauthor} \DeclareNameAlias{editor}{theauthor} % \end{macrocode} % This \textsf{theauthor} format is an alias for the standard name formats % \textsf{author} and \textsf{editor}. % % Finally, the \textsf{accursius} style modifies the \textsf{labelname} % name format to accommodate these options and, ultimately, creates the % \textsf{labeltextname} format, which is useful for the command % \texttt{\textbackslash citeauthor}: this ensures that the names of % authors cited in the running text are always formatted in a standard % way (i.e.\ it prevents them from being printed in small caps) and are % always given in full. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareNameFormat{labelname}{% \iftoggle{bbx:scauthor}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:scname}}% {}% \ifnumequal{\value{uniquename}}{2}% {\usebibmacro{name:given-family}% {\namepartfamily}% {\namepartgiven}% {\namepartprefix}% {\namepartsuffix}}% {\ifnumequal{\value{uniquename}}{1}% {\usebibmacro{name:given-family}% {\namepartfamily}% {\namepartgiveni}% {\namepartprefix}% {\namepartsuffix}}% {\usebibmacro{name:family}% {\namepartfamily}% {\namepartgiven}% {\namepartprefix}% {\namepartsuffix}}}% \usebibmacro{name:andothers}} \DeclareNameFormat{labeltextname}{% {\usebibmacro{name:given-family}% {\namepartfamily}% {\namepartgiven}% {\namepartprefix}% {\namepartsuffix}% \usebibmacro{name:andothers}}} % \end{macrocode} % % Further customisations to other bibmacros are required to enable % user-selectable bibliographic options, such as placing the editor % of a collection, for example, before its title, while preserving % the established formatting for names.\footnote{In this regard, % compare with \cite{biblatexsource}; \cite{biblatexextsource}.} % \begin{macrocode} \renewbibmacro*{byauthor}{% \ifboolexpr{test \ifuseauthor% or test {\ifnameundef{author}}}% {}% {\usebibmacro{bytypestrg}{author}{author}% \setunit{\addspace}% \printnames[byauthor]{author}}} \renewbibmacro*{byeditor}{% \ifnameundef{editor}% {}% {\usebibmacro{bytypestrg}{editor}{editor}% \setunit{\addspace}% \printnames[byeditor]{editor}% \newunit}% \usebibmacro{byeditorx}} \DeclareDelimFormat{editortypedelim}{\addspace} \renewbibmacro*{bbx:editor}[1]{% \ifboolexpr{test \ifuseeditor% and not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:dashcheck}% {\bibnamedash% \printtext[parens]{\usebibmacro{#1}}% \setunit{\addspace}\newblock}% {\printnames{editor}% \setunit{\printdelim{editortypedelim}}% \usebibmacro{bbx:savehash}% \printtext[parens]{\usebibmacro{#1}}}% \clearname{editor}}% {\global\undef\bbx@lasthash}} \renewbibmacro*{editor+othersstrg}{% \iffieldundef{editortype}% {\ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumgreater{\value{editor}}{1}}% or test {\ifandothers{editor}}}% {\def\abx@tempa{editors}}% {\def\abx@tempa{editor}}}% {\ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumgreater{\value{editor}}{1}}% or test {\ifandothers{editor}}}% {\edef\abx@tempa{\thefield{editortype}s}}% {\edef\abx@tempa{\thefield{editortype}}}}% \let\abx@tempb=\empty \ifnamesequal{editor}{translator}% {\appto\abx@tempa{tr}% \appto\abx@tempb{\clearname{translator}}}% {}% \ifnamesequal{editor}{commentator}% {\appto\abx@tempa{co}% \appto\abx@tempb{\clearname{commentator}}}% {\ifnamesequal{editor}{annotator}% {\appto\abx@tempa{an}% \appto\abx@tempb{\clearname{annotator}}}% {}}% \ifnamesequal{editor}{introduction}% {\appto\abx@tempa{in}% \appto\abx@tempb{\clearname{introduction}}}% {\ifnamesequal{editor}{foreword}% {\appto\abx@tempa{fo}% \appto\abx@tempb{\clearname{foreword}}}% {\ifnamesequal{editor}{afterword}% {\appto\abx@tempa{af}% \appto\abx@tempb{\clearname{afterword}}}% {}}}% \ifbibxstring{\abx@tempa}% {\printtext[editortype]{% \biblstring{\abx@tempa\thefield{gender}}}\abx@tempb}% {\usebibmacro{editorstrg}}} \renewbibmacro*{bybookauthor}{% \ifnamesequal{author}{bookauthor}% {\iftoggle{bbx:innameidem}% {\bibstring[\mkidem]{idem\thefield{gender}}}% {}}% {\printnames{bookauthor}}} \renewbibmacro*{bbx:in:editor}[1]{% \ifboolexpr{test \ifuseeditor% and not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}}% {\ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:innameidem}% and test {\bbx@ineditoridem}}% {\bibstring[\mkidem]{idem\thefield{gender}}}% {\ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:innamebeforetitle}% and not test {\iffieldundef{crossref}}}% {\printnames[editor]{editor}}% {\printnames[ineditor]{editor}}}% \setunit{\printdelim{editortypedelim}}% \printtext[parens]{\usebibmacro{#1}}% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {\setunit{\printdelim{nameyeardelim}}% \iffieldundef{crossref}% {\usebibmacro{date}}% {\entrydata*{\thefield{crossref}}{% \csuse{extblx@hook@xrefcite}% \printtext[bbx@xrefcite]{% \usebibmacro{date+extradate}}}}}% {}% \clearname{editor}}% {}} % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, to print the \enquote{and others} string, the % \textsf{accursius} style customises the \curlybrackets % {name:andothers} bibmacro. % \begin{macrocode} \renewbibmacro*{name:andothers}{% \ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}% and test \ifmorenames}% {\ifnumgreater{\value{liststop}}{1}% {\finalandcomma}% {}% \printdelim{andothersdelim}\bibstring[\mkbibemph]{andothers}} {}} % \end{macrocode} % % In cases where even the figure properly defined as the \enquote{author} % of a certain work requires a specific string to indicate their role, % the \textsf{biblatex} package provides the \texttt{authortype} string, % which functions in the same way as that for the editor. The \textsf % {accursius} style offers the user the option to choose that this string, % for the author, is always printed, if given, in parentheses, in full and % separated from the author's name just by a space. To enable this, the % user has to select the \texttt{authortypeparens} option. % \begin{macrocode} \newtoggle{bbx:authortypeparens} \DeclareBiblatexOption{global,type,entry}[boolean] {authortypeparens}[true]{% \settoggle{bbx:authortypeparens}{#1}% \DeclareDelimFormat{authortypedelim}{\addspace}} \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{authortypeparens=false} \renewbibmacro*{authorstrg}{% \iffieldundef{authortype}% {}% {\ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:authortypeparens}}% {\printtext[parens]{% \ifbibxstring{by\thefield{authortype}}% {\biblstring{by\thefield{authortype}}}% {\ifbibxstring{\thefield{authortype}}% {\biblstring{\thefield{authortype}}}% {\thefield{authortype}}}}}% {\printtext[authortype]{% \ifbibxstring{\thefield{authortype}}% {\ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumgreater{\value{author}}{1}}% or test {\ifandothers{author}}}% {\bibstring{\thefield{authortype}s}}% {\bibstring{\thefield{authortype}}}}% {\thefield{authortype}}}}}} % \end{macrocode} % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Options for the title} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % With regard to the \curlybrackets{title} bibmacro, this style % adopts the one provided by the \textsf{biblatex-ext} package % in its entirety.\footnote{See \cite{biblatexextsource}.} % \begin{macrocode} \renewbibmacro*{title}{% \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{title}}% and test {\iffieldundef{subtitle}}}% {}% {\printtext[title]{% \printfield[titlecase:title]{title}% \setunit{\subtitlepunct}% \printfield[titlecase:title]{subtitle}}% \setunit{\titleaddonpunct}}% \printfield{titleaddon}} % \end{macrocode} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Options for the entry fractions} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % More specifically, the \textsf{accursius} style addresses the issue of % parts or divisions within a given work that a user may wish to cite. % The fields \highlighted{volume} and \highlighted{part} already exist % and are valid for most bibliographic entries. However, particularly in % Italy, works can be divided not only into volumes or parts, but also into % tomes; as for journals, they can be divided into sections as well as parts. % % Here are the definitions of these two new fields, namely \highlighted{tome} % and \highlighted{section}, to compile with integers. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=integer]{tome} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{tome} \DeclareFieldFormat{tome}% {\bibsstring{tome}~{% \scshape\romannumeral#1}} \newbibmacro{bookfrac}{% \printfield{volume}% \newunit% \printfield{tome}% \newunit% \printfield{part}} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=integer]{section} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{section} \DeclareFieldFormat{section}% {\bibsstring{section}~{% \scshape\romannumeral#1}} \newbibmacro{jourfrac}{% \printfield{part}% \newunit% \printfield{section}} % \end{macrocode} % After creating these fields, the \textsf{accursius} style % creates bibmacros to gather them in a consistent manner % across all the types of entry. The primary purpose of these % two bibmacros, one specific to journals and the other more % general, is to allow the user to easily customise the % categorisation of bibliographic entries if desired. % % These bibmacros are, in turn, components of other bibmacros % that define the relationship between the bibliographic entry % cited by the user and the overall work of which the cited % entry is a part. The most complex coding is required for % entries such as books and collections.\footnote{These % definitions are about the spit of analogous bibmacros % defined \cite{biblatexextsource}. Indeed, their name is the same.} % \begin{macrocode} \renewbibmacro*{barevolume+volumes}{% \iffieldundef{maintitle}% {\usebibmacro{bookfrac}}% {}% \newunit% \printfield{volumes}} \renewbibmacro*{maintitle+title}{% \iftoggle{bbx:maintitleaftertitle}% {}% {\iffieldsequal{maintitle}{title}% {\clearfield{maintitle}% \clearfield{mainsubtitle}% \clearfield{maintitleaddon}}% {\iffieldundef{maintitle}% {}% {\usebibmacro{maintitle}% \newunit\newblock% \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{volume}}% and test {\iffieldundef{tome}}% and test {\iffieldundef{part}}}% {}% {\usebibmacro{bookfrac}% \setunit{\addcolon\space}}}}}% \usebibmacro{title}% \iftoggle{bbx:maintitleaftertitle}% {\iffieldsequal{maintitle}{title}% {\clearfield{maintitle}% \clearfield{mainsubtitle}% \clearfield{maintitleaddon}}% {\iffieldundef{maintitle}% {}% {\newunit% \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{volume}}% and test {\iffieldundef{tome}}% and test {\iffieldundef{part}}}% {}% {\usebibmacro{bookfrac}% \setunit{\addspace}% \bibstring{ofseries}% \setunit{\addspace}}% \usebibmacro{maintitle}}}}% {}% \newunit} \renewbibmacro*{maintitle+booktitle}{% \iftoggle{bbx:maintitleaftertitle}% {}% {\iffieldundef{maintitle}% {}% {\usebibmacro{maintitle}% \newunit\newblock% \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{volume}}% and test {\iffieldundef{tome}}% and test {\iffieldundef{part}}}% {}% {\usebibmacro{bookfrac}% \setunit{\addcolon\space}}}}% \usebibmacro{booktitle}% \iftoggle{bbx:maintitleaftertitle}% {\iffieldundef{maintitle}% {}% {\newunit% \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{volume}}% and test {\iffieldundef{tome}}% and test {\iffieldundef{part}}}% {}% {\usebibmacro{bookfrac}% \setunit{\addspace}% \bibstring{ofseries}% \setunit{\addspace}}% \usebibmacro{maintitle}}}% {}% \newunit} % \end{macrocode} % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Other bibmacros for books and alike} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % The \textsf{accursius} style offers users the ability to print % the number of an edition of a specific cited entry in Roman numerals, % rather than following the default Arabic ordinal. The style sets the % default format with the edition in Roman numerals, but users can revert % to the default \LaTeX\ with \examplebbxa{editionroman}{false}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareBiblatexOption{global,type,entry}[boolean] {editionroman}[true]{% \DeclareFieldFormat{edition}% {\bibstring{edition}~{% \scshape\romannumeral\thefield{edition}}}} \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{editionroman=true} % \end{macrocode} % % The \textsf{accursius} style creates, through the namelist \texttt{namec}, % the name to indicate the \texttt{director}, or similar role, of a series of books. % If the user doesn't specify the custom-created \texttt{serdirector} field, % the \textsf{accursius} style inserts a customised string. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand{\sernumdelim}{\newunitpunct} \DeclareFieldFormat{series}{\mkbibquote{#1}} \DeclareSourcemap{\maps[datatype=bibtex]{\map{% \step[fieldsource=director,fieldtarget=namec]}}} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{serdirector} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{serdirector} \renewbibmacro*{series+number}{% \iffieldundef{series}% {}% {\usebibmacro{in:}}% \printfield{series}% \setunit*{\sernumdelim}% \ifnameundef{namec}% {}% {\iffieldundef{serdirector}% {\bibstring{director}}% {\ifbibxstring{\thefield{serdirector}}% {\ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumgreater{\value{serdirector}}{1}}% or test {\ifandothers{serdirector}}}% {\bibstring{\thefield{serdirector}s}} {\bibstring{\thefield{serdirector}}}}% {\thefield{serdirector}}}% \setunit{\addspace}% \printnames{namec}}% \setunit*{\sernumdelim}% \printfield{number}% \newunit} % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, the \textsf{accursius} style plays on the % interactions, in books and similar types, between % the lists of publisher and location and the publication % date. In this regard, it creates a non-boolean option, % namely \textsf{publocformat}, whose content can be empty % or \texttt{publocyear} (default choice), \texttt{locpubyear}, % or \texttt{loccolonpub}.\footnote{Similar options are also % available in \cite[15]{valbusa2022}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\bbx@publocformat}{} \DeclareBibliographyOption{publocformat}[publocyear]{% \renewcommand{\bbx@publocformat}{#1}} \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{publocformat} \renewbibmacro*{publisher+location+date}{% \ifdefstring{\bbx@publocformat}{locpubyear}% {\printlist{location}% \newunit% \printlist{publisher}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{date}}% {\ifdefstring{\bbx@publocformat}{loccolonpub}% {\printlist{location}% \setunit*{\addcolon\space}% \printlist{publisher}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{date}}% {\printlist{publisher}% \newunit% \printlist{location}% \setunit*{\addspace}% \usebibmacro{date}}}% \newunit} % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, to print the \enquote{and others} string, the % \textsf{accursius} style customises the \curlybrackets % {name:andothers} bibmacro. % \begin{macrocode} \renewbibmacro*{list:andothers}{% \ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}% and test \ifmoreitems}% {\ifnumgreater{\value{liststop}}{1}% {\finalandcomma}% {}% \printdelim{andmoredelim}\bibstring[\mkbibemph]{andmore}}% {}} % \end{macrocode} % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Journals} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % With regard to journals, the \textsf{accursius} style offers users the % option to customise the order of volume, issue and year of publication. % The order also takes into account the EID field, which identifies the % electronic numbering of a specific article within a journal issue.\footnote % {On the EID field and its differences from the pagination, for example, % see \cite{contini2024a}.} According to the default setting, the \textsf % {accursius} style first imposes a comma as the separating punctuation; % then, in order, it prints, each when filled, the volume, issue, EID % and then the \texttt{issue+date} bibmacro. The user can set, with \texttt % {numslashdate}, that only the year of the journal is printed and placed % immediately after the issue number, separated by a slash, as is quite % common in Italian legal scholarship. If \texttt{biblatex} is set, the % style remains the default of the \textsf{biblatex} package. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\bbx@jourvolnumdate}{} \DeclareBibliographyOption{jourvolnumdate}[allcommas]{% \renewcommand{\bbx@jourvolnumdate}{#1}} \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{jourvolnumdate} \renewbibmacro*{volume+number+eid}{% \ifdefstring{\bbx@jourvolnumdate}{numslashdate}% {\printfield{volume}% \setunit*{\volnumdelim}% \newunit% \iffieldundef{number}% {}% {\printfield{number}% \setunit{\addslash}}% \printfield{year}% \setunit{\bibeidpunct}% \printfield{eid}}% {\printfield{volume}% \setunit*{\volnumdelim}% \printfield{number}% \setunit{\bibeidpunct}% \printfield{eid}}} \renewbibmacro*{issue+date}{% \ifdefstring{\bbx@jourvolnumdate}{numslashdate}% {\printfield[parens]{issue}}% {}% \ifdefstring{\bbx@jourvolnumdate}{allcommas}% {\printfield{issue}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{date}}% {}% \ifdefstring{\bbx@jourvolnumdate}{biblatex}% {\ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{issue}}% and test {\iffieldundef{year}}}% {}% {\printtext[parens]{% \printfield{issue}% \setunit*{\addspace}% \usebibmacro{date}}}}% {}% \newunit} \renewbibmacro*{journal+issuetitle}{% \usebibmacro{journal}% \newunit% \printfield{series}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{volume+number+eid}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{issue+date} \setunit{\addcolon\space}% \usebibmacro{issue}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{jourfrac}% \newunit} \newbibmacro{journal+editor+id}{% \usebibmacro{journal+issuetitle}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{note+pages}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{issn}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}} % \end{macrocode} % Actually, things change if the user has also opted for % an author-year bibliographic style: in this case, the % year field is always placed immediately after the author % and is no longer reproduced. This means that the \texttt % {numslashdate} option is meaningless with the \texttt % {authoryearstyle}. % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Shortjournals} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % The \textsf{accursius} style promotes the use of journal abbreviations % through the \texttt{shortjournal} field, which should be completed in % conjunction with the \texttt{journaltitle} field. If the user sets % \examplebbxa{shortjournal}{false}, the \texttt{shortjournal} field will % never be printed. Otherwise, and by default, the user can also print % the list of journal abbreviations. % \begin{macrocode} \newtoggle{bbx:shortjournal} \DeclareBiblatexOption{global,type,entry}[boolean] {shortjournal}[true]{% \settoggle{bbx:shortjournal}{#1}} \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{shortjournal=true} \DeclareFieldFormat{journaltitle}% {\mkbibquote{#1\isdot}} \renewbibmacro*{journal}{% \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}% and test {\iffieldundef{journalsubtitle}}}% {}% {\ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{shortjournal}}% and togl {bbx:shortjournal}}% {\printtext[journaltitle]{% \printfield{shortjournal}}}% {\printtext[journaltitle]{% \printfield[titlecase]{journaltitle}% \setunit{\subtitlepunct}% \printfield[titlecase]{journalsubtitle}}% \newunit% \printfield{journaltitleaddon}}}} \DeclareBibliographyDriver{shortjournal}{% \printfield{journaltitle}} \defbibcheck{shortjournal}{% \iffieldundef{shortjournal}% {\skipentry}% {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}% {\skipentry}% {\ifcsdef{sjcheck@\therefsection -\strfield{shortjournal}=\strfield{journaltitle}} {\skipentry}% {\savefieldcs{journaltitle}% {sjcheck@\therefsection -\strfield{shortjournal}=\strfield{journaltitle}}}}}} \AtBeginBiblist{shortjournal}{% \DeclareFieldFormat{journaltitle}{\mkbibemph{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{New definition of bibliography driver} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % Following all these customisations, the \textsf{accursius} style can % recapitulate and redefine certain types of bibliographic entries. % % In particular, it declares \curlybrackets{article}, \curlybrackets{book} % and similar types, \curlybrackets{collection} and \curlybrackets{incollection}, % \curlybrackets{proceedings} and \curlybrackets{inproceedings} and, finally, % \curlybrackets{manual}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareBibliographyDriver{article}{% \usebibmacro{introcite:plain}% \usebibmacro{bibindex}% \usebibmacro{begentry}% \usebibmacro{author/translator+others}% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:labelyear}% \newunit\newblock}% {\setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock}% \usebibmacro*{title}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{language}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{byauthor}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{bytranslator+others}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{version}% \newunit\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:articlein}{\usebibmacro{in:}}{}% \usebibmacro{journal+editor+id}% \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock% \usebibmacro{pageref}% \newunit\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:related}% {\usebibmacro{related:init}% \usebibmacro{related}}% {}% \usebibmacro{finentry}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareBibliographyDriver{book}{% \usebibmacro{introcite:plain}% \usebibmacro{bibindex}% \usebibmacro{begentry}% \usebibmacro{author/editor+others/translator+others}% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:labelyear}% \newunit\newblock}% {\setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock}% \usebibmacro{maintitle+title}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{language}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{byauthor}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{thebook}% \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock% \usebibmacro{pageref}% \newunit\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:related}% {\usebibmacro{related:init}% \usebibmacro{related}}% {}% \usebibmacro{finentry}} \newbibmacro{thebook}{% \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% \newunit\newblock% \printfield{edition}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{barevolume+volumes}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{series+number}% \newunit\newblock% \printfield{note}% \newunit\newblock% \printlist{organization}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}% \newunit% \printfield{pagetotal}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{isbn}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}} \DeclareBibliographyDriver{booklet}{% \usebibmacro{introcite:plain}% \usebibmacro{bibindex}% \usebibmacro{begentry}% \usebibmacro{author/editor+others/translator+others}% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:labelyear}% \newunit\newblock}% {\setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock}% \usebibmacro{title}% \newunit% \printlist{language}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{byauthor}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% \newunit\newblock% \printfield{howpublished}% \newunit\newblock% \printfield{type}% \newunit\newblock% \printfield{note}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{location+date}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}% \newunit% \printfield{pagetotal}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}% \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock% \usebibmacro{pageref}% \newunit\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:related}% {\usebibmacro{related:init}% \usebibmacro{related}}% {}% \usebibmacro{finentry}} \DeclareBibliographyDriver{inbook}{% \usebibmacro{introcite:plain}% \usebibmacro{bibindex}% \usebibmacro{begentry}% \usebibmacro{author/translator+others}% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:labelyear}% \newunit\newblock}% {\setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock}% \usebibmacro{title}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{language}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{byauthor}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{in:}% \usebibmacro{crosscite}{inbook:parent}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{isbn}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}% \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock% \usebibmacro{pageref}% \newunit\newblock% \ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:related} and not test {\iffieldxref{related}}}% {\usebibmacro{related:init}% \usebibmacro{related}}% {}% \usebibmacro{finentry}} \renewbibmacro*{inbook:parent}{% \usebibmacro{bybookauthor}% \setunit{\printdelim{innametitledelim}}\newblock% \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{edition}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{barevolume+volumes}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{series+number}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{note}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareBibliographyDriver{collection}{% \usebibmacro{introcite:plain}% \usebibmacro{bibindex}% \usebibmacro{begentry}% \usebibmacro{editor+others}% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:labelyear}% \newunit\newblock}% {\setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock}% \usebibmacro{maintitle+title}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{language}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{thebook}% \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock% \usebibmacro{pageref}% \newunit\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:related}% {\usebibmacro{related:init}% \usebibmacro{related}}% {}% \usebibmacro{finentry}} \DeclareBibliographyDriver{incollection}{% \usebibmacro{introcite:plain}% \usebibmacro{bibindex}% \usebibmacro{begentry}% \usebibmacro{author/translator+others}% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:labelyear}% \newunit\newblock}% {\setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock}% \usebibmacro{title}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{language}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{byauthor}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{in:}% \usebibmacro{crosscite}{incollection:parent}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{isbn}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}% \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock% \usebibmacro{pageref}% \newunit\newblock% \ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:related} and not test {\iffieldxref{related}}} {\usebibmacro{related:init}% \usebibmacro{related}}% {}% \usebibmacro{finentry}} \renewbibmacro*{incollection:parent}{% \ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:innamebeforetitle}% and not test {\iffieldundef{crossref}}}% {\DeclareNameAlias{editor}{labelname}% \usebibmacro{in:editor+others}% \newunit\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {}% {\printfield{booktitle}% \newunit% \printtext[bibhyperref]{% \bibstring{opcit}}}}% {}% \ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:innamebeforetitle}% and not test {\iffieldundef{crossref}}}% {}% {\setunit{\printdelim{innametitledelim}}\newblock% \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{edition}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{barevolume+volumes}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{series+number}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{note}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}}} \DeclareBibliographyDriver{proceedings}{% \usebibmacro{introcite:plain}% \usebibmacro{bibindex}% \usebibmacro{begentry}% \usebibmacro{editor+others}% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:labelyear}% \newunit\newblock}% {\setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock}% \usebibmacro{maintitle+title}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{language}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{event+venue+date}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{thebook}% \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock% \usebibmacro{pageref}% \newunit\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:related}% {\usebibmacro{related:init}% \usebibmacro{related}}% {}% \usebibmacro{finentry}} \DeclareBibliographyDriver{inproceedings}{% \usebibmacro{introcite:plain}% \usebibmacro{bibindex}% \usebibmacro{begentry}% \usebibmacro{author/translator+others}% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:labelyear}% \newunit\newblock}% {\setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock}% \usebibmacro{title}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{language}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{byauthor}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{in:}% \usebibmacro{crosscite}{inproceedings:parent}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{isbn}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}% \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock% \usebibmacro{pageref}% \newunit\newblock% \ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:related} and not test {\iffieldxref{related}}}% {\usebibmacro{related:init}% \usebibmacro{related}}% {}% \usebibmacro{finentry}} \renewbibmacro*{inproceedings:parent}{% \ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:innamebeforetitle}% and not test {\iffieldundef{crossref}}}% {\DeclareNameAlias{editor}{labelname}% \usebibmacro{in:editor+others}% \newunit\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {}% {\printfield{booktitle}% \newunit% \printtext[bibhyperref]{% \bibstring{opcit}}}}% {}% \ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:innamebeforetitle}% and not test {\iffieldundef{crossref}}}% {}% {\setunit{\printdelim{innametitledelim}}\newblock% \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{event+venue+date}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{edition}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{barevolume+volumes}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{series+number}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{note}% \newunit\newblock% \printlist{organization}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareBibliographyDriver{manual}{% \usebibmacro{introcite:plain}% \usebibmacro{bibindex}% \usebibmacro{begentry}% \usebibmacro{author/editor}% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {\usebibmacro{bbx:labelyear}% \newunit\newblock}% {\setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock}% \usebibmacro{title}% \newunit% \printlist{language}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{byauthor}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{byeditor}% \newunit\newblock% \printfield{edition}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{series+number}% \newunit\newblock% \printfield{type}% \newunit% \printfield{version}% \newunit% \printfield{note}% \newunit\newblock% \printlist{organization}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}% \newunit% \printfield{pagetotal}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{isbn}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}% \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock% \usebibmacro{pageref}% \newunit\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:related}% {\usebibmacro{related:init}% \usebibmacro{related}}% {}% \usebibmacro{finentry}} % \end{macrocode} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Sorting templates} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % A fundamental setting is the creation of criteria for ordering bibliographic % lists. The style creates its own, namely the \texttt{accursius} one, for general % references, which is valid, in short, for doctrine. The \textsf{accursius} style, % then, creates two specifically designed for lists of legal material: \texttt % {chronoiuris} prioritises chronological order, while \texttt{authoriuris} % prioritises the authority as the first ordering criterion, followed by the date % of enactment of the act. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareSortingTemplate{accursius}{ \sort{\field{presort}} \sort[final]{\field{sortkey}} \sort{% \field{sortname} \field{author} \field{editor} \field{translator} \field{sorttitle} \field{title}} \sort{% \field{sortyear} \field{year}} \sort{\field{month}} \sort{\field{day}} \sort{% \field{volume} \literal{0}} \sort{% \field{sorttitle} \field{title}}} \DeclareSortingTemplate{chronoiuris}{ \sort{\field{presort}} \sort[direction=ascending]{% \field{origyear} \field{origmonth} \field{origday}} \sort[direction=ascending]{% \field[padside=left,padwidth=10]{nprov}} \sort[direction=ascending]{% \field{kindprov}} \sort[direction=ascending]{% \field{sortyear} \field{year} \field{month} \field{day}}} \DeclareSortingTemplate{authoriuris}{ \sort{\field{presort}} \sort[direction=ascending]{% \field{institution}} \sort[direction=ascending]{% \field{institutionspec}} \sort[direction=descending]{% \field{jchamber}} \sort[direction=ascending]{% \field{origyear} \field{origmonth} \field{origday}} \sort[direction=ascending]{% \field[padside=left,padwidth=10]{nprov}} \sort[direction=ascending]{% \field{kindprov}} \sort[direction=ascending]{% \field{sortyear} \field{year} \field{month} \field{day}}} % \end{macrocode} % Furthermore, the style creates three \texttt{refcontext}, each of % which includes these three orders and therefore facilitates the % printing of lists. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRefcontext{accursiusdef}{sorting=accursius} \DeclareRefcontext{authoriuris}{sorting=authoriuris} \DeclareRefcontext{chronoiuris}{sorting=chronoiuris} % \end{macrocode} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsection{Features for jurists} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{General options} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % Despite the citation practices for legal materials such as statutes and % case law being fairly uniform throughout Italy, some variations may occur % depending on the journal, publishing house, or simply the type of work % the user is undertaking. % % Firstly, the \textit{ratio} underlying the citation of legal materials by % academics seems to converge on one point: the reference serves not only to % indicate the source itself, but also the precise location from which the % user is consulting it. In short, the reader should not only know the % reference, but also be able to verify this reference in the same way as the % author:\footnote{This is why, amongst other things, judgements are often % referenced to a journal. For example, see \cite{scalogna}; \cite{dirella}; % \cite{cass19883del2015}; \cite{cass11868del2016}.} this practice certainly % pleases the publisher of the journal itself, but it also helps the reader % to verify the author's exact source. % % However, the author doesn't always find a source in a journal. This is % particularly the case for statutory references, which are instead published % in official bulletins.\footnote{Like the \cite{gazzettaufficiale}.} In recent % times, institutions have been equipping themselves with an official % portal.\footnote{An example, in Italy, is \cite{normattiva}.} Alternatively, % for both statutes and case law, as well as other subordinate sources of law, % customs and perhaps soft law, there are databases: the latter belong to % private publishers and, therefore, are not official portals, but the \textsf % {accursius} style interprets the mechanism of their citation as being akin to % the citation of a portal. % % For one reason or another, however, a user is \enquote{permitted} to reference % their sources only to journals and not to portals or databases. For these % eventualities, the accursius style provides two options: \texttt{noportal} % and \texttt{iusminimal}. % % The user can indicate the first option to avoid printing the data relating to % the official portal or database that would complete the path of reference to % the source undertaken by the author. % \begin{macrocode} \newtoggle{bbx:noportal} \DeclareBibliographyOption{noportal}[true]{% \settoggle{bbx:noportal}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % The \texttt{iusminimal} option includes this same first indication, but, in % addition, it cuts multiple further pieces of information that are not essential % for the reference to the source, but which serve only to contextualise it: this % includes information such as the names of the parties in a judicial case, at % least when the legal system doesn't consider the names of the parties to be % indispensable.\footnote{The latter is the case of \cite{superleague}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newtoggle{bbx:iusminimal} \DeclareBibliographyOption{iusminimal}[true]{% \settoggle{bbx:iusminimal}{#1}% \settoggle{bbx:noportal}{true}} % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, amongst the more general options in the field of citations of legal % materials, there is the \texttt{iusshorthand} option. This includes, in turn, % \texttt{iusminimal} and is particularly suitable if the user opts for the % \texttt{authoryearstyle} option within the \textsf{accursius} style. In fact, % the \texttt{iusshorthand} option means that the citation commands print as % little data as possible to identify a source in itself: for statutes, this is % usually the string, the number of the act and the act of enactment alone; when % the number of the act is missing, the string and the date of enactment; for % case law, the same as for the statute, but taking into account the possible % important role of the title of the parties; moreover, if there is an % abbreviation, it' this that is printed and always, even at the first citation. % It will be the reader's task, if the user uses \texttt{iusshorthand}, to seek % further information in the list of references. % \begin{macrocode} \newtoggle{bbx:iusshorthand} \DeclareBibliographyOption{iusshorthand}[true]{% \settoggle{bbx:iusshorthand}{#1}% \settoggle{bbx:iusminimal}{true}} % \end{macrocode} % % Anothrer general option concerns the punctuation within legal items. The % \textsf{accursius} style sets the \texttt{iusunitdelim} format and refers % it to the generic \examplecommand{newunitpunct}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareDelimFormat{iusunitdelim}{\newunitpunct} % \end{macrocode} % % Lastly, the \textsf{accursius} style declares a new field, the % \texttt{textprovtitle}. It's destined to be the running text % abbreviated title of those references called by their title, % or their subject, instead of their kind, or their parties. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{textprovtitle} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{textprovtitle} % \end{macrocode} % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{The codes and the authority} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % Codes are precisely one of these cases where a legal source is known % by its title or subject matter, rather than by its type, date of % enactment, or other information. % % The \textsf{accursius} style creates the field \texttt{codification}, % where the user must indicate the name of the code. Furthermore, it % creates the field \texttt{attachedstring}, to indicate the relationship % between the code itself and the act by which it was enacted: by default % —that is if the user leaves the \texttt{attachedstring} field empty—, % the \textsf{accursius} style prints a string that qualifies the code as % an annex to the act of enactment; the user can fill in the field and % say that the code was \enquote{approved by} the act of enactment. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{codification} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{codification} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{attachedstring} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{attachedstring} \newbibmacro*{codification}{% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{codification}}}% {\printfield{codification}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock% \iffieldundef{attachedstring}% {\bibsstring{attachedto}}% {\printfield{attachedstring}}% \setunit*{\addspace}\newblock}% {}} % \end{macrocode} % % Each legal item, at least from jurisdiction and legislation, is % based on the authority, by which it is issued. The authority may % be a specific institution, or a body of the State. On the other % hand, many legal items may be international treaties, or similar: % that's why the first macro let possible to name the States or the % institutions wich enact with the specific item. % % In this regard, it \enquote{abuses} the \texttt{institution} list.\footnote % {Indeed, the institution actually is simply an organisation, for % example to help people with special needs, like an orphanage, or % a long-established custom or pratice, like the marriage. See \cite % [650]{hornby1989}. So the institution isn't something linked to the % sources of law.} It creates two formats. The first, with the same name, % is for general citations and the second, \texttt{textinstitution}, is % evidently intended for citation commands of the type \commandargg % {citeauthor}{entrykey} within the running text. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareListFormat[itprov,notetopro]{institution}{% \usebibmacro{list:delim}{#1}% \iftoggle{bbx:scauthor}% {\textsc{#1}}% {#1}% \isdot% \usebibmacro{list:andothers}} \DeclareListFormat[itprov,notetoprov]{textinstitution}{% \usebibmacro{list:delim}{#1}% #1\isdot% \usebibmacro{list:andothers}} % \end{macrocode} % The \texttt{institution} list also has a corresponding list: \texttt % {shortinstitution}, which is newly created and passes through the % texttt{listc} list. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareSourcemap{\maps[datatype=bibtex]{\map{% \pertype{itprov}\pertype{notetoprov} \step[fieldsource=shortinstitution,fieldtarget=listc]}}} % \end{macrocode} % % The \textsf{accursius} style adds a field to indicate attributes to % specify the institution, to specify its nationality, if necessary, % to add further information and to specify, if applicable, which chamber % of the institution. Furthermore, it links the name list \texttt{namea} % to the new name list \texttt{institutionmember}, in the event that it's % important or essential to cite which specific natural person is the % author of the cited provision.\footnote{This is the case not only of % concurring or dissenting opinions, but also of an act by an Advocate % General: for example, see \cite{superleaguerantos}.} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{institutionspec} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{institutionspec} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{institutionnationality} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{institutionnationality} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{institutionaddon} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{institutionaddon} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{jchamber} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{jchamber} \DeclareFieldFormat{jchamber}{\ifinteger{#1}% {\bibsstring{jchamber}~{\scshape\romannumeral#1}}% {#1}} \DeclareSourcemap{\maps[datatype=bibtex]{\map{% \step[fieldsource=institutionmember,fieldtarget=namea]}}} % \end{macrocode} % % It brings all this together in the new \curlybrackets{thestate} % bibmacro. % \begin{macrocode} \newbibmacro*{thestate}{% \iflistundef{listc}% {\printlist{institution}}% {\printlist[institution]{listc}}% \setunit{\addspace}% \printfield{institutionspec}% \setunit{\addspace}% \printfield[parens]{institutionnationality}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}% \printfield{jchamber}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}% \printfield{institutionaddon}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}% \printnames[default]{namea}% \clearlist{institution}} % \end{macrocode} % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{The kind, the date and the number of the provision} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % The distinctive feature of legal materials is the type of act to which they % refer: for example, a law, another act having the force of law, a judgement % and so on. The \textsf{accursius} style creates the \texttt{kindprov} field % for this purpose. Legal acts often have a number and, for this purpose, the % \textsf{accursius} style creates the \texttt{nprov} field, which must be an % integer. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{kindprov} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{kindprov} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=integer]{nprov} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{nprov} \DeclareFieldFormat{nprov}{#1} \DeclareFieldFormat{stringandnprov}{\bibsstring{number}~#1} % \end{macrocode} % % The \textsf{accursius} style additionally generates the % \texttt{neli} field: this field must be completed by the % user if they are citing a legislative act of the European % Union. It is this field, indeed, which also determines a % different arrangement of the fields, in accordance with % the method of referencing European Union legislation. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=integer]{neli} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{neli} \DeclareFieldFormat{neli}{#1} % \end{macrocode} % When citing European Union legislation, in addition to % the type of legislative act, the user should also specify % the relevant community: for example, whether it is the % European Union or previous. By default, the relevant % community is \enquote{EU}, defined by the new \texttt{eueli} % string and wich is printed just after the type of act, but % the user can complete the \texttt{eueli} field to change it % into a former community string and to print it after the % number of the act. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{eueli} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{eueli} % \end{macrocode} % % As for the date of the provision, the \textsf{accursius} style uses % the existing \texttt{origdate}. This solution allows us to continue % to avoid creating a specific \texttt{.dbx} database file to be % attached to the style and, above all, there are no foreseeable drawbacks. % % So, the \textsf{accursius} style customises the \texttt{labeldate}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareLabeldate[itprov]{% \field{origdate} \field{origyear} \field{date} \field{year} \field{urldate} \field{eventdate} \literal{nodate}} % \end{macrocode} % Then, the \textsf{accursius} style refines the functionality of the \texttt % {extradate} field, if the user opts for \texttt{authoryearstyle}, considering % that legal items are dated with \texttt{origdate}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareExtradate{% \scope{% \field{labelyear} \field{year}} \scope{\field{origyear}}} % \end{macrocode} % % The \textsf{accursius} style brings all this together in the % new \curlybrackets{theprivod} bibmacro. % \begin{macrocode} \newbibmacro*{theprovid}{% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{neli}}}% {\iffieldundef{eueli}% {\bibstring[\mkbibparens]{euelistring}}% {}% \setunit{\addspace}% \printfield{origyear}% \setunit{\addslash}% \printfield{neli}% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{eueli}}}% {\setunit{\addslash}% \printfield{eueli}}% {}% \setunit{\addspace}% \bibstring{ofdate}% \setunit{\addspace}% \printorigdate}% {\printorigdate% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}% \printfield[stringandnprov]{nprov}}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareListFormat[itprov,notetopro]{ofeuinstitution}{% \usebibmacro{list:delim}{#1}% \bibstring{ofeuinstitution}~{#1\isdot}% \usebibmacro{list:andothers}} \DeclareListFormat[itprov,notetopro]{ofeucommission}{% \usebibmacro{list:delim}{#1}% \bibstring{ofeucommission}~{#1\isdot}% \usebibmacro{list:andothers}} \newbibmacro*{ofeulegislator}{% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iflanguage{english}}}% {\iffieldequalstr{institution}{commission}% {\printlist[ofeucommission]{institution}}% {\iflistundef{listc}% {\printlist[ofeuinstitution]{institution}}% {\printlist[ofeuinstitution]{listc}}}% \clearlist{institution}}% {}} % \end{macrocode} % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{The subject of legal items} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % The \textsf{accursius} style continues by creating further fields and % lists and formatting them and by collecting them into macros, to define % the following units of a citation to legal material. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{provtitle} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{provtitle} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{provindtitle} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{provindtitle} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{titleparties} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{titleparties} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{shorttitleparties} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{shorttitleparties} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=integer]{neucase} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{neucase} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=integer]{yeareucase} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{yeareucase} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=integer]{necli} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{necli} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{eueclistring} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{eueclistring} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{courteclistring} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{necli} \DeclareFieldFormat{provtitle}{\mkbibquote{#1}\isdot} \DeclareFieldFormat{neucase}{\bibstring{eucase}-#1} \newbibmacro*{theprovsubject}{% \printfield{provtitle}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock% \printfield{titleparties}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:iusminimal}% {\ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{neli}}% and not test {\iffieldundef{textprovtitle}}}% {\setunit{\addspace}% \printfield{textprovtitle}}% {}}% {\printfield{provindtitle}% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{neli}}% and not test {\iffieldundef{textprovtitle}}}% {\setunit{\addspace}% \printfield[parens]{textprovtitle}}% {}}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock% \iffieldundef{neucase}% {}% {\printfield{neucase}% \setunit{\addslash}% \printfield{yeareucase}}} % \end{macrocode} % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Other information for legal items} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % Additional information is useful for identifying a specific legal item. % In this part of the code, the \textsf{accursius} style defines the % information relating to case law. At the EU level, there's the \textsc % {ecli} identifier. More generally, there are the names of the parties % involved. Finally, especially for case law that the user cites from a % journal, there may be the name of the scholar who has added a note or % comment on the ruling itself. % \begin{macrocode} \newbibmacro*{provecli}{% \iffieldundef{necli}% {}% {\printfield{eueclistring}% \setunit{\addcolon}% \printfield{courteclistring}% \setunit{\addcolon}% \printfield{origyear}% \setunit{\addcolon}% \printfield{necli}}} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{parties} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{parties} \DeclareSourcemap{\maps[datatype=bibtex]{ \map{ \pertype{itprov} \step[fieldsource=noteby,fieldtarget=nameb]} \map{ \pertype{notetoprov} \step[fieldsource=noteby,fieldtarget=author]}}} % \end{macrocode} % The information about the names of the parties involved in a % ruling —if the citation rules of the legal system don't require % linking cases to the names of the parties— and the name of the % jurist who added a note are considered additional details. For % this reason, they are grouped together in a new bibmacro, called % \curlybrackets{theprovinfos}. In this way, it's easier to apply % the same effects to both of these additional pieces of information. % \begin{macrocode} \newbibmacro*{theprovinfos}{% \iffieldundef{parties}% {}% {\printfield{parties}}% \newunit\newblock% \ifnameundef{nameb}% {} {\bibstring{withnoteby}% \setunit{\addspace}% \printnames[withannotator]{nameb}}} % \end{macrocode} % The style takes into account the peculiarities of certain % units for citing the case law of European Union law.\footnote % {However, the style considers only the case law and doesn't % provide for the ELI identifier.} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{The legal references source} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % One of the important tasks of the \textsf{accursius} style is to allow % the user to indicate the precise source from which the legal material % consulted was obtained.\footnote{See \cite[68--70]{valbusa2022}, which % provides this feature for case law, differently from its article % \cite*[79]{valbusa2014}. The author decided to work with the \texttt % {jurisdiction} type, which is already available in the \textsf{biblatex} % package, however disabled by default.} % Conventionally, the source may be an official % bulletin or portal, or a journal. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{ofbull} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{ofbull} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{ofbullseries} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{ofbullseries} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=integer]{ofbullnum} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{ofbullnum} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{ofportal} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{ofportal} \newbibmacro{on:}{% \bibstring{on}% \printunit{\intitlepunct}} \DeclareFieldFormat{ofbullnum}{\bibsstring{number}~#1} \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{ojeuseries} \DeclareDatamodelEntryfields{ojeuseries} \newtoggle{bbx:noportalurlinrunning} \newtoggle{bbx:absolutelynoportalurl} \DeclareBiblatexOption{global,type,entry}[boolean] {noportalurlinrunning}[true]{% \settoggle{bbx:noportalurlinrunning}{#1}} \DeclareBiblatexOption{global,type,entry}[boolean] {absolutelynoportalurl}[true]{% \settoggle{bbx:absolutelynoportalurl}{#1}} \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{noportalurlinrunning=true, absolutelynoportalurl=false} \newbibmacro*{theprovsource}{% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{ofbull}}% or not test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}% or not test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}}% {\ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{ofportal}}% or togl {bbx:noportal}}% {\usebibmacro{in:}}% {}}% {}% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{ofportal}}% and not togl {bbx:noportal}}% {\usebibmacro{on:}}% {}% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{ofbull}}% and test {\iffieldundef{ofportal}}}% {\printfield{ofbull}% \newunit% \iffieldundef{ojeuseries}% {\printfield{ofbullseries}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{date}% \newunit% \printfield{ofbullnum}}% {\setunit{\addspace}% \printfield{ojeuseries}% \setunit{\addspace}% \printfield[default]{ofbullnum}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{date}}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}% \newunit\newblock% \ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:iusminimal}% or not test {\ifbibliography}}% {}% {\usebibmacro{url}}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}}% {}% % \end{macrocode} % With regard to portals, the user can choose whether to % print the URL only in the bibliography (default option), % or also in the running text, or to hide it altogether. % The option \examplebbxa{noportalurlinrunning}{true} % addresses the first case. The option \examplebbxa % {absolutelynoportalurl}{true} addresses the second. In case % of \examplebbxa{noportal}{true}, both the portal name, % and the portal URL won't be printed, without any distinction % between running text and bibliography. % \begin{macrocode} \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{ofportal}}% and not togl {bbx:noportal}}% {\printfield{ofportal}% \newunit\newblock% \ifboolexpr{(togl {bbx:noportalurlinrunning}% and not test {\ifbibliography})% or togl {bbx:absolutelynoportalurl}}% {}% {\usebibmacro{url}}}% {}% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}% and test {\iffieldundef{ofportal}}}% {\usebibmacro{journal+editor+id}}% {}% % \end{macrocode} % However, there are some cases, especially of laws, that an author may % cite from an anthology: actually this is quite rare.\footnote{Indeed, % when this documentation cites multiple statutes, it does from \cite % {normattiva}. Citing from an anthology, it would find no correspondence % in Italian citation practice. Rather, authors shall cite laws from the % \cite{gazzettaufficiale} or from \cite{normattiva}. It may be fine to % cite from an anthology something like \cite{leggesardegna47del1986}: % indeed, the 1986 \cite{buras}, namely the official bulletin of Sardinia, % is quite difficult for those who aren't in Cagliari and given that the % provision isn't consultable digitally on an official portal. Moreover, % the provision is abrogate by \cite[art.~28, co.~2]{leggesardegna24del2016}.} % \begin{macrocode} \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}% and test {\iffieldundef{ofportal}}}% {\ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:innamebeforetitle}% and not test {\iffieldundef{crossref}}}% {\DeclareNameAlias{editor}{labelname}% \usebibmacro{in:editor+others}% \newunit\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {}% {\printfield{booktitle}% \newunit% \bibstring{opcit}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{bookfrac}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}}}% {}% \ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:innamebeforetitle}% and not test {\iffieldundef{crossref}}}% {}% {\setunit{\printdelim{innametitledelim}}\newblock% \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% \newunit\newblock% \printfield{edition}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{barevolume+volumes}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{series+number}% \newunit\newblock% \printfield{note}% \newunit\newblock% \printlist{organization}% \newunit% \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}% \ifdefstring{\bbx@publocformat}{none}% {\setunit{\addspace}}% {}% \ifdefstring{\bbx@publocformat}{publocyear}% {\setunit{\addspace}}% {}% \ifdefstring{\bbx@publocformat}{locpubyear}% {\newunit}% {}% \ifdefstring{\bbx@publocformat}{loccolonpub}% {\newunit}% {}% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {\iftoggle{bbx:innamebeforetitle}% {}% {\clearfield{extradate}}% \usebibmacro{date+extradate}}% {} \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}% \newunit% \printfield{pagetotal}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{isbn}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}% \newunit\newblock% \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}}}% {}} % \end{macrocode} % Two additional commands are needed to ensure the correct use of fields, % for the previous bibmacros and for citation commands. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareDataInheritance{collection}{itprov}{% \inherit{title}{booktitle} \inherit{subtitle}{booksubtitle} \inherit{titleaddon}{booktitleaddon} \noinherit{shorttitle} \noinherit{sorttitle} \noinherit{indextitle} \noinherit{indexsorttitle}} \DeclareLabeltitle[itprov]{% \field{textprovtitle}% \field{codification}% \field{shorttitleparties}% \field{titleparties}} % \end{macrocode} % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{The entry type for legal items} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % At this point, it's possible to generalise all the previous work and % codify the bibliographic reference criteria for legal sources, to % which the \textsf{accursius} style assigns a new entry type, namely % \texttt{itprov}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareBibliographyDriver{itprov}{% \usebibmacro{introcite:plain}% \usebibmacro{bibindex}% \usebibmacro{begentry}% \usebibmacro{codification}% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{neli}}% or test {\iflistundef{institution}}}% {}% {\usebibmacro{thestate}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock}% \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldequalstr{institution}{commission}}% and test {\iflanguage{english}}}% {\printlist{institution}% \setunit{\addspace}}% {}% \iffieldundef{neli}% {\printfield{kindprov}}% {\bibsentence\printfield{kindprov}}% \setunit*{\addspace}% \usebibmacro{theprovid}% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{neli}}}% {\setunit{\addspace}% \usebibmacro{ofeulegislator}}% {}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock% \usebibmacro{theprovsubject}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock% \usebibmacro{provecli}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:iusminimal}% {}% {\usebibmacro{theprovinfos}}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock% \usebibmacro{theprovsource}% \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock% \usebibmacro{pageref}% \newunit\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:related}% {\usebibmacro{related:init}% \usebibmacro{related}}% {}% \usebibmacro{finentry}} % \end{macrocode} % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{The \texttt{notetoprov} new entry type} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % Finally, the \textsf{accursius} style offers the possibility of citing % a so-called note to judgement. It creates a new entry type, called % \texttt{notetoprov}. This type closely mirrors the \texttt{itprov} one, % but additionally has the \curlybrackets{author} and \curlybrackets{title} % bibmacros, as the user can cite the \texttt{author} and \texttt{title}, % respectively, of the note to judgement. % \begin{macrocode} \newbibmacro{notetoprov:noteby}{% \usebibmacro{author}% \clearname{author}% \clearname{nameb}% \iftoggle{bbx:authoryearstyle}% {\setunit{\printdelim{nameyeardelim}}% \usebibmacro{date+extradate}% \newunit\newblock}% {\setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock}% \iffieldundef{title}% {}% {\usebibmacro{title}}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock% \biblstring{noteto}% \setunit{\addspace}\newblock} \DeclareBibliographyDriver{notetoprov}{% \usebibmacro{introcite:plain}% \usebibmacro{bibindex}% \usebibmacro{begentry}% \usebibmacro{notetoprov:noteby}% \usebibmacro{codification}% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{neli}}% or test {\iflistundef{institution}}}% {}% {\usebibmacro{thestate}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock}% \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldequalstr{institution}{commission}}% and test {\iflanguage{english}}}% {\printlist{institution}% \setunit{\addspace}}% {}% \iffieldundef{neli}% {\printfield{kindprov}}% {\bibsentence\printfield{kindprov}}% \setunit*{\addspace}% \usebibmacro{theprovid}% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{neli}}}% {\setunit{\addspace}% \usebibmacro{ofeulegislator}}% {}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock% \usebibmacro{theprovsubject}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock% \usebibmacro{provecli}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:iusminimal}% {}% {\usebibmacro{theprovinfos}}% \setunit{\iusunitdelim}\newblock% \usebibmacro{theprovsource}% \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock% \usebibmacro{pageref}% \newunit\newblock% \iftoggle{bbx:related}% {\usebibmacro{related:init}% \usebibmacro{related}}% {}% \usebibmacro{finentry}} % \end{macrocode} % % \iffalse % % \fi % % \iffalse %<*accursius-cbx> % \fi % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsection{The citation commands} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{General customisations} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % The customisation of citation commands begins with the style's foundation % on the \textsf{verbose-trad1} style, which, amongst the \textsf{biblatex} % package standards, is the closest to the conventional Italian practice of % citations. % % This style aims to ensure that the first citation of a reference reproduces, % essentially, all the same information that would already appear in the % bibliography, with very few exceptions.\footnote{For example, the \textsf % {accursius} style requires that the \texttt{related} fields be printed only % in the bibliography.} For subsequent citations, this style % requires an abbreviated form, which takes into account multiple factors: % whether the user cites a single or multiple works by the same author, or % what relationship a citation of a certain entry has with the previous one % and with the last citation of the same entry. This part takes into account, % of course, of the \texttt{authoryearstyle} option, available within the % \textsf{accursius} style.\footnote{In this regard, in the \texttt{.cbx} % file, the \textsf{accursius} style creates a new toggle, namely \texttt % {cbx:authoryearstyle}, which is always activated if the user sets % \examplebbxa{authoryearstyle}{true}.} % \begin{macrocode} \RequireCitationStyle{verbose-trad1} \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{citepages=omit} \AtEveryCitekey{\togglefalse{bbx:related}} \providecommand{\ifcitesingletitle}{\ifsingletitle} \newtoggle{cbx:authoryearstyle} \renewbibmacro*{cite:name}{% \printnames{labelname}% \setunit*{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}} \renewbibmacro*{cite:idem}{% \bibstring[\mkidem]{idem\thefield{gender}}% \setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}} \newbibmacro*{cite:labeldate+extradate}{% \iffieldundef{labelyear}% {}% {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\printlabeldateextra}}} % \end{macrocode} % % Regarding the \texttt{related} fields, the \textsf{accursius} style ensures that these % don't interfere with the citation counter and tracker. At this point, it proposes a % code written by \citeauthor{wemheuer2024a}\label{moewecode}, which, moreover, derives % from a response that this user gave to a question posted on the \textsf{Stack Exchange} % comunity by the author and maintainer of \textsf{accursius} himself.\footnote{See % \cite{wemheuer2024a}. This code is reproduced here and it should be noted that the % \examplecommand{makeatletter} and \examplecommand{makeatother} commands are missing, % because they are incompatible with the \texttt{.cbx} file extension. Furthermore, note % the modification of the spacing: as is well known, in many languages spaces are facilitators, % to make it easier to read a given input, but here the priority was to facilitate the % correct reporting of the entire code, even in documentation, while spaces would have % exceeded the print margins.} The community policy lets this code available under % the CC~BY-SA~4.0 license. % % \begin{quoting} % Here is a \LaTeX -side reimplementation of \examplecommand{ifsingletitle} % called \examplecommand{ifcitesingletitle} that only takes into account % works cited for the single title test. This should avoid issues with % related entries and the like.\footnote{\Cite{wemheuer2024a}.} % \end{quoting} % \begin{macrocode} %% %% This block is by Moewe, from the Stack Exchange %% community. See the `accursius' style documentation. %% \def\abx@aux@citesingletitlecount#1#2% {\csnumgdef{blx@citesingletitle@counter@#1}{#2}} \def\ifcitesingletitle{% \ifcsundef% {blx@citesingletitle@counter@\thefield{namehash}} {\@secondoftwo} {\ifnumless{\csuse% {blx@citesingletitle@counter@\thefield{namehash}% }}{2}}} \let\blx@citesingletitle@namelist\empty \AtEveryCitekey{% \xifinlist{\thefield{namehash}}% {\blx@citesingletitle@namelist}{}% {\listxadd{\blx@citesingletitle@namelist}% {\thefield{namehash}}}% \xifinlistcs{\thefield{entrykey}}% {blx@citesingletitle@\thefield{namehash}}{}% {\listcsxadd% {blx@citesingletitle@\thefield{namehash}}% {\thefield{entrykey}}}} \blx@AtEndDocument{% \def\do#1{% \begingroup% \blx@tempcnta\z@ \def\do##1{% \advance\blx@tempcnta\@ne}% \dolistcsloop{blx@citesingletitle@#1}% \blx@auxwrite\@mainaux{}{% \string\abx@aux@citesingletitlecount{#1}% {\the\blx@tempcnta}}% \ifnumequal% {0\csuse{blx@citesingletitle@counter@#1}}% {\blx@tempcnta}% {}% {\blx@rerun@latex}\endgroup}% \dolistloop{\blx@citesingletitle@namelist}} %% %% It is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. %% % \end{macrocode} % In particular, the aim of this code segment is to prevent \LaTeX\ from considering % related entries —~at least those which are not directly cited, but are just linked % to another entry~— for its tracking purposes, particularly for the condition % defined by the \examplecommand{ifsingletitle} command. % % The condition assessed by this command is true when the document cites only one work % by a specific author, in which case subsequent citations use the \commandargh{bibstring}{opcit} % string. However, by default, if this single cited work has a \examplebbxh{related}{entry % key} field linking it to another work by the same author, the \textsf{biblatex} package % considers the assessment of the \examplecommand{ifsingletitle} command as false. % Consequently, for subsequent citations of the single directly cited work, it won't print % the \commandargh{bibstring}{opcit} string, but instead the title of the work and % the \commandargh{bibstring}{citato} string, a newness of the \textsf{accursius} style. % % So, this code segment prevents this kind of \enquote{undue} influence. Indeed, the citation % within the text is of a single work by the specified author and there is in any case no % ambiguity when compared to the list of bibliographic references. In this list, there is % only one item for the cited author, which combines the work that is actually and directly % cited with the one referenced through the \examplebbxh{related}{entry key} field. % % \begin{refsegment} % \begin{mdframed}[style=example] % Therefore, the first citation of the source, whose \examplebbxh{related}{entry key} % field is filled, is as follows: \enquote{\cite{melville1963}}. As a result, the form % is the same to that of any other citation where the \examplebbxh{related}{entry key} % is not given: for example, \enquote{\cite{safranfoer2003}}. % % Another example is \enquote{\cite{grossi2024}}. % % The corresponding information from the \examplebbxh{related}{entry % key} field will appear only within the same entry in the reference % list (see p.~\pageref{references:altro}). % % Subsequent citations of the single source by \citeauthor{melville1963}, no matter if % the \examplebbxh{related}{entry key} field is compiled in the database, will be printed, % as \enquote{\cite{melville1963}}, precisely like \enquote{\cite{safranfoer2003}}. % \end{mdframed} % \end{refsegment} % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % ^^A % \subsubsection{Customisation of the trackers} % ^^A % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------- % The modification of the main macros for citation commands doesn't % require a particular comment, but rather two indications. % % Firstly, these macros distinguish preliminarily whether the entry % type is \texttt{itprov} or not. This is not only for physiological reasons, % but is above all due to the choice of not following the same criterion for % subsequent citations. Indeed, for books, abbreviated forms, as well as % cross-references, are both acceptable and, indeed, excessively used in % legal scholarship for citations following the first. This practice is % highly debatable and becomes unsustainable, when using a word processor, % in the face of the large number of citations that jurists are accustomed % to making, but it becomes at least well-executed with \texttt{biber}, % since this, in fact, does a very good job of keeping track of citations. % This has an impact on the addition or redefinition of some strings. % % Secondly, all these bibmacros recognise the option, obviously, \texttt % {authoryearstyle} and, for this purpose, benefit from the bibmacros created % specifically in the \texttt{.bbx} file and copied from the code of the % standard \texttt{authoryear} style.\footnote{See \cite{biblatexsource}.