================================================================ tkz-orm -- Object-Role Modeling diagrams in TeX version 0.1.4, January 15th, 2016 == ABOUT ======================================================= See the file tkz-orm.pdf for a manual. The permanent URL of this package is: http://purl.org/net/tkz-orm Source code repository and issue tracker are located at: http://github.com/nichtich/tkz-orm == INSTALLATION ================================================= The current version of tkz-orm requires at least TikZ 2.1. You can get it from http://www.texample.net/tikz/builds/. Put the content of the zip (pgfCVSYYYY-MM-DD_TDS.zip) in your local texmf directory, for instance ~/texmf or /usr/share/texmf/. To install tkz-orm you can use the Makefile and run $ sudo make install or copy the file tkz-orm.sty into directory tex/latex/tkz-orm in your local texmf directory and run $ sudo texhash afterwards. == LICENSE ====================================================== The code of this package is is dual-license under a) The GNU Public License, version 2 b) The LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c The rest of this package is available under multiple licenses. See the file LICENSE for details. == MANIFEST ===================================================== tkz-orm.sty - code of this package (LaTeX style file) tkz-orm.pdf - manual in PDF format tkz-orm.tex - LaTeX source of the manual tkz-orm.bib - BibTeX source of the manual ormcheatsheet.tex - ORM2 cheat sheet (sources) ormcheatsheet.pdf - ORM2 cheat sheet in PDF format pgfmanualstyle.sty - Style file to build the manual LICENSE - information about licenses of this package Makefile - makefile for various tasks README - this file == FEEDBACK ===================================================== Please report bug reports and feature requests at http://github.com/nichtich/tkz-orm/issues