The aeb_tilebg Package Author: D. P. Story Dated: 2018/04/26 Version: v1.2 This package is a simple application of established packages graphicx, multido and AeB Web. The package takes a rectangular graphic and uses it to tile the background of the pages. Download your favorite tiled background swatch from the Internet, convert it to an .eps or a .pdf format (depending if you use distiller---should work for users of Ghostscript as well---or pdflatex and xelatex), place that image in the same folder as your source document. Now, anywhere in your document, use the command \setTileBgGraphic to create your tiled background. Other features: Turn tiling on or off, Draft mode (an package option) used during the content development stage. Change the way the tiles are laid out, change from top-to-bottom to bottom-to-top. What's new (2018/04/26): Added a dummy package aeb-tilebg, which conforms to the listing of this package on CTAN. Enjoy! Now, I must get back to my retirement. dps 2016/02/18