} % \begin{macrocode} \renewbibmacro*{cite:full}{% \usebibmacro{cite:full:citepages}% \ifciteidem% {\printtext[bibhypertarget]{% \usedriver {\renewbibmacro{author}{% \usebibmacro{cite:idem}}}% {\thefield{entrytype}}}}% {\printtext[bibhypertarget]{% \usedriver {\DeclareNameAlias{theauthor}{theauthornotrev}}% {\thefield{entrytype}}}}% \usebibmacro{shorthandintro}} \newbibmacro*{cite:seenitprov}{% \usebibmacro{thestate}% \setunit*{\iusunitdelim}% \printfield{kindprov}% \setunit{\addspace}% \iffieldundef{titleparties}% {}% {\iffieldundef{shorttitleparties}% {\printfield{titleparties}}% {\printfield{shorttitleparties}}}% \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{codification}}% and test {\iffieldundef{titleparties}}}% {\iffieldundef{nprov}% {\printorigdate}% {\printfield{nprov}% \setunit{\addslash}% \printfield{origyear}}}% {}} \newcommand{\citedhref}[1]{% \bibhyperlink{cite\csuse{cbx@lastcite@\thefield{entrykey}}}% {#1}} \newbibmacro*{cite:eli}{% {\bibsentence\printfield{kindprov}}% \setunit{\addspace}% \iffieldundef{eueli}% {\bibstring[\mkbibparens]{euelistring}}% {}% \setunit{\addspace}% \printfield{origyear}% \setunit{\addslash}% \printfield{neli}% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{eueli}}}% {\setunit{\addslash}% \printfield{eueli}}% {}} \newbibmacro*{cite:itprov}{% \ifciteseen% {\iffieldundef{shorthand}% {\iffieldundef{codification}% {}% {\printfield{codification}}% \ifboolexpr{not test {\iffieldundef{neli}}}% {\iffieldundef{textprovtitle}% {\usebibmacro{cite:eli}}% {\printfield{textprovtitle}}}% {}% \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{codification}}% and test {\iffieldundef{neli}}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:seenitprov}}% {}% \newunit% \printtext{% \citedhref{% \bibstring{opcit}}}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:shorthand}}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:full}% \usebibmacro{cite:save}}} \newbibmacro*{cite:label}{% \iffieldundef{label}% {\printtext[bibhyperref]{% \printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}} {\printtext[bibhyperref]{% \printfield{label}}}} \newbibmacro*{cite:authoryearstyle}{% \iffieldundef{shorthand}% {\ifentrytype{itprov}% {\usebibmacro{cite:seenitprov}}% {\ifthenelse{% \ifnameundef{labelname}% \OR% \iffieldundef{labelyear}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:label}% \setunit{\printdelim{nonameyeardelim}}}% {\printnames{labelname}% \setunit{\printdelim{nameyeardelim}}}% \usebibmacro{cite:labeldate+extradate}}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:shorthand}}} \renewbibmacro*{cite:ibid}{% \printtext{% \citedhref{% \ifloccit% {\bibstring[\mkbibemph]{ibidem}% \ifbibstring{ivi}% {\global\toggletrue{cbx:loccit}}% {\global\togglefalse{cbx:loccit}}}% {\ifbibstring{ivi}% {\bibstring{ivi}}% {\bibstring[\mkbibemph]{ibidem}}}}}} \renewbibmacro*{cite:title}{% \printtext{% \printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}} \renewbibmacro*{cite:loccit}{% \printtext{% \citedhref{% \bibstring[\mkbibemph]{loccit}}}% \global\toggletrue{cbx:loccit}} \renewbibmacro*{cite:opcit}{% \printtext{% \citedhref{% \ifcitesingletitle% {\bibstring[\mkbibemph]{uniquecited}}% {\bibstring[\mkbibemph]{opultcit}}}}} \newbibmacro*{cite:verbosestyle:seen}{% \ifciteibid% {\usebibmacro{cite:ibid}}% {\ifthenelse{\ifciteidem\AND\NOT\boolean{cbx:noidem}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:idem}% \usebibmacro{cite:title}% \newunit% \printtext[bibhyperlink]{% \bibstring{opcit}}}% {\ifnameundef{labelname}% {\usebibmacro{cite:title}% \newunit% \bibstring{opcit}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:name}% \ifopcit% {\ifloccit% {\usebibmacro{cite:loccit}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:opcit}}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:title}% \newunit% \printtext{\citedhref{% \bibstring{opcit}}}}}}}% \usebibmacro{cite:save}} \newbibmacro*{cite:verbosestyle}{% \ifentrytype{itprov}% {\bibhypertarget{cite\the\value{instcount}}{% \usebibmacro{cite:itprov}}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:citepages}% \global\togglefalse{cbx:loccit}% \bibhypertarget{cite\the\value{instcount}}{% \ifciteseen% {\iffieldundef{shorthand}% {\usebibmacro{cite:verbosestyle:seen}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:shorthand}}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:full}% \usebibmacro{cite:save}}}}} \renewbibmacro*{cite}{% \iftoggle{cbx:authoryearstyle}% {\usebibmacro{cite:authoryearstyle}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:verbosestyle}}} \DeclareCiteCommand*{\cite}[\mkoutercitedelims] {\usebibmacro{prenote}} {\usebibmacro{citeindex}% \clearname{author}% \clearlist{institution}% \clearlist{listc}% \clearname{labelname}% \usebibmacro{cite}} {\multicitedelim} {\usebibmacro{cite:postnote}} \renewrobustcmd*{\Cite}{% \@ifstar% {\bibsentence\cite*}% {\bibsentence\cite}} \DeclareCiteCommand{\citeauthor}% {\boolfalse{citetracker}% \boolfalse{pagetracker}% \usebibmacro{prenote}}% {\ifentrytype{itprov}% {\ifciteindex% {\indexlist{institution}}% {}% \printlist[textinstitution]{institution}}% {\ifciteindex% {\indexnames{labelname}}% {}% \printnames[labeltextname]{labelname}}}% {\multicitedelim}% {\usebibmacro{postnote}} \DeclareCiteCommand{\citetitle} {\boolfalse{citetracker}% \boolfalse{pagetracker}% \usebibmacro{prenote}}% {\ifciteindex% {\indexfield{indextitle}}% {}% \ifboolexpr{test {\ifentrytype{itprov}}% and test {\iffieldundef{textprovtitle}}% and test {\iffieldundef{codification}}% and test {\iffieldundef{titleparties}}}% {\iffieldundef{neli}% {\clearlist{institution}% \clearlist{listc}% \clearfield{institutionspec}% \clearfield{institutionaddon}% \clearfield{jchamber}% \clearname{author}% \usebibmacro{cite:seenitprov}}% {\usebibmacro{cite:eli}}}% {\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}}% {\multicitedelim}% {\usebibmacro{postnote}} \DeclareCiteCommand{\citeyear} {\boolfalse{citetracker}% \boolfalse{pagetracker}% \usebibmacro{prenote}}% {\ifentrytype{itprov}% {\printfield{origyear}}% {\printfield{year}}}% {\multicitedelim}% {\usebibmacro{postnote}} \DeclareCiteCommand*{\citeyear} {\boolfalse{citetracker}% \boolfalse{pagetracker}% \usebibmacro{prenote}}% {\ifentrytype{itprov}% {\printfield{origyear}\printfield{extradate}}% {\printfield{year}\printfield{extradate}}}% {\multicitedelim}% {\usebibmacro{postnote}} \DeclareCiteCommand{\citedate} {\boolfalse{citetracker}% \boolfalse{pagetracker}% \usebibmacro{prenote}}% {\ifentrytype{itprov}% {\printorigdate}% {\printdate}}% {\multicitedelim} {\usebibmacro{postnote}} \DeclareCiteCommand*{\citedate} {\boolfalse{citetracker}% \boolfalse{pagetracker}% \usebibmacro{prenote}}% {\ifentrytype{itprov}% {\printorigdateextra}% {\printdateextra}}% {\multicitedelim}% {\usebibmacro{postnote}} % \end{macrocode} % % \iffalse % % \fi % % % % \iffalse %<*italian-accursius-lbx> \ProvidesFile{italian-accursius.lbx} \InheritBibliographyExtras{italian} \NewBibliographyString{attachedto} \NewBibliographyString{cited} \NewBibliographyString{commission} \NewBibliographyString{editorsm} \NewBibliographyString{editorsf} \NewBibliographyString{editorsn} \NewBibliographyString{editorpp} \NewBibliographyString{editorpm} \NewBibliographyString{editorpf} \NewBibliographyString{editorpn} \NewBibliographyString{eucase} \NewBibliographyString{euelistring} \NewBibliographyString{director} \NewBibliographyString{ivi} \NewBibliographyString{jchamber} \NewBibliographyString{noteto} \NewBibliographyString{ofdate} \NewBibliographyString{ofeucommission} \NewBibliographyString{ofeuinstitution} \NewBibliographyString{on} \NewBibliographyString{section} \NewBibliographyString{tome} \NewBibliographyString{opultcit} \NewBibliographyString{uniquecited} \NewBibliographyString{withnoteby} \DeclareBibliographyStrings{% inherit = {italian}, attachedto = {{allegato a}{all\adddotspace a}}, citedas = {{di seguito citato come}% {di seg\adddotspace cit\adddotspace come}}, commission = {{Commissione}{Commissione}}, director = {{sotto la direzione di}% {dir\adddotspace da}}, editor = {{curatore}{cur\adddot}}, editorsm = {{curatore}{cur\adddot}}, editorsf = {{curatrice}{cur\adddot}}, editorsn = {{curatore}{cur\adddot}}, editorpp = {{curatori}{curr\adddot}}, editorpm = {{curatori}{curr\adddot}}, editorpf = {{curatrici}{curr\adddot}}, editorpn = {{curatori}{curr\adddot}}, editors = {{curatori}{curr\adddot}}, eucase = {{C}{C}}, euelistring = {{UE}{UE}}, ibidem = {{ibidem}{ibid\adddot}}, ivi = {{ivi}{ivi}}, jchamber = {{sezione}{sez\adddot}}, loccit = {{opere et loco ultimo citato}% {op\adddotspace et\space loc\adddotspace ult\adddotspace cit\adddot}}, noteto = {{nota a}{nota a}}, ofdate = {{del}{del}}, ofeucommission = {{della}{della}}, ofeuinstitution = {{del}{del}}, on = {{su}{su}}, opcit = {{citato}{cit\adddot}}, opultcit = {{opere ultimo citato}% {op\adddotspace ult\adddotspace cit\adddot}}, section = {{sezione}{sez\adddot}}, tome = {{tomo}{t\adddot}}, uniquecited = {{opere citato}{op\adddotspace cit\adddot}}, urlseen = {{ultima consultazione}% {ult\adddotspace cons\adddot}}, version = {{versione}{v\adddot}}, withnoteby = {{con nota di}{con nota di}}} % % \fi % % % % % % \iffalse %<*english-accursius-lbx> \ProvidesFile{english-accursius.lbx} \InheritBibliographyExtras{british} \NewBibliographyString{attachedto} \NewBibliographyString{cited} \NewBibliographyString{commission} \NewBibliographyString{editorsm} \NewBibliographyString{editorsf} \NewBibliographyString{editorsn} \NewBibliographyString{editorpp} \NewBibliographyString{editorpm} \NewBibliographyString{editorpf} \NewBibliographyString{editorpn} \NewBibliographyString{eucase} \NewBibliographyString{euelistring} \NewBibliographyString{director} \NewBibliographyString{jchamber} \NewBibliographyString{noteto} \NewBibliographyString{ofdate} \NewBibliographyString{ofeucommission} \NewBibliographyString{ofeuinstitution} \NewBibliographyString{on} \NewBibliographyString{section} \NewBibliographyString{tome} \NewBibliographyString{opultcit} \NewBibliographyString{uniquecited} \NewBibliographyString{withnoteby} \DeclareBibliographyStrings{% inherit = {british}, attachedto = {{attached to}{att\adddotspace to}}, commission = {{Commission}{Commission}}, director = {{directed by}{dir\adddotspace by}}, editorsm = {{editor}{ed\adddot}}, editorsf = {{editor}{ed\adddot}}, editorsn = {{editor}{ed\adddot}}, editorpp = {{editor}{eds\adddot}}, editorpm = {{editor}{eds\adddot}}, editorpf = {{editor}{eds\adddot}}, editorpn = {{editor}{eds\adddot}}, eucase = {{C}{C}}, euelistring = {{EU}{EU}}, ibidem = {{ibidem}{ibid\adddot}}, jchamber = {{chamber}{chamb\adddot}}, loccit = {{opere et loco ultimo citato}% {op\adddotspace et\space loc\adddotspace ult\adddotspace cit\adddot}}, noteto = {{note to}{note to}}, ofdate = {{of}{of}}, ofeucommission = {{of the}{of the}}, ofeuinstitution = {{of the}{of the}}, on = {{on}{on}}, opcit = {{cited}{cit\adddot}}, opultcit = {{opere ultimo citato}% {op\adddotspace ult\adddotspace cit\adddot}}, section = {{section}{sec\adddot}}, tome = {{tome}{t\adddot}}, uniquecited = {{opere citato}{op\adddotspace cit\adddot}}, version = {{version}{v\adddot}}, withnoteby = {{with note by di}{with note by}}} % % \fi % % % \iffalse %<*french-accursius-lbx> \ProvidesFile{french-accursius.lbx} \InheritBibliographyExtras{french} \NewBibliographyString{attachedto} \NewBibliographyString{cited} \NewBibliographyString{commission} \NewBibliographyString{editorsm} \NewBibliographyString{editorsf} \NewBibliographyString{editorsn} \NewBibliographyString{editorpp} \NewBibliographyString{editorpm} \NewBibliographyString{editorpf} \NewBibliographyString{editorpn} \NewBibliographyString{eucase} 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{{chambre}{chambre}}, loccit = {{opere et loco ultimo citato}% {op\adddotspace et\space loc\adddotspace ult\adddotspace cit\adddot}}, noteto = {{exposé par}{exposé par}}, ofdate = {{du}{du}}, ofeucommission = {{de la}{de la}}, ofeuinstitution = {{du}{du}}, on = {{sur}{sur}}, opcit = {{cité}{cité}}, opultcit = {{opere ultimo citato}% {op\adddotspace ult\adddotspace cit\adddot}}, section = {{section}{sec\adddot}}, tome = {{volume}{vol\adddot}}, uniquecited = {{opere citato}{op\adddotspace cit\adddot}}, version = {{version}{v\adddot}}, withnoteby = {{exposé par}{exposé par}}} % % \fi % % % \iffalse %<*bib> @collection{bartolini2024, editor={Bartolini, Francesco},gender={sm}, title={Codice amministrativo}, publisher={La Tribuna},location={Piacenza},year={2024},edition={35}, keywords={raccolta}} @collection{contini1989, editor={Contini, Giuseppe},gender={sm}, title={Codice delle leggi della Regione sarda}, publisher={Giuffrè},location={Milano},year={1989},tome={1}, keywords={raccolta}} @collection{denova2023, editor={De Nova, Giorgio},gender={sm}, title={Codice civile e leggi collegate}, publisher={Zanichelli},location={Bologna},year={2023}, keywords={raccolta}} @itprov{codicepenale, codification={Penal code}, shorthand={It\adddotspace pen\adddotspace cod\adddot}, kindprov={\autocap{r}\adddot d\adddot},nprov={1398},origdate={1930-10-19}, provtitle={Approvazione del testo definitivo del Codice Penale}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/1930/10/26/030U1398}} @itprov{cpc, codification={Code of Civil Procedure}, shorthand={It\adddotspace cod\adddotspace civ\adddotspace proc\adddot}, kindprov={\autocap{r}\adddot d\adddot},nprov={1443},origdate={1940-10-28}, provtitle={Codice di procedura civile}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/1940/10/28/040U1443}} @itprov{codicecivile, codification={Civil code},shorthand={It\adddotspace cod\adddotspace civ\adddot}, kindprov={\autocap{r}\adddot d\adddot},nprov={262},origdate={1942-03-16}, provtitle={Approvazione del testo del Codice civile}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/1942/04/04/042U0262}} @itprov{codiceciviledenova,crossref={denova2023}, codification={Civil code},shorthand={It\adddotspace cod\adddotspace civ\adddot}, kindprov={\autocap{r}\adddot d\adddot},nprov={262},origdate={1942-03-16}, provtitle={Approvazione del testo del Codice civile}, pages={107--538},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{costituzione, textprovtitle={Italian Constitution}, codification={The Constitution of the Italian Republic}, shorthand={It\adddotspace Const\adddot}, attachedstring={appr\adddotspace by}, institution={Italian Constituent Assembly}, shortinstitution={It\adddotspace Const\adddotspace Ass\adddot}, kindprov={delib\adddotspace of},origdate={1947-12-22}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/1947/12/27/047U0001}} @itprov{costituzionebartolini,crossref={bartolini2024}, textprovtitle={Italian