% mode=lowres; % mode=epson; \input waits.mf mode :=localfont; mode_setup; font_setup; font_heb_setup; input redisfont; % hebrew char input hepunct; % punctuation char from TeX font_slant slant; if monospace: font_normal_space 9u#; % no stretching or shrinking font_quad 18u#; font_extra_space 9u#; else: font_normal_space 6u#; font_normal_stretch 3u#; font_normal_shrink 2u#; font_quad 18u#; font_extra_space 2u#; k#:=1.2u#; % WARNING !! The ligtable will be not be in the hebrew order % for good ligtable , write : ligtable "e": "y": "i": "s": "g": "h": "j": "k": "l": "z": "m": "`" kern k#, "v": "q" kern k#,"`" kern k#,"r" kern -k#, "o": "q" kern k#,"`" kern k#, "f": "q" kern k#, "r" kern -k#, "b": "e" kern -k#, "u" kern -k#, "i" kern -k#,"j" kern -k#, "c" kern -k#, "x" kern -k#,"l" kern -.5k#, "p": "`" kern k#, "r" kern -k#, "t": "`" kern k#, "r" kern -k#, "r": "r" kern -k#,"t" kern -k#, "c": "t" kern -k#, "i" kern -k#, "n": "u" kern -k#, "`" kern k#, "a": "r" kern -k#,"c" kern -k#, "x" kern -k#, "s" kern -k#, "l" kern -.5k#; fi bye.