# MPchess This package allows you to draw chess boards and positions. The appearance of the drawings is modern and largely inspired by what is offered by the excellent web site [Lichess.org](lichess.org). Relying on METAPOST probably allows more graphic flexibility than the excellent LaTeX packages. _This package is in beta version, do not hesitate to report bugs, as well as requests for improvement_. ## Github To allow for easier feedback and bug reporting, this repository has a mirror repository on github: [https://github.com/chupinmaxime/mpchess](https://github.com/chupinmaxime/mpchess) ## Installation MPchess is on the [ctan](ctan.org) and can be installed via the package manager of your distribution [https://www.ctan.org/pkg/mpchess](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/mpchess). ### With TeX live under Linux or MacOS To install MPchess with TeX live, you will have to create the directory texmf directory in your home. ```bash user $> mkdir ~/texmf ``` Then, you will have to place the .mp files in the `~/texmf/tex/metapost/mpchess/`. MPchess consists of 7 files METAPOST : * `mpchess.mp`; * `mpchess-chessboard.mp`; * `mpchess-pgn.mp`; * `mpchess-fen.mp`; * `mpchess-cburnett.mp`; * `mpchess-pieces.mp`; * `mpchess-skak.mp`. MPchess comes with a very basic chess font `mpchess font.ttf` that includes only 13 glyphs. Once this is done, MPchess will be loaded with the classic ```metapost input mpchess ``` ### With MikTEX and Windows These two systems are unknown to the author of MPchess, so we refer to their documentation to add local packages: [http://docs.miktex.org/manual/localadditions.html](http://docs.miktex.org/manual/localadditions.html) ## Dependencies MPchess depends on the packages METAPOST: `hatching` and, if MPchess is not used with LuaLaTeX and luamplib, `latexmp`. ## Documentation * [English documentation](doc/mpchess-doc-en.pdf) * [Documentation en français](doc/mpchess-doc-fr.pdf) ### Piece Set A piece set has been designed for this package. It has also be added to [lichess.org](https://lichess.org) under the name of `mpchess`. A dedicated git repository is available: [https://plmlab.math.cnrs.fr/mchupin/mpchess-pieces](https://plmlab.math.cnrs.fr/mchupin/mpchess-pieces) and [https://github.com/chupinmaxime/mpchess](https://github.com/chupinmaxime/mpchess). A TrueType font is available. ## Contact Maxime Chupin, `notezik(at)gmail.com` ## Licenses This projet is under LATEX Project Public License 1.3c but the file `mpchess-cburnett` is under GPLv2+ as asked by the author.