Constitution}, codification={The Constitution of the Italian Republic}, shorthand={It\adddotspace Const\adddot}, attachedstring={appr\adddotspace by}, institution={Italian Constituent Assembly}, shortinstitution={It\adddotspace Const\adddotspace Ass\adddot}, kindprov={delib\adddotspace of},origdate={1947-12-22}, pages={37--53},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{scalogna, institution={Italian Supreme Court of Cassation},gender={sf}, shortinstitution={It\adddotspace Court of Cass\adddot}, institutionspec={pen\adddot},jchamber={united chambers}, kindprov={\autocap{j}udg\adddot},origdate={1951-01-20}, titleparties={the State \emph{v} Scalogna}, journaltitle={Il Foro Italiano},shortjournal={Foro it\adddot}, date={1951},part={2},pagination={column},bookpagination={column}, pages={65--73},noteby={Miglioli, Carlo}, keywords={sentenza},langid={italian}, eprint={23140304},eprinttype={jstor}} @itprov{ccost1del1956, institution={Italian Constitutional Court},gendef={sf}, shortinstitution={It\adddotspace Const\adddotspace Court}, kindprov={\autocap{j}udg\adddot},nprov={1},origdate={1956-06-14}, journaltitle={Il Foro Italiano},shortjournal={Foro it\adddot}, date={1956},part={1},pagination={column},bookpagination={column},pages={833--838}, noteby={Miglioli, Carlo},keywords={sentenza},langid={italian}, eprint={23147357},eprinttype={jstor}} @itprov{statutoimpiegaticivili, codification={Testo unico delle disposizioni concernenti lo statuto degli impiegati civili dello Stato}, shorthand={\autocap{t}\adddot u\adddotspace statuto impiegati civili}, kindprov={\autocap{d}\adddot p\adddot R\adddot},nprov={3},origdate={1957-01-10}, provtitle={Testo unico delle disposizioni concernenti lo statuto degli impiegati civili dello Stato}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/1957/01/25/057U0003}} @itprov{statutoimpiegaticivilibartolini,crossref={bartolini2024}, codification={Testo unico delle disposizioni concernenti lo statuto degli impiegati civili dello Stato}, shorthand={\autocap{t}\adddot u\adddotspace statuto impiegati civili}, kindprov={\autocap{d}\adddot p\adddot R\adddot},nprov={3},origdate={1957-01-10}, provtitle={Testo unico delle disposizioni concernenti lo statuto degli impiegati civili dello Stato},pages={1547--1572},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{elezionicamera, codification={Testo unico delle leggi recanti norme per la elezione della Camera dei deputati}, shorthand={\autocap{t}\adddot u\adddotspace elezione Camera dei deputati}, kindprov={\autocap{d}\adddot p\adddot R\adddot},nprov={361},origdate={1957-03-30}, provtitle={Approvazione del testo unico delle leggi recanti norme per la elezione della Camera dei deputati},pages={967--1001}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/1957/06/03/057U0361}} @itprov{elezionicamerabartolini,crossref={bartolini2024}, codification={Testo unico delle leggi recanti norme per la elezione della Camera dei deputati}, shorthand={\autocap{t}\adddot u\adddotspace elezione Camera dei deputati}, kindprov={\autocap{d}\adddot p\adddot R\adddot},nprov={361},origdate={1957-03-30}, provtitle={Approvazione del testo unico delle leggi recanti norme per la elezione della Camera dei deputati},pages={967--1001},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{dirella, institution={Italian Supreme Court of Cassation},gender={sf}, shortinstitution={It\adddotspace Court of Cass\adddot}, institutionspec={pen\adddot},jchamber={2}, kindprov={\autocap{j}udg\adddot},origdate={1977-06-06}, titleparties={the State \emph{v} Dirella and others}, journaltitle={Giustizia penale},shortjournal={Giust\adddotspace pen\adddot}, year={1978},part={2},pagination={column},bookpagination={column},pages={415--416}, keywords={sentenza},langid={italian}} @itprov{dpr1092of1985, codification={Testo unico delle disposizioni sulla promulgazione delle leggi, sulla emanazione dei decreti del Presidente della Repubblica e sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali della Repubblica italiana}, shorthand={\autocap{t}\adddot u\adddotspace promulgazione, emanazione e pubblicazioni}, kindprov={\autocap{d}\adddot p\adddot R\adddot},nprov={1092},origdate={1985-12-28}, provtitle={Approvazione del testo unico delle disposizioni sulla promulgazione delle leggi, sulla emanazione dei decreti del Presidente della Repubblica e sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali della Repubblica italiana}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/1986/05/29/085U1092}} @itprov{dpr1092of1985bartolini,crossref={bartolini2024}, codification={Testo unico delle disposizioni sulla promulgazione delle leggi, sulla emanazione dei decreti del Presidente della Repubblica e sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali della Repubblica italiana}, shorthand={\autocap{t}\adddot u\adddotspace promulgazione, emanazione e pubblicazioni}, kindprov={\autocap{d}\adddot p\adddot R\adddot},nprov={1092},origdate={1985-12-28}, provtitle={Approvazione del testo unico delle disposizioni sulla promulgazione delle leggi, sulla emanazione dei decreti del Presidente della Repubblica e sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali della Repubblica italiana}, pages={1834--1839},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{circolareamato, institution={Presidency of the Council of Ministers},gender={sf}, shortinstitution={\autocap{p}res\adddotspace Cons\adddotspace min\adddot}, kindprov={\autocap{circ}\adddot},origdate={1985-12-28}, provtitle={Formulazione tecnica dei testi legislativi}, ofbull={Gazzetta ufficiale},ofbullnum={123},date={1986-05-29}, ofbullseries={gen\adddotspace ser\adddot}, ofbulladdon={ord\adddotspace suppl\adddotspace n.~40},pages={19--13}, url={https://www.gazzettaufficiale.it/eli/id/1986/05/29/086A1788/sg}, urldate={2024-09-01},keywords={circular},langid={italian}} @itprov{dpr217of1986, kindprov={\autocap{d}\adddot p\adddot R\adddot},nprov={217},origdate={1986-03-14}, provtitle={Regolamento per l'esecuzione del testo unico delle disposizioni sulla promulgazione delle leggi, sulla emanazione dei decreti del Presidente della Repubblica e sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali della Repubblica italiana}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/1986/05/29/086U0217}} @itprov{dpr217of1986bartolini,crossref={bartolini2024}, kindprov={\autocap{d}\adddot p\adddot R\adddot},nprov={217},origdate={1986-03-14}, provtitle={Regolamento per l'esecuzione del testo unico delle disposizioni sulla promulgazione delle leggi, sulla emanazione dei decreti del Presidente della Repubblica e sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali della Repubblica italiana}, pages={1839--1841},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{leggesardegna47del1986,crossref={contini1989}, kindprov={\autocap{l}\adddotspace Sardegna},nprov={47},origdate={1986-07-15}, provtitle={Norme sul diritto di accesso ai documenti amministrativi della regione Sarda}, pages={1545--1547},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{cpp, textprovtitle={Italian Code of Penal Procedure}, codification={Code of Penal Procedure}, shorthand={It\adddotspace cod\adddotspace pen\adddotspace proc\adddot}, kindprov={\autocap{d}\adddot p\adddot R\adddot},nprov={447},origdate={1988-09-22}, provtitle={Approvazione del codice di procedura penale}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/1988/10/24/088G0492}} @itprov{lpa, kindprov={\autocap{l}\adddot},nprov={241},origdate={1990-08-07}, provtitle={Nuove norme in materia di procedimento amministrativo e di diritto di accesso ai documenti amministrativi}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/1990/08/18/090G0294}} @itprov{lpabartolini,crossref={bartolini2024}, kindprov={\autocap{l}\adddot},nprov={241},origdate={1990-08-07}, provtitle={Nuove norme in materia di procedimento amministrativo e di diritto di accesso ai documenti amministrativi}, pages={139--159},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{cass500del1999, institution={Italian Supreme Court of Cassation},gender={sf}, shortinstitution={It\adddotspace Court of Cass\adddot}, institutionspec={civ\adddot},jchamber={united chambers}, kindprov={\autocap{j}udg\adddot},nprov={500},origdate={1999-07-22}, parties={Comune di Fiesole \emph{v} Giorgio Vitali}, journaltitle={Il Foro Italiano},shortjournal={Foro it\adddot}, date={1999},number={9},part={1},pagination={column}, bookpagination={column},pages={2487--2504},noteby={Palmieri, Alessandro and Pardolesi, Roberto},eprint={23193615},eprinttype={jstor},keywords={sentenza}} @itprov{tuedilizia, kindprov={\autocap{d}\adddot p\adddot R\adddot},nprov={380},origdate={2001-06-06}, provtitle={Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative e regolamentari in materia edilizia},shorthand={\autocap{t}\adddot u\adddotspace edilizia}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/2001/10/20/001G0429}} @itprov{tuediliziabartolini,crossref={bartolini2024}, kindprov={\autocap{d}\adddot p\adddot R\adddot},nprov={380},origdate={2001-06-06}, provtitle={Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative e regolamentari in materia edilizia},shorthand={\autocap{t}\adddot u\adddotspace edilizia}, pages={842--890},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{codiceprivacy, kindprov={\autocap{l}gs\adddot d\adddot},nprov={196},origdate={2003-06-30}, provtitle={Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali, recante disposizioni per l'adeguamento dell'ordinamento nazionale al regolamento (UE) n.~2016/679 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 27 aprile 2016, relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali, nonchè alla libera circolazione di tali dati e che abroga la direttiva~95/46/CE},ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/2003/07/29/003G0218}} @itprov{codiceprivacydenova,crossref={denova2023}, kindprov={\autocap{l}gs\adddot d\adddot},nprov={196},origdate={2003-06-30}, provtitle={Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali, recante disposizioni per l'adeguamento dell'ordinamento nazionale al regolamento (UE) n.~2016/679 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 27 aprile 2016, relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali, nonchè alla libera circolazione di tali dati e che abroga la direttiva~95/46/CE},pages={666--682},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{codicedigitaladm, kindprov={\autocap{l}gs\adddot d\adddot},nprov={82},origdate={2005-03-07}, provtitle={Codice dell'amministrazione digitale}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/2005/05/16/005G0104}} @itprov{codicedigitaladmbartolini,crossref={bartolini2024}, kindprov={\autocap{l}gs\adddot d\adddot},nprov={82},origdate={2005-03-07}, provtitle={Codice dell'amministrazione digitale}, pages={723--786},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{insurancecarrierscode, kindprov={\autocap{l}gs\adddot d\adddot},nprov={209},origdate={2005-09-07}, provtitle={Codice delle assicurazioni private}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/2005/10/13/005G0233}} @itprov{insurancecarrierscodedenova,crossref={denova2023}, kindprov={\autocap{l}gs\adddot d\adddot},nprov={209},origdate={2005-09-07}, provtitle={Codice delle assicurazioni private}, pages={1000--1086},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{codeadmtrial, textprovtitle={Italian Code of Administrative Trial}, codification={Code of Administrative Trial}, shorthand={It\adddotspace cod\adddotspace adm\adddotspace trial}, kindprov={\autocap{l}gs\adddot d\adddot},nprov={104},origdate={2010-10-02}, provtitle={Attuazione dell'articolo~44 della legge 18 giugno 2009, n.~69, recante delega al governo per il riordino del processo amministrativo}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/2010/07/07/010G0127}} @itprov{codeadmtrialbartolini,crossref={bartolini2024}, textprovtitle={Italian Code of Administrative Trial}, codification={Code of Administrative Trial}, shorthand={It\adddotspace cod\adddotspace adm\adddotspace trial}, kindprov={\autocap{l}gs\adddot d\adddot},nprov={104},origdate={2010-10-02}, provtitle={Attuazione dell'articolo~44 della legge 18 giugno 2009, n.~69, recante delega al governo per il riordino del processo amministrativo}, pages={1382--1419},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{cass19883del2015, institution={Italian Supreme Court of Cassation},gender={sf}, shortinstitution={It\adddotspace Court of Cass\adddot}, institutionspec={civ\adddot},jchamber={3}, kindprov={\autocap{j}udg\adddot},nprov={19883},origdate={2015-10-06}, parties={Alfredo Bresciani and Giuseppe Bresciani \emph{v} Comune di Polaveno and Pierino Zugno},noteby={Caputi, Luca}, journaltitle={Il Foro Italiano},shortjournal={Foro it\adddot}, date={2016},number={2},part={1}, pagination={column},bookpagination={column},pages={604--615}, keywords={sentenza},langid={italian}, eprint={44879733},eprinttype={jstor}} @itprov{gdpr, institution={European Parliament and Council},gender={pm}, kindprov={\autocap{r}egulation},origdate={2016-04-27},neli={679}, provindtitle={on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC}, textprovtitle={General Data Protection Regulation}, ofbull={Official Journal of the European Union},date={2016-05-04}, ofbullnum={119},ojeuseries={L},pages={1--88},keywords={legge}, url={https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=celex:32016R0679}} @itprov{cass11868del2016, institution={Italian Supreme Court of Cassation},gender={sf}, shortinstitution={It\adddotspace Court of Cass\adddot}, institutionspec={civ\adddot},jchamber={labour chamb\adddot}, kindprov={\autocap{j}udg\adddot},nprov={11868},origdate={2016-06-09}, parties={Ministero delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti \emph{v} Rodolfo Cecconi}, journaltitle={Il Foro Italiano},shortjournal={Foro it\adddot}, date={2016},number={7-8}, part={1},pagination={column},bookpagination={column},pages={2363--2369}, noteby={Perrino, Angelina-Maria},keywords={sentenza}, eprint={44875762},eprinttype={jstor}} @itprov{leggesardegna24del2016, kindprov={\autocap{l}\adddotspace Sardegna},nprov={24},origdate={2016-10-10}, provtitle={Norme sulla qualità della regolazione e di semplificazione dei procedimenti amministrativi}, ofbull={Bollettino ufficiale della Regione autonoma della Sardegna}, date={2016-10-27},ofbullnum={49},pages={6--51}, keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{legge219del2017, kindprov={\autocap{l}\adddot},nprov={219},origdate={2017-12-22}, provtitle={Norme in materia di consenso informato e di disposizioni anticipate di trattamento}, ofportal={Normattiva},keywords={legge},langid={italian}, url={https://www.normattiva.it/eli/id/2018/01/16/18G00006}} @itprov{legge219del2017denova,crossref={denova2023}, kindprov={\autocap{l}\adddot},nprov={219},origdate={2017-12-22}, provtitle={Norme in materia di consenso informato e di disposizioni anticipate di trattamento}, pages={747--750},keywords={legge},langid={italian}} @itprov{cstato5418del2023, institution={Italian Council of State},gender={sm}, shortinstitution={It\adddotspace Cons\adddotspace of State},jchamber={2}, kindprov={\autocap{j}udg\adddot},origdate={2023-06-01},nprov={5418}, parties={Luca Caprini \emph{v} Ministry of the Interior}, ofportal={Giustizia amministrativa}, url={https://www.giustizia-amministrativa.it/},keywords={sentenza}} @itprov{tarbologna10del2022, institution={Regional Administrative Court of Emilia-Romagna},gender={sm}, shortinstitution={Reg\adddotspace Adm\adddotspace Court of Emilia-Romagna}, institutionspec={Bologna},jchamber={1}, kindprov={\autocap{j}udg\adddot},origdate={2022-01-07},nprov={5418}, parties={Luca Caprini \emph{v} Ministry of the Interior}, ofportal={Giustizia amministrativa}, url={https://www.giustizia-amministrativa.it/},keywords={sentenza}} @itprov{superleaguerantos, institution={Advocate General at the CJEU},gender={sm},shortinstitution={AG at the CJEU}, institutionmember={Rantos, Athanasios},kindprov={\autocap{o}p\adddot},origdate={2022-12-15}, titleparties={European Superleague Company SL \emph{v} Fédération internationale de football association (FIFA) and Unión de Federaciones Europeas de Fútbol (UEFA)}, shorttitleparties={Superleague \emph{v} FIFA and UEFA}, eueclistring={EU},courteclistring={C},necli={993},neucase={333},yeareucase={21}, url={https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=CELEX:62021CC0333}, ofportal={EUR-Lex},keywords={sentenza}} @itprov{superleague, institution={Court of Justice of the European Union},shortinstitution={CJEU}, kindprov={\autocap{j}udg\adddot},origdate={2023-12-21},jchamber={Grand Chamber}, titleparties={European Superleague Company SL \emph{v} Fédération internationale de football association (FIFA) and Union of European Football Associations (UEFA)}, shorttitleparties={Superleague \emph{v} FIFA and UEFA}, eueclistring={EU},courteclistring={C},necli={1011},neucase={333},yeareucase={21}, ofportal={EUR-lex},url={https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=CELEX:62021CJ0333}, keywords={sentenza}} @itprov{clemente, institution={Italian Supreme Court of Cassation},gender={sf}, shortinstitution={It\adddotspace Court of Cass\adddot}, institutionspec={pen\adddot},jchamber={united chambers}, kindprov={\autocap{j}udg\adddot},nprov={16153},origdate={2024-01-18}, parties={the State \emph{v} Marco Clemente, Massimo Egidio Trefiletti, and others}, journaltitle={Il Foro Italiano},shortjournal={Foro it\adddot}, date={2024},number={5},part={2},pagination={column}, bookpagination={column},pages={278--299}, noteby={De Marzo, Giuseppe},keywords={sentenza}} @itprov{aiact, institution={European Parliament and Council},gender={pm}, kindprov={\autocap{r}egulation},origdate={2024-06-13},neli={1689}, provindtitle={laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence and amending Regulations (EC) No~300/2008, (EU) No~167/2013, (EU) No~168/2013, (EU) 2018/858, (EU) 2018/1139 and (EU) 2019/2144 and Directives 2014/90/EU, (EU) 2016/797 and (EU) 2020/1828}, textprovtitle={Artificial Intelligence Act}, shorthand={AI Act}, ofbull={Official Journal of the European Union},date={2024-07-12}, ojeuseries={L},pages={1--88},keywords={legge}, url={https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=OJ:L_202401689}} @itprov{teu, codification={Treaty on European Union},shorthand={TEU}, attachedstring={consolidated v\adddotspace and amend\adddotspace by the Treaty of Lisbon of},origdate={2007-12-13}, note={vers\adddotspace cons\adddot}, ofbull={Official Journal of the European Union},date={2016-06-07}, ofbullnum={202},ojeuseries={C},pages={13--45},keywords={legge}, url={https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:12016ME/TXT}} @itprov{tfeu, codification={Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union},shorthand={TFEU}, attachedstring={consolidated v\adddotspace and amend\adddotspace by the Treaty of Lisbon of},origdate={2007-12-13}, note={vers\adddotspace cons\adddot}, ofbull={Official Journal of the European Union},date={2016-06-07}, ofbullnum={202},ojeuseries={C},pages={47--199},keywords={legge}, url={https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:12016ME/TXT}} @itprov{eucfr, codification={Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union}, shorthand={CFR}, attachedstring={consolidated v\adddotspace and amend\adddotspace by the Treaty of Lisbon of},origdate={2007-12-13}, note={vers\adddotspace cons\adddot}, ofbull={Official Journal of the European Union},date={2016-06-07}, ofbullnum={202},ojeuseries={C},pages={389--405},keywords={legge}, url={https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:12016ME/TXT}} @mvbook{latexcompanion, author={Mittelbach, Frank},gender={sm}, title={The \LaTeX\ Companion}, series={Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting}, director={Mittelbach, Frank}, editor={Fischer, Ulrike},editortype={with}, editora={Wright, Joseph},editoratype={with contributions by}, foreword={Gordon, Peter},volumes={2},publisher={Addison-Wesley}, location={Reading},edition={3},year={2023},keywords={docref}} @book{barberafusaro2022, author={Barbera, Augusto and Fusaro, Carlo},gender={pm}, title={Corso di diritto costituzionale}, edition={6},publisher={il Mulino}, location={Bologna},date={2022}, langid={italian},keywords={dottrina}} @article{barbieri2019, author={Barbieri, Marco},gender={sm}, title={Note critiche sul licenziamento disciplinare nel lavoro pubblico dopo l'intervento legislativo del 2017}, shorttitle={Note critiche sul licenziamento disciplinare nel lavoro pubblico}, journaltitle={Giornale di diritto del lavoro e di relazioni industriali}, shortjournal={Giornale\addspace dir\adddotspace lav\adddotspace rel\adddotspace ind\adddot}, year={2019},number={1},pages={157--170}, langid={italian},keywords={dottrina}} @incollection{barbierifrancesconiguarini2011, author={Barbieri, Marta and Francesconi, Andrea and Guarini, Enrico},gender={pp}, title={Misurazione, valutazione e trasparenza della \textit{performance}}, editor={Carinci, Franco and Mainardi, Sandro}, booktitle={La Terza Riforma del Lavoro Pubblico}, booksubtitle={Commentario al D.Lgs\ 27 ottobre 2009, n.~150, aggiornato al ``Collegato Lavoro''}, publisher={Wolters 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editortype={collaborator}, date={2022-03-20},version={0.4.1}, url={https://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex-iso690}, keywords={docref}} @inreference{hornby1989, author={Hornby, Albert Sidney},gender={sm}, title={Institution}, booktitle={Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English}, editor={Cowie, Tony}, foreword={Cowie, Tony}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, edition={4},location={Oxford},year={1989}, page={650},keywords={altro}} @manual{kime2016, author={Kime, Philip},gender={sm}, title={\textsf{Biblatex} Quickstart Guide}, date={2016},note={no update dates or version info available}, url={https://github.com/moewew/biblatex/blob/dev/doc/latex/biblatex/biblatex-quickstart.tex}, urldate={2024-09-08},keywords={docref}} @book{lamport1994, author={Lamport, Leslie},gender={sm}, title={\LaTeX: a document preparation system}, shorttitle={\LaTeX},publisher={Addison-Wesley}, location={Reading},year={1994},edition={2},langid={english}, keywords={docref}} @manual{lehman2024, author={Lehman, Philipp},gender={sm}, title={The \textsf{biblatex} Package}, subtitle={Programmable Bibliographies and Citations}, editor={Kime, Philip and Wemheuer, Moritz}, editortype={continuator}, date={2024-03-21},version={3.20}, url={https://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex}, keywords={docref}} @article{luptak2017, author={Lupták, Dávid},gender={sm}, title={Typesetting bibliographies compliant with the ISO 690 standard in \LaTeX}, journaltitle={TUGboat}, volume={38},number={2},year={2017}, pages={238--244}, keywords={docref}} @book{lesina1994, author={Lesina, Roberto},gender={sm}, title={Il Nuovo Manuale di Stile}, subtitle={Guida alla redazione di documenti, relazioni, articoli, manuali, tesi di laurea}, editor={Boggio Merlo, Federico},editortype={collaborator}, publisher={Zanichelli},location={Bologna},edition={2},year={1994},langid={italian}, keywords={docref}} @book{mcilwain1990, author={McIlwain, Charles Howard},gender={sm}, title={Costituzionalismo antico e moderno}, editor={Matteucci, Nicola},translator={de Caprariis, Vittorio}, introduction={Matteucci, Nicola}, publisher={il Mulino},location={Bologna},year={1990}, langid={italian},keywords={dottrina}} @article{meier2009, author={Meier, Niklaus},gender={sm}, title={La révolution de la gestion bibliographique –\ \LaTeX}, journaltitle={Jusletter},date={2009-05-25}, url={https://jusletter.weblaw.ch/fr/juslissues/2009/523/_7418.html}, urldate={2024-08-13},langid={french}, keywords={docref}} @book{melville1963, author={Melville, Herman},gender={sm}, title={Moby Dick; o la Balena}, shorttitle={Moby Dick}, translator={Pavese, Cesare}, publisher={Frassinelli},location={Torino},year={1963}, langid={italian},keywords={altro}, relatedstring={open access through},related={melville2021}} @booklet{melville2021, author={Melville, Herman},gender={sm}, title={Moby Dick; o la Balena}, shorttitle={Moby Dick}, translator={Pavese, Cesare}, organization={Liber Liber}, date={2021-02-15}, editora={Righi, Catia},editoratype={dig\adddotspace by}, editorb={Alberti, Paolo},editorbtype={reviser}, url={https://liberliber.it/autori/autori-m/herman-melville/moby-dick/}, urldate={2024-09-02},langid={italian},keywords={altro}} @book{mortati1955, author={Mortati, Costantino},gender={sm}, title={Istituzioni di diritto pubblico}, edition={3},publisher={Cedam}, location={Padova},date={1955}, langid={italian},keywords={dottrina}} @manual{oetiker2021, author={Oetiker, Tobias},gender={sm}, title={The Not So Short Introduction to \LaTeXe; or \LaTeXe\ in 132 minutes}, shorttitle={The Not So Short Introduction to \LaTeXe}, note={the a4paper format}, editor={Partl, Hubert and Hyna, Irene and Schlegl, Elisabeth}, editortype={with contrib\adddotspace by}, date={2021-03-09},version={6.4}, url={https://ctan.org/pkg/lshort-english}, keywords={docref},related={itlangoetiker2021}, relatedstring={loosely trans\adddotspace in it\adddotspace as}} @manual{itlangoetiker2021, author={Oetiker, Tobias},gender={sm}, title={Una mica tanto breve introduzione a \LaTeXe}, subtitle={\LaTeXe\ in 132 minuti}, note={based on v.~6.2}, editora={Partl, Hubert and Hyna, Irene and Schlegl, Elisabeth}, editoratype={with contrib\adddotspace by}, editorb={Ruocco, Gianpaolo},editorbtype={reviser}, translator={Pignalberi, Gianluca and Gordini, Tommaso and Beccari, Claudio and Sacchetto, Mauro}, date={2020-11-30}, url={https://www.ctan.org/pkg/lshort-italian}, keywords={docref}} @article{olschki1977, author={Olschki, Alessandro},gender={sm}, title={Sua Maestà la Citazione}, subtitle={Un invito agli autori, ai docenti, agli editori}, journaltitle={La Bibliofil\'{i}a},volume={73},number={3}, year={1977},pages={277--281},eprint={26207056},eprinttype={jstor}, langid={italian},keywords={docref}} @notetoprov{palmieripardolesi2024, noteby={Palmieri, Alessandro and Pardolesi, Roberto},gender={sm}, title={Un trittico sportivo (e un'entrata a gamba tesa sulla dominanza di Fifa, Uefa e dintorni)}, institution={Court of Justice of the European Union},shortinstitution={CJEU}, kindprov={\autocap{j}udg\adddot},origdate={2023-12-21},jchamber={Grand Chamber}, titleparties={European Superleague Company SL \emph{v} Fédération internationale de football association (FIFA) and Union of European Football Associations (UEFA)}, shorttitleparties={Superleague \emph{v} FIFA and UEFA}, eueclistring={EU},courteclistring={C},necli={1011},neucase={333},yeareucase={21}, journaltitle={Il Foro Italiano},shortjournal={Foro it\adddot}, part={4},year={2023},number={3},pages={127--136}, bookpagination={column},pagination={column},langid={italian},keywords={dottrina}} @article{pantieri2009, author={Pantieri, Lorenzo},gender={sm}, title={L'arte di gestire la bibliografia con \textsf{biblatex}}, journaltitle={Ars\TeX nica},year={2009},volume={8},date={2009-10}, pages={48--60},langid={italian}, keywords={docref}} @manual{pantierigordini2021, author={Pantieri, Lorenzo and Gordini, Tommaso},gender={pm}, title={L'arte di scrivere con \LaTeX}, 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It % includes only the cited items. In this way, the reader has got an example of how % this bundle works. % % Italian scholars don't use to sumarise the legal materials they cite. It's just a heavy % fault, especially because there aren't serious justifications. Therefore, this % documentation considers the foreign custom of recapping a list of legal references, % including both legislation and case law. % % This list is divided into four parts: the first is dedicated to \enquote{literature}, the % second to legislation, the third to customs and the fourth to case law.} % % % % \backmatter % \clearpage\phantomsection % \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,filter={docrefboth}]\label{references:main} % \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Websites and online resources},keyword={sitografia}] % \clearpage\phantomsection % \printbibheading[heading=bibintoc,title={Illustrative legal references},prenote=iurisprenote] % \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,title={Legal literature},keyword={dottrina}] % \newrefcontext{chronoiuris} % \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,title={Legislation},keyword={legge}] % \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,title={\textit{Circulaires}},keyword={circular}] % \newrefcontext{authoriuris} % \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,title={Case law},keyword={sentenza}] % \newrefcontext{accursiusdef} % \printbiblist[heading=subbibliography,title={Legal Journal Shorthands}]{shortjournal} % \newrefcontext{accursiusdef} % \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,title={Statute books},keyword={raccolta}] % \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Other illustrative references},keyword={altro}]\label{references:altro} % % % % % % % \Finale % \endinput % % \